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Treść opublikowana przez walek

  1. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Za(pipi)iscie, wiec warto bylo kupic PS4. Pierwsze co odpale to Battlefield 3. I to wcale nie jest zadna ironia, mowie calkiem serio.
  2. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Nie wiecie moze, czy DS4 dziala z Playstation 3?
  3. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Technika miotania srutem jest prosta jak konstrukcja cepa, bo najzwyczajniej w swiecie wystarczy pociagnac za spust, i masz frag'a. Mclusky nie chce, aby ludzie ogladali jego wstydliwe, banalnie latwe kill'e, Shame on you!!
  4. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Bedzie spectator mode w wersji na PS4? Bo chcialbym zobaczyc np. jak ten noob Mclusky biega z shotgun'em, czy ewentualnie podpatrzec miejscowki kaczorroo.
  5. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Masa fajnych rzeczy na Ognistej Burzy- szczegolnie podoba mi sie komin, na szczycie ktorego mozna usmazyc kampiszony.
  6. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Ja jestem pod wrazeniem voice command. Czy to bedzie rowniez dostepne na PS4?
  7. Nie rozumiem Danielski, przecież miałeś mieć konsole na premierę. W okresie letnim złożyłes pre-ordera w końcu. Ja dziś w sklepie byłem, wybrałem boundle pack'a z Killzone: Shadowfall (380 funtow zaplace- czyli 150 zl za gre wychodzi). Konsole odbieram z rana, a wieczorem po pracy testowanie sprzętu oraz gier. Znowu nie przespana nocka.
  8. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Mnie tez to ro%$pierdala. Cyfrowa dystrybucja to brak posrednikow przy wrzucaniu towaru na polki. Koszty transportu, wypalenia gier na blue ray (pominiecie fabrki ktora tloczy gre), marza dystrubutora itd znacznie zwieksza cene produktu. A tu takie kosmiczne ceny na PSS. Teoretycznie cyfrowe gry powinny byc bardzo tanie. Moze ktos mi to wylumaczyc.
  9. Podejrzewa, ze wszyscy uderzyli z pre-order'ami do sklepow stricite growych takich jak Game oraz duzych sklepow online jak Amazon. Mi w HMV, przy skladaniu zamowienia, koles powiedzial ze jestem 60 w kolejce. Wydawalo mi sie to odlegla "pozycja", i liczylem na konsole w polowie grudnia. A tu taka niespodzianka.
  10. I w co ty będziesz grał na tej konsoli ? Sciagne tego crap BF4, zobacze co i jak, a potem bede molestowal Killzone:Shadowfall. Nogus: Zamowilem w HMV
  11. Na wyspach najlatwiej. Ja zlozylem pre-oredr'a 14 pazdziernika, a dzisiaj dzwonili, ze w piatek na premiera odbieram konsole. Huraaaaa!!!!!
  12. Super, jak będziemy organizować jakaś imprezę forumowa to wbijemy się na pakiernie Litwina, i pokażemy mu levolution/ destruction 4.0.
  13. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Metro w akcji. Wczesniej Zaqu dawal filmik do tej mapy, ale to bylo tylko "zwiedzanie". Tutaj jest real combat. No i snajperka GOL powraca z Bad Company 2! Czekam jeszcze na powrot M24. PS. Wczoraj mialem okazje potrzymac pada Dualshock 4 (na standzie). Kapitalny kontroler, swietnie sie trzyma dloni i nie jestem wcale taki masywny, jak to widac na zdjeciach. Zaskoczyly mnie analog- sa male, mniej wiecej takie jak w Xbox360, i swietnie sie trzymaja kciukow. Szybciej mozna sie nimi poruszac, z lewej manki na prawa. Teraz te analogi z DS3 wydaja mi sie gigantyczne niczym muchomory. Czekam z niecierpliwoscia na info, kiedy bede mogl odebrac PS4. PS2. 2:35- zadowolony w koncu Litwin z Destruction?
  14. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Ciekawe czy w "chmurze" na PS4 bedzie mozna zagrac w Bf3? Czy ta usluga bedzie dotyczyla tylko singlowych gier?
  15. To co Gesior, dzisiaj wieczorem ostatnia sesja w Battlefield 3!!! Ostatnio pare osob non-stop wysyla mi zaproszenia do Bf4, kiedy gram w Bf3. Nie chcial bym byc nie uprzejmy, ale szkoda ze takiej odpowiedzi nie mozna wyslac.
  16. Nikt z nas, niestety, nie wiedział ze bf4 będzie tak niedopracowana gra. Ja wyszedłem z założenia ze w dice pracują istoty rozumne, i ze błędu jakie popełnili przy wydaniu bf3, nie pojawia się przy bf4. Rzeczywistość okazała się brutalna. Jest jeszcze gorzej, niż to było 2 lata temu. Gdybym wiedział jakiego plaskacza otrzymalbym od Dice, to nie kupił bym tej gry na ps3.
  17. walek

    PS4 - Komentarze i inne rozmowy

    Jestes pewny Zaretul, ze blokada HDCP nadal jest? Przeciez oficjalne stanowisko SONy jest takie, ze nie ma blokady hdcp , umozliwajac nagrywanie. Moze masz zle ustawiona nagrywarke, zle podlaczane kable itd.?
  18. Udało mi się wczoraj pograć z jakaś godzinę. Uważałem ze bf3 to niedorobioby port z pc. Jednak bf4 to gigantyczne śmietnisko bug'ow i błędów wszelkiego rodzaju. Siedzę w menu, staram sie dołączyc do ekipy, a tu nagle menu mi znika! I jeszcze te kosy. Miało nie być obcieruch, a jednak zabilem typa obierucha. I am fucking genius! Dziś tez sobie program trochę, ale muszę kupić w aptece coś na nerwy.
  19. Ja wiem o tym tommi. Moje dzienne sesje trwają w bf4 max 15 min, dlatego to będzie wyczyn.
  20. No i mam pretekst aby dzisiaj wskoczyć na serwery bf4. Wejdę, zrobię swoje, i wrócę do bf3 he he
  21. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Po dzisiejsze sesji, ktora trwala ponad 15 minut, moja ulubiona bronia jest QUIT GAME. Skonczylem runde, czekam na kolejna, a tu lipa. Ekran ladowania non stop, zwiecha... Choj wam w d*(pe DICE! BF4 to w tej serii MOnt Everest frustracji i w(pipi)ienia, shit pod kazdym wzgledem. Moj kumpel byl w siedzibie DICE, i cyknal tam fotke.
  22. Ja nie sprzedaje swojej PS3, Battlefield 3 to skuteczny argument, aby nie oddawac swojej plejki zydowi.
  23. walek

    Battlefield 4

    Zazdrosny Bronas Fanboy BF3? Raczej tak, jestem faktycznie boy, ktory czerpie wiekszy fun z trojki, niz czworki. A swoja droga nie jestem osamotniony w swoim krytycyzmie. I tu nie chodzi o skakanie, bo to pikus, w porownaniu do reszty. Tutaj fajnie koles opisal BF4 na battlelogu. vCx-PRE said: Before you begin reading please note that this is from the perspective of an Infantry/Ground Vehicle player. I'm a Battlefield vet having played them all in the series and quite honestly better than most skill wise and these are my thoughts from a competitive players perspective. Horrible Map Design Perhaps my biggest letdown of all comes in the supreme laziness and overall idiocy in map design this go around. First of all let's cover the smaller modes; tdm, dom and defuse. Dice or should I say Danger Close... errr Dice LA , or whoever... took a square box from each map and said play every damn gamemode imaginable inside here. What we ended up with are half assed maps that unfortunately do not play well. Maybe I'm a fool but I was expecting them to actually improve upon the formula they created with BF3's close quarters DLC... I mean this is a sequel right? Now let's talk about Rush which has been transformed into a linear spawn trap depending on who's team is better. Seriously go play it and laugh at the red zones that force you into a consistent spawn trap... just like moh:wf combat mission. Then we have conquest which is meh to blah. I won't bust these maps yet since I'm waiting to try them as they were intended on ps4 however I will say just adding levelotuion does not make a map good. Aim Assist The next time you see a motion sensor or spawn beacon I challenge you to not laugh when you press L1 near it, even dice does not think you can aim at an immobile object without aim assist. That one silly patch in Battlefield 3 introduced aim assist and now Battlefield 4 has taken it to Call of Duty levels. I could explain for paragraphs on how aim assist makes you on a even playing field with anyone but I will spare the lecture. Most of us here I would like to think are capable of moving a thumb on an analog stick and doing it ourselves. Would love to see this removed or yet again toned down... Weapons Each weapon in this game feels the same and the only difference is fire rate. That's what happens when every gun kills in 4 bullets no matter what. Now you can just spray and pray and the games generous system will reward you. I used to love Battlefield games because if you were bad I had the chance to turn on you or run from a gunfight escaping with just barley enough health to maybe take you down. That's gone now, if you see me I am dead... if I see you I'm probably going to get killed by your dead body. Equally bad is the recoil which is almost non existent when compared to prior games. Vehicles I have never felt so utterly useless with vehicles since I played with tonka cars as a child. The main problem is the silly reloading feature that plagues every vehicle in the game. Whoops I ran out of LAV cannon ammo! Oh you did to?! Let's sit here for 30 seconds and admire our vehicle camo instead. On the flip side of the coin when you are shooting someone with a tank shell don't you dare miss center mass by a inch or they will walk away. Seriously it's a tank shell I expect to kill people in a decently sized radius. Don't worry the former can be accomplished by a boat! For my experiences in the air I am here to report it ****ing sucks just as much. One dude with anti air whatever is enough air defense to kill an entire air force. My flares are just my vehicles farts apparently and after I'm hit once I could star in blackhawk down. I love the mini guns on little birds to, they must shoot bullets that tickle. Jets? Haha forget that the controls suck. Controls I am not in support of throwing out the same control scheme I been using for years and not even having it as an option in this game. Then to make things worse they lied to our faces and said they would add the above into the title. Guess what they did not and veteran is nothing more than one or two button switches and are still not the same as before. You know why they did this to? Go play COD and you will be familiar with the defaults in seconds. How about you cater to me as a loyal customer? Battlepacks The absolute worse addition to this game are these crummy little lottery tickets. Gone are the days when using a gun and knowing I'm going to unlock x attachment by doing y action. Now I'm sitting here thinking damn I want that green laser sight... god knows when and what battlepack will give it to me! Adding experience boosts inside them are sooo stupid as well. I have yet to receive a 200% exp boost and only got one 100% exp boost and you can look up my playtime. If Lady Luck is not on your side expect to be at a disadvantage when ranking up. Netcode Needless to say the netcode on this game is atrocious. The hit detection is spotty at it's very best and getting killed by falling dead bodies is a very common occurrence. Unfortunately rubber banding and server lag spikes are back as well. It seems all of that work and progress that was made in BF3 was thrown out the window and here we are back yet again in a endless loop. Questionable Lack of Features SOCOM 4 is the only other big name current gen multiplayer shooter I can remember that released without a party system. WHY DICE?! Did you forget about it? Was releasing BF3 with a party system an accident? While were on the subject of missing features what's up with this gun customization? You know the main menu feature that let me tinker with the games numerous loadouts on BF3? Instead you want me to spend time in game, which hurts my team, playing with all my loadouts... or turning on my phone/laptop to change my gun on a ****ing playstation game. I really wish to thank you for the platoon system as well. I'm sure in January or whenever it comes out it the system will be exactly as lame as before. It's not like we wanted to make platoons when the game released anyway and it's totally not like you have the feature built into battlelog already. Not Building on what BF3 was When I first heard of BF4 I thought levelotion was an awesome edition and come release day it was. I expected a lot more in that department. The end of BF3 teased an in game clan system, maps devoted to one game mode and awesome new weapons. Problem is nothing else has built upon and a lot has been removed to almost a barebones experience that forces me into buying more and more map packs. We are getting the COD treatment where this game is only a cosmetic upgrade. We also don't have features that were in BF3 which is mind boggling. Battlelog Integration Pushing Battlelog onto me as a playstation gamer is stupid. All of these features should be in game and not on some remote website or application for my phone. Why can I turn on a game from yesteryear and access all these stats in the menus but not here? Why is there even a battlelog button in game taking up valuable control space when all it does is show my damn friend list... a feature my console already has a dedicated button for. How about I press the battlelog button it actually brings up battlelog? You don't have to pay me for that last idea. Shipping a Game in this condition News broke that EA rushed the release of this title to compete with COD. Wonderful now I have to settle with a game that is by all accounts a beta. I did not buy this wanting to play an extended beta or wait months for it to be fixed. I sincerely feel ripped off a customer. My game has frozen at least 30+ times and the quality when compared to BF3 is not there. You can tell me all you want it is not suppose to play on current gen... guess what it is and it has been sold to me. Dumbing the Game Down It's clear this is Dices best attempt to make Battlefield a game more accessible for the causal audience. From grenades that illuminate in bright red circles, removal of spawn protection, aim assist, increased weapon damage, nerfed vehicles, cod controls and everything else above all continues to dumb down Battlefield. Minor things that I failed to list and things I just cannot describe all come together to add up to a massive sellout. This game used to be a shooter based on brains and skill level. Unfortunately if you have been playing this series as long as I have you know how bad it is now. Johnny come lately gamers are the target audience and we are suffering. When this game makes the switch to next generation simply adding 64 players and pretty graphics will not hide this titles flaws.
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