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Treść opublikowana przez Obsolete

  1. Malo istotny niuans.
  2. Obejrzalem sobie pierwszy mecz Realu w lidze i poki co to wydali ponad 100 mln, by po wielkich meczarniach wygrac z Realem Sociedad. Ronaldo trzyma poziom, Kaka tak jak sie spodziewalem jest beznadziejny, a Pellegrini stosuje taktyke rodem z Football Managera, gdzie przy natloku dobrych pilkarzy, gdy nic nie idzie, wrzuca sie na pale 3 zawodnikow w okolicach 67 minuty modlac sie, by ktos cos strzelil i by nikt nie dostal zadnej kontuzji w perspektywie dokonania 3 zmian. No, ale to poczatek sezonu.
  3. z albumu na album bylo coraz gorzej, juz myslalem ze sie rozpadli
  4. Obsolete

    Alternatywa - linki

    nowy burnt, trzeba sprawdzic no i aptbs tyz, czy pociagneli niezly debiut
  5. nie, ja nie z poznanskich slowikow ale Krzysztof Kusiel Moroz byl bardzo nerwowym czlowiekiem i krzyczal na dzieci:<
  6. Byl moim dyrygentem gdy bylem maly, wiem jestem zaje bisty. Skonczyl sie na postsonoryzmie.
  7. Obsolete


    Ciezko mowic o tym, ze Pato jest przereklamowany. To jest inwestycja na przyszlosc, jego wartosc bedzie wciaz rosla, dlatego tym bardziej sprzedawanie go teraz jest bez sensu. On musi na pewno popracowac nad swoja budowa fizyczna, czesto popelnia glupie bledy, co jest zrozumiale w jego wieku, jednak czesto tez przejawia juz nieprzecietne mozliwosci. Wystarczy wspomniec o wczorajszym dryblingu z meczu towarzyskiego z Benfica, gdzie przeciwnik na tyle nie wiedzial co zrobic i byl zaskoczony, ze bedac "Wbity w ziemie dryblingiem" prawie sobie zerwal wiezadla w nodze;] Ancelotii oficjalnie zaprzeczyl, ze chce kupic Pato. Zreszta...ten chlopak by tam sobie teraz nie poradzil, za "mientki" i kruchy poki co.
  8. Obsolete


    To akurat moze byc bardzo duze wzmocnienie;] Jeden puchar juz na koncie.
  9. Obsolete


    Co bylo milion lat temu i od tego czasu Kaka gral piach, no ale ty nie ogladales wszystkich meczow Milanu w odroznieniu ode mnie, wiec nie masz o tym pojecia;] Oczywiscie, ze odejscie Kaki to wzmocnienie, a juz na pewno za tak niedorzeczna kase, koles sie wypalil, polowe goli strzelal po karnych i wywalal o wlasne nogi przy dryblingach. W Realu moze sie odbuduje, nie przecze, nowe wyzwania i gra w klubie, ktory musi sporo powalczyc by dobic do aktualnej czolowki jest mobliizujace. Jak mi wskazesz znaczna ilosc spotkan w ciagu ostatnich 2 lat w Serie A i w LM, gdzie Kaka brylowal i ciagnal ekipe do sukcesow to spoko, no tylko, ze o ile pamietasz to ostatnie sukcesy w LM to: poczatek fazy pucharowej i brak uczesnictwa, a w lidze: 5 i 3 miejsce. Kaka ch,uj. Nie wierze w sprzedaz Pato w tym roku. Nie po opchnieciu Kaki i przyjeciu nowej strategii budowania druzyny.
  10. Obsolete


    Wedzony losos.
  11. Bez sensu. Skonczy sie jak z "pilkarzykami" Wyborczej, na poczatku wszyscy sa chetni, a potem gdy okazuje sie, ze jestem za dobry to nikt nie chce dalej grac. Jest cos do wygrania w tej fantasy?
  12. Obsolete


    No wczoraj mailem niezlego pecha, nic nie wchodzilo, teoretycznie najlepsze karty nie pozwalaly wygrac;] Rzucalem kur wami tak do 3 rano, potem sie zdenerwowalem i stwierdzilem, ze odzyskam kase tak jak ja stracilem (latwiej byloby wniesc powiedzmy 1000$ i na wyzszych stawkach odrobic strate w 1-2 rozdaniach), no i paru godzinach ciulania na smiesznych kwotach w koncu sie udalo;0 z 4$ wrocilem na 450.
  13. Obsolete


    Ty wez mi wskaz gdzie ja pisalem, ze odejscie Ibry i Kaki z Serie A to jej oslabienie 0o
  14. Obsolete


    ku rwa no ale ja juz pisalem pare razy, ze postrzegam Ibre przede wszystkim za jego INDYWIDUALNE zagrania, gdzie zespol ma chu ja do gadania. Pozostala 10 graczy jest bez winy, gdy Szwed nie potrafi przejsc albo urwac sie obroncy Cypru i gdy sedziowie w LM nie pozwalaj mu strzelac goli rekoma albo po faulach. Kto ma ku rwa strzelac gole i kiwac obroncow, Julio Cesar?
  15. Obsolete


    Z Ibra tez nie mogla nawiazac walki z tymi druzynami. Przypomne, ze Inter ledwo wyszedl z grupy przegrywajac z takimi mocarzami Jak Panathinaikos, czy Werder Brema. Nadal zatem nie wiem skad wniosek, ze z Ibra Inter byl groznym zespolem a liga wloska mocniejsza. Co do krzywdzacego traktowania pilkarza to nie mozna popadac w paranoje. Zawsze mozna zwalic na zespol, tylko jak to zrobic jak Ibrahimovic nie potrafi przejsc srednio dobrego obroncy albo sie wywala o wlasne konczyny albo snuje sie po boisku zniechecajac sie po kolejnej kompromitacji podczas walki z obronca. Nadal wina zespolu? Ale ty mówisz o tym Ibrze, który w zeszłym sezonie był królem strzelców czy o kim? Wez w koncu wytlumacz jak sie ma tytul krola strzelcow Serie A do uznania kogos za groznego napastnika w LM, skoro ten napastnik w bezposrednich potyczkach w LM gra C H U J O W O? Top goalscorers The top scorers from the 2008–09 UEFA Champions League 1 Lionel Messi 9 2 Steven Gerrard 7 3 Miroslav Klose 7 4 Lisandro López 6 5 Emmanuel Adebayor 5 (...) faktycznie Ibrahimovic to normalnie MVP Czempions Lig i Liga Wloska duzo traci po tym jak przestal ja reprezentowac. LOL. Przeciez obroncy Αnorthosis Famagusta FC, Panathinaikosu i Werderu to czolowka Europy i biedak nie mogl pokazac w pelni swojego potencjalu.
  16. Obsolete


    Z Ibra tez nie mogla nawiazac walki z tymi druzynami. Przypomne, ze Inter ledwo wyszedl z grupy przegrywajac z takimi mocarzami Jak Panathinaikos, czy Werder Brema. Nadal zatem nie wiem skad wniosek, ze z Ibra Inter byl groznym zespolem a liga wloska mocniejsza. Co do krzywdzacego traktowania pilkarza to nie mozna popadac w paranoje. Zawsze mozna zwalic na zespol, tylko jak to zrobic jak Ibrahimovic nie potrafi przejsc srednio dobrego obroncy albo sie wywala o wlasne konczyny albo snuje sie po boisku zniechecajac sie po kolejnej kompromitacji podczas walki z obronca. Nadal wina zespolu?
  17. Obsolete


    No, takim kłem, że to był najlepszy napastnik we Włoszech i jeden z najlepszych napastników w ogóle (dla mnie chyba nawet numer jeden). Zresztą, za moją opinią stoją działacze obecnie najlepszeo klubu w EU, którzy chyba mają pojęcie co robią. Za twoją opinią nie stoi pewnie nawet nikt z forum dla konsolomaniaków. No, ale sam rozpatrywales przed chwila Ibrahimovica pod katem potyczek w europejskich pucharach. No chyba, ze szwaby albo Lyon graja w Serie A a ja o czyms nie wiem. No i co pokazal tam ten najlepszy napastnik swiata przeciwko dobrym europejskim druzynom? Ano nic. W wiekszosci wypadkow snul sie po boisku i wypie rdalal o wlasne nogi, pokazujac niezle wyszkolenie techniczne, gdy gral przeciwko jakims frajerom. Polowa goli jakie strzelil w Serie A byla po podarunkach sedziow, ktorzy litowali sie nad jego beznadziejnoscia. Nawet jezeli przyjmiemy, ze brylowal i blyszczal w serie a co jest nieprawda, to i tak w Europie jest nikim, nigdy nic wielkiego nie osiagnal, nie poprowadzil druzyny do zadnych sukcesow, czesto katastrofalnie zawodzac. Z nim czy bez niego Inter nie istnial w LM, chyba ze przeciwko jakims ogorkom. No, ale oczywiscie nastolatkowie sie spuszczaja jak Zlatan zrobi fajny drybling raz na sto lat (albo je bnie brame reka lub po faulu), pasuje tym swoim cyrkiem do calej Barcy. Na ostatnich ME to byl takim killerem, ze pewnie Szwecja specjalnie odpadla w fazie grupowej bo uznala, ze jest za dobra.
  18. Obsolete


    Nie wiem jakim niby klem mial byc Ibrahimovic jak Inter co roku sie kompromitowal we wczesnej fazie LM, a koles ma problemy z elementarnymi zagraniami jak tylko pokryje go ktos srednio rozgarniety. Poza tym w LM nie pozwalaja strzelac tak czesto goli rekoma ani po ewidentnych faulach. Ibra to slabiak. Szykuje sie kolejny transfer Milanu. Ma przyjsc De Silvestri. Kolejny bardzo dobry ruch zarzadu.
  19. Mastodona
  20. Obsolete


    Nie ma wielkich budzetow, to nie ma wielkich sukcesow. Oczywista oczywistosc, zadne odkrycie. Wloskie kluby sa w duzo gorszej sytuacji prawnej niz hiszpanskie i angielskie, a politycy tego nie ulatwiaja. W ogolnie nie ma co porownywac kasy jaka jest ladowana w zespoly tych krajow. Jasne, ze pieniadze to nie wszystko, ale niedlugo to Manchester City remisujacy kilka lat temu z Groclinem, mimo, ze bedzie zajmowal w angielskiej lidze pozycje 5-8 to bedzie duzo lepszym zespolem niz mistrzowie z Wloch. Milan aktualnie ciagnie na wielkiej renomie, jako bardzo prestizowy klub, w ktorym zarobki nie sa najwazniejsze. Zobaczymy jak dlugo. Wloscy dzialacze sportowi od dawna jecza, ze przepasc sie poglebia i nikt nic nie robi. Ja mam tylko nadzieje, ze nie bede musial ogladac przez kilka nastepnych lat z rzedu minimum 3 angielskich druzyn w polfinale.
  21. Obsolete


    Ta, za mlody jest na pierwszy sklad, wiec bedzie gral w rezerwach wraz z Gwatemalskim bramkarzem, ktory strzelil Fabianskiemu gola z 400 m z przewrotki. No, koniec sucharkow.
  22. Obsolete

    Fear Factory

    Telenoweli ciag dalszyxDDD Mark Carras of Rock My Monkey conducted an exclusive interview this past weekend with FEAR FACTORY vocalist Burton C. Bell. During the chat, Bell spoke about the band's new lineup — featuring original FF members Bell and Dino Cazares (guitar) alongside bassist Byron Stroud (who played on the last two FEAR FACTORY albums in addition to touring and recording with STRAPPING YOUNG LAD and ZIMMERS HOLE) and legendary drummer Gene Hoglan (DETHKLOK, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, DARK ANGEL, DEATH, TESTAMENT) — and the legal dispute over the rights to the group's name involving Bell and Cazares on one side and drummer Raymond Herrera and guitarist Christian Olde Wolbers on the other. A transcript of some of the interview highlights follows below (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET). Opening statement: Burton: Before I go off on all the comments and everything, I'd like to make an official statement first. First of all, I just want to cut through a lot of the confusion about one issue since it really will be part of every answer. I have not made a public statement about it; I'm not one to air dirty laundry, but I have been forced to correct certain misstatements by Raymond and Christian. The fact that I have not worked with Raymond and Christian for the past three years as FEAR FACTORY is for this one reason — it's that I did not want to be involved with their manager. Her name is Christy Priske and she happens to be Christian's wife. During the "Transgression" mixing session, her and Raymond started a love affair that lasted for a couple years. As [she was the] manager of FEAR FACTORY, this was completely unacceptable to me. Rock My Monkey: Were you aware that the two of them [Christian and Raymond] were working on a new FEAR FACTORY CD? Burton: To begin with, I think it was irresponsible of Raymond and Christian to discuss specific business transactions in the media, but I can tell you that I never agreed to any deal that Raymond, Christian and Christy proposed for two reasons: The terms that they brought to the table were unacceptable; and I would just not allow the band to be managed by Christy. After I took that position, Raymond, Christy and Christian threatened to sign the deal anyway without me, claiming that they had spent a lot of money on attorneys to negotiate the deal even though I never approved of the expenditure or saw any of the proposed agreements. Rock My Monkey: Did you ever say you were not ready to jump back into FEAR FACTORY due to ASCENSION OF THE WATCHERS [burton's side project] or anything else? Burton: No, I never said that. I made it clear from the beginning that I was not signing any deal or moving forward with them as long as Christy was manager. Rock My Monkey: You were said to have a problem with them saying that they put ARKAEA [Raymond and Christian's new band, also featuring THREAT SIGNAL members] together when FEAR FACTORY wasn't ready to get back together. Again, that would be for the same reasons you've already said? Burton: Well, yeah, and they're wrong. They were already working in trying to secure a deal for ARKAEA and then threatened to have ARKAEA take over FEAR FACTORY's bookings. I mean, ARKAEA was not merely formed as a result of me not being ready at the last minute. They were talking about ARKAEA last year and were already writing music for that. Rock My Monkey: Have you given them a clear explanation as to why they were not included in this lineup of the band? Burton: Yeah. What they said was an absolute lie. I made it very clear that I would not work with Christy. They basically took the position that I had to work with Christy or they would not work with me. I mean, in October of 2008, last year, I extended an olive branch to Raymond, stating that I would like to bring Dino back into the band, to be part of FEAR FACTORY. And Raymond said that he would never work with Dino or me ever again. He said it to me in a phone call and I have two different e-mails where he stated that as well. Rock My Monkey: So you definitely feel that they had a choice other than the legal action that they took to resolve this dispute? Burton: [Laughs] They did not initiate legal action. Dino and I filed a lawsuit first. We filed a suit maintaining that we had the right to use the band name and to take care of some other issues. So we filed the lawsuit first. Rock My Monkey: In my interview with Raymond [hear audio below], he said that this whole legal thing has not been cheap. And I heard that you had a problem with that. Burton: Well, yeah, Raymond did say that, and as Raymond mentioned, this has been very expensive. They refused to discuss anything unless Christy was the manager of FEAR FACTORY. We could have moved on a long time ago if they had just fired her. I tried to get the situation resolved a long time ago, but they would never consider it. Rock My Monkey: With such an amazing lineup — I think everybody's in agreement that this [new] lineup [of FEAR FACTORY] you have is an absolutely stunning lineup — why not let it stand on its own as a separate entity and avoid any legal drama or hassles? Burton: For the exact same reason Raymond didn't wanna change the name of the band when Dino left. And we believe that Dino and I have the right to use the name. I mean, Dino and I started jamming before Raymond was even in the picture. I've always been the singer of FEAR FACTORY and Dino was the guitar player of the records that really were the seminal records of this band, that are associated with this band. Byron has been playing bass for five years already. And it comes down to that Raymond and Christian chose Christy over FEAR FACTORY. Rock My Monkey: Now, is there a business contract that states that Raymond and Christian are 25 percent along with you and Dino? Burton: You know, that's really... Fear Factory Incorporated has 100 percent shares and whatever the percentages are, [it's] none of the business of the public, and it's irresponsible that they're talking about FEAR FACTORY business to the public. Rock My Monkey: Did this lineup of FEAR FACTORY receive a cease-and-desist order in response to the live dates that were announced and then pulled so you could go and record? Burton: Yeah. [but] it wasn't the cease-and-desist that made us cancel the tours; we decided to finish the album instead. The offers to do the shows still stood. OK, rewind to last year. When their booking agent was getting us summer gigs in Europe, I was ready to do the shows as long as they fired Christy, and then we could move on forward. They chose to turn down a lot of money to keep their manager over me. Their booking agent knows this is the reason I would not do the shows — because they would not fire her. Rock My Monkey: Now, rewind a few years back. Why did you initially quit FEAR FACTORY a few years ago, and did you come back with the agreement that Dino was fired? Burton: [Laughs] I left FEAR FACTORY for many reasons, and not wanting to work with Dino was one of them. In 2002, Raymond and Christian were the ones who came to me and told me about their plan to re-start FEAR FACTORY. At that time, I again said that I did not wanna work with Dino and Raymond said that he would be the one to fire Dino — something which he had already planned. I didn't make him fire Dino. In your interview [with Raymond], he said that he plans for the future, and you can't tell me that he did that... that that was something he didn't plan for; this was something he had an idea about before he even called me. Rock My Monkey: Is there any truth to you and Dino having any money problems at all? Burton: [Laughs] I don't wanna get into the allegations in the lawsuit, but Raymond said that he doesn't need FEAR FACTORY, he says a lot. Therefore, he shouldn't mind if we use the name. And, you know, these are desperate times in this economy, and the monetary situation is just part of the lawsuit that I filed against Raymond and Christian, so I really don't wanna get into that either. Rock My Monkey: Now, I'm gonna assume that the problem that you had with the mention of you and Dino's age in the interview is that Dino is actually 41 and not 47, or was there other facts that were wrong? Burton: [Laughs] Nah, I just thought it was funny that how many years we were together and [Raymond] still doesn't know [how old Dino is]. And for all that it's worth, Dino is 42 and I'm 40. Rock My Monkey: Is there a label behind the CD being recorded under the FEAR FACTORY name right now? Burton: I'd rather not get into that, but we are recording an album. Rock My Monkey: What's the ETA (estimated time of arrival) for that? Is there any timetable for that? Burton: We're shooting for a February release. Rock My Monkey: Is there anything else that you wanna bring up or anything else that you wanna state for the record? Burton: There is one thing. When [Raymond] said, "They [referring to Dino and Burton] don't want to talk to us." Raymond told me that he was done with me, that he does not need the money and that he does not give a rat's ass about FEAR FACTORY. Christy said that she was booking ARKAEA whenever any offers were made for FEAR FACTORY, and I said that I did not wanna work with Christy. But Raymond would never agree to do anything unless she was managing FEAR FACTORY. In all fairness, I have not heard from Christian. The only time they said they wanted to talk to us was after the lawsuit was already filed. We gave them a chance to talk, and they just declined completely. And there's one more statement that Raymond made that I think is also important that people need to know. He said, "Even their lawyer hasn't given me a reason." And I think it's very unfortunate that he's resorting to the "poor-me" strategy to try and spin fan support. But I'll make it very clear again: Raymond and Christian refused to proceed with FEAR FACTORY unless Christy was the manager of FEAR FACTORY and that was unacceptable to me. And they know exactly what the reason is.
  23. Obsolete

    Starcraft II

    Caly Blizz. Star wyjdzie w 2011 a Diabolo w 2014.
  24. Obsolete

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