BUHAHAHAHA..! Kupilem wczoraj najnowszy numer PLAY-a i na stronie 26 znalazlem nastepujaca notke:
"PS3 goes religious.
Copies of Ratchet And Clank, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and Ridge Racer 7 propably aren`t enough to entice you to buy a PS3 any more, are they? Well that`s clearly what the nice Catholic folk in Empik, Poland thought as they threw in a Bible with their PS3 and PS2 bundles. The packs, which go for the equivalent of £288 and £89 respectively, will no doubt sell out fast in a country so heavily religious, so get in there quick. Amen."
...angole pewnie prychneli smiechem. Nam pozostaje zaakceptowac, ze pochodzimy z panstwa koscielnego...