Odnosnie trofika o ktory pytales na PW , to znalazlem cosik takiego:
Once you have downloaded the game, or inserted the disc, just play offline and aim to get Teacher's Pet trophy, so you are not gonna run into this glitch.
IF YOU ALREADY DOWNLOADED LBP2 with 1.20 update, in order to loose not your game profile data, do this:
- back up your save and set it to a USB just to be sure
- erase the game
- re-download the game
- start the game offline (so 1.20 patch cannot be downloaded, otherwise the game will require it automatically and you will be no more able to use your old save)
- ASAP watch the first 52 tutorials, trophy unlocked
- re-upload your game save
It will takes a lot of time downloading games and patches, btw this is the only way to get the trophy without loosing your data