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Dla zainteresowanych: http://www.ps3trophies.org/game/asuras-wrath/review
Jak sie nie myle to ten item nazywa sie wound potion.
Watek juz skonczony , wlasnie lize sciany.Chyba mam pecha bo jade go do 1mln hp , potem rzuca 5 Wladkow i dupa zaczyna miec coraz wiecej zycia. EDIT: No i pan zly zostal rozniesiony w pyl, zmiana potworkow na chocobosy zmienila ta walke w banalnie prosta.
Jakies podpowiedzi odnosnie walki z Raspatil-em? Jakie akcesoria? Krew mnie z nim zaleje .Na poczatku idzie dobrze, potem sie jakos korkuje i nie moge go dziabnac.
Czy ktos jest zorientowany czy karty z Nordea dzialaja bezproblemowo z PSN?
Jesli chodzi o AF??? ARCHYLTE STEPPE i brame w Grave Ridge, to musisz znalezc trzy zielone posagi kaktusa.Po dotknieciu rozpoczyna sie walka , jak zabijesz 3 kaktusy to ta ala mgla na bramie zniknie i bedzie mozna z niej skorzystac.
Brąz : Suffering Complete Part I: Suffering Rebirth Complete Part II: Rebirth Karma Complete Part III: Karma The Truth Hurts Uncover the truth Mortal Achieve a D rank or higher on any episode Anger Management Activate Burst for the first time in Episode 1 The Six-Armed Man Grow a few extra limbs in Episode 5 Heads Will Roll Completely lose it in Episode 12 Rebel with a Cause Do what you think is right in Episode 13 Denied Get scolded by your former master in Episode 10 A Cry of Anger Activate Burst 50 times A Roar of Fury Activate Burst 100 times Hit'Em Hard Defeat 100 enemies with a special attack Hit'Em Harder Defeat 300 enemies with a special attack Can't Touch This Perform 50 counterattacks Can't Touch That Perform 100 counterattacks They Don't Stand a Chance Defeat 50 enemies while in Unlimited Mode Unstoppable Force Defeat 100 enemies while in Unlimited Mode Taking Out the Trash Defeat 300 enemies with heavy attacks and/or lock-on fire Quick on the Draw Achieve 70 EXCELLENT synchronic impact rankings Lightning Reflexes Achieve 150 EXCELLENT synchronic impact rankings Be the Fist Achieve an overall synchronic rate average of 80% on any difficulty Pain Is Universal Accumulate a total of 10000 in damage Too Legit to Quit Continue the game after falling in battle CG Collector Get all the CG art Art Appreciator Get all the illustrations Movie Buff Get all the movies and interludes The Whole Nine Get all the gauges View of the Valley Continue to stare at the hot spring attendant's assets Like a Fish Consume more alcohol than you should Sometimes I Feel Like... Find all the peeping Doji at the hot spring Shut Up, Wyzen! Interrupt Wyzen's monologue Shut Up, Kalrow! Interrupt Kalrow's monologue Shut Up, Augus! Interrupt Augus' monologue Srebro: Fighter Complete all episodes on Normal or higher Demigod Complete all episodes with at least an A rank on Normal Shinkoku Soldier Complete all episodes with an S rank on Normal Guardian General Complete all episodes with at least an A rank on Hard It Takes Two Defeat Deus with Yasha in Episode 17 Look Ma, No Eyes! Complete the game with the Blind Master gauge equipped Ka-ching! Accumulate a total of 120000 Battle points Zloto: Warrior Complete all episodes on Hard Deity Complete all episodes with an S rank on Hard Who Needs Health? Complete the game with the Mortal gauge equipped Enlightenment Acquire all ASURA'S WRATH trophies
No wlasnie jestem po obejrzeniu outra.W tym miejscu mam pytanie do innych ktorze je widzieli. -nie wydaje wam sie ze to zakonczenie duzo bardziej wyglada na intro?!? -wczesniej z netu dowiedzialem sie ze gra posiada otwarte zakonczenie wiec z czasem oswoilem sie z ta mysla, ale usiadlem na (pipi)e jak poza tym zakonczeniem zobaczylem napis : TO BE CONTINUED.... Podejrzewam ze XIII-3 juz jest robione.
Tylko składki na gry PSS - Komentarz = Warn - Pierwszy post !
darkknight odpowiedział(a) na temat w Online
Jak & Dexter HD , cena w USA 40 baksow , wiec u nas podejrzewam okolo 120zl. 1.darkknight(bk) 2. -
No chyba nie myslisz ze napisal to wprost .Kij mu w oko , won z friendlisty i tyle.
Przy Ps4 powinni zrezygnowac z trofeow, przeciez to zenada.One chyba powinny wskazywac na jakies umiejetnosci, a trudnych platyn jest garstka,wiec co za sens?Wyscig kto sobie wiecej wirtualnych pucharkow nazbiera?Gdyby one jeszcze byly wymagajace. Wystarczy zobaczyc na zachodnich stronach , ze po ogloszeniu jakiegos tytulu 90% komentarz to zastanawianie sie czy dana gra bedzie miala trofea.Jak sie okaze ze nie ma to juz sa lamenty.Czyli teraz gry bez trofeow sa nic nie warte? Sam mam sporo trofeow , ale staram sie grac przy okazji robiac trofea , a nie robiac trofea przy okazji grac. Moze zdanie odnosnie trofeow diametralnie zmienilo sie ostatnio gdy poznalem pewnego czlowieka z bodaj 35lv. Pogralismy troche razem , za dwa dni (chyba po sprawdzeniu moich trofeow,) wali z mostu czy mam wszystkie sejwy z pokonczonych gier., w wiadomych poniekad celach. I ta sutacja jest dla mnie wystarczajaca do zobrazowania sensu trofeow jako takich.
No rzeczywiscie , takie 9/10 lol.
Ja mam platyne w tej czesci , jak dobrze pamietam to korzystalem z trophy guide na ps3trophies.org.
Jeszcze nie mialem okazji ograc , ale wyglada na to ze poziom platyn robi sie coraz bardziej zenujacy z gry na gre.
Mozna pod warunkiem ze sa przypisane do roznych klas, zwroc uwage ze potwory tez maja przypisane klasy.Zmieniasz je zmieniajac paragrimy.
Da sie zmieniac potworki , zauwaz ze jak ogladasz potworka to gdzies tam jest napisane np. commando lub medic. Jak ustawiasz paragrimy to 3 z nich bedzie paragrimem potworka.Czyli jesli trzeci bedzie np.commando to bedzie nim ktorys z potworkow majacych taka klase. Troche moze to niezrozumilale co napisalem , ale zerknij.
Po ograniu kilku godzinek powiem tak, o fabule nie ma co sie wypowiadac przed skonczeniem calosci.Mnie irytuja narazie tylko dwie rzecz: 1) rozwoj postaci calkowicie mi sie nie podoba , moze to bledne wrazenie ale wydaje mi sie ze nie bardzo mam wplyw na kierunki rozwoju, lub jest on tylko iluzoryczny; 2) calkowity brak summonow- to jest tylko moja opinia , ale dla mnie sa one nieodzownym elementem finala, potworki w ich miejsce to nie to samo.
Pewne jest ze gra trafi w gusta tylko okreslonej grupy ludzi.Ja sie do nich zaliczam , chyba jednak bede ja kupowal z drugiej reki bo 200 PLN to troche za duzo.
Odnosnie tego co napisal mashter, no wlasnie z mojej listy Daniel tez wyparowal w dziwnych okolicznosciach ;P
Early Riser Accepted a new fate in a world where everything has changed. Time Traveler Left behind a normal life, and began a journey through time. Future Espier Visited the place where clues to the future lie waiting to be discovered. Past Gazer Visited the place where the saviors of the past dream in crystal. Threat Facer Acknowledged the threat facing the world, and decided to fight back. Sooth Seeker Prepared to face a test of your determination in the rift where hidden truths slumber. Promise Keeper Turned your back on empty dreams and joined the battle to save mankind. Saddle Sore Went the distance on chocobo-back. Serendipitous Amassed a fortune in casino coins. Choco-boco-holic Spent a fortune at shops. Clock Stopper Responded swiftly to the appearance of enemies. Scarlet Medal Defeated a powerful enemy with graceful poise. Cerulean Medal Defeated a powerful enemy with valiant skill. Obsidian Medal Defeated a powerful enemy with perfect execution. Staggering Staggered a significant number of enemies. Quick Draw Performed a significant number of preemptive strikes. Wild Thing Successfully used Feral Link abilities a significant number of times. No Retreat Fought a significant number of battles without using the "Retry" option. Strategist Performed a multitude of paradigm shifts. Trigger Finger Obtained five Cinematic Bonus rewards. Anomalous Witnessed every possible Paradox Ending. Fragmented Completed an entire fragment category. Budding Hunter Defeated an army's worth of enemies. Supreme Being Fully developed all abilities. Big Game Hunter Defeated every worthy opponent. Epic Finisher Followed the story to its conclusion. Defragmented Completed every fragment category. Giant's Fist Dealt 99,999 damage with a single attack. Beast Tamer Befriended a most unfriendly monster. Fair Fighter Defeated a powerful enemy on equal terms. Chronosavior Obtained the highest possible result in the battle to determine the fate of the world. Master of Time Mastered the timeline and obtained every trophy available.
History Repeats Battled in SOULCALIBUR V for the first time (excluding training and VS battle). A Soul Coalesces Edited a player license. Beginning of Destiny Registered 3 rivals. Proof of a Fighter Won consecutive matches on PlayStation®Network. Mercenary of War Fought 30 times on PlayStation®Network. Carry Out Your Beliefs Won 5 times in one style on PlayStation®Network. Synchronize DNA Used Ezio in a player match. Awakened to Violence Reached E4 rank in ranked match. Reason to Fight For Reached E1 rank in ranked match. Sings Own Praise Uploaded a replay of your win. Notes on Rivals Play backed another player's replay. Path to Glory Quick Battle: defeated 50 warriors. Road to the Duel Quick Battle: defeated 150 warriors. Perfect Trainee Arcade: cleared Asia route. Purge of the Holy Story: cleared episode 1. Shields Come Together Story: cleared episode 8. Mask Another's Memory Arcade: cleared a ranking route with a record better than your rival. Usurped True Name Quick Battle: won against 10 players with titles and used the obtained title on the player license. Pursuit of Obsession Quick Battle: defeated Harada TEKKEN. Passionate Artist Creation: created a character with full-on coordination (used everything except for height). Colorful Illusion Creation: took a thumbnail by manually setting a decoration frame and background. Fetal Soul Player level reached 5. Throbbing Soul Player level reached 50. Stalwart Barbarian Performed a wall hit 50 times. Adored by Heaven Performed 20 grapple breaks. Like a Flowing Stream Successfully performed a just guard 5 times. Momentary Pleasure Successfully performed an impact 100 times. Black Sword of Death K.O. with critical edge 30 times. Hands of the Abyss Won by ring out 50 times. Parrier of Swords Perfect won 50 times. Wind of Battle Reached over 87,600 m in total movement distance in battle. Alluring Kaleidoscope Landed brave edge 100 times. Gale Forces K.O. the opponent 25 times with an attack after a quick move. Never Ending Effort Landed an attack 20,000 times. Footprints of Soldiers Defeated 100 male characters. Give in to Temptation Defeated 100 female characters. Fancy of a Mad King Guard bursted 30 times. Lively Pub Changed the BGM in options. Strategist of War Fought 75 times on PlayStation®Network. Hero Carved in History Fought 100 times on PlayStation®Network. Courageous Warrior Won 20 times on PlayStation®Network. First Step of a Legend Reached D1 rank in ranked match. Sudden Temptation Quick Battle: defeated all warriors. Resurrection of Order Story: cleared episode 16. War Veteran Arcade: cleared any route with difficulty set on hard. No-hitter Ranked Match: won 10 times with Ezio. Skills for Duels Legendary Souls: won with brave edge. Soul Fulfilled Player level reached maximum. Home is Faraway Story: cleared final episode. Conqueror of the Arena Won 50 times on PlayStation®Network. Unwritten History Obtained all trophies.
Ogralem demo i wrazenia strasznie mieszane.Jak sie domyslam to stworki w druzynie zastepuja brak summonow , czy cos pominalem? Tytulem OT, jest jakiekolwiek nowe info o versusie? Bo nic nie moge znalezc.
Tylko składki na gry PSS - Komentarz = Warn - Pierwszy post !
darkknight odpowiedział(a) na temat w Online
Szukam chetnej osoby do kupowania wszystkich dlc(a przynajmniej trofeowych) do BF3 i MW3, ktore wyjda. 1.darkknight(bk) 2. -
Sens to ma chyba sredni , tym bardziej ze zaczynam miec wrazenie, ze komplety robia sie coraz prostsze.
Tak jak mowisz;) Troche to dziwne ze np. ktos ma powiedzmy 40 platyn, inny z 10 mniej a 3 levele wiecej.A co do Trine to po pierwszej czesci , ta to po prostu must have nawet jesli mialaby byc bez trofeow.