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Treść opublikowana przez Figaro

  1. Figaro

    Final Fantasy XV

    Walkthrough translation - When Noct changes speed, his party members will too, naturally. It's all in the animation. - A red gauge appears when enemies are close. Encounter gauge. Then battle starts and it disappears (There's also an audio cue that kicks in when the gauge appears). - Lock-on is in of course. There's also an auto lock. When the red encounter gauge fills, battle starts. You can run before it does. - The current monster won't attack on its own. If you attack it though, it'll become hostile. - Triangle button is assigned to abilities, but it uses MP. Abilities tied to weapons. - Defending uses MP, abilities use mp, so keeping track of your mp use is extremely important in XV. - When the blue particles appear and you dodge, that means you're using up MP. MP can completely vanish if you're stuck in a sticky situation. - His two party members just helped each other while they were trying to move Noctis into a specific position. Killing this monster gets you Meat for cooking at camp. - Even within the same monster species, they come in different physical sizes, and even sometimes have different move sets. - Sometimes the enemy flashes. When it flashes, the following attack is gonna be real fucking strong. It's also a chance to counter. - After parrying, partner attacks can kick in automatically. - As your party grows closer, new partner moves are unlocked while they talk at camp etc. - They basically found a super strong version of the monsters they were just fighting. The queen. HP/MP recover automatically, but it's slow. - Apparently you can't dodge this enemies attacks, so he's gonna put everything into power/damage dealing. - You can change weapons mid-battle by jumping right into the menu. For example you want a different skill, so you swap out. - Behemoth Smoke Eye is one of the big bosses in the demo. Finding hints of where he went, and looking for him. AKA: big foot steps. - You can set your destination marker , making it easier to navigate there. - The blue shiny things on the environment are items you can pick up, some of which can be traded for cash. Though he's a prince. - The goal of the demo is to get enough money to get their car back. They gotta fix the car. - Beating Smoke Eye gets you a fair chunk of cash cause he's kind of a badass. They won't show any more of the main quest line. - Your party members will point stuff out, say they wanna go places etc. They serve to point out that optional stuff organically. - Night time! It's super fucking dangerous. Goblins! They're typically only in dark areas/dungeons, but they come out at night. - Night time enemies have a lot of status inducing attacks. - When your HP hits zero, you don't immediately die. You go into a certain status, and when that finishes, you die for reals. - The longer they spend fighting, the more chances there are that other enemies will join, like the current squad of soldiers. - For the record, these soldiers are actually machines, so they have really inhuman movement and some weird attacks. - The more damage you deal to the machine soldiers, the more their bodies fall apart. Heads fall off, arms, etc. - Also if you didn't notice, the battle music is completely different at night. - Asses got kicked, so they ran the fuck away. The blue light designates a camp site. Mysterious powers, so no enemies can come. - Can pick what meal to make for dinner at camp. - Under the meal name is the list of stats the meal will have an effect on. - First the buff comes in, and then you level up. - FF fanfare as the stat boosts kick in and dawn arrives. - Camps also function as fast travel. You can quickly return to the last camp you rested at. - You can avoid camps to do certain challenge playthroughs, like not leveling up for example. Game is designed to allow for that. - Oh hey, the floating swords move with the warping. Uses MP nonstop. Nostalgic to see it in action for reals. (For example you can you shift to high locations to restore MP provided you're fighting an enemy without long range weapons/attacks.) - Smoke Eye is named as such cause he's blind in one eye. That's the key to defeating him. Q&A Q: What constitutes a gameover? A: Noct has to die. But as stated, HP reaching 0 is not dead times. You're in a critical state. When that state's gauge falls to zero, you die. In that time though, you can heal and come back to battle. Q; What's the framerate/res.? A: Aiming for tops, not making any promises yet, but aiming for the bestest they can do. Q: Talk a bit more about the size of the map in the demo. A: You know, I really don't know. Our map creator said 10 times bigger but that's prob playing it safe. The whole map is prob somewhere between 10-20 times bigger than the demo. They want people to play the demo and get a handle for scale, size, to get a better idea of the proper game. Q: Weather system? A: They wanted to put the weather system in to the demo, but they couldn't. The different types of rain weren't finished in time. For example, the rain has physical effects on characters, monsters, environment, and they didn't finish that all in time for the demo. Q: How many weapons can you get in the demo? Full game? A: Well, there are the phantom swords, and the normal weapons. They're different. In the demo, the amount of phantom swords you have will be reflected in the actual ability. You'll see that amount float around you. (Basically they wanna see what sort of effect that has on gameplay and adjust from there.) Q: Dual/Coop attacks? A: Dual/coop attacks. There are not a ton in the demo, because they're moves you learn as the characters grow. They're also really strong. So they didn't want put a bunch in early on and make it super unbalanced. Q: How much stuff is there to do? A: Finding phantom swords. After you beat the main stuff, there is an ending. When that finishes, there's stuff unlocked in the demo for you go back and do. Finishing the main story is not the end of the content. Q: Any kind of data carrying over to the main game? A: Nope. You can however save in the demo. Is there anything that you might be able to do with that save in the final game? Prroooobbbably. It's not data carrying over, more like a bonus for seeing you played the demo. Q: What about Adamantoise? A: We said you could fight him. But there was some miscommunication. We meant you could fight him in the full Game, not the demo. Demo is in a completely diff location. But because we announced both at the same time, it got lost in the shuffle. Q: Airships. Are you guys working hard at making that happen?" A:We've been working on the demo, so no. But once that's out, well... Q: Can you please give us some info on the characters and story? Jeezzzzz. A: Right now we want you peeps to enjoy the demo. Then when all that has died down, we'll start going into those details. Patience pls. There is some story at the end of the demo though. Q: What percent is the game done? A: Hm, A lot of progress has been made on the systems etc. About 60% done, give or take. As things start to come together, it could jump to 80% in one go, etc. But right now, we're quite a ways way in to development.
  2. Warto instalować antywirus w smartfonie?

  3. Stream FF XV na PS4

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  1 więcej
    2. DarealRadexHEJOO


      to ten najnowszy? bo już nawet nie liczę odcinków mody na fajnala

    3. Figaro


      Episode Duscae - demo, które będzie w marcu.

    4. Bansai


      Jak demo to sobie daruje.

  4. Figaro

    Konsolowa Tęcza

    No ale looknąłeś gameplay z Bird Songa? Ja bym go widział na wystawie sztuki nowoczesnej. Ano, looknąłem. Trochę boryka się z indie problemem stylu nad zawartością, ale może za mało widziałem. Bardzo lubię takie gry. Muszę się w przyszłości poważniej zabrać za Steam. Kupiłem lepszy lapek, 4 giga ramu, to może warto się zainteresować.
  5. Figaro

    Konsolowa Tęcza

    No mi się na pewno nie spodoba ten podział na bohaterów w czwórce. Ciekawe czy w piątce powraca jeden bohater. mate, mnie nie przekonasz? do indie? Eee
  6. Figaro

    Konsolowa Tęcza

    Ale ta Yakuza 3 jest dobra. To jest to, co lubię w japońskich gierkach. Zwariowane pomysły, niepasujące patenty wyskakujące niczym filip z konopi oraz epickie cutscenki pełne męskich łez, odwagi i honoru. No i Karaoke. I gierki arcade. Nie ma to jak w jednej sekundzie walczyć z szychą Yakuzy, a po chwili próbować złapać misia w UFO Catcher. To jest właśnie to co lubię. A nie te zachodnie popierdółki, gdzie dev boi się wyjść poza bezpieczny teren kreatywności.
  7. Czas na bardziej wyrafinowaną zagadkę:
  8. Tak zawsze przed snem zastanawiam się, jakby Mazzeo zareagował na Nintendo gierki, a teraz mam nową fantazję - Masorz streamujący gierki Wii U :banderas:

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  10 więcej
    2. Camillus


      Fig fantazjuje o Mazzeo xDDD

    3. Figaro


      chciałbym w sumie żeby kiedyś mnie obsłużył, w banku

    4. Tokar


      Dzisiaj go broniłeś w statusie, coś iskrzy

  9. 18 godzina, a już ciemno i zimno... W co będziecie dziś grać w swoich ciepłych kącikach gracza? Ja odpalam Yakuzę 3, a i może powrócę na chwilę do Mass Effect, tym razem jako Fem Shep :) :)

  10. Figaro

    Yakuza: Zero

    Fani tej zayebistej serii - nie wiecie może czy są jeszcze demka Ishin i poprzednika samurajskiej sagi?
  11. Co tam nowego na forumku, jestem na piwie z kumplami. No dobra, z kumplem. No dobra, sam.

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  2 więcej
    2. Soban


      no dobra sok,bo mi nie sprzedali piwa

    3. Rayos


      biedne klapy :reggie:

  12. Figaro

    Capitain Toad Treasure Tracker

    Chyba Mario Karta 8.
  13. Figaro

    The Order:1886

    Ta gra wygląda absurdalnie. Polecam powiększyć.
  14. Figaro

    The Order:1886

    Ziarnko prawdy jak i tuzin ziaren kłamstwa
  15. Karaoke w Yakuzie xD

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  3 więcej
    2. Mroku


      Dzięki za spoiler

    3. Bansai


      Wklejalem w statusiki niedawno i cisza byla :(



      Koncowka geniusz. Zadna gra mi nie przypomina tak Shenmue jak Yakuza.

    4. Figaro


      ee tam, na razie ogrywam trójkę. <szuka pieska>

  16. Gdzie jest ten lokal z arcade gierkami w Yakuzie 3?

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  2 więcej
    2. Soban


      na karaoke lepiej idż

    3. Figaro


      Dzieki, e-koleżko! <wraca do grania>

    4. Sep


      na Theatre Square jest jeden chyba, o ile dobrze pamietam

  17. Figaro

    własnie ukonczyłem...

    zdefiniuj tą całą "mechanikę strzelania". forum ciągle nadużywa tego zwrotu, ale nie wiadomo o co tak naprawdę chodzi KAPISZONY.
  18. Właśnie czytam drugi Secret Service. Piszą tam, że LoTF jest o wiele lepsze od Soulsów ;/

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  5 więcej
    2. Kazub


      podobno całkiem okej podróbka dark souls

    3. Soban


      do bycia okej to tej grze daleko

  19. Figaro

    Konsolowa Tęcza

    Dobry wywiad, szacunek dla Joego. Polecam również wywiad z Dorito Popem.
  20. Figaro

    The Order:1886

    Następne wrażenia: So I have been playing this games for seven hours. It think i am on chapter 12 or 13 so here are my impressions + game is beautiful . Best looking game on any platform including pc. Not only it looks good it feels grounded and art matches the technical excellence. I cant describe why but it has CG feeling to it. It reminds me of concept CGI videos some times. Animation is also terrific. + Voice acting and music is great. Music is really haunting and unique. Guns also sound very punchy + Game play is also good. Sir Galahad moves much faster than i expected but the guns feel much heavier than Uncharted etc. Also guns pack quite a punch. Cover is assigned to a but but there is also soft cover when you get close to it. it takes some time getting used to tough + Pacing is good + Characters and their interaction feels very natural and all of them feel grounded . + did i mention how beautiful this game is = playing on hard some times AI feels great other times very stupid. don't know why so i am neutral on this aspect. when it works its great when not then you know. - QTE melee. i don't generally hate qte and they are quite punchy but you lose this sense of controlling character. like camera angle changes and it feels very disjointed - start of the game is very slow. like really really slow - Lore surrounding the game is great and without mentioning any spoiler ill just say that its just ok. much better than many other games but i was expecting some thing more or different. any how this is personal preference so wont go into details - Transitions from game play to cut scene are not as seamless as i hoped for a game with no prerendered cut scenes Over all i am enjoying it a lot. it gives me feeling of playing RE or Maxpayne for the first time. If you like cinematic shooter without too much other craps to do then this is game for you . if you are a guy which perfers open areas and wild wilderness to explore with xp leveling etc then don't even bother .
  21. Czemu w każdej grze Rockstar, sterowanie oraz animacja głównego bohatera jest niedorozwinięta?

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  7 więcej
    2. Ludwes


      W GTA V jest jeszcze gorzej.

    3. Figaro


      obracanie się najgorsze, jakby przekładali "realizm" nad grywalnością i komfortem

    4. Pupcio


      Janusze sterowania

  22. WET czy Call of Duty World at War. Co jest mniejszym gó.wnem obsranym?

  23. Nie wiem czemu, ale zawsze czuję satysfakcję gdy mój post jest masowo minusowany przez każdego możliwego xbota. Feels good, man.

  24. Figaro

    The Order:1886

    Kolejna recka: Just finished the game. Took about 10 hours on medium. A friend also took around the same time, so I think that's typical if you take your time. Only difficulty came when they threw like a dozen soldiers at you, or when those grenade lobbers showed up, forcing you to abandon your cover. Gameplay wise I'd say it's competent, the Blacklight thing was nice although I rarely remembered to use it. QTEs weren't too bad. Aside from the RE4-like melee fights, they only show up like 5 or 6 times in the entire game. Even the stealth sections were okay, although having to time your triangle press to take out an enemy from behind felt unnecessary. Had some weird glitches happen, such as the weapons menu not showing up sometimes, or some weapons disappearing, and one time an enemy was just standing around despite my being mere meters away. Very infrequent, though. The game will be enjoyed mainly for its presentation, and it excels there. Really amazing attention to detail. And unique setting, too. Too bad the story seems to abruptly end. I enjoyed my experience with the game, but I don't think I'll return to it. The game doesn't even tell you what collectables you've missed on which chapter, and you can't skip cut-scenes.
  25. Ok, może jestem zgejony, ale pewdiepie jest awesome. Ja chcę więcej jego walktrough z Sunset Overdrive xD

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