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Treść opublikowana przez Figaro

  1. Pierwsza godzina w Batmanie AA nawet fajna. Szkoda że sterowanie takie scasualowane. Hold to awesome.

  2. Figaro

    The Evil Within

    Kolejne wrazenia, tym razem na 10 chapterze (na liczniku 10h, a zostało 5 chapterów) Player on PS3 who has played past chapter 10 posting some impressions of the game so far, paraphrasing it here. As been said, he has completed 10 chapters, his playtime so far is 10 44 47. Five more chapters to go in the game. Says the game is surprising because it has no filler and it's been a long time since he's played a game like this. No exact repeat scenarios, constantly introducing new things and toying with old elements in new ways, and paced excellently. Says one of the game's strongest points is variety in the game and settings. Conversely, he says one of the weaker points of the game is reoccurring mini-boss and boss monster characters, says outside of some technical things with the PS3 version of the game his only other complaint might be facing against the same sort of boss creature 2-3 different times, in different scenarios, but more variety would be nice. Says the last two chapters have been the best chapters so far, and the game has been getting better and better. Says the last two chapters have felt more like a horror game than what has preceded it, and things in the game are getting very weird in a good way. Tak w ogóle to gra nie posiada QTE
  3. Właśnie taką szafkę na konsole bym chciał ;]
  4. Figaro

    PlayStation Plus

    No spoko, pewnie jutro południowe godziny Ci nie pasują?
  5. Chciałby ktoś dziś/jutro popykać w to D&D? :) Najlepiej z kilkoma forumowiczami. Gra jest krótka, mało zajmuje, można skończyć w jedno posiedzenie, a jest przyjemnym odmóżdżaczem. Gra jest w plusie.

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  8 więcej
    2. ping


      nie no, na x360 też wyszło, tyle że headset połamany

  6. Chciałby ktoś dziś/jutro popykać w to D&D? :) Najlepiej z kilkoma forumowiczami. Gra jest krótka, mało zajmuje, można skończyć w jedno posiedzenie, a jest przyjemnym odmóżdżaczem.

  7. Figaro

    PlayStation Plus

    Chciałby ktoś dziś/jutro popykać w to D&D? Najlepiej z kilkoma forumowiczami. Gra jest krótka, mało zajmuje, można skończyć w jedno posiedzenie, a jest przyjemnym odmóżdżaczem.
  8. Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara jest awesome :D szczególnie w online coop.

  9. Figaro

    The Legend of Korra

    Gdzie jest temat, ja się pytam. Gra od Platinum Games więc ma być hajpik, wy bezguścia jedne. Trochę gameplayu z komentarzem twórców: Wychodzi 21 pażdziernika na PS3, PS4, Xbawx One oraz Xbox 360.
  10. Wasza ulubiona gra na Gamecube?

  11. Figaro


    Tak drugiego Wielkopolanina będziesz ranił? Mowy nie ma.
  12. Figaro

    Zakupy growe!

    ale ładna okładka Grandii
  13. Batman AA, Spelunky, Rainbow Moon czy jakiś Dangeon Drageon. Co zagrać najpierw. Hmm.

  14. Figaro

    The Evil Within

    jak ktoś jest włochem, to może już grać
  15. Figaro

    Seria Kingdom Hearts

    Chyba już dawno stało się jasne, że ich nowy Luminous silnik jest kupą gó
  16. wygląda na to, że będę musiał nosić okulary, przynajmniej przy prowadzeniu pojazdów. [*]

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  2 więcej
    2. KIELiCH


      Generujesz liczby chybił-trafił i rozsyłasz na bieżąco do maszyn po Polsce? Do Ciebie relamacje, że jeszcze 6 nie trafiłem??

    3. Ludwes


      super avatar, Figaro!

    4. Figaro



  17. Figaro

    The Evil Within

  18. Figaro

    The Evil Within

    Wyłażą powoli wczesne opinie po paru chapach. Chapter 3 More of the same in an open area. Lots of scavenging, if you play stealthy you get enough supplies, matches are really overabundant but maybe that's just because I am sneak killing every haunted/using 1hit kill items. I used maybe 3 matches? The mini boss fight was a lot more action-y but it was really easy since I abused the agony crossbow and all the trap parts I scavenged. Traps and trap chests are easy to disarm. I have been playing it for the last two days now. I completed chapter 5 last night. System: PS3 Graphics: First of all as most of you know now most games with the ID5 engine has texture loading issues but I can assure you this game doesn't. Graphically its decent but feels not polished enough. There are some bugs as well (clipping mostly). Except those the graphics are not consistent, with some filters (there are some red filters and blue ones at certain scenes) the game looks awesome at times and very decent sometimes. Its just not polished well. After the Digital Foundry article we will see but I believe the game runs around 25fps most times. That's the feeling it gives at least. Sound: Sound design is very well done, but I can't say I liked the voice work much. It feels like a decent Hollywood action flick if you know what I mean. Sounds are well done, that's you can clearly understand if an enemy is far or close, you don't even need to see them. Music's are good too, i only heard classical music but it brings the tension up and makes you jumpy. Controls: Controls are tight and well done. Just like Resident Evil 4 for those who are wondering (In terms of tightness). You can issue your weapons, grenades and items to directional pad and select them with one touch of the button. If inventory is brought up the game doesn't stops but goes into slow motion (really slow) so you can do whatever you want in the middle of the combat. Now for some gameplay mechanics and details: -Stealth is really a valid option in this game. I completed one chapter completely stealthy. -Enemies are very quick to react to sounds. This works both ways, you can manipulate them using empty bottles (You can throw them) or by kicking doors. They tend to lose your ''scent'' quickly though in open areas, you can quickly run away and hide. -Melee weapons are very brutal and useful though after one use they are broken. Melee weapons are also one hit one kill for normal enemies (Haunted). -While they said ammo is very scarce, i had no problems up until so Chapter 5 as i stealth killed most enemies. -Mini bosses tend to be much harder to kill and you usually use your ammo on them as they are brutal and follow you relentlessly. -There are many kind of traps in the game. Bear trap, motion sensor bombs, booby trap bombs. You can pick to disarm them for parts (which you make arrows for your crossbow) or you can manipulate enemies into them. Its up to you. -There are little statues. Shoot them as they give you keys. You can use those keys to open lockers in game's hub place and get gifts (ammo, gel, etc.) -The game really has that survival horror feeling. Its the much deserved following to Resident Evil 4 so far and gives you much freedom with how you want to play the game. -Crossbow is your all around weapon.
  19. Figaro

    Zakupy growe!

    tk tk ironizował.
  20. aktualizacja plusa równo o 17?

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  4 więcej
    2. MaZZeo


      a ja twoje tak bo cie to boli a ja lubie sprawiac bol tobie

    3. MaZZeo


      cut cut cut me up

  21. I liked it better when Sony was in last place. At least I could play online back then.

  22. jak komuś się nudzi niech odpala all star battle royale, nie ma ekipy ale bym pograł z kimś

    1. Ludwes


      nie umiem to grać :/

  23. Kosmiczny czosnek odwiedził mój profil. Jestem skołowany i niezręcznie podniecony.

    1. nobody


      ty tak piszesz o każdym :<

    2. dee


      Milan wrócił??

  24. "chyba jednak dmc bo bardziej luzacki bohater i wiecej filmikow " o ja pie.rdole

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  1 więcej
    2. Velius
    3. Shen


      ja tam sie wiecej nie spodziewalem po kims kto pisze poszłem i przyszłem.

    4. Pupcio


      A ja nie grałem w stare maj kraje

  25. co musiałbym zrobić, aby mazzeo mnie polubił?

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  3 więcej
    2. Shen


      wez u niego jakis kredyt co by chlopak premie dostal

    3. MaZZeo


      wy(pipi)ane na kredyty, tylko inwestycje

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