According to Insomniac they’ve finally begun to understand what they love the most, and that reflects in the tone of the game.
Sunset Overdrive mixes platforming and shooting, and places equal weight on both skills
Insomniac has never made guns this powerful. You can take out five enemies with one shot.
The guns in the game play completely different from each other.
You’ll have to accumulate “style” before you fight some of the harder bosses. Some bosses won’t even notice you’re shooting at them if you’re at style level one or two.
Players are rewarded for playing fast and hard and not stopping. If you stop your style meter drops: “getting in there, mixing it up and mantaining that velocity is your aim.” (yesss)
The island’s boss is a Fizzco balloon named Fizzle. The fight is “On rails,” but not in the way we usually think. The rails are coils wrapped around the tower you can grind on. Fizzle’s weak spots are spring-loaded drums above the city’s rooftops, and you’ll have to leap back and forth between them and the rails while avoiding fire and without ever stopping.
The player can ride the city’s telephone cables from above or below, changing with a tap of X to avoid low bridges or enemy fire.
Little Tokyo’s Japanese-inspired architecture involves lots of short wall runs and oddly angled buildings.
The world transforms at night, and so does the way the game plays. Sunset Overdrive promises to offer new ways to to deal with the night both alone and with friends.
In the last generation players have been trained to seek cover and wait combat out. Sunset Overdrive asks players “to think differently, use a different toolset and push forward.” Players are rewarded for jumping over the cover and take the initiative. (yes, yes)
Attack is the new defense and wall running is the new cover.
Insomniac wants to create a different experience from the usual shooter that plays like Call of Duty.
Microsoft told Insomniac “We want Insomniac to be Insomniac” and allowed the developer to own the intellectual property, which is very important for the developer.
Insomniac wants to bring elements from games like Jet Set Radio and Tony Hawk to a more modern experience, adding depth, story and a campaign with a lot of unique ideas.
They’re trying to make a really great arcade game that is really fun to play regardless of how long you play.
For Insomniac the next generation is about “pop.” They want to see more “popping off the screen:” more colors, more effects, more things to see in the city. (yes!)
Xbox One owners will be involved with the decisions that will shape the game post-release.
While you play you’ll see big screens broadcasting “Sunset TV,” an in-game TV channel discussing the current and future state of the game and offering players a way to vote on how it’ll change and evolve.
Insomniac feels that the first year or two of a new generation are when most risks are taken.
The developer is looking at Sunset Overdrive as the first of a series and want to build it into something bigger, “a real franchise.”
Everything was born from a lunch conversation a few years ago. It was never meant to be a real game at that time, but in the end they made it.
So gooood.