Definitywny post (tak, z neogafa), który udowadnia, że nikt z was nie ma racji ;p
If you're doing a comparison on a single screenshot and cropping it to fit your argument, you're being disingenuous. Normally, when you switch from 16:9 to 2.37:1, you'll get a wider horizontal view assuming the same FOV. Here are 4 screenshots I just took from Borderlands 2 (I downsampled them from their original resolutions). I did not move the camera at all. I only changed resolution and FOV.
16:9 (fov 70)
2.37:1 (fov 70)
Now the only thing I did for those first 2 is change the resolution. You see that in the bottom one, you get a much wider view. This is normally how games work when you switch to different aspect ratios with the same FOV. But if you're developing a game with a certain aspect ratio in mind, you're going to adjust the FOV to give you the view you want. In order to get 2.37:1 to have a similar view angle to 16:9, I have to lower the FOV tro 58.
2.37:1 (fov 58)
If the devs wanted to though, they could give you 16:9 AND a wider view simply by increasing the FOV. 16:9 (fov 80)
So to sum up, neither aspect ratio gives you a wider view unless you stick to a single FOV. But there's NO REASON TO DO THAT. Devs will ajust BOTH field of view and aspect ratio to give you the vision they intend.
People who are cropping pictures to make one aspect ratio look superior to the other are missing the point that The Order is engineered with a specific aspect ratio in mind. It's not like the devs had the game at 16:9 up until they just randomly decided to change it to 2.4:1. The game is built from the ground up for a certain aspect ratio, the FoV is not going to be an issue.
BTW już we wtorek koło 16 zostaje wzniesione embargo i wylecą filmiki, tak jak to było z InFamousem