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Treść opublikowana przez Figaro

  1. uu, Vita przez obniżkę wyprzedaje się, możliwe, że najlepszy tydzień od premiery konsol w dżapan

  2. Prawda, a sam ostatni boss was pain in the ass.
  3. kto pomasuje mnie po pupce?

    1. Zdunek


      A boli? xD

    2. scuff



    3. YETI


      ja pier.dole, jaki bul dupy, beka z was zj.eby

  4. Figaro

    God of War: Wstąpienie

    Nom, demo zleksza nudnawe... Te ciągłe fale przeciwników, meh. Ciężko się przestawić na te nowinki systemowe, ale z czasem na pewno jest lepiej
  5. zauważyliście że userzy, którzy głównie wypowiadają się w działach nintendo wydają się inteligentniejsi od reszty? hmm.

  6. pierwszy screen Just Cause 3
    1. Gość


      Just Cause<zieew> <nuudaa>

    2. sosnaa


      super jakość (pipi)o

    3. raven_raven



  7. Fajny tekst o tym jaki wpływ na ps4 i pada miały first party devy Sony's big shtick at its PS4 press event was this impression that the new console is a "super-charged PC" built with developer feedback in mind. Guerrilla reveals to CVG that - as a first-party studio - it was part of the consultation process and had a sizeable input in the final system specs."This was the first time we did this with PlayStation, where you get the entire group of core developers together and consistently give very deep, profound feedback on everything system-related, and that's really awesome," ter Heide said. "The guys who made it are no longer in an ivory tower in Tokyo, [the development has been] shared with us and not just with us, but with Evolution, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, everybody and together we've built the machine. "I think because it's so embedded in the work that we do, we who make games on a daily basis, it's a gamer's machine. That's the end result of it. I think Mark Cerny said at one point [in the PS4 conference] that it's a machine by gamers, for gamers, and I really think that's the essence of it. They've made sure that all the focus is just on how we can make the games as good as possible."The console's power is only one aspect of the PlayStation 4 that Guerrilla helped design. The new controller, the DualShock 4, was also the result of a collaboration between Guerrilla and other development teams. Each team told Sony exactly what it was looking for from Sony in terms of the genres they were most familiar with working on. Evolution Studios offered feedback on the motion control aspects with racing games in mind, while Guerrilla asked for the controller to be more suited to FPS gaming. "It's a great controller for an FPS," ter Heide says. "We've been having these discussions about putting a headset jack in there because everybody should be able to go online and have a chat, and they put it in there and it's awesome. It sounds like a lot of really simple features that we've put in there but they make all the difference because it's in one comprehensive package."For example, there are little tweaks to the indentation on the sticks, where you have your thumbs on them, we've slightly raised them so there's a little bit more precision. They're slight changes but they make a huge difference." Hulst agrees: "I think it's a big step forward from what we have [on PS3]. It feels incredibly accurate, in your hands it feels solid, it feels really high quality with the materials that have been used, it feels like you're in control and particularly with that feeling of being a Shadow Marshal, this big hero guy with extra capabilities, it's very suitable. And like we said earlier, we've been feeding back on what it should be for so long that I think we have what we wanted to have. It's very suitable for Killzone." While talking to the two, one thing is clear - Sony has turned to Guerrilla to be a key software provider for both home console and handheld, as well as its new approach to peer-developed hardware. "The number of hours of feedback we've given on [the controller] to get it exactly to what we want - with the outward curving triggers, the indentations - and from all these different studios doing the same thing, it's a lot of detailed stuff, making games but also making hardware for games," Hulst says. "And that's great, because since we've worked on it so long and given feedback on it, that's the reason we're quite confident today as a group of developers, because we know where it was and the path it's taken so we know that once it's in the hands of users, of people who love core gaming experiences, that it'll work well."
  8. mam wewnętrzny konflikt w kwestii wybory koloru pada do ps3. myślę nad białym, srebrnym albo niebieskim... firstworldproblems

  9. i niech dostaną więcej czasu na developing. ponoć oni przenieśli tę grę na swój silnik w mniej niż rok czasu. masakra trochę.
  10. Pokazali pierwszy tydzień sprzedaży gry w Japonii i jest zandatsu 01. [PS3] Metal Gear Rising - 335,791 - #1 game of the week - Best selling action game of this sort since the original DMC - FUCK YEAH! Comparison with other 3D combat action games (first week sales): [PS2] Devil May Cry - 352,668 [PS2] Devil May Cry 2 - 309,279 [PS2] Devil May Cry 3 - 183,208 [PS3] Devil May Cry 4 - 212,373 [360] Devil May Cry 4 - 40,169 [PS3] Bayonetta - 138,430 [360] Bayonetta - 66,211 Comparison with MGS games (first week sales): [PS2] Metal Gear Solid 2 - 456,747 [PS2] Metal Gear Solid 3 - 487,156 [PS3] Metal Gear Solid 4 - 476,334 [PSP] Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker - 446,133 fuck yes
  11. dzisiaj odkryłem, że jeszcze mam Mortal Kombat do ściągnięcia za darmo, to teraz jeszcze dawają GoW 1 HD

  12. Dla ludzi, którzy uważają, że Deep Down to CGI:
  13. Figaro

    Final Fantasy X HD

    "Roughly translates to "FFXHD's latest screenshot (PS3 version) is comparable to almost FFXIII. The game is coming in June. FFX-2 HD is also planned."
  14. Ale czemu? Prawie każdy kto grał w obie gry stawia wyżej MGR.
  15. nie ma to jak zyebać pada herbatą, umc umc

  16. uu, nowy AC w klimatach piratów w karaibach.

  17. O Killzone "I just got word from a very reliable source about the visual jump between final release and the preview you saw at the Sony event last week. I won't give names or specifics, but I asked how much of an improvement we were going to see, and he mentioned: "jump is going to be GOOD. vyery GOOOOD :)"
  18. Kojima stwierdził, że gra sprzedaje się dobrze. There is a god.
  19. zawsze jak słucham Bloodhound Gang to mam ochotę obejrzeć American Pie :|

  20. Na pierwszy rzut oka by sie tak wydawalo, jednak co jesli devi beda chcieli robic gry na konsole gdzie trzeba kupowac tylko nowki ? Wtedy i ludzie zaczna sie zastanawiac 2 razy czy aby na pewno nie wizac tej konsoli, "w koncu tyle exow tam jest fajnych". Oczywiscie to tylko jeden z mozliwych scenariuszow, my point is, nie ma co zawczasu nic skreslac. Za czasow afery zbroi dla konia tez niby nikt mial nie kupowac DLC, i jak to sie skonczylo wszyscy wiemy @up Nintendo always wins Jakoś wątpię by wydawca zrezygnował z drugiej bazy graczy na ps4... Szczególnie jak mówimy o ważnej marce, a ta jest niezwykle droga do stworzenia.
  21. Livingstone, who was one of the driving forces behind Eidos and its Tomb Raider franchise, was in India recently to promote Crystal Dynamics’ latest Lara Croft adventure. On the possibility of boxed retail being abandoned in favour of digital distribution, Livingstone told MCV, “Boxed games aren’t being abandoned just yet. I think the next iteration of consoles – the PS4 and the next Xbox, have got optical disc drives even though they probably don’t want to have them. Broadband speed globally isn’t at a level that justifies digital-only.” “So they’ve gone halfway,” he added, giving the example of Microsoft’s supposed next-gen approach, “With the next Xbox, you supposedly have to have an internet connection, and the discs are watermarked, whereby once played on one console it won’t play on another. So I think the generation after that will be digital-only.”
  22. Gry są łatwiejsze i ma to swe plusy i minusy.
  23. to uczucie kiedy z kumplem przeszedłem prawie całego Ratcheta: All for one w jeden dzień

  24. Figaro

    Uncharted 3: Oszustwo Drake'a

    !!!! Multiplayer do UC 3 będzie darmowy.
  25. Figaro

    PlayStation Plus

    No normalnie trafiłeś z miejsca w moje prywatne top10 najlepszych tekstów z forum. Tekst prawie tak samo mnie zabił jak tekst z jednego ze skeczy Kabaretu Moralnego Niepokoju: - Obejrzymy film, dobry... no... "Gorące wargi 5"! Co?! No to co, że nie widziałeś poprzednich czterech części... ja ci mogę streścić! Jedno wielkie pier... A jak ktoś kupił DoA5 dla fabuły, to ja się kładę na podłogę od razu, żeby jak najbardziej bezboleśnie zaliczyć beton Ale on mówi o Mass Effect 3. Tam fabuła jest raczej ważna, a nie, że jakieś pjerdolenie.
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