Część zmian, które wlecą razem z dodatkiem w czwartek.
Find Yourself a New Ace in the Hole! Level Cap Is Being Raised to 60.
The level cap for all Borderlands 3 players, regardless of game edition, is being raised from 57 to 60. With these new levels come 3 new skill points to further progress your Vault Hunters build. Spend yours wisely!
Break the Knot and Break the Mould. Guardian Rank Is Being Improved!
Three new Guardian Rank Talents are being added, one stationed in each Guardian Rank tree, all unlockable with your Guardian Tokens. The three talents being added are as follows:
• Groundbreaker: Melee/Slam triggers an aftershock dealing 25% of all non-melee damage dealt in the last 5 seconds!
• Lead or Alive: All weapons reloaded when you enter FFYL!
• Dead Man Walking: Not moving in FFYL drains the meter 50% slower!
Reminder: What does Mayhem Fine-Tuning Phase 2 Contain?
• Chests, vending machines, mail rewards and quest rewards will scale with Mayhem Levels.
• Grenade mods will drop as pieces of Mayhem Gear like weapons.
• Non-weapon damage types will be scaled to Mayhem including Action Skill damage (IB, Pets, etc.), Melee/Slam/Slide damage and Vehicle damage.
• Action skill damage added as a bonus to class mods.
• Further anointment balancing looking at all anointments.