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http://www.easportsfootball.co.uk/media/play/video/13489545 Arka vs Lech http://www.easportsfootball.co.uk/media/play/video/15001537 Arka vs Lech cz. 2 http://www.easportsfootball.co.uk/media/play/video/14998309
na mecz online mozna sobie przygotowac wczesniej ustawiena formacji i ustawienia taktyczne, niestety nie da sie ustawic i zapisac skladu, wykonawcow roznych , wolnych, kapitana, itd., przed meczem rankingowym trzeba to ustawiac od zera, uwzgledniajac graczy na lawce rezerwowych (nie wszyscy z szerokiego skladu sa dostepni juz w meczu), ja grajac Milanem, musze wykonac 150 roznych roszad zanim rozpoczne mecz tak jak chce wiec ostatnio gram losowymi ekipami i nic nie przestawiam bo mnie zaczelo to w(pipi)iac, dziwna sprawa, taka fajna gra, tyle ma dopracowanych rzeczy a o takiej oczywistej sprawie zapomnieli, tez brakuje mi mozliwosci zapisania i zmiany w czasie meczu formacji, np. zwiekszenie liczby napastnikow czy obroncow, zmiana roli zawodnika na bardziej defensywna lub ofensywna itd. itp., nie sa to jakies ogromne wady ale jednak powinno byc to zrobione lepiej szukam ludzi do rozegrania ligii, jeszcze z tej opcji nie korzystalem wiec na razie chcialbym zobaczyc jakie w ogole sa mozliwosci, ktos chetny? jakby zebralo sie kilka osob to moge cos takiego stworzyc, gram na PS3 jakby co, albo druzyny dowolne, czyli pewnie barce reale itd, ewentualnie moze liga druzynami jednogwiazdkowymi...
Destructoid - The Top 50 Videogames of the Decade (źródło): 50. Metal Slug 3 49. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 48. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 47. Vagrant Story 46. Super Smash Bros. Melee 45. Team Fortress 2 44. WarioWare: Twisted! 43. Banjo-Tooie 42. Psychonauts 41. Braid 40. Kingdom Hearts 39. Rock Band 2 38. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 37. Lost Odyssey 36. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 35. Tony Hawk?s Pro Skater 3 34. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 33. BioShock 32. Katamari Damacy 31. Civilization III 30. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 29. Shenmue II 28. Left 4 Dead 27. Skies of Arcadia 26. Paper Mario 25. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 24. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King 23. Cave Story 22. Ico 21. Ikaruga 20. Final Fantasy IX 19. World of WarCraft 18. Persona 4 17. Pikmin 2 16. Deus Ex 15. Silent Hill 2 14. Okami 13. Metroid Prime 12. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence 11. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 10. Resident Evil 4 9. Super Mario Galaxy 8. Valkyria Chronicles 7. Diablo II 6. Beyond Good & Evil 5. God of War II 4. Portal 3. Mother 3 2. Half-Life 2 1. Shadow of the Colossus
nie wiedzialem gdzie z tym uderzyc wiec spytam tu: czy sa tu jacys "japonce" ktorzy korzystaja z japonskiego PSN Store? chodzi mi o demka, standardowo sciagnalem Yakuze 3, Bayonette czy Katamari, ale jestem pewien ze w tych japonskich krzaczkach chowaja sie jakies ciekawe, warto zobaczenia dema gier
znow Koso w tv... tak jakby
bardzo ciekawy tekst wiec pozwole sobie go w calosci tu wkleic, polecam ************************** You don?t want to work in the video game industry There are now many hundreds of millions of people playing video games. It is inevitable that many millions of these are great gaming enthusiasts and that many of these want to work in the video game industry. My advice, based on 30 years in and around it, is don?t. And here?s why: * Playing video games is fun, it is entertainment. So you might think that making video games is fun. It isn?t. Not more or less than other jobs. Because that is what it is, just another job. * People who are industry wannabes always say that they want to be game designers. This is because they don?t know how a game is made. In fact there are very few game designers involved. On any development team the main sort of people are artists (of different sorts) and programmers (of different sorts). * Being keen about video games is no qualification whatsoever for working in the industry. Being a good computer programmer or artist is a much better basis. Even better is to be very good at maths. Game companies want people with the skills to make games and being an enthusiast isn?t a skill. * The competition to get into the game industry is fierce because there are so many wannabes. So the industry can be very, very choosy. When I was at Codemasters the minimum degree to get in was a 2.1 and you had to score over 130 in an IQ test. * Because so many people want in the wages are terrible. Similarly qualified graduates going into other industries will typically earn a lot more. * If the wages are bad then the working conditions are worse. Crunch is a widespread practice in the industry. Huge numbers of hours of unpaid overtime. * Career advancement is typically very, very slow. This is because most of the jobs are at a similar level, programming and creating art. * The work itself is often tedious, repetitive and boring. It is a hard slog to create all the dots that you see on the screen. There really are lots of better and more interesting jobs in the world. * Job security is awful. Companies routinely get rid of people as the work flow fluctuates. No matter how good you are it is ridiculously easy to find yourself out of a job. * The training industry has jumped onto exploiting the wannabe. Lots of colleges and universities have jumped on the bandwagon. There are now hundreds of supposed game industry courses in the UK. Yet amazingly only 6 of these are accredited by Skillset! There are now more people in training for the video game industry than there are in the industry. The vast majority of these people are wasting their time and money. * Game companies are mainly not very well run. This is because it is an immature industry and the management skills and practices are just not there. It is much, much nicer working in an organisation that is run properly. Which you are far more likely to find outside gaming. * The industry is firing, not hiring. Lots of game studios have closed, many have shed jobs. Electronic Arts alone is shedding 1,500 people. There are lots of very good, very experienced game developers who can?t get a job. Against that newbies don?t stand a chance. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. And over the years I have seen lots and lots of people leave the video game industry. They move to other industries where the work is better, they earn more money, they get promotions and they have job security. If after all this you are still determined then I have some advice. Don?t train for the video game industry. Instead train to get a very good qualification that the game industry needs but which you could use in other industries. Maths and physics are the prime examples. There is a huge shortage of graduates in these subjects, so you would be far more attractive to a game company. Good artists and C++ programmers are more common, so less valued. But they are still both qualifications that can be used in many industries. *********************** http://www.bruceongames.com/2009/11/12/you-dont-want-to-work-in-the-video-game-industry/
http://www.destructoid.com/badass-of-the-month-club-terry-s-taylor-155422.phtml#ext o muzyce z neverhood i skullmonkeys
gdzies czytalem ze niby F10 na PS3 wyglada lepiej na wymuszonym 1080p (w opcjach konsoli wylaczamy 720p), nie probowalem nawet bo grafika mi nie przeszkadza ale trzeba bedzie sprawdzic, ile wyszlo patchy do fify? jestem pewien jednego na poczatku, ale mial wyjsc patch poprawiajacy mase bugow w manager mode - wyszedl juz? bo nie chcialem sie brac za ten tryb jak nie bedzie grywalny
ponawiam pytanie, mam kod z fileplanet, moge sie z kolega podzieli zeby pograc razem???
o co chodzi z ta cyborgowa gra w obronie, niektorzy masakratorzy z ktorymi gram online po prostu niszcza moich napastnikow, doslownie to rugby przypomina, do tego sedzia jakby przestal gwizdac, nie raz mialem sytuacje ze kiwnalem kolesia w polu karnym, a w milisekundzie ten i tak odzyskuje pilke wpadajac na mojego napastnika i wystrzeliwujac go jak z katapulty, szkoda ze nie mam mozliwosci pokazac na filmiku, ale doslownie przy tak fajnych animacjach w fifie to ci przewracajacy sie napastnicy czasami wygladaj jakby ich wybuch granata odrzucal, wtf? takich trikow jeszczenie znam mimo to i mimo wszystko (znalazloby sie troche kwasow w gameplayu) gra genialna, gram do upadlego, az mi galki oczne wypala
Ico & SotC HD, Ace Combat nowy, Hitman nowy, Okami nowe, Starcraft dwojka hy
mw2 robi wszystko zeby go nienawidziec, wiecie - activision, kotick, cena, noktowizory, kubki, avatary, tanie zagrywki marketingowe, a teraz jeszcze eminem, ... a i tak te gre kupie, dla singla, singiel cod4 jest dla mnie wielki, licze na wiecej w mw2, ocziwscie takze dla multi, spec ops to strzal w dziesiatke, konczac -
wg mnie zludzenie, typowy syndrom we wszelkich kopankach, jak wygrywasz gra jest fajna, jak dostajesz baty to gameplay ssie