Bardzo, bardzo soczysta plota, a w sumie leak, wiec w sumie potwierdzone
Kolekcja FF I do 9, w tym wersje zremasterowane jak i oryginalne FF 1 do 4, na PS Vita i PS4, na PS4 dodatkowo dodatkowe pakiety w tym mega limitowany z pozostalymi czesciami FFa i innymi (pipi)ami
This compilation will include Final Fantasy I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX and it will be released on PS4 and PS Vita in a single disc/card. It will include two versions of Final Fantasy I to VI: original versions from NES/SNES and modern ports (mostly mobile ports). FF VII to XI will be based only in newest ports. Final Fantasy II and III from NES will receive an official English translation (first time). Games will be based on Japanese versions, therefore we will be able to play parts that were cut out when games were released overseas. Graphical censorship included in some titles when they were released outside Japan will remain. The collection will have a built-in art gallery and a sound test menu to play songs from games included.
Just for the record: this compilation will include just main Final Fantasy titles (I to IX).