Yes, Sony seems to have raised our curiosity with their latest teaser of what fans can expect from their showcase as CES, which stands for Consumer Electronics Show. The Sony presentation at CES is set to kick off on January 6th at 5 pm PST/ 8 pm EST in Las Vegas and by the sound of it, you won’t want to miss whatever they have in store for their fans this year. According to their website, these are their plans for their showcase, “At CES 2020 Sony is unveiling a unique vision of the future, bringing creativity and technology together like never before, to unleash new sensations and emotions.”
Osobiście wątpię aby coś tam zaprezentowali, raczej obstawiałbym luty i PS Meeting, jak to bylo za czasów PS4. Z drugiej strony, zapewne zostali zaskoczeni przez Microsoft i ich niespodziewaną zapowiedz.