Mnie RE5 mocno rozczarował, takie RE4 na sterydach, aniamcja taka sama, słabo prezentujący się przeciwnicy, rozgrywka identyczna jak w RE4, jedynie niesamowity trailer pokazał że to powinna byc wielka gra.
A co do KZ2
"It wasn't long ago that Killzone 2 was a video game punch line, the sort of thing you talked about when referencing a game that could never live up to the hype. The first title in the series failed to be the "Halo killer" many believed it could become, and an ambitious "visual target" trailer shown at E3 a couple years back nearly doomed the project from the start, when it couldn't replicate the same details in-game. All of that is about to change though, as Guerrilla Games has Killzone 2 primed and ready to fight, and the joke will soon be on all those who dismissed this title too soon."