Red Dead Redemption najbardziej ambitnym tytułem Rockstar preview z paroma nowymi informacjami oraz nowymi screenami najnowszy numer Games TM (94) oraz OXM (65) a w nich dużo nowych informacji. Jeden typ na forum (który wypisał newsy) napisał, że jeszcze dziś albo jutro da screeny z obydwóch gazet. Póki co same info.
Game TM (Issue 94) info:
- Treasure maps can be found and bought.
- Only the story missions appear on your map. Side missions and random events don't show up. (I'm not sure about this. the random events in the Life in the West Part II video had markers on the minimap)
- The previewer came across a gangs hideout (this is one of the games random events) and their was a group of deputies planning a siege nearby.
- Another random event he came across was a white church in the middle of no where with an elderly lady standing outside wearing a wedding dress. She wanted the previewer to search for her husband.
- During the search for the husband, the previewer came across an amorous musician and his demanding wife. So, that means random events during random events, then?
- 2 new screenshots worth mentioning. One is Marston, Dickens and another guy hiding in the grass and another screen shows Marston jumping from train coach to train coach.
360 (Issue 65) info:
- They describe what I assume is the games opening scene. I wont put it here unless a few people ask for it. I don't want to spoil the story. Although...
- ...When describing the opening scenes, they say the game takes place in 1908 because they overheard civilians discussing the cultural and technological changes of 1908. That would conflict with the newspaper in one of the videos that said 1911. Maybe it takes place over years after all.
- On a farm, as a ranch hand, they had to stop rabbits eating crops and coyotes eating chickens. They startled a passing farmer with their gunshots. They couldn't save the chickens in time and the coyotes started to feast on them (the chickens, not the player).
- They took part in horse races consisting of eight men on horse back racing across the country side. They also had a horse race while riding rickety two wheeled traps. They say the racing is so well done, it's strong enough to be a game in it's own right.
- If you have enough honour, the law overlooks small infractions if you are doing it for the sake of good. The example they game was when they threw someone off a horse and stole it so they could chase after a criminal.
- They tell us about a new mission. Again, I'll leave it out for the sake of spoilers.
- New random event: While riding through New Austin, they were flagged down by a dowser. The dowser wanted them to buy the deeds to a house from an old man because the dowser believed there was water under it. When they found the old man, he demanded $400 for the deeds. They didn't have it and decided to just shoot him in the chin and take the deeds from his corpse. When they gave the deeds to the dowser, he criticised them for having gotten blood all over them and their honour went down.
- Sunsets are gorgeous and draw distance is incredible.
- They tell us what Seth is looking for in the graveyard. Avoiding posting spoilers, again. Unless people want to hear it.
- The "Super-peds" of GTA are in RDR. They are the blue blips on the mini-map. "Super-peds", as R* called them in GTA but seem to be calling "Incidental characters" for RDR, are people you bump into that ask for help but, rather than just being a single good deed, like the Random Events, they have a small back story and narrative. Their stories may fizzle out to nothing if you handle their requests badly. If they are anything like the "Super-peds" in GTA they'll be characters that need your help more than once.
- There is a shot of a man sitting in a jail cell. The caption mentions Incidental Characters, so I guess he could be one.
- There is a shot of Marston looking at a map, while a two horse cart pass by behind him.
- There is a shot of Marston standing up on his horse as it runs along by a train. He looks like he's about to jump onto the train.
- A shot of Marston on a pure white horse, traveling through an area full of large rocks, grass and clear blue sky. A single large tree behind him.
- A shot of Marston, on what looks like a ranch, chasing horses while riding horseback and spinning his lasso.
I'll try and get these screens scanned today (I don't have a scanner available right now)but a few of them are pretty small anyway.
They also interviewed Rob Nelson, the art director for RDR. He says a few things worth noting.
- Over 40 species of Animal. Previously it was said to just be 40 but he is saying over 40.
- Characters are randomly generated. That's why it's unlikely (or maybe impossible?) you'll see clones.
- DLC depends on fan reaction to the game. He says R*s goal with anything, even DLC is to make sure we get our moneys worth.
- Random Events (he calls them Dynamic Events) depend on the territory you are in.
- He says the music is done by a band called " Friends of Dean Martinez" and the music depends on where you are and what is happening. He said there is a lot of music.
Edit: Obiecane skany
An incidental character in jail:
Marston looking at a map:
A shot showing how big certain places are:
Hiding in the grass with a telescope and a cigarette:
Pure white horse in a green, rocky area:
About to lasso some horses: