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What is Yours is Also Mine In Castle DLC Matchmaking, disable a vehicle and then hijack it. 40 points Dodge This! In Castle DLC Matchmaking, get two direct Spartan Laser kills in one match. 20 points Hello Nurse! In Castle DLC Matchmaking, heal a near-death teammate with Regen Field 5 times. 30 points That Won't Save You In Castle DLC Matchmaking, assassinate an enemy who is using a Hardlight Shield. 30 points Ashes to Ashes In Castle DLC Matchmaking, disintegrate 6 enemies using Forerunner weapons. 10 points Beating up the Beat In Castle DLC Matchmaking, perform 5 melee kills in a single match. 30 points Sight Seeing In Castle DLC Matchmaking, complete a match in any mode for each Castle map. 20 points Scrapyard In Castle DLC Matchmaking, destroy 2 vehicles during a single game. 30 points Outta My Way! In Castle DLC Matchmaking, kill 5 enemies during a match by running them over. 40 points