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Treść opublikowana przez MaZZeo
Jedno jest pewne, kolejny CoD rekordu sprzedaży nie pobije.
Przecież będzie po polsku.
Odkopie temat zdeka. Ktoś w ostatnich sezonach był we Władku? Bo ja tam od zasrańca nie zawitałem i nie wiem jak tam teraz jest. Mamy się ogarniać ekipą nad Bałtyk i tak się zastanawiamy nad tym miejscem. Warto? W tamtym roku byliśmy w Łebie.
Mnie w tym mutli irytuje momentami bezczelny aimassistance, ze 4x bardziej pomocny niż w CoD... Wiadomo że można go wyłączyć, ale wtedy nie ma równej walki.
Może dlatego, że niedługo wychodzi film do kin z tą postacią.
Wydaje mi się że tak.
ponoć jakiś typ z IGNu
To wyłączenie armor locka powoduje falę uderzeniową, która rozwala twoją tarczę do zera, więc jesteś podatny na 1 łokieć. Nie podchodzić do niego blisko to raz, a dwa takich cwaniaków najlepiej wyczekać, bo łatwo można po animacji określić kiedy wyczerpie im się armor lock (im bliżej końca tym jaśniej świeci, no chyba że wyłączy wcześniej) i posłać im bułę pod nogi
niech dadzą HD to będę zadowolony.
http://www.joystiq.com/2011/04/02/forza-4-pitch-video-pulled-by-microsoft/ mnie też zaczyna się wydawać, że te 16 aut to pobożne życzenia twórców nie wierzę by Turn 10 mogło ot tak, bez downgradu grafiki czy fps wrzucić 2 razy więcej aut (polygonów) na ekran.
-The game is linear just like MP1 and 2. -The game will not have regenerating health like many shooters nowadays, it will be the same as MP always had and health can be recovered by taking pills. -The game takes place 8 years after the events of MP2 and Max was kicked out of NYPD. The demo started with Max having hair and looking quite slick as opposed to the screens they showed a long time ago, but as the game progresses it will show just how crazy and desperate Max becomes to survive. -The game will alter with time frequently taking the player back and forth to show what happened before and how it relates to the present. -Naturalmotion's Euphoria physics engine is back and has been improved much more than GTAIV/RDR. -The game will take place in Sao Paulo, Brasil. Why they chose that setting is because the game has a heavy theme of being rich and poor and this city is a brilliant place to demonstrate how much pros/cons both sides endure in general. -Dual-wielding is back and has a bigger role, any weapon can be thrown into the mix now, so you can carry a pistol in one hand and an Uzi in another. -Other characters from previous MP games will be back. The ever famous Noir style is still there. -Bullet time is back and has been improved to offer a more cinematic feel to it, and it looks great. -There will be a cover system but the option of run and gun is still there if you prefer that. -The wheel weapon selection is what the game will use to change weapons (like in RDR) -Rockstar Vancouver is working on the game, but many people from all sorts of Rockstar studios were brought in to help out. -Based on what they say, the game doesn't feel like a mindless corridor shooter where the game just respawns enemies infinitely at every corner. Every stage was thought out well and has more strategy thrown into the mix giving it a distinctive feel. -Rockstar has confirmed that James McCaffrey, the voice of Payne in the first two games, is returning to the character - this time in a full acting role. -Attention to details is very impressive, every weapon shows every slick shooting animations and has it's distinctive feel to it. Max can jump and shoot like in previous games and whenever he drops he reacts to the surface beneath him. -The comic book style cutscenes from before have had an overhaul, they will be alot more motion based bec the team was confident in the engine to display sick animations but still try to keep what kept MP so unique. Hundreds of hours was put into Motion capture, the game will follow the path of RDR, Heavy Rain, Black Ops and Uncharted 2 where the scenes will be acted and captured at the same time. http://gamingeverything.com/?p=2964 http://forums.gametrailers.com/thread/new-max-payne-3-edge-scans/1196565?page=1 Jest nadzieja na dobrego Maksia 3 :potter:
Pasowałoby wam gdzieś w tym tygodniu?
Ins ale wiesz że ona 500 ojro kosztuje? Nie lepiej poszukać kierownicę od Microsoftu gdzieś? Niektórzy narzekają ale IMO jest to bardzo dobra kierownica, a za rozsądną cenę dokupisz jeszcze stojak pod niego.
Czy ktoś z was ma Shifta 2 i kierownicę Microsoftu? Mógłby się ktoś taki wypowiedzieć o modelu jazdy? Trzeba dużo kombinować z ustawieniami żeby było grywalnie?
Jest achievement za wykonanie wszystkich skill killi First Strike! Be the first person to get a kill when the match starts. Blind Fury! You have to kill an enemy while you're blinded by a flashbang. It is possible to do on your own. Just get close to an enemy throw the flashbang so you're both blinded and then kill him and it should unlock. Dead Air! Kill someone while they are in the air. Specter! Do a silent kill on someone from behind when you are invisible by pushing down on Headshot! Just get a headshot. Easy. Triple Kill! Kill three people within seconds of each other. I found it easiest to do on free for all as people tend to group when fighting. Hang out and just blast people when they're near each other. Psycho! Get five kills in a row within a short time. Vengeance! Kill the person who just killed you. Puncture! Shoot someone through something like a wall or bench. I got it by shooting someone through a plant. So pretty easy. Blinding! Throw a flash grenade at an enemy and then kill them while they're blinded. Combined Fire! Shoot someone with your primary gun and then switch to your secondary or pistol and finish them off. Doesn't matter the order of which gun you shoot them with. Road Rage! When you are next to a car you have the option to kick it by pushing the down. I did it by hiding in the little area on top of the parking garage that a lot of people go to snipe or shoot down at people on the street. There are two cars up there so just go up to one and kick it at the person and hopefully it kills them. Denied! Kill someone who is on a killing streak. Just keep killing anybody you see and you'll eventually get it. Busted! Kill someone who is cloaked. Pretty easy. Defiant! You have to kill the person shooting you when your health is in the red state on your screen to get this one. Smackdown! Hitting an enemy with melee until they die will net you this one. Double Kill! These are a lot easier than the triple kills. Just kill two people within seconds of each other. Relentless! Kill four people in succession. You only have a few seconds between each kill. Resurgence! Just kill someone when you have a death streak going. Wingman! Protect a teammate. Guardian! Save a wounded teammate. Just kill an enemy who is busy shooting at one of your teammates. Flushed! For this one you have to throw a grenade at an enemy to flush them out of hiding. Make sure they don't die from the grenade and immediately shoot them after you throw it. Intervention! Kill someone preemptively. można zobaczyć sobie w statystykach w grze jakich skill killi wam brakuje. Ktoś się piszE na ustawkę? Potrzeba trochę osób, tak gdzieś 5-6. 1. MaZZeo 2. Ins Przy okazji wpadnie achievement za drużynę skł się z 3 osób.
Dzisiaj zacząłem grę na Supersoldier, podłączyłem x'a do 50' fullhd i ja(pipi)ie jak to wygląda ciężko będzie teraz grać w inne shootery. Przy okazji zauważyłem że ten bug z ziarnem potrafi wyskoczyć w połowie rozdziału ot tak. Co jeszcze zauważyłem to taki super fajny szczegół, że przeładowanie broni ma inną animację zależnie od tego czy mamy odpalony armor, cloak czy power. Na powerze jest ono jakby standardowe, "pod płaszczem" reload wygląda na delikatny i cichy, a na armorze jest sporo agresywniej.
Fajnie jakby Turn10 przypomniało sobie o trasach z jedynki...
Ja lubię ścigać się na dużych torach jak Le Mans, Nurburgring albo Catalunya, a tam 8 aut to bieda straszna.
Nawet w marzeniach nie miałem 16 aut na trasie w nowej Forzie. Teraz każdy wyścig to będzie zupełnie inna jakość.
Z How I Met Your Mother na przykład jest dokładnie na odwrót.