Tak to jest jak się nie paczy na role pionków :3
The Main Pawn's Inclination is also modified over time by the Arisen's behavior/playstyle and can also by modified by using the "Help", "Come" and "Go" Analog Pawn commands. According to the Bradygames Signature Series Guide the behavior is modified accordingly: Scather: Enter battles with enemies as they appear. Medicant: Prioritize safety by healing your hero or removing their status ailments, using the 'Come' order during battle also helps. Mitigator: Bring down weak targets first. Challenger: Focus on long-range attackers and enemies with support abilities. Utilitarian: Use support skills and enchantments. Guardian: Use the 'Help' and 'Come' commands often, avoid using 'Go'. Nexus: Quickly heal your pawns and remove their status ailments. Pioneer: Use the 'Go' command when you're not in combat. Acquisitor: Pick up items. Zawsze można się wrocić do podstawki i kupić eliksir resetujący w encampment koło cassardis ajkju było by dobrym pomysłem xD