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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Pikol

  1. W koncu kupilem, dlugo sie wstrzymywalem, i wyciagnalem w koncu te 100 zlociszczy, moglem kupic na allegro kod, ale tak to przynajmniej mam plytke.


    MASAKRA byla z updatem, przez pol nocy sie pojawial jakis blad, i chyba za 50 razem sie sciagnal. UGH


    Ku mojemu zdziwieniu, gra jest bardziej taktyczna niz typowa strzelanka w terenie. duzo trzeba kampic, robic podchodow, a jak sie wyjdzie na otwary teren na dluzej, jest jak w banku kulka w leb. Ale jest bardzo fajnie, zwlaszcza w tym trybie gdzie nie ma mapki, Huda, crossaira i innych podobnych, mega klimatyczne.


    Gra bawi jak s(pipi)iel, i zero lagow dla mnie. łiii

  2. No i po seansie...fiuuu, jaki zamotany film, ale w dobrym znaczeniu. Wlasciwie ten film to pretekst na upust wyobrazni tworcy, znajdziecie tu wszystko, Samurajow, scenerie ala wladca pierscieni, Ww2, ja robot, smoki choje moje i inne dziwactwa. Ale to bawi jak s(pipi)ysyn, i spelnia swoja role jako rozrywka wysmienicie, efekty bardzo klarowne i ciesza oko.


    Nie mam ochoty sie rozmyslac nad zakonczeniem, zostawie to komu innemu, ale nic zaskakujacego.



    Polecam obejzec dla efektow i dla pieknych pan z roznych ujec, dla mnie takie 8/10



    Nie rozumiem tylko po co byla potrzeba przeniesienia calej akcji do burdelu, zamiast pozostac w psychiatryku.



  3. Watpie ze Madzia to Obito. Za co niby mialby sie taki dobry chlopak mscic na calej Konoszy i w ogole robic takie akcje ? Pozatym Tobi ma dwa oka, i jest dosyc wysoki, i nie wyglada jakby kulal, a powinien, po takim wypadku. Co do genjutsu, to ma zaawansowane, w koncu kontrolowal Kyuubiebo, nie ?


    Dla mnie jest to jakis Klon Madary, cos na podstawie Zetsu, z jego swiadomoscia. Tez uwazam ze Kabuto summonowal Madare, a on sam zginal w walce z pierwszym Hokage.

  4. Owe czasopismo dostało jakieś Demo do przejscia, tutaj macie brutalne tłumaczenie translatorem, ale da sie zrozumiec.



    Let's start with the demo:

    It takes place in the great room visible in several trailers, including the latest, that of TGS 2010.



    The purpose of the demo is simple: reach the top of the room to get out.

    Important detail to me on which insisted to the editor, the atmosphere of the securities of the ICO team, (I do not speak of the interaction of the characters), just this gentle melancholy feel to feel the humidity air, the little details that abound, the world is slowly falling into ruin, in short, the atmosphere that can not find no one by that in games of Ueda is still present.

    Torico sleep in the midst of the room. You hear it breathe, her chest inflates and deflates the rhythm of her breathing.

    To wake him, the boy jumps on his head like in the trailer (he did not specify whether this phase is playable or not). Rude awakening, which grows to a grunt toriko who reasons on the walls of the room. The boy then caresses him to appease him, calls him by name, but Torico does not care. He seems interested only in casks posed to it by sniffing away as if he was trying to feed themselves.

    Ueda explains, so he must find a way out of the two characters in the play, pointing them out of reach a door opening onto a balcony height networks, communicating to other rooms.

    The only way to climb and use the body Torico, which is still lying. This is where the famous games in jars of purple liquid visible in the latest trailer. The child throws them on the platforms, Torico rises to drink their contents, then only remains the climb.

    The next section focuses on the guards, on which I would return later. It is not clear whether they are present on the demo.

    Demo ends when the duo reached the summit of the room, there are no details on puzlles / battles that separate the first platform of the end of the session. This demo was originally intended to continue, but Ueda preferred the shorter to allow the player the pleasure of discovering the city-fortress in the final games, the primary goal being to me to establish the foundations for cooperation between and Torico the boy.


    Now I go to details




    In the sessions of gameplay, Torico is immortal. It can not be killed by the guards. However, his injuries are clues to its behavior. Coming out of a fight, it can indeed be seized by a frenzy of violence and attacking the player, but can not kill him. Conversely, it may find itself in a very weak state and unable to move. In both cases, the progression in the game will be slowed down or paralyzed. This will be the player to calm Torico or treat.


    Question from the interview:



    : What can you tell us about toriko? It is equipped with a special AI?


    Torico has his own conscience, or rather his own self. It does not obey direct orders given him, but he reacts to the context in which it is. If he sees a vase, it will be interested in the sight of a window, it will be close. It is this kind of AI they have. For the creature, the hero is part of the decor, like a common barrel placed in the room. Just hail Torico for it is interested in you and possibly interact with him.


    PSM3: The cries were emitted Torico make sense?

    FU: Yes, every cry, every sound effect has a meaning.

    But this did not affect the course of the game Even if you can not not interpret the cries of Torico, you do not tighten blocked.


    The relationship of the two characters evolve throughout the game In the early savage, he will gain the confidence to Torico he tamed.

    At the end of the demo, call for Torico he pounces and join you (scene visible in the trailer of TGS) It will try several times to cooperate.




    Between two puzzles, you must face the enemy rather than dodge them. They move slowly, so it is possible to plant them in running or climbing on murs.Rester infiltration mode is preferable when you are alone. If unfortunately you get caught, you may struggle to escape death, but the spectrum of game over is never far away.

    In the presence of Torico, everything changes, it can break / eat guards which prove to be shadows.


    The fortress city.


    The whole adventure takes place in the fortified fortress falling apart. It is useless to expect vast wilderness like SOTC.

    Did not mean that the open-air stages will be absent or miss sets e variety instead.

    The place is full of surprises such as sewers, gardens, plazas. External phases and bridges intervene especially when it comes to pass from one neighborhood to another. This card is in my opinion look like a house of power ico 10. Ueda prefers to remain discreet about the card in general, not wanting to scuttle the pleasure of discovery.


    In conclusion, a copy and paste a box:


    A perfectionist.

    We knew the man as an artist requires.

    But to calculate real-time collisions and inertia of a wooden barrel swallowed by Torico, one remains speechless.

    In the same vein, the feathers covering the body of the animal are managed live.Quant butterflies, so they are motivated to be naturally attracted to light.

    We will not speak of any time spent on the animation of the creature, the artist is inexhaustible on the subject. If you touch his nose, sneezes Torico. And when you touch his eyelids, he closes his eyes. For the record, of Ueda is inspired by ET and my neighbor totoro to give life to his creature. Including the expression of the eyes, which can literally breathe a soul into a virtual well be yet. The result speaks for itself, the creature lives his life with a natural bluffant.On understands a little better or have passed the four years of development.

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