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Wiedziałem że przez sen będziesz krzyczał Vallium ciekawe co na to żona. Z innej beczki, otwieram dziś skrzynkę pocztową a tam list z Wojskowej Komendy Uzupełnień Czyt. Uprzejmie zawiadamiamy że w wyniku analizy doświadczenia wojskowego i ewidencji wojskowej znalazł się Pan w grupie osób, do których w pierwszej kolejności kieruję ofertę uczestnictwa w przeszkoleniu wojskowym w ramach ćwiczeń wojskowych w rezerwie. Aż mi się ciepło zrobiło, bo już bałem się że to obowiązkowe Danielski nie chcesz skorzystać i pobiegać z prawdziwym kałasznikowem ?
- 6 499 odpowiedzi
- Battlefield 3
- Polska
(i 6 więcej)
Oznaczone tagami:
Jak nie skontrował ?, próbował wbiłem kontrę kontry
Byłem pierwszy ja jak komando foki atak przeprowadzony z desantu
Co taka cisza po wczorajszym polowaniu na człowieka od DICE Nie chcecie drażnić pewnego kolegi Wczoraj na Kurorcie wbił się koleś z DICE więc wiecie co się zaczęło polowanie na blachę. Lista zwycięzców to... Zielu Bronas Gęsior Hansior Ja dodam że zdobyłem blachę po kontrze kontry więc epicko ta walka wyglądała
- 6 499 odpowiedzi
- Battlefield 3
- Polska
(i 6 więcej)
Oznaczone tagami:
Zgadza się commander może zaznaczać takie cele dopiero po serii klilli, ale wydaje mi się że teraz ilość potrzebnych zabójstw zmniejszyli. Żeby nie było słodko wczoraj po raz pierwszy od dawna gra mi wywaliła błąd 5 razy !!!
Kolejna rzecz która zostanie zmieniona w kolejnych łatkach 1) Increased the number of M84 FLASHBANG and HAND FLARES the player can carry from 2 to 3. A player may now have 3 active HAND FLARES, up from 1 before. The HAND FLARE remains mostly a gadget of comic relief, though its ability to blind IRNV sights should not be forgotten. The increase in the number the player can carry should allow for a larger tactical use of both the HAND FLARE and the M84 FLASHBANG. 2) Increased the effect of M84 FLASHBANG grenades on friendly and enemy players. When Friendly Fire is OFF, friendlies receive approximately half the effect duration. Previous duration was 4 seconds, now 5 seconds for enemy players. Additionally increased the range at which a player feels the full effect of the flash, and increased the effect on players not looking directly at the flash bang. This should sufficiently improve the reliability of the M84 FLASHBANG, and make it a viable choice in the grenade category. 3) Increased the maximum damage for the RGO from 67 to 80, however reduced the range of explosion. The RGO was essentially an instant kill in Hardcore, it now has a reduced 1 hit kill range, however accurate throws will yield higher damage values in Core. This clarifies the role of the RGO as an accurate impact hand grenade, while still not allowing 1 hit kills in Core. 4) Reduced the visual and audio effect for the detonation of the V40 Mini to highlight its smaller blast when compared to other grenades. Decreased the maximum damage from 80 to 60, and decreased the range at which maximum damage is applied. The player continues to carry 3 V40 grenades, and is still able to use 2 of them to get a kill in Core. Previously the V40 was entirely superior to the M67 in Hardcore, this change aims to balance them in Hardcore, while also keeping their effectiveness intact in Core.
Dobra pograłem trochę i w końcu karabinek wyborowy do czegoś się nadaje, do tego w lewym roku chatbox dodatkowy to za(pipi)ista sprawa i już wiem o co chodzi z tym... The HUD icons are indicators of if anything is going wrong with your client such as packet loss, FPS drops, etc. They're meant so when you guys post videos/screenshots, we can tell at a glance what a probable cause of the issue is related to.
Czyli dziś testujemy Pamiętam kolejność do pojazdów latających wg wieku gracza
Patch już się ściąga 995 MB
Tropico 5 na PS4
Jan 30 PS4 Game Update Notes DMR Balance Tweaks -Increased the damage of all DMRs across all ranges. Specifically, damage has been increased at long ranges to allow three-hit kills against unarmored opponents. Additionally, reduced the penalty to accuracy for sustained DMR fire, allowing more rapid follow up shots in combat. The amount of the damage increase varies from weapon to weapon, according to its intended range, rate of fire, and damage. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of DMRs in combat, and determine if additional action is needed to make DMRs a viable mid to long range weapon. Other items -Significantly reduced the duration of the black screen when spawning in, and fixed the issue with players getting killed before being in-game -Greatly reduced the risk of crosshairs disappearing, which would also result in hit markers disappearing -Added a headshot icon on the killcard. This should help identify instances where players are correctly killed by one shot -Fixed an issue in Squad Deathmatch where the “Win/Lose” text was overlapping -Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the SOFLAM -Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the MAV -Fixed the gameplay code to properly track the FOV (Field of View) changes in the options menu -Fixed an issue where chat would break when entering "false" or "true" in the chat window -Fixed an out-of-helicopter glitch in Air Superiority where players could spawn on the ground and play as infantry -Fixed the misaligned crosshairs on the T90 MBT -Added setting to tweak joystick dead zone -Various minor crash fixes
Zmiany związane z shotganami i pistoletami będą w kolejnym patch, to co podałem przed chwilą This update is mainly designed to prepare the game for the upcoming release of the expansion pack Battlefield 4 Second Assault. We will announce the release date for this expansion pack later. tyczy się patcha dzisiejszego.
Mój błąd, obecnie te zmiany nie znajdą się w tym patch ale następnym.
Właśnie w tej chwili patch na PS4 jest do pobrania lub za raz będzie do boju żołnierze
Ten na dniach dla Sony i obecny dla X 1) Increased the aimed accuracy of the M1911 to make it a viable choice once the COMPACT 45 has been unlocked. This gives the M1911 a clear accuracy advantage for range, while the COMPACT 45 has a clear ammunition per magazine advantage. 2) Increased the close range damage of the M1911, QSZ-92, FN57, CZ-75 and COMPACT 45. This will allow all pistols to bypass Body Armor at close range. Additionally, the FN57 and the QSZ-92 have had their long range damage increased to allow them to properly bypass Body Armor at all distances. Finally, the CZ-75 has also had its long range damage raised to give it a diverse role among the handguns. 3) Reduced the delay between pressing the trigger and the bullet firing for the M412 REX and .44 MAGNUM. This delay represents the way these weapons work in real life, while also improving their responsiveness in game. 4) Increased the magazine capacity of the QSZ-92 to 20 rounds, the proper amount for this weapon in real life. Additionally reduced the recoil of the QSZ-92 to give it a clear difference from the FN57. 5) Corrected a small error with the COMPACT 45 accuracy when crouched or prone. The weapon was accidently less accurate than intended.
Pump Action Shotguns 1) Increased the accuracy of pump action shotguns (870 MCS, HAWK 12g, SPAS-12, and UTS 15) while on the move and aiming. The accuracy has been approximately doubled. These weapons did not have any available barrels or grips that would allow a player to enhance their aimed accuracy. This change should make the use of pump action weapons with slugs much more viable at medium and close range by allowing more accurate fire. Carbines 1) Reduced the long range damage of the MTAR to bring it in line with the rest of the Carbines. General 1) Adjusted the way inaccuracy is handled when transitioning from Hip fire to Aimed fire. Previously, if a player began firing before aiming, he would keep his hip inaccuracy while aimed, until he stopped firing. This was especially obvious with LMGs on the move. Players will now only be subject to the maximum aimed inaccuracy after the transition. While still terribly inaccurate, this allows for substantially more accurate fire than the old method and should allow players with LMGs to panic fire in close quarters, provided they are aiming. 2) The Heavy Barrel’s Accuracy bonus now also applies on the move, at a reduced bonus. This should give the Heavy Barrel a wider role for players who desire accuracy while aimed in all situations. 3) Synchronized the timing of the aim down the sights animation of sniper rifles with their ability to fire with full accuracy. Players no longer need to wait for additional time after the aiming animation plays to get accurate shots. There is still a delay to achieve full accuracy, so Quick Scoping is still not possible.
Na razie nic więcej nie wiadomo więcej informacji wkrótce X1 właśnie dosłał patcha
Spoko olewam ich ciepłym moczem bo w tym roku wychodzą za(pipi)iste gry, i jeśli rzeczywiście wypuszczą w tym roku kolejną grę to ich oleję. Dziś wbijam na serwery bo znów dawno mnie nie było.
Na pewno nie ! W ostatnim wywiadzie chłopaki mówili że musieliby połowę rzeczy wyrzucić by poprzednia generacja to pociągła więc nie ma to sensu.
Panowie mam takie pytanie, czy przypadkiem któryś Wiedźmin na premierę nie był tańszy w Polsce, bo chłopaki stwierdzili że Polski gracz biedniejszy ?
Czy mi przeszkadza że inni będą biegać z bronią którą automatycznie im się odblokuje ? NIE. Raczej chodzi o zasady !!! Skoro to tak ma wyglądać to nie w BF5 nie będzie rang ani broni do odblokowania niech wszystko na starcie już będzie !!!, A czy kupię taki produkt ? na pewno nie EA podało że liczba graczy premium wynosi 1,6 mln jest to więcej niż w porównaniu z BF3 gdzie w tym samym okresie było 1,3 mln
To thank you for your dedication and support, I’d like to announce the Battlefield 4 Player Appreciation Month. Starting on Saturday, February 1, DICE is saying THANK YOU to all players by hosting a month filled with fun community missions and daily giveaways that you get just for jumping into a match. We appreciate all of the great feedback you continue to provide about all aspects of Battlefield 4. We take this very seriously, and hearing directly from you has helped to make the experience better. The latest information on our game updates can always be found in the BF4 Control Room, including a few new additions that I’m pleased to say are coming soon. First, we are further improving a number of items commonly referred to as “netcode”. This will tighten the overall multiplayer experience, and we will be able to share these items with you in detail soon. In February, we’re also re-introducing the fan favorite feature Platoons in its first iteration. In this added social layer, you can team up with your friends to create your own social space and accumulate stats together. We’re also working on other feature additions that you’ve been asking for – stay tuned for more. Here’s to a great 2014!
Właśnie gra dla mnie umarła !!! A Battlepack a Day Every day that you log into the game in February, you’ll receive a Bronze or Silver Battlepack. For those of you who haven’t started opening your earned packs yet, these Battlepacks contain bonuses like XP Boosts and soldier camos. Normally, it would take approximately 30 hours gameplay to earn that many packs. Every day that you log a multiplayer game during the month of February, you will receive a new Battlepack. During weekdays, these will be Bronze, and during Saturdays and Sundays we will give away Silver Battlepacks. Remember to activate your earned XP boosts in the in-game menu to accelerate your progress. Shortcut Bundles We are preparing two shortcut bundles for Battlefield 4 that we will make available for download at no cost during the Player Appreciation Month. These voluntary shortcut bundles will unlock all grenades and handguns for Battlefield 4 (the base game) so you can make up for lost time. Or if you’re new to the game, they will help you catch up with players who have been on the Battlefield since launch. We will get back to you with more details once we have set release dates for these items. For all of our Battlefield 4 Premium users, we’re adding two additional weapon shortcuts, unlocking DMR’s and shotguns. That way, if you like, you can quickly get your hands on a large portion of the weapons available in Battlefield 4. Double XP Weekend During the Player Appreciation Month, we’ll be running a double XP weekend for all players. If you’re one of our many Battlefield 4 Premium members, you’ll also get an additional double XP weekend during the Player Appreciation Month as an added bonus.
Filmik jak poradzić sobie z zacinającym się R1 lub L1
Aircraft and Anti-Aircraft 1) Reduced the total amount of missiles carried by the Mobile Anti-Aircraft vehicles from 6 to 4. The total carried missiles were making it impossible for helicopters to use counter measures to avoid the MAA’s attacks. 2) Reduced the velocity of the MAA’s default 20MM CANNON from 1200m/s to 800m/s to match the 30MM CANNON. This reduction reduces the distance projectiles will travel and should prevent situations where the MAA could engage enemy vehicles without leaving its protected home base. The damage of the cannons remains unchanged, and aircraft, especially helicopters, should remain wary of getting too close to a MAA. 3) Reduced the physical impact of all Anti-Aircraft missiles to prevent helicopters from flipping uncontrollably when hit. The damage values have not been changed. 4) Reduced the cone in which ACTIVE RADAR missiles search for targets, making them require a higher level of skill in predicting where a target will be when the missile is fired. The missiles were previously too easy to aim at long range, making them a guaranteed hit and a clear advantage over the other missile types. 5) Increased the direct damage done by the Attack Helicopter’s gunner cannon. The gunner will be better able to assist the pilot in taking down vehicle targets with this change. 6) Increased the direct hit damage of the Zuni Rockets for Attack Helicopters. The rate of fire of these rockets combined with their smaller magazine pool made them a poor choice over the other two rocket types. 7) Reduced the splash damage and maximum splash damage range of the Scout Helicopter 25MM CANNONS. These weapons were too effective against infantry with a higher splash, making them a clear choice over the 7.62 MINIGUNS in all combat situations. The 25MM CANNONS are intended to give the Scout Helicopter some measure of effectiveness against vehicles, at a clear trade off in effectiveness vs. infantry. Tanks and Anti-Tank 1) Reduced the “intelligence” of the MBT LAW missiles, requiring the player to aim the missile closer to their target before the smart projectile will activate. Additionally, the MBT LAW now reloads slightly slower. This keeps the MBT LAW in its role of an easy to use, fire and forget weapon available to all Engineers, while also balancing it with the other rocket launchers in favor of skilled AT shots. Finally, a bug where the MBT LAW would pass through an ACTIVE PROTECTION shield has been fixed. 2) Fixed an issue where ACTIVE PROTECTION and the MP-APS did not properly stop 12G FRAG rounds. 3) Reduced the range where the M2 SLAM will do maximum damage to vehicles from 6M to 3M. Players will now need to be craftier when placing the M2 SLAM in order to get the full damage potential of this ambush anti vehicle weapon. This change is to primarily counter a tactic of placing 3 mines in the same spot to guarantee a kill on any vehicle passing within 6m. The range was deemed to be too large, making the M2 SLAM far superior to the M15 AT MINE. 4) Reduced the damage the STAFF shell does to all targets by 25%. This should balance the ease of use of the STAFF shell with its damage potential.