Nigdzie nie ma oficjalnego info. BBC nie wie co zrobić bo jak wywalą Jezze to:
Top Gear przestanie istnieć.
Hammond i May nie będą kontynuować show bez JC - więc ich kontrakty zostaną zerwane.
Ekipa programu (+50 osób) zostanie zwolniona.
Nie mówiąc tu potężnych pieniądzach które BBC straci nie mając TG w ramówce.
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So, imagine you're in Tony Hall's shoes.
Because we don't know what actually happened, i'll take the worst case scenario. Here are the facts:
TG had a shoot that was long and frustrating, and the producer who was supposed to ensure proper catering dropped the ball and there was no hot food served
JC was irritated even before entering the hotel, then proceeded to punch the producer amongst some name calling
He apologized the next morning and carried on.
The producer filed no report, suffered no consequences, other than slight bleeding.
JC reported himself.
Things to keep in mind:
Top Gear is your most exported show.
JC is the most recognizable TG presenter.
Richard's and James' contracts are both running out, and if you sack JC, they're likely to walk as well.
JC lost his mother and had an ugly divorce recently, drinks too much and generally seems to be losing himself
Pressure from within the BBC, mostly negative, but some positive, and lots of positive support from the fans, celebrities, even the PM
You have a company code that suggests the appropiate punishment would be sacking, but the protocols weren't followed already with Tymon not reporting.