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Treść opublikowana przez Figuś

  1. Figuś

    God of War

    No tak, ten też był wpadający w pamięć
  2. Figuś


    The clock is ticking. I’m so excited to announce that ExoMecha, a free-to-play online competitive first-person shooter, has introduced its new trailer (above) and our game will be available in August 2021 for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One! Learn more about ExoMecha from our previous Xbox Wire post, or sign up for the beta at Now, get ready to learn a few more details about ExoMecha, the next generation of battle royale game: Fully Customized Class Systems In ExoMecha, with our ability and class system, our players will have full freedom to create their character builds as desired to fit their play style. ExoMecha’s class system will determine how many abilities, weapons, gadgets, and tacticals you can equip. For instance, if you just want to focus on two active abilities, you can have them, but must drop one of your weapons and all your passive abilities. Each choice will have different penalties to balance your character build. Improvise, Adapt and Overcome! Even in the middle of a battle royale game, players will be able to customize their characters to adapt the flow of the game. Passive and active abilities are the essential elements of this customized class system. Players can choose their abilities according to the position they want to be in terms of playstyle, passive or aggressive, and conveniently transfer their play style into the game. In ExoMecha, players will need to create their mech loadout pre-match. In addition to fighting with swords and firearms in the battle, mechs also have offensive, defensive, and tactical abilities. Moreover, players will also be able to assign some skill points to improve their damage, agility, health, or stamina. But be careful, because to improve one aspect, you need to sacrifice other aspects. Why Is Everything Chrome and Shiny? We wanted ‘80s and ‘90s vibes. To be honest, after adding a single chrome mech to our game, we wanted everything else to be chrome as well. As a bonus, we will not have any player visibility issues. Our Vehicles and Their Flexible Use In addition to mechs, you will be able to use five other vehicles to navigate across Omecha; quad bike, jeep, heavy tank, spider tank, and helicopter. With the grappling hook, you can get into all these vehicles quickly, ejecting yourself from one vehicle and getting into another vehicle immediately, regardless of whether the player is in the air or on the ground. In this way, the dynamic gameplay is always at the highest pace and the battle continues without any interruption. The quad bike is the smallest vehicle in the game, with this vehicle you can quickly navigate through the map. But because it is a fully open light vehicle, it’s easy for other players to inflict damage. Jeeps come with a mounted turret at their backs, therefore they are effective against infantry. However, it’s still a light vehicle and very vulnerable to explosives. So, be ready to eject yourself anytime you sense a danger. Heavy tank is the highest damage dealer vehicle in ExoMecha. It’s very effective against enemy armored vehicles since its cannon is quite devastating. While using this vehicle you really want to hit your shots as accurately as possible, because its slow rate of fire may give the enemy some opportunities. With the spider tank, which is very suitable for traveling on rough surfaces, you can reach places where the tank cannot go easily. Because you can also shoot very quickly. it is a very effective anti-infantry vehicle. As for the helicopters, they are very fast but also very fragile. They are very effective against enemy tanks. So it’s best to categorize them as a high risk, high reward type of a vehicle. But in case of any danger, you can always eject yourself and ride your missile to safety or towards an enemy. Stay tuned here to Xbox Wire for more news about ExoMecha. Taki trochę bękart Titanfalla z BFem. Niby f2p, ale wygląda intrygująco. Premiera w sierpniu czyli sezonie ogórkowym.
  3. Zmniejszyli obroty do odczytu licencji. Przy świeżej instalacji pewnie dalej pędzie zapierdalać na pełnej c00rwie
  4. Figuś

    God of War

    Jedyny który pamiętam to ten z pierwszego pokazu
  5. Figuś

    God of War

    Soundtrack z poprzednich części dalej lepszy ale bym se teraz pomaszował przechodząc całą trylogię
  6. Figuś

    Awaryjność PS5

    Nie chce mi się szukać, z tego co pamiętam były cyrki podobne do tego co ostatnio kolega w dziale wyżej ma z reklamacją XSX
  7. Jebany CPR nie chce zdechnąć
  8. Figuś

    Awaryjność PS5

    Po inbie z reklamacjami PS4 na serwisie w PL w okresie premierowym wszystko idzie od tamtego czasu do Francji, tylko dziwne że przez Wwa. Jak DS4 odsyłałem bo gumki zeszły pad szedł bezpośrednio do żaboli
  9. Figuś

    Wasteland 3

  10. 4fmiydwr4at61.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a

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      nie będę pytał jak to znalazłeś

    3. Figuś


      zdrowywariat wrzucił na reddicie

    4. BieŃ


      Nie gra Steve Rambo to nie oglądam 

  11. Figuś

    Days Gone

  12. Figuś


    Czyli dalej dobra gra.
  13. Figuś


    Serduszko za Elizabeth
  14. Figuś

    Jaką grę wybrać?

    Jak najbardziej, każdy tryb można grać offline z botami. Jest też spoko fabułka.
  15. Figuś

  16. A faktycznie były małe szturmy, ale to było upośledzone względem tego na 64 typa. Na 16 osób to były na PS360 XD
  17. Ostatni dobry tryb z mniejszą ilością graczy to był Close Quarters w BF3 jeżeli chodzi o Battlefieldy, oni nie za bardzo umią w mniejsze tryby. Dla mniejszych starć CoD lepszy
  18. XD Już sobie to wyobrażam
  19. Ale naprawili i napęd już tak nie zapierdala na pełnej piździe XD
  20. No masz 0% 33% 66% 100% XD Dodali ikonkę błyskawicy jak się ładuje i i podczas ładowania kreski "mrugają" do poziomu naładowania Czyli jak masz 0% to mruga jedna kreska, jak przekroczysz 33% mrugają dwie kreski jak przekroczysz 66% to trzy jak się naładuje to przestają mrugać
  21. Figuś

    OlliOlli World

    Zima 2021
  22. Figuś


    Będzie jak z Bloodbornem i grubaski będą robić filmiki na YT czy warto robić gry bez poziomów trudności
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