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Treść opublikowana przez Daffy

  1. Daffy

    Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

    8sierpnia dedykowany direct
  2. Daffy


    nie dali by miliarda znajdziek to znowu bylby placz ze mapa pusta jesli watek glowny bedzie spoko, a wsrod pobocznych beda takie fabularne i ciekawe to nie widze problemu, no chyba, ze ktos jest trophy whore i nie zasnie jak wszystkiego nie pozalicza
  3. niektore sklepy podaja date konca wrzesnia czyli taka jak w kkw (nawet czezky taka ma) ale nigdy tego square nie potwierdzilo, nawet w raporcie niny sprzed paru dni dalej jest TBA przy wersjach us/eu
  4. Beta dragon ball fighter z juz do sciagniecia, ruszy jednak dopiero 10sierpnia
  5. Daffy

    Terminator universe

    odyebalo w hollywood zdrowo z tymi silnymi niezaleznymi babami
  7. Daffy

    PES 2019

    mam nadzieje, ze znowu nie odyebiesz z pc
  8. Daffy

    PES 2019

    Wjezdza na pelnej full na premiere
  9. Daffy

    Salt and Sanctuary

    a ja sobie kupie pod koniec roku w pudle na switchusia
  10. Daffy

    Konsolowa Tęcza

    pierwszy trailer rdr2 absolutnie nie byl wspanialy
  11. obrzydliwy atencjusz, a teraz jeszcze znowu gierke kupil, ktora mial, sprzedal, hejtowal, a chwile temu jeszcze glosil zasady minimalizmu
  12. ze ktos nie lubi smasha to kumam ale nie mozna tego rownowazyc z okresleniem, ze to nie bedzie system seller albo ze to bijatyka niszowa - kazda czesc robila chore wyniki sprzedazowe btw widzieliscie ceny preorderow na niego? sytuacja jak z zelda, bedzie druga gra na switcha ktorej nie da sie wyrwac za te 199zl na premiere - co sklep to ceny od 230 wzwyz
  13. Daffy

    Mario Tennis Aces

    Da sie, przeciez sprawne wycelowanie prawie pasja specjala nie zbiera i za chwile ponawiasz z kolejnej gwiazdki Chyba kazdy boss pozniej ma faze, ze trzeba mu ochrone zbic w postaci macek czy czegos
  14. Daffy

    PSVita - temat ogólny

    remote play - nie napalaj sie, w szybszych grach dziala srednio, koniecznie trzeba grac na sieci domowej by to trybilo wporzo, a i tak raczej sie odbijesz od czcionek w niektorych grach i braku L2 i R2 w vicie i emulacji tych guzikow przez tylni panel dotykowy vita w 2018? tylko jak ktos chomikowal biblioteke gierek z plusa
  15. labo jeszcze wg mnie sporo urosnie, to nie jest jak z gierkami, ze sprzedaja sie najlepiej przy premierze, wydaje mi sie, ze w okresie swiatecznym w kkw popyt na to sie zwiekszy, to taki prezent dla dzieciaka
  16. niesamowite wyniki, poksy i smash z koncem roku zrobia im zakladane prognozy, dont worry, choc tez uwazam, ze na ich miejscu podkrecalbym juz powoli hype ujawnianiem lineupu na 2019
  17. Daffy

    Mario Tennis Aces

    jutro kolejny patch, na razie tylko opisali go na japonskiej stronce stad inne nazwy niektorych postaci Change on game balance We increased the minimum consumption of energy when using Ajiriki Serve from 25% to 30%. The energy required to activate it has not changed from 33%. We shortened the distance blown away when we called the shot with the effect of blowing away the other party to the back of the court, such as Max Charge Shot. Top spin and lob are sliced, slices are top spin, flat is flat so you can reduce the effect of being blown away. We adjusted the rebounding of the ball when hitting the central pillar in the coat of the oare sea. Change in character performance Changed the performance of some characters. Character name Changes Kinopio I stretched the distance that I could hit without jumping, slightly. I shortened the rigidity time after hanging on. I increased the height of the bouncing ball. I increased the speed to reach the maximum speed of movement slightly. Kinopico I stretched the distance that I could hit without jumping, slightly. I shortened the rigidity time after hanging on. I increased the height of the bouncing ball. I made the volley ball speed slightly faster. Wario I extended the distance that I could hit without jumping. I upgraded the skill that aims at the side line a little. I made the volley ball speed a bit faster. Kupa Jr. I shorter the distance that I can hit back with the lateral technical shot. I shortened the distance that I could hit back without interruption. I narrowed the distance that I could hit and hit a bit. I reduced the height of the ball to hit a bit. I have downgraded my ability to pursue the side line. I slowed down the ball speed of the counterattack. I slowed down the speed to reach the maximum speed of movement slightly. Waluigi I shorter the distance that I can hit back with the lateral technical shot. I shortened the distance that I could hit back without interruption. I narrowed the distance that I could hit and hit a bit. I turned down the ability to aim at the side line. I slowed the maximum speed of the movement a little. I slowed the volley ball speed slightly. Bow-wow I slightly shortened the distance to hit back with the lateral technical shot. I sharply shortened the distance that I could hit and hit. Bowser I slightly shortened the distance to hit back with the lateral technical shot. Rosetta I reduced the height of the ball to hit a bit. Theresa I reduced the height of the ball to hit a bit. Nokonoko While we were in the couler, we adjusted the hit determination as a body shot to the look. Add setting 【OPTION】 "R Stick only" can now be selected as a technical shot operation. Joy-Con When using a technical shot with horizontal holding, it is operated by pressing twice on the direction button (or Y button) regardless of option setting. 【FREE MATCH】 The coat "stadium only" can now be selected under the search condition of "someone plays with someone" in Internet communication. 【Free Match】 【Swing】 "Tottoko" (6 game 1 set match) added. Change on story mode I made it possible to retry at the mission failure without returning to the world map. During the mission challenge, I made it possible to retry from the pose menu. 【How to play】 We relaxed judgment of tutorial block. 【Forest driving range】 We adjusted the charge amount of the opponent's charge shot. 【Destroyed】 Adjusted the charge amount of the opponent's charge shot and the probability of using the target. 【Out of the oare sea】 Adjusted the charge amount of the opponent's charge shot and the probability of using the target. Change concerning swing mode 【Larry Challenge】 In the swing mode Rally Challenge, we made sure that smash points do not appear. I changed the still picture of how to hold Joy-Con to a movie of how to play. Other changes Fixed an issue where the "TOO EARLY" indication was displayed to evaluate the timing of the block even when the shot button was not pushed when the ball of the aim and the special shot was hit back with the technical shot. Even during the technical shot, you can block balls of aims and special shots by pressing the shot button at the appropriate timing. Fixed an issue where ordinary blocks became easier to succeed until after hitting a great success technical shot in the one-point rally, and then hitting a technical shot other than the great success. If you strike a technical shot at the best timing, it will be "a great success" and the energy gauge will recover greatly. This problem does not occur in the block during acceleration or technical shot. Fixed an issue where the energy gauge was displayed in yellow instead of red when the energy was slightly less than 1/3. In the online tournament, the problem that the character icon entered in the block on the right side of the tournament table was reversed left and right was fixed. Fixed a problem that was sometimes stopped when the communication status was extremely bad in local communication battle and Internet communication battle. Fixed text notation problem. Regarding online tournament rating If I lost the game, the rating ceased to rise. If you win the game the rating will not go down and if you lose the match the rating will not rise. The rating varies depending on the game result, but the amount of change varies depending on the rating difference with the opponent and the content of the game. (The amount of change may be 0.) When the software was forcibly terminated during the game, the number of losing times increased and the rating became 0.5% lower. When intentional disconnection is seen many, it may not be published in the ranking. From August 2018, ranking display function in "ranking" order was added to ranking board. Along with this, ratings are not displayed on the ranking board of cumulative points. Regarding your own July rating, please check "grades" displayed on the left of the tournament table. At the time of monthly change, the rating at the start will change according to the play result of the previous month. (It will be reflected from the monthly change from July to August.) Rating 2000 or less → 2000 started Rating 2000 - 2500 - Maintain rating Rating 2500 or more → 1/10 of the value exceeding 2500 plus 2500 * If you have not played in the previous month or if invalid data is found, it will be reset to 2000.
  18. Daffy

    PSVita - temat ogólny

    oczywiscie ze adapter nie zadziała na prawilnej vicie, z nieprzerabiana vita tylko dedykowane karty od sony
  19. proponuje w pierwszym poscie zrobic liste i znakowac jak bydlo
  20. Daffy

    Gran Turismo Sport

    tylko krowa zdania nie zmienia
  21. Switch....zdecydowanie po 1,5 roku najlepsza konsola jaka kiedykolwiek posiadalem

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  3 więcej
    2. Pupcio


      no swicz niezła kolekcja gierek z wiiu

    3. XM.


      Zbyt mocny kwas wszedł.

    4. grzybiarz


      Ostatnio czytałem stare numery PSM, to Sony w psxie miało trzy generacje gier. dlatego np taki Ridge Racer i pierwsze tytuły startowe wyglądały jak crapy, albo np  battle arena toshinden porownujac do tekkena 3

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