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Treść opublikowana przez hav7n

  1. Tez sie podziele
  2. 792p* Rozdzielczosc to nie wszystko, grafika w Unity jak na razie wyglada lepiej niz WD...Ubi tez cos tam gada o AI, bla bla. w sumie i tak ta gra mnie nie obchodzi xD
  3. Assassin's Creed Unity will run at 900p/30fps on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft has confirmed.

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  10 więcej
    2. Dr.Czekolada


      Nie no gra brzydka to nie jest ale widocznie ubi doszło do wniosku ze jak jednemu obetnie jajca to żeby nikt nie czuł sie jedynym pokrzywdzonym

    3. Daddy
  4. Nie chce zadnego gameplayu z tej gry, nie chce zadnych screenow z miejscowkami czy potworami, nie chce zeby Redzi robili z siebie Ubisoft ktory zalewa nas materialami ze swoich gier do porzygu. Ja po prostu chce juz sama gre! Chce wcielic sie w Geralta, wyciagnac srebrny miecz na potwory, mordowac lotrow mieczem ze stali i chedozyc wiecie czym
  5. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    Tak, widzialem go kilka razy
  6. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    Ja bede chetny do ostrego na(pipi)iania w czwartek i piatek - dwa dnu wolnego spedze na polu burakow.
  7. hav7n

    Sunset Overdrive

    Raczej na dzien dzisiajszy trudno cos wyrokowac, bundle czesto nie sa wliczane w preordery, a i zostalo jeszcze miesiac do premiery. Jak na razie cala para MS poszla w Horizon 2, trzeba poczekac co planuja jezeli chodzi o marketing Sunset.
  8. No to niestety po raz kolejny musze was zmartwic. :) W Fullu rzeczywiscie jest pare kawalkow na krzyz, co lepsze, przygrywaja one wylacznie w menu. Podczas wyscigu slyszymy jedynie dzwieki samochodow ^^

    1. Fanek


      a doczytaj posty do końca strony

    2. kubson


      Nie dziwie sie ze ps4 mozna juz dostać za £280 beka na święta pewnie bedzie za £150

    3. Copper


      W polsce byly nawet po 1400zl, nie ma gier to chociaz cena walcza.

  9. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    Nie wiem czy juz ktos to dawal ale w razie czego: 300k credits do zgarniecia.
  10. Zaczalem swoja przygode z Mordorem i mam takie pytanie - warto robic wszystkie misje poboczne i znajdzki na biezaco czy lepiej pchac do przodu watek glowny a reszte zostawic na pozniej?
  11. In the land of Mordor.....where the shadow lie....

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  4 więcej
    2. hav7n


      Za krotko gram Spartakusie, a jeszcze Horizon 2 do ogrania!

  12. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

  13. Your package has been posted through your letterbox. Aww yiss...

    1. kubson


      Co ci przyszło ?:)

    2. hav7n


      Dwie dobre gry na jedyna sluszna konsole.

  14. Tam gdzie masz lepszy ping. Jak gralem w TitanFalla na regionie USA to i tak mnie laczylo z Europa.
  15. Porownanie grafiki na wszystkich platformach - PS4 i Xone w 1080p (tak, na Xbonie gra smiga w FullHD) i PC na Ultra
  16. hav7n

    Quantum Break

    EGX 2014: New Quantum Break Presentation Reveals More Details Running Out of Time During the EGX event in London between September 25th-28th, Pure Xbox attended a Quantum Breakpresentation which was an extended version of the Gamescom demo shown in August, earlier this year. This version included some extra dialogue and cinematics before and after the original demo. The extra dialogue and cinematic before was between Jack Joyce and his partner Beth Wilder, taking place just short of halfway through the game's story. Remedy told us "Beth isn't just another AI companion. In certain parts of the campaign she is playable but Jack Joyce is our main hero of Quantum Break". The two characters were discussing the best place to regroup and escape together, from Riverport bridge. Jack suggests that Beth travel to the neon-lit docks nearby and she says how that is a bad idea because Monarch Solutions (the enemy faction led by a now twisted version of Jack's best friend Paul Serene) after a failed time related experiment would easily locate the duo since they already had Riverport on lock-down. That is exactly what happens, because a civilian thinks he is doing a favour by shouting to warn Jack as he stealthily makes his way down to the docks, but this attracts Monarch's attention who call for a strike team. The demo then proceeds to play out the same way as the Gamescom one did in a very action-packed manner, until after the boss fight segment near the end of the Riverport bridge. However, the Remedy developers informed us that the full game will be playable in many styles - including stealth - so the time powers can be used for a variety of situations and tactics. The next section was previously unseen and involved Jack continuing to make his way through the time-stutter on the bridge. He looks out in the distance and notices a cargo ship which seems to be at a safe distance but then suddenly, showing how unstable the stutters can be, the ship jumps forward violently. It smashes into the bridge and Jack tumbles on to the ground. He gets up and moves quickly as the ship and bridge are falling apart and exploding, the whole environment is completely unstable. The final section that we saw was a navigational puzzle full of hazards that activate, explode, collapse and then spontaneously rebuild themselves. It required patience for some parts, but at other times patience alone was not enough, as the use of time powers was necessary to freeze or boost past obstacles. After this, Jack Joyce reached apparent safety and the demo ended. The entire thing looked graphically stunning and the transition from cinematic to gameplay was incredibly smooth. When asked more about Quantum Break's live-action show, Remedy said "Nothing is currently locked down but we plan for an act of the show to last about one hour and thirty minutes. We believe in keeping players immersed so the show will be on the same disc as the game and will be inter-connected. It is being filmed in Hollywood. Every player will get there Director's Cut of the story. In the show, you see things from the point of view of Monarch Solutions and their leader; Paul Serene." "He has the most powerful ability of all, he can see clues and hints about several possible futures where events occur or don't occur and then the player can choose one. This is reflected in the rest of the game." Quantum Break is currently on track for a Spring 2015 release, exclusively on the Xbox One.
  17. Jak masz gre odpalona w tle to nie powinno brzeczec.
  18. hav7n


    PS4 Exclusive Bloodborne’s Alpha Test: Check Out Almost Three Hours of Fantastic Direct Feed Gameplay Daje tylko link bo od groma materialu na Youtube. Wyciagac chusteczki Panowie!
  19. hav7n


    Ta muzyka podczas walki z bossem o_O
  20. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    W piatek rano powinienem dostac moja kopie wiec cos tam ogram...niestety pracuje caly weekend
  21. Jakby ktos jeszcze sie interesowal cala drama na temat rozdzialki na obu konsolach Link do newsa, sa tam jeszcze screeny z obu wersji.
  22. Pix the Cat xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  23. Chyba sie zakochalem...

    1. raven_raven
    2. Pupcio


      xbox się nie liczy

    3. ciwa22


      Wibrator odbytniczy ie odwzajemni uczucia.

  24. Chrabąszczył po wyciągnięciu, po aktualizacji, ale przestał jak zainstalowało się Crimson Dragon

    1. hav7n



    2. ping


      Zgłosiłem post do moderatora, mam nadzieję, że zostaniesz ukarany!

  25. Odkrylem sens zycia i nie sa to gry video.

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