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Treść opublikowana przez hav7n

  1. Ja to samo Tak walcze o Xbona a mnie olewaja, niewdzieczne ch*je
  2. Wrogu juz dostales taka wiadomosc?
  3. hav7n

    Quantum Break

    Czuje ze gra bedzie W DECHE xD.
  4. 30 min z multi:
  5. hav7n

    Quantum Break

  6. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    Mo to spoko, myslalem ze mnie zasmucisz i wezmiesz na 360.
  7. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    Don bierzesz wersje na 360 czy kupujesz Xbona?
  8. Xbox head Phil Spencer has backed Kinect Sports Rivals studio Rare, telling CVG that the developer "should, can and will" be an important part of Xbox's future. Earlier this year, it was revealed that Rare was evaluating its future projects after Microsoft's decision to start shipping a new Kinect-less Xbox One package at a reduced price. It was later confirmed that Rare had suffered a number of high profile redundancies following Microsoft's decision to change the "development process" at the UK studio. Speaking to CVG at Gamescom, Xbox boss Spencer confirmed the UK studio is already working on a new project. "I'm a Rare fan from the N64 days - that's kind of where my relationship with them was built. The range of genres that Rare exceeded at on N64 was crazy; you go from GoldenEye, to Conker and Banjo, Diddy Kong Racing... they were all over the place and they nailed a wide variety of genres. "So I don't see them as a 'certain genre' studio: their strength has always been in their diversity," he said. "When they came to Xbox we did Grabbed by the Ghoullies and the Conker remake. They didn't have tremendous success but I think they were fun games. Then they started building out the Avatars - that was really their work - and then frankly Kinect, which they were innovating with before we'd even decided we were going to do something like that. They actually build this kind of wand thing on their own before the Wii came out." The Xbox head conceded that from the outside it could seem like Rare - which has now worked on three Kinect games in a row - had been "pushed" into spaces by the platform holder, but insisted the UK studio was actually chasing innovation. "Right now with Rare we're at a point where I don't want the Rare brand to mean Kinect Sports. The Rare brand can be more valuable to them, to us and to gamers than that. "I think it's about them thinking about the next game that's going to be the next 'Rare game' and really stand for what they are. I know they've got some great ideas. I've not been up to Twycross for maybe six months, but I'm planning on getting up there this fall and seeing bits for the new game. But I know they're hard at work and Phil Harrison has been up talking to them. "So they've got some new ideas, they're excited about them and I think Rare should, can and will be an important part of our game future."
  9. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    Skladaj preorder i Day1 cisniemy po burakach przy dzwiekach muzyki klasycznej XD.
  10. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    Zaskoczyla mnie swoboda i fizyka obiektow w tym pierwszym miejscu - lawki i krzesla lataja w powietrzu az milo
  11. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    Ostatni tryb mnie rozyebal. ta gra jest wieksza niz Destiny XDDDDDDD Preorder zamowiony,
  12. hav7n

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    Dajcie juz spokoj, nie wypada sie tak brzydko klocic przy tak pieknej kobiecie <3
  13. hav7n


    Design tej gry mnie zmiazdzyl
  14. hav7n

    Fable Legends

    Animacje mogli by jeszcze poprawic bo caly czas maja kolki w tylkach
  15. hav7n

    Fable Legends

    Obejrzalem gameplay i wywiad z tworcami na Xbonie i nie wiem co sie stalo tej grze ale wyglada slicznie o_O. Modele postaci, efekty czarow, ostre jak zyleta textury...nie wiem co oni zrobili o_O. Masa boheterow do wybory, typowy dla serii humor....czuje ze bedzie masa funu w coopie Obym tylko dostal sie do bety...
  16. hav7n

    Ori and the Blind Forest

    Wiadomo kiedy premiera?
  17. hav7n

    Ori and the Blind Forest

    Arcydzielo <3
  18. hav7n

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    Mloda Lare to bym bral <3. Stara zreszta tez XD.
  19. O___________________________________________________________________O GOTY 2015 juz w lutym.
  20. hav7n

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    No XD. Teraz juz wiem czemu tak kuslawie to zapowiedzieli XD. Co do dwoch roznych teamow i gier to nie wierze - SE juz jeczalo ze gra poprzedni TR sie ledwo zwrocil wiec watpie w jakies wieksze inwestowanie kasy. Coz, zawsze lepiej niz f2p na tablety XD.
  21. hav7n

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    Niezla komedia z tym wyszla xD. Jak to crossgen typu Destiny to ja za ta gre dziekuje.
  22. hav7n

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    Crossgen w 2015/16r. Square umrzyj.
  23. hav7n

    Quantum Break

    Obejrzalem sobie pokaz na Xbonie w swietnej jakosci i mowie tylko jedno - miazdzunia. Szkoda ze nie podali daty premiery czuje w kosciach jesien 2015
  24. hav7n

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

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