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Treść opublikowana przez hav7n

  1. It doesn't matter. Naughty Dog and Uncharted will be preferred anyhow. TR1 was basically Uncharted 1, 6 years later.

    1. hav7n
    2. kubson
    3. Ins


      damage control czy jakos tak

  2. hav7n

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    Nie ma potwierdzonego info ze to time ex. To tylko domysly ludzi ktorzy pluja na MS bo ukradl im gre XD.
  3. hav7n


  4. hav7n

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    Zapominasz o tym, że Mass Effect też wydawało MS A tak swoją drogą to dobry ruch ze strony MS z tym ex-em. MS sprzedam EA prawa do Mass Effect, dlatego gra ukazala sie na wszystkie platformy. Z TR moze byc roznie, albo grubo posmarowali za tima exa albo poszli na deal ze SE ze sami gre wydadza na Xbona i pozniej PC.
  5. hav7n

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    Wyglada ze to MS jest wydawca TR wiec PC to pewniak:
  6. Actually nie znaczy aktualnie

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  3 więcej
    2. Ludwes


      W takich momentach wstydzę się, że jestem klapkiem :(.

    3. Pikol


      tlumaczenie na doslownie zostawmy gimbom i chudym studenciakom.

    4. Zeratul
  7. Ale ch*jnia XD. Koles skacze po scianach jak jakis orangutan XD. Jeszcze sie cieszy ze ssie pale i trzeba grac na sesntitive ponad 4 XD. Smiechlem.
  8. Lost in Hollywood karaoke w pubie.....a wy co, Tlumaczycie sie matce ze po 11 w domu?

    1. Square


      disco polo jak rozumiem? :)

    2. mersi


      karaoke powiadasz

    3. kermit
  9. hav7n

    PS4 - Komentarze i inne rozmowy

    Swietnie to wyglada ale niestety smierdzi fakem na kilometr. Zwlaszcza pucharki w "snapie".
  10. Dwa dni <3
  11. hav7n

    Zakupy growe!

    Jakie mile przywitanie w rodzinie #TylkoNintendo Z Amazonu wyrwalem odnowionego SP za 55 funtow
  12. hav7n

    Zakupy growe!

    JEST <3
  13. hav7n

    Metro: Redux

    A to przepraszam, taki byl podpis w temacie na Reddit
  14. DOTA 2 I Fruit Ninja 2 Kinect Edition xD. Zadnych niespodzianek nie bedzie, tylko Quantum FUNCKING Break!
  15. hav7n

    Quantum Break

    Mozliwe ze pokaza fragment na tym moscie Ja Remedy ufam, jezeli premiera ma byc na pierwsza polowe przyszlego roku to spodziewam sie czystego gameplayu I konkretnej daty premiery. Watpie zeby chcieli to pokazac po raz kolejny na E3 2015 bo to juz nie bedzie zadna bomba...
  16. Mozliwosc robienia screenshotow? Wynasnila sie tez sytuacja z Ryse: "Our goal always was for Ryse to be at the forefront of a next-generation console launch, which we have done," he said. "Ryse has received tremendous promotion and IP awareness. And Ryse is our IP. We do what we want to do with the future of Ryse. This is important." "For Ryse 2, we aren't saying it's cancelled. It's our IP. It just has to wait for the right timing. And the right timing means higher installed base across next-gen." Caly wywiad: Wyglada na to ze Crytek sie obrazil na MS i postanowil miziac z innym wydawca (Deep Silver?).
  17. Pewien developer nie pracujacy dla Microsoftu postanowil sie podzielic swoimi odczuciami na temat chmury na forum NeoGaf. Obecnie pracuje nad jakas gra ale nie moze powiedziec co to za projekt - musimy czekac do 2015. Warto sie zapoznac I know GAF "in general" is very pessimistic about the cloud. And yes, somehow I can understand that - because so far, there weren't that much games that really took advantage of server calculations. To be honest, no new-gen so far really did (Titanfall touched 5% of the possibilities ...). And this is also why I try to be very careful about the words I choose. No. You can not boost your games resolution with Azure. And no. You can not create better lighting effects with Azure. But, if you focus on it, you can still boost the overall graphical look of your game by a mile. We are currently creating a game. But in fact, we are kind of creating two-in-one. One with Azure available, and one for offline only. Everything you code, you need to code for two scenerarios. This is a ton of work. if online = dynamic grass; if offline=static grass ... To say it very simple. And so on.That's why we are currently thinking about going "online-only". But to be very open to you, we have some fear about that. Obviously. The gaming community is very careful when they hear "online-only" ... Games like Sim City simply ... Well, did it wrong. If I could show you a screen comparison of our latest build right now - Azure on/off (no, sorry, I can't ...), you would understand what I am talking about. Wind, dynamically moving vegetations, footprints that stay for hours and even wildlife nearly without losing any local CPU power. This is just awesome in the right situations. I know MS has some own projects in the works, too, that will go all-in with the Azure servers. Crackdown is the already known example. That's all I can say for now. Really. I'm out here! During developement, yes. I do not work for Microsoft, so I do not know if they are doing it on a case-by-case sceneraio or whatever, As soon as you begin to earn money with your game and you still want to use Azure, obviously you need to pay for the service. I think that's just fair. The prices are well balanced. The best thing about Azure is scalability and power. And especially in gaming this is what you need. I can not comment on our game just yet, I am sorry guys! 2015. Ehm. They do We are building our new game strongly with Azure in mind for physic calculations (currently for vegetation, grass, water being manipulated by wind and objects, which would not be easy [impossible] to do with local power only). We are so happy with it that we are currently thinking about going all-in and make the game kind of addicted to Azure. The benefits are huge. Especially for singleplayer there are some risks tho, so we really need to think about it first.
  18. hav7n

    Metro: Redux

    15 min gameplayu.
  19. hav7n

    Quantum Break

    Ja wole konkretny gameplay z kolesiem z padem na scenie. Pamietam prezentacje Uncharted 2 czy pierwszych Gearsow po ktorych po prostu spadlem z krzesla. Takiego czegos spodziewam sie po Quantum.
  20. hav7n

    Metro: Redux

    Ladnie sie panowie postarali z tym remasterem. No I dwie gry w zestawie. Bedzie grane.
  21. hav7n

    Forza Horizon 2

    A ja nie. #tylkoXboxOne
  22. NA GC bedzie gameplay z wersj na Xboxa 0:29
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