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Treść opublikowana przez KarolJanuszGejmingu

  1. Bf4 na xboxie One
  2. No tak: Zabieranie swojego profilu do kumpla itp Nie bedzie to mozliwe na ps4? Swoje zapisane gry na chmurze,sejvy to juz mam na ps+ na ps3, Kinecta pomine... Sony ma to samo z kontrollerem,kto wezmie go w lapy rozpoznaje uj wie co.. Nagrywannie gameplaju to bedzie chyba o wiele dluzsze na konsoli Sony Smart glass to nic inego co ma juz dawno sony w swoim xperiach i braviach.Jeden oglada tv,drugi cos tam na telefonie no super fanatastyczna zabawa.Fajnie moge sprawdzic poprzez moja xperie/smartfona jak radzi sobie moj przyjaciel w gierce,oh Sony tez to ma Sony tez bedzie mialo dedykowane serwery w grach,,,Znaczy ma cod,bf,killzone,driveclub.Jak narazie te tytuly maja potwierdzone dedykowane serwery. Glupia marketingowa gadka dla przyglupow jak dla mnie.
  3. Daj ten filmik o tej super infrastrukturze sieciowej MS
  4. Originally Posted by BASED DICE Low frame rate/stuttering PC players may have experienced trouble in the Beta getting the game running at a good frame rate. Rest assured that we’re using the information we received to optimize the performance for the launch of the game. We also released three game client updates and a number of game server updates during the Beta to address some of these issues and to gather more information to ensure a smoother launch. Stuck on loading screen We have identified some of the reasons why players, mainly on PC, were getting stuck on the loading screen and are currently working around the clock to decrease the rate at which this occurs. The latest PC patch for the Beta helped for some players and we are confident we will be able to minimize this issue for launch. High CPU usage during the Beta CPU usage could sometimes skyrocket for dual, quad and six-core processors. We identified some of the reasons and released three patches with fixes that went live during the Beta, to address the problems. This was a true Beta, and as such all the crash reports that were generated during this period will actually help us make a better game. Controller layouts (X360/PS3) We’ve increased the available controller options in Battlefield 4, including the new controller layout and multiple alternatives that we hope will make you feel right at home. If you’re more comfortable with the controls from Battlefield 3, we’ve got you covered. Just by bringing up the options menu, you can choose the “Legacy” layout, which is similar to that in Battlefield 3. Empty server listings (X360/PS3) While in the Server Browser you may have seen lists of empty servers. By changing the filter options, you’ll be able to find populated servers that you can join. You can also use the “Quick Match” function to quickly get into the action. The elevator catapult (All platforms) Although an interesting concept, elevators were never designed to act as a catapult or teleporter. The bug where the elevator button would catapult you up into the air is fixed for the final game. But we did enjoy all the crazy videos you’ve posted. Thanks! Gameplay balancing We are still balancing gameplay, and in true DICE fashion will continue to do so well after the release of Battlefield 4. Below are just some of the gameplay changes based on your feedback that we’re making in time for the launch of the game. Infantry Changes -Fixed how the player only receives a single local damage sound effect if he or she was the victim of a quick, clean kill. The sound and camera impact effect had too long a cool down between hits. This should improve the responsiveness of being killed and taking damage. -Reduced the fire rate of the AK12 in burst from 1000rpm to 750rpm. The rate of fire was too high when combined with the low recoil of the weapon, making it more powerful than intended in burst mode. -Tweaked the compensator and muzzle brake so they’re properly less accurate in sustained automatic fire. -Reduced and rebalanced full auto accuracy based on rate of fire for all automatic weapons to balance low ROF weapons. Low ROF weapons were remaining accurate long enough to get easy kills outside of their intended optimal range. -Increased the default throw distance of the portable ammo and med packs. This makes it easier to throw these packs to teammates. -Portable ammo packs now reload 2 magazines of bullets instantly and up a total of 4 magazines per pack over time. The player must stay on top of the ammo pack in order to benefit from all of the ammo reloading. Grenades, RPG’s, and other explosive launchers do not benefit from the instant reload function of the Ammo Pack. -Increased the muzzle flash of the 25mm and 40mm launchers to make their threat position more visible. -Fixed an issue where the knife stab didn’t align with the kill event. -The revive time has been increased from 7s to 10s. Vehicle Changes -Fixed some descriptions of weapons for vehicles that incorrectly described the function of the weapon. -Increased the damage of the Stinger and IGLA to 3 hits to kill attack choppers (was 25%, now 35%). -Increased the speed of all TOW guided missiles to 75m/s from 50m/s so they can catch-up to fast vehicles like the Quad bike. -Increased the sustained fire accuracy of the Coaxial LMG on armored vehicles because it was underpowered. -Reduced the damage the 40mm and 25mm infantry weapons do to armored vehicles to highlight their anti-infantry role. -Reduced the damage main gun on the IFVs against other armor to highlight their primarily anti-infantry role. -Fixed an issue where the tank main gun did not correctly hit the center of the crosshair at all times. -Multiple options are now available for controlling how your vehicles steer with a joystick on all platforms, as well as improved the responsiveness of steering while accelerating. Locking Weapon Changes -RPG7 and SMAW can no longer lock on to Laser Designated Targets. It was inauthentic and not balanced. -Fixed some projectiles not warning vehicles when they were fired on a Laser Designated target. Reduced the lock on distance for RPGs, SMAW, and MBT LAW missiles to 350m from 500m. This gives the IGLA the clear long range AA role for soldiers, and keeps the team play element of Laser Designation. -All Laser Designated missiles now do a maximum of 90% damage to Attack and Scout helicopters (down from 100%). This was done to give helicopters a chance to use their Fire Extinguisher countermeasure even against Laser Designated weapons. General Changes -The kill string in the score log now appears sooner, making the UI more responsive to a kill event. -The aim assist on X360/PS3 has been tweaked to be more consistent at all ranges. The assist was over powerful at close range, and not powerful enough at medium range. Players should now find that close combat requires much more player input and the snap to a target is far less forgiving. At medium range the player should experience a bit more assistance tracking targets, but generally still reduced aim assist effectiveness. PC Specific Changes -Fixed a string in On Foot PC key bindings that should have read “CROUCH (TOGGLE) / PRONE (HOLD)”. -Removed an unused “Underslung” key binding on PC, the “Select Gadget 1″ key binding now controls both of these actions as expected. Some big changes like: Locking Weapon Changes -RPG7 and SMAW can no longer lock on to Laser Designated Targets. It was inauthentic and not balanced. BASED DICE -Increased the sustained fire accuracy of the Coaxial LMG on armored vehicles because it was underpowered.
  5. Roznice miedzy LOW a ULTRA Dla mnie bardzo male...Gra na Low wyglada i tak 3 x lepiej niz na current konsolach.
  6. Wiem,jedna z moim ulubionych broni.Ale i tak majac m16 miales wieksza przewage
  7. Preorder zlozony 6 czerwca w shop to. 29 wrzesien potwierdzenie konsoli na premiere i wybranie bundla PS4+KZ
  8. Teraz jest beka z tymi skokami w tej grze.Widze,ze w becie czesto ludzie,ktorzy dobrze grali w BF3 tego uzywali.W bf3 bylo to tak w(pipi)..,ze typ ktory skakal byl szybszy od typa ktory biegal.Jeszce malo tego gubil hitboxy,podczas lotu. Teraz bez problemu rozpierdzielam 3-4 typow jak sa odwroceni plecami,bo nie sa w stanie robic tych panicznych skokow.Jesli nawet dany typ probuje,to i tak czekam do 3 skoku,bo po nim typ jakby skacze w miejscu i wypierdzielam mu serie. Dice zrobilo za(pipi)iscie,ze to znerfilo,bo chce grac w chodz troszeczke autentycznego shootera,a nie beda skaczacych pajacow z karabinami.
  9. oj takie coś bym przyjął BAAAAARDZO! Zapomnij.Chyba,ze skladales pre ordera w lutym.Te bundle sa za(pipi)iste,ja za samego killzona + ps4 place 400£.....
  10. Tak a na pelnej kazda wrzuta to gol.Co za kretyni robili ta gre,jeszcze wieksi niz KONAMI
  11. No to pieknie. Po ograniu bety nie moge doczekac sie wersji ps4.Gdyby DICE jeszcze zabralo snajperki,ktore zabijaja na hita to bylo juz za(pipi)iscie.A tak pajace kampia bezuzyteczne.
  12. Ja tam wole kupic na premiere ps4.Z tym premiumem to watpie,ze tak przechodzi.
  13. O kurde ceny ps4 na ebay nieziemskie... Ale mysle,ze i tak dostanecie spokojnie ps4 na premiere,sorry ale Polska to kraj "przemocy i bezprawia" To u was gry sprzedsaje sie 2-3 dni przed premiera. Jeszcze normalnie leza na polkach Swoje ps4 dostaniecie szybciej niz reszta europy
  14. Bf4 premium przechodzi na ps4?
  15. Ten nowy tryb jest naprawde fajny.Kurde ale czasami,to jak sie zbierze od chooja ludzi w jednym miejscu to czuje jakby moja ps3 miala eksplodowac.. 15 fps.Nie wyobrazam sobie grac tego trybu w 64 osoby,to gorzej niz dm i dominacja.
  16. Wydaje mi sie,ze 1080p Watch dogs zostal potwierdzony na ps4. Knack Killozne Driveclub Infemous Te gry normlanie w 1080 p chodza. Tylko ten bf ma problemy.Mysle,ze przez xbona.
  17. Tylko Bf4 na ps4 bedzie na wiekszej rozdzialce podobno.W sumie 64 graczy i 60 fpsow jest najwazniejze.Wersja current genowa nawet nie ma 720p i tak dobrze sie bawie. A co do gier to 1080p to na ps4 bedzie standart,bf jest specyficzna gra.Naprawde potrzeba dobrego sprzetu ze wzgledu na ten "large scale" multiplayer.
  18. Zbytnio roznicy nie ma moim zdaniem.Nawet pomiedzy 720p a 1080p
  19. Myslisz,ze kupowanie Snajperki do asg jest tanie? Do tego caly ubior snajpera... Nie chce nic ci mowic,ale dobre,porzazdne snajperki sa naprawde drogie.Nie chcesz miec chyba zasiegu karabinu szturmowego,do tego pewnie przy bliskich odleglosciach bedziesz musial uzyc pistola. Ile fpsow bedzie maila twoja snajpa?
  20. Marek w ogole co ci dropnelo w tej zlotej paczce? To jest cos takiego jak ma fifa ultimate team? Jakies bronie karty,como,granaty tak? Tylko ja sadze,ze dice naprawde przywiazalo wieksza role do gameplayu i wy(pipi).. to w BF3 bylo glupie a wrecz debilne? Mi tak gra naprawde sie podoba.
  21. Nie prawda.Brales m16 nie miales zadnego przygozdzenia,bez problemu rozpierdzielalo sie supportow.W ogole to jest parodia z supression,bo wszytskie pukawki oprocz m16 podczas tej glupoty strzelaly gdzies randomowo. 2 m od typa i zabijaasz go ostatnimi pociskami,bo tak gra decyduje.W bf4 support ma miec wieksze przygozdzenie,ale tego w becie chyba nie ma.Moim zdaniem bron supporta ta pierwsza w becie jest za(pipi)ista,na sredni i daleki dystans jestes w stanie kogos zabic.Bron engi to parodia
  22. Bf3 to choojostwo w porownaniu do nowego BFa Zyebany balans,przygozdzenie to najwiekszy syf tej gry.Moze zacznij grac na CQ,gdzie support jest naprawde potrzebna klasa,a medyk ze swoimi dobrymi pukawkami nie jest juz taki OP. Jesli grasz na dominacji,to juz sobie odpusc granie supportem,wiem bo gralem i ciekzo sie strzela przeciwko medykom.
  23. Pogralem na CQ i jednak to gra to bedzie rzez. Na tym trybie wszytsko jest za(pipi)iscie zbalansowane.Czolgi z rpg mozna rozwalic bez problemu,strzelam do ludzi to gina brak superssion to za(pipi)ista sprawa. Nawet 12vs 12 nie wieje zbytnio nuda.cos czuje,ze pogram w to wiecej niz 400h na nowej generacji.
  24. Ja z brytyjskiego shopto zamowilem pre ordera 17 czerwca.Pytalem sie ich ostatnio,czy konsole zagwarantuja mi na premiere.Oni pisali,ze tak naprawde nic nie moga zagwarantowac. Dziwilem si,ze polskie sklepy tak obiecuja.Wszystko cacy pieknie,cuda na patyku.Przeciez rynek Polski jest o wiele mniejszy od brytyjskiego.Tydzien temu dostalem info,ze konsole na premiere mam na bank i mam szybko wybrac bundla. Teraz polskie sklepy maja zamowienia na grudzien,niezla beka.
  25. Przestan skakac teraz to i tak (pipi) daje,nawet sie szybciej nie przemieszczasz. Kalinho: bronie sa jak z cod,odrzut jest naprawde maly. Bronie maja odrzut,ale pewnie gracie tylko dominacje i cisniecie tym kalaszem co ma medyk.Sproboj zayebac full auto bronia engi albo supporta.Ciezko kogos zabic na sredni dystans.
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