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Treść opublikowana przez bebbop

  1. Mowiles, ze juz wszystko naprawili...
  2. Trzeba bedzie w koncu zagrac w piewsza czesc. Zanim ukoncze to zdarza polatac sequelszczaka : x
  3. Czemu FF VII mialby nie byc multiplatforma :x?
  4. bebbop


    3 sezon Castevanii wyladowal. Bedzie dzis ogladane
  5. Osobiscie preferuje baterie. Latwy dostep, dlugosc pracy, mozliwosc szybkiej wymiany. Ogrywajac Infamous'a Second Son musialem ze 2 razy ladowac pada, by to ukonczyc. Na Xboxie spokojnie wystarcza na 30h gry, jak nie wiecej, wiec spokojnie mozna ukonczyc chociaz jedna, sredniej dlugosci gre. Jak zapomne naladowac aku to mam awaryjnie pare baterii, by moc bez problemu pograc. Przy PS4 wiecznie siedzenie na kablu. Ciezar pada od X'a jakos nigdy mi nie przeszkadzal, wydaje mi sie dobrze wywazony. Mysle, ze to kwestia przyzwyczajenia. Z czasem wrecz DS4 wydawal mi sie za lekki. Z kolei ciezar Switcha jest juz dla mnie nie do przeskoczenia. Po ok. 2h zawsze mi lapy opadaly.
  6. Zwiekszenie gammy na maksa nie daje cukierkowych kolorow w hdr?
  7. Cyberpunk ma dostac darmowy upgrade na SEXa w ramach "Smart Delivery"
  8. Ciekawe jak tam framerate pod koniec gry. Z tego co pamietam tam byla masakra. Czasem spadal chyba do 15 klatek.
  9. bebbop

    Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

    Jutro ma pojawic sie patch skracajacy loadingi.
  10. Kolejny gameplay:
  11. bebbop

    Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

    Panowie, jakie sa opcje do wyboru w optionsie? Mozna wylaczyc zadawane obrazenia w postaci cyferek?
  12. bebbop


    Zalatuje pierwszym Darksiders'em. Ma to swoj specyficzny klimat, ktory nie kazdemu podejdzie. Pewnie bedzie to typowy sredniak, ale czasem lubie pograc w tytuly tracace nostalgia z czasow PS2.
  13. Mam nadzieje, ze dorzuca kiedys w passie Monster Boy'a :x
  14. Moze dodadza jakies story z gowniakami :d
  15. Dali wejscie na karty SD?
  16. bebbop


    27 lutego wjezdza drugi sezon Modyfikowanego Wegielka. Oby bylo lepiej, niz w pierwszym
  17. A tak wrzucilem, by cos sie dzialo w temacie :E
  18. Plota z reddit. The leak suggests that PS5 will launch on 30 October 2020, with a price tag of 500 dollars. Although Sony did not announce the PS5 launch date, the leak suggests that an event will be held on February 5th. Below, you can find the launch games of PS5. Descriptions are direct quotes from the leak itself, therefore they do not include’s opinion in any way. PlayStation 5 launch titles and exclusives New Killzone Title from Guerrilla Games (This title has been very much under wraps for years. It seems to be a huge departure/reboot from the rest of the franchise. Also extra focus on multiplayer.) Demon’s Souls Remake from Bluepoint Games (It’s a full remake of the game. Despite having Miyazaki’s blessing the game is sure to be a source of debate for fans since Bluepoint is taking artistic liberties and adding their own ideas.) SOCOM Reboot from San Diego Studio (Long rumored to be in development at Guerrilla, the game is being developed by ex Zipper Interactive employees and burnt out MLB devs using the Decima Engine. It has almost photo-realistic graphics.) Gran Turismo 7 from Polyphony Digital (Huge project that has been in development since 2014. The game is designed to be supported for 10 years and has more employees working on it than any game Sony has ever made.) New Ratchet & Clank from Insomniac Games (Start of a new Trilogy and sequel to the Future series the game has been in development since before the 2016 Remake was released. This game sees the return of space exploration, hover boots and competitive multiplayer which could be free to play. Still being decided.) New Multiplayer Title (Project Vanguard) from Remedy Entertainment (Sony is planning to acquire Remedy based on the reception to this game and a few other variables. In terms of this game, think of a cross between Control, Star Trek and the film Gravity.) WiLD from Wild Sheep Studio (Back in 2017 the game was a mess and lacked direction with Michel Ancel devoting more time to Beyond Good & Evil 2. He is still on board just in a lesser capacity. The game has switched to Decima Engine and will be on PS4 and PS5.) New Action Title from London Studio (Actually inspired by Hellblade, this game is a short, but hopefully satisfying open-world Guy Ritchie-like adventure.) New Action Title from Japan Studio (From the makers of Forbidden Siren, this game is more of a spiritual successor to Gravity Rush 2. PlayStation 5 exclusive games and release dates New Horizon title from Guerrilla Games (2021) New Uncharted title from New Unnamed Studio (2021) New The Order title from Ready at Dawn Studios (2021) New Motorstorm title from Codemasters (2021) New Spider-Man title from Insomniac Games (2022) New God of War title from Santa Monica Studio (2022) New Fumito Ueda Title from genDesign (2022) PlayStation 5 key features The ability to have 3 games and multiple media functionalities suspended while you play the 4th game. The ability to have different states of the same game running at the same time. In the cloud, you can have as many games suspended as you like. You can use the cloud to resume a game on your console after months of playing other games exactly where you left off or of course any other platform through the cloud. Game save data, screenshots and video clips can be offloaded to the cloud to free up hard drive space. Rigorous amounts of data and statistics for you to view your games and platform use. Backward Compatibility for all PlayStation Formats. PlayStation 5 launch titles and exclusives New Killzone Title from Guerrilla Games (This title has been very much under wraps for years. It seems to be a huge departure/reboot from the rest of the franchise. Also extra focus on multiplayer.) Demon’s Souls Remake from Bluepoint Games (It’s a full remake of the game. Despite having Miyazaki’s blessing the game is sure to be a source of debate for fans since Bluepoint is taking artistic liberties and adding their own ideas.) SOCOM Reboot from San Diego Studio (Long rumored to be in development at Guerrilla, the game is being developed by ex Zipper Interactive employees and burnt out MLB devs using the Decima Engine. It has almost photo-realistic graphics.) Gran Turismo 7 from Polyphony Digital (Huge project that has been in development since 2014. The game is designed to be supported for 10 years and has more employees working on it than any game Sony has ever made.) New Ratchet & Clank from Insomniac Games (Start of a new Trilogy and sequel to the Future series the game has been in development since before the 2016 Remake was released. This game sees the return of space exploration, hover boots and competitive multiplayer which could be free to play. Still being decided.) New Multiplayer Title (Project Vanguard) from Remedy Entertainment (Sony is planning to acquire Remedy based on the reception to this game and a few other variables. In terms of this game, think of a cross between Control, Star Trek and the film Gravity.) WiLD from Wild Sheep Studio (Back in 2017 the game was a mess and lacked direction with Michel Ancel devoting more time to Beyond Good & Evil 2. He is still on board just in a lesser capacity. The game has switched to Decima Engine and will be on PS4 and PS5.) New Action Title from London Studio (Actually inspired by Hellblade, this game is a short, but hopefully satisfying open-world Guy Ritchie-like adventure.) New Action Title from Japan Studio (From the makers of Forbidden Siren, this game is more of a spiritual successor to Gravity Rush 2. PlayStation 5 exclusive games and release dates New Horizon title from Guerrilla Games (2021) New Uncharted title from New Unnamed Studio (2021) New The Order title from Ready at Dawn Studios (2021) New Motorstorm title from Codemasters (2021) New Spider-Man title from Insomniac Games (2022) New God of War title from Santa Monica Studio (2022) New Fumito Ueda Title from genDesign (2022) PlayStation 5 key features The ability to have 3 games and multiple media functionalities suspended while you play the 4th game. The ability to have different states of the same game running at the same time. In the cloud, you can have as many games suspended as you like. You can use the cloud to resume a game on your console after months of playing other games exactly where you left off or of course any other platform through the cloud. Game save data, screenshots and video clips can be offloaded to the cloud to free up hard drive space. Rigorous amounts of data and statistics for you to view your games and platform use. Backward Compatibility for all PlayStation Formats.
  19. A jak Krew i wino wypada przy Sercu z kamienia? Lepszejsze, ten sam poziom?
  20. bebbop

    Ile im płacicie?

    Gdzie Panie taka oferta? Na stronie widze 25 zeta za 10GB ogolnego + 10GB youtube.
  21. Chyba tylko jednorazowo mozna wykonac konwersje ze zwyklego na ultimate na danym koncie.
  22. Mysle, ze duzo zalezy tu od Sony. Nie ma miejsca juz na jakies Knacki, czy Killzony, tylko trzeba przywalic z grubej rury kilkoma, porzadnymi tytulami. Wszystko bedzie zalezec od tego, czy gry pisane tylko pod PS5, rzeczywiscie pokaza na poczatku nowa jakosc w porownaniu do konkurencji. Czy maja juz odpowiednie narzedzia i wystarczajaco czasu, by pokazac cos na miare next-gena, czy jednak na poczatku beda to produkcje bardzo zblizone do cross-genow.
  23. Czyzby nowe giery w passie ?
  24. bebbop

    Jaką grę wybrać?

    Na poczatku bylo mega srednio, juz mialem rzucic gre w kat ( duzo gadaniny, szwedania sie po kanalach, jakies QTE), ale ostatecznie postanowilem dac jej szanse i przemeczyc poczatek. Czlowiek za duzo nagral sie w Far Cry`e i nie spodziewalem sie, ze to bardziej survival z craftingiem, wiec nie nalezy strzelac do wszystkiego co sie rusza jak pojepany. Gdy juz trafilem na otwarta przestrzen to naprawde jest bardzo dobrze. Fajny korytarzyk z pol otwartym, dobrze wykreowanym swiatem, oraz super klimatem post-apo. Ostatecznie ciesze sie, ze dalem grze szanse. Dawno sie tak dobrze nie bawilem przy FPP spedzajac kilka h w jednym dniu.
  25. Podali tylko PS5 hardware features: - 3D audio sound - haptics, adaptive triggers - SSD - Hardware-based ray tracing - Ultra HD Blu-ray Wiecej konkretow w poniejszym czasie, prawdopodobnie na Playstation Meeting w lutym(?).
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