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Treść opublikowana przez bebbop

  1. bebbop

    Metal Gear Online

    741 MB czeka do pobrania z PS Store
  2. bebbop

    Metal Gear Online

    Z tego co pamietam ( szperajac po necie ) ma byc o 12
  3. bebbop

    GTA IV

    Prawdopodobnie 360, rowniez bedzie miala mozliwosc instalacji gry na dysku "We’re also reliably informed this morning that the 360 version features an “optional install” as well. We’ll drop Rockstar a note asking for confirmation."
  4. bebbop


    Suprise dla Jakima Informacja prasowa: NAMCO BANDAI GAMES ANNOUNCES NARUTO™: ULTIMATE NINJA® STORM FOR THE PLAYSTATION®3 SYSTEM Naruto's PLAYSTATION 3 System Debut Revolutionizes Ninja Action with Full 3D Combat, Free-Roaming Exploration and Incredible Anime Graphics Santa Clara, Calif., (April 16, 2008) - Leading video games publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc., today announced NARUTO™: Ultimate Ninja® STORM exclusively for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system. Based on the popular NARUTO™ animated television series from VIZ Media, the game delivers ninja action on an unprecedented scale as players go head to head in full 3D combat, investigate every inch of the Hidden Leaf Village in open-world exploration and revel in high definition graphics that surpass traditional hand-drawn animation. Evolving the head-to-head fighting action of the Ultimate Ninja series, NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM allows players to battle in full 3D across massive environments. Players will unleash powerful jutsu attacks, perform acrobatic evasive maneuvers and even run up walls and over water as they pursue their opponent for ninja supremacy. Players will be able to customize their character's fighting style and recruit up to two support characters to put their own stamp on the action. Each character in the game is capable of unleashing powerful Awakening abilities under certain gameplay conditions, offering new traits and talents to the game's impressive ninja roster of 25 popular characters from the animated series. NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM supports head-to-head multiplayer fighting for up to two players. Allowing players to further immerse themselves in the world of NARUTO, NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM introduces all-new free-roaming exploration across the Hidden Leaf Village and the Forest of Death. Players can search every inch of these iconic environments to take on more than 100 unique missions, collect valuable scrolls and interact with additional characters from the NARUTO animated series. Injecting additional variety to the game's head-to head combat, these missions include races, special deliveries and large-scale battles against massive opponents. Taking advantage of an original next-generation graphics engine, NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM utilizes fluid animation, incredible visual detail and an advanced facial expression system to create high-definition graphics on the PLAYSTATION 3 system that surpass traditional hand-drawn animation. Replicating the same environments, characters and effects as the hit animated series, this new technology allows gamers to become a part of the world of NARUTO like never before. "Naruto's PLAYSTATION 3 system debut truly blurs the line between gaming and animation to deliver the most immersive and authentic interactive experience the franchise has ever seen," said Todd Thorson, Director of Marketing and Public Relations with NAMCO BANDAI Games America, Inc. "Players will marvel at the game's jaw-dropping graphics, fast-paced 3D fighting and new open-world exploration as they experience a classic NARUTO storyline with all of their favorite characters and environments." Wychodzi na to, ze free-roaming bedzie dokladnie taki sam jak w przypadku wersji na 360 PS."NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM will launch exclusively for the PLAYSTATION 3 system this fall." Premiera przewidziana na jesien
  5. bebbop

    GTA IV

    Fajnie, tylko ze towarzystwo z ps3site przekrecilo info. Na pisza, ze Site ( redaktor 1up ) nie zauwazyl zadnej roznicy pomiedzy obiema wersjami, natomiast pracownicy Rockstar odpowiedzialni za pokaz gry wyrazili swoje zdanie, iz wedlug nich lepiej chodzi wersja na PS3 PS. Okazuje sie, ze Irlandzki Spot nie byl pelny. Ponizej kompletny spocik ( dluzszy, z nowymi miejscowkami )
  6. bebbop

    Too Human

  7. bebbop

    Xbox 360 News

    10 pytan do Shane`a Kim`a:
  8. bebbop


    Nowy trailer:
  9. bebbop

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    3 nowe, nic nie wnoszace screeny
  10. bebbop


    Moze bedzie cos na ksztalt eksploracji gdyz w features wspominaja o "Discover A Brand New Mission Based Adventure Mode". Warto rowniez przyjrzec sie dokladnie screenom, gdzie mozemy ujrzec Naruto walczacego z Gaara, ktory ulegl transformacji. Taka walka raczej pojawi sie tylko w Adventure Mode
  11. bebbop


    Odliczanie na oficjalnej stronie dobieglo konca. Wpisujac kod: tiger-tiger-dragon mamy dostep do trailera, nowych screenow oraz informacji odnosnie gry PS. Kod sam odkrylem, ale mozliwe ze sa tez inne, udostepniajace co innego
  12. Prosze uprzejmie - post msgarcia Oryginalne forum ( brazylijskie ) zostalo wykasowane:
  13. Tworca video przyznal, ze jest to FAKE. Nie wiadomo czy powiedzial tak, poniewaz zostal przycisniety przez odpowiednie organy czy rzeczywiscie byla to zwykla mistyfikacja. Prawdy pewnie nigdy nie poznamy
  14. bebbop

    GTA IV

    Krotki wywiad z Dan`em Houser`em ( wspolzalozycielem Rockstar) : BW: How much “bigger” is this game, if it’s possible to say? DH: It’s about 30% larger than San Andreas. There are between 700 and 800 speaking parts, with 70 named characters. It’s big. PS. Nowy spot, ktory ukazal sie w irlandzkiej telewizji:
  15. "the next video is going to be professional it will have a tutorial with the password for you guys" Niestety nie wiadomo kiedy pojawi sie nowe video. Trzeba zaczac sciagac jakis obraz gry do testow
  16. Ponoc jego sposob odpalania gier jest niezalezny od firmware, czyli Sony nic z tym juz nie zrobi Padla tez informacja, ze jakis moderator z brazylijskiego forum widzial to wszystko w akcji i jest mocno wstawiony za tym czlekiem Pozyjemy, zobaczymy
  17. Popieram. Przyznam sie szczeze, ze jestem zyciowym optymista i wierze, ze ten brazylijczyk rzeczywiscie odkryl jak odpalac kopie bezpieczenstwa. Obawiam sie tylko, ze szybko moze to zostac zalatane przez Sony, skoro nie ma tam zadnej ingerencji w firmware.
  18. bebbop

    GTA IV

    Kolejne wrazenia z gry zaproszonych przez Rockstar:
  19. Ponoc caly czas testuje swoj sposob, czy jest w 100 % skuteczny. W planach jest rowniez nagranie kolejnego filmiku.
  20. Pogrzebalem troche w sieci i znalazlem opis mowiacy o tym co dzieje sie na filmiku udostepnionym przez brazylijczyka: "He begins thanking his friends and family. He downloaded Devil May Cry and just unpacked it, so he shows the files in Devil May Cry, maybe ISO (he calls it a DVD-Rip). Then he opens the software used to generate de key file and the PKG. The software generates the key file and “merge” it with the ISO to create the PKG. The key takes 15 seconds to be generated (he shows it, numbers). Then he shows a file with a big name (lots-of-numbers.pkg), don’t know what file is this, he doesn’t makes that clear. He uses ProxyServer to transfer the file to the PS3. He shows it, and also shows there’s no game whatsoever in his PS3 (demo or disc). He shows the router, the cable and his external harddrive receiving the file. He says he must pause the video until the transfer is complete, or else the video would be huge and youtube would not accept it, but he will show everything again. When transfer is at 98% he returns, and shows again there’s no disc in the Ps3. He puts a disc just to show how it’s done (Virtua Fighter) and then, he removes it. He shows there’s no other PS3 around. By the very end of the movie, Devil May Cry screen apeers, then, on the second video, Devil May Cry strats loading and he installs it, just normally. He pauses it again and returns when 10% is complete to show again theres no other Ps3 around. He shows the HDMI cable and unplugs it to show there’s really one PS3 and the external HardDrive is going crazy installing the game. He also notes there’s no DMC to buy on the PS Store. He talks to the dog! =P He pauses the video again so the video doesn’t becomes huge. He returns when the game installation is complete. He shows the autosave warning, then the creation of the network data. And the game finally running, just like it was supposed. Impressive. He shows again there’s no PS3 around and there’s no disc on his Ps3. He removes the HDMI cable again to show the Tv has no signal. He notes that his external HD is on. He puts the cable again. He shows the DMC intro screen. He press start and configures the game to play (automatic, difficult, etc). He says the video is going to be longer because he really wants to show to some as*holes and non-belivers that a brazilian can do something for his friends. He starts a mission and start playing, describing what he’s doing. He states the important thing is not the game, but show he method is true. He says: “It’s more then proved that i cracked the PS3 without any firmware ou hardware mods” He thanks, says that some as*holes wants their names on the video and says bye. I almost forgot, somewhere in the video, he says the method transforms a full game into a demo, fooling the PS3. I really think it’s true. Brazil got it! YEAH! =D" Na samym koncu znajduja sie dwie, ciekawe informacje: 1. “It’s more then proved that i cracked the PS3 without any firmware ou hardware mods” 2. "he says the method transforms a full game into a demo, fooling the PS3." Czyli nie ma zadnej ingerencji w firmware lub hardware. Brazylijczykowi udalo sie w jakis sposob oszukac PS3. Konsola odpala pelne wersje gier, myslac, ze to dema. Mam nadzieje, ze nie da sie tego w prosty sposob zalatac wydajac nowe firmware.
  21. Czyzby pojawil sie pierwszy dzialajacy loader na PS3? Ponizej filmik brazylijczyka odpalajacego DMC 4 bez plytki wewnatrz konsoli. Rapidshare: Youtube: cz.1 cz.2 Calosc trwa ok 20 min
  22. bebbop

    GTA IV

    Chcialbym podkreslic, iz w recenzji pisze o PRZYNAJMNIEJ 10 h w DLC 10 to minimum
  23. bebbop

    GTA IV

    Pojawila sie juz pierwsza recenzja, ktora pochodzi z OXM. Oceny nie zdradze, ale jest bardzo wysoka Ponizej zeskanowany caly artykul: Ponizej bezposrednie linki: Screen ukazujacy HUD: Recenzja: 1 strona: 2 strona: 3 strona: 4 strona: 5 strona: 6 strona: 7 strona: 8 strona: 9 strona:
  24. bebbop

    GTA IV

    Moze to byc rowniez kontrolowany wyciek, co by hype podkrecic
  25. Wprawdzie konsole mam dopiero do kilku dni, ale zdarzylem sciagnac pare dem i dotychczas nie zdarzylo mi sie, aby nie mozna bylo wyjsc z dema lub gry za pomoca Quit Game. Jesli mozesz wylaczyc konsole za pomoca pada to wydaje mi sie, ze wszystko z nim jest ok. Wychodzi na to, ze cos jest nie tak z konsola. Moze sprobuj najpierw odnowic system PS3 ( Restore PS3 System ) , ale spowoduje to, ze utracisz wszystkie dane na dysku ( mozesz wczesniej zrobic kopie danych - Backup Utility ). Jak to nie pomoze to pozostaje Ci tylko serwis.
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