W sieci pisza, ze wykorzystane zostalo narzedzie prosto od SONY a scislej mowiac narzedzie, ktore uzywaja serwisy SONY. To jest jakas modyfikacja "klucza", ktorym serwisy uruchamialy konsole z uszkodzonym FW.
This mod is basically a RETAIL TO DEBUG convertor, using a JIGCARD from SONY services.
If you look at VHS, it has some DEBUG things.
This JIG CARD(aka USB DONGLE) is used for devs and technicians from sony to launch BOOT INI from DEV_USB0.
Combining some buttons you can change the SYSCON status, who launch as a primary boot this dongle.
BOOTSTRAP is readed and the files from dongle are launched and the RAM is making a faulse REBOOT.
The whole thing its an SYSCON FIRMWARE EMULATOR.
TRM "think" we have a bebug one and KERNEL DEBUG is loaded.
This way a DEBUG VSHMAIN(temporally) allows unsigned code load.
Now you can launch PKGs from USB (that has an explorer to do that)
To launch BDEMU you need a disc to activate MEDIATYPE BD.
When you launch LOADER(from usb) BDDRIVE CHANNEL is closed(they cant share the same channel).
To eliminate LAYER, it needs a CELLFTP to extract decrypted files(no layer) and to convert those to DEBUG MODE.
Executer files can be created whit SDK,and generated by the same loader that extract the LAYER, and using PS3GEN to create signed isos(patched).
Same way a 360 works(using a core debug)
The LOADER is executed via APP.
ELIMINATING the initial USB BOOT, its all SONY has to do to kill this mod, because SYSCON is the boss.
To ostatnie zdanie jest dosyc ciekawe.
Specjalisci w SONY zapewne juz od ponad 24h siedza non stop i mysla jak to zablokowac w kolejnym FW