Kazuun 221 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) @Gri Ale ja nigdzie nie mówiłem jak dobre/złe jest to rozwiązanie tylko dlaczego zmiana dotyczy obecnych itemów. Słowa na temat balansu dziś chyba nie wypowiedziałem wręcz. Co do rzucania się: Termsy raczej zabezpieczają wszelakie zmiany w mechanice gry. Akceptujesz je jeżeli chcesz grać. Blizz mógłby nagle wywalić IAS jako stat ogólnie z gry i nikt nie miał by się prawa rzucać o to (prawa w sensie prawdziwego prawa/law), bo mają do tego pełne prawo. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5837135682 1.03 jutro. Edytowane 19 czerwca 2012 przez Kazuun Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Od Bashioka : As a reminder, we will be nerfing "Increases Attack Speed" (IAS) effects on all items except quivers with the 1.0.3 patch. Please note that this change does affect unidentified items as well, as item affixes and ranges are determined at the time of an item being dropped, and not when identified. Characters with IAS on their items will see a drop in their character sheet damage, as character sheet damage takes into account attack speed (among other factors). This change should not be confused with the Legendary buffs coming in a future patch (not 1.0.3), and those buffs, as previously mentioned, will not be retroactive. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5869897212 Cytuj
Gość kaz_ Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Wybierają mniejsze zło, ale Grigori ma rację, AS powinien być skalowany, tak samo jak bonusy od głównych statystyk postaci (dodge od dexa, resy od inta itp.) Wtedy miałoby to sens, a tak to po prostu osłabią wszystkich, glass cannony będą słabsze, ale nie aż tak, jak reszta klas. Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Biorąc pod uwagę,że mam na 4 itemach IAS około 14-15% to chyba będę musiał wrócić na Hell.Wydałem grube miliony na te itemy... Cytuj
Kazuun 221 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Są pozytywne głosy. Nieliczne, nawet bardzo nieliczne ale są. Cytuj
rinzen 966 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) No cóż, jutro kolejna fala graczy pożegna się z grą po przeżyciu rozczarowania. Eh, Blizzard, nie sądziłem że oni przyjmą mentalność "my i tak wiemy lepiej". Żałosne było ich zapewnienie, że chcą usłyszeć nasze zdanie na ten temat, skoro zostało ono olane ciepłym moczem, mimo iż nikt nie wypowiedział się o tym rozwiązaniu pozytywnie.Ja już wróciłem do SCII. DIII nie dostarcza mi nawet połowy zabawy, które dostarczało DII. Gra, której rdzeniem było bieganie i szukanie fajnych przedmiotów zwyczajnie tych przedmiotów skąpi; pod nogi gracza rzucane są kłody aby grał tak jak dev sobie tego zażyczy a nie tak jak chce a długość i różnorodność A3 i A4 jest tak mała, że człowiek nawet tęskni za znienawidzonym Kurast gdzie kazamaty były większe niż A4 w trójce. Jak wyjdzie patch to pewnie pogram chwilę z Szakirem, może coś tam przejdziemy na inferno ale i tak tym rzucę przynajmniej do czasu ustatkowania się ekonomii. Dobrze, że jest jeszcze HC - tam przynajmniej są normalne ceny, bo nikt nie wyda 20kk na przedmiot, który w każdej chwili może stracić. edit: Krippi i Kripparrian przeszli inferno na hc jeszcze przed nerfem i chyba będą jedynymi, którym się to udało. Edytowane 19 czerwca 2012 przez greah Cytuj
Kazuun 221 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Dobrze liczę, 6am PDT to u nas godzina 15:00, nie? Czyli update potrwa od 15:00 do 1 w nocy. Right? @Greah Wiele nie przeglądałem AH na HC (z ciekawości patrzyłem na itemy w okolicach lvl 20) ale przy takim pobieżnym looknięciu to widać wszędzie są debile chcący za item 2 miliardy Dwa, że na zwykłym gold AH można bez większych problemów kupić dobry gear dla postaci lvl 51 za mniej niż 60k łącznie, więc nie ma tak drogo chyba. Cytuj
Gattz 217 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Dobrze liczę, 6am PDT to u nas godzina 15:00, nie? Czyli update potrwa od 15:00 do 1 w nocy. Right? moze i dobrze ale w twoim linku pisze ze 6 pm a nie 6 am ;P Cytuj
Kazuun 221 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 moze i dobrze ale w twoim linku pisze ze 6 pm a nie 6 am ;P Jednak chyba źle. Coś mi się pojechało ;p Cytuj
Gattz 217 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 heh bo napewno bede sprawdzal czy dobrze wyliczyles zaczynajac od zlej godziny Cytuj
Shankor 1 683 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) OFICJALNE PATCH NOTES: Diablo III patch 1.0.3 is now live in Europe! Check out the full patch notes below to learn about all the latest changes.Important: Please note that you will not be prompted to download patch 1.0.3 until the patch is live in your home region. If you are logging in from an American or Asian client, you will need to wait for this patch to release in that region before it can be installed. Additionally, if your home region is Europe, you will be unable to log into the Americas or Asia using Global Play after patch 1.0.3 is live until those regions have also patched. Diablo III Patch 1.0.3 – v. The latest client patch notes can be found here. Hotfixes made in addition to changes in patch 1.0.2c can be found here. Table of Contents •General •Battle.net •Classes •Items •Crafting •Followers •Bosses •Monsters •Bug Fixes General •To prevent monsters from being unintentionally kited into town from other areas of the game, portals have been placed at both ends of the bridge from New Tristram to The Weeping Willow. Towns have always been intended to be a safe haven from combat, and this change will help keep the denizens of New Tristram safe from the dangers that lurk beyond its walls. •The real-money auction house is now available for Chilean, Argentinian, and Brazilian currencies Battle.net •General•Friends will now sort alphabetically by name within the Friends List, first by Real ID and then by BattleTag •The Quick Join menu will now also sort alphabetically by name, first by Real ID and then by BattleTag •Chat settings and preferences will now be saved whenever you log out •Reporting another player using the Report > Spam option will now mute that player for the duration of your gaming session •Bug Fixes•Using the /who command in a heavily populated chat channel should no longer cause the client to crash •The “Invite to Party” button should no longer become grayed-out if a player: •Declines a party invite •Requests a party invite and then declines it •Accepts a party invite, but immediately then leaves the party •The character screen should now always display the display the correct act and quest information •If Real ID has been disabled for a Battle.net account, attempting to add a Real ID friend in Diablo III will now prompt the player with the following error message: “Battle.net is unable to add friends because you have Real ID disabled.” Classes •Barbarian•Active Skills •Ignore Pain•Skill Rune – Contempt for Weakness •The amount of damage reflected will now cap at the player’s maximum Life •Overpower•Skill Rune – Crushing Advance •The amount of damage reflected will now cap at the player’s maximum Life •The tooltip has been updated to represent that both melee and ranged damage are reflected •Weapon Throw••Tooltip now displays the correct duration for how long a target will be slowed: “Hurl a throwing weapon at any enemy for 100% weapon damage and Slow the movement of the enemy by 60% for 1.5 seconds.” (The functionality of the skill has not changed.) •Passive Skills •Relentless•Now reduces the Fury cost of all skill by 75%, down from 100% (the 50% damage reduction remains unchanged) •Demon Hunter•Active Skills •Cluster Arrow•Skill Rune – Dazzling Arrow •Tooltip now displays the correct type of weapon damage dealt by Dazzling Arrow: “Enemies hit by grenades have a 55% chance to be stunned for 2 seconds and changes the damage to Physical.” (The functionality of the skill has not changed.) •Grenades•Skill Rune – Stun Grenades •Tooltip now displays the correct duration for how long a target will be stunned: “Hurl grenades that have a 25% chance to Stun enemies for 1.5 seconds.” (The functionality of the skill has not changed.) •Bug Fixes •Caltrops•Skill Rune – Jagged Spikes •Effect will now only stack up to 10 times on a single target •Elemental Arrow•Skill Rune – Nether Tentacles •Tentacles will now only hit each target once •Monk•General •Monks can now use spears, two-handed weapons, and two-handed swords •Active Skills •Serenity•Skill Rune – Instant Karma •The amount of damage reflected will now cap at the player’s maximum Life •Seven-Sided Strike•Skill Rune – Sustained Attack •Tooltip has been updated for clarity: “Reduces the cooldown of Seven-Sided Strike to 23 seconds.” (The functionality of the skill has not changed.) •Mantra of Retribution•Damage will now cap based on the maximum Life of the target •Bug Fixes •Near Death Experience•Fatal damage absorbed by Serenity will no longer trigger Near Death Experience •Witch Doctor•Active Skills •Summon Zombie Dogs•Skill Rune – Leeching Beasts •Tooltip has been updated for clarity: “Your Zombie Dogs heal 50% of the damage they deal as Life divided evenly between themselves and you.” (The functionality of the skill has not changed.) •[/wiki]Wizard[/wiki]•Active Skills •Diamond Skill•Skill Rune – Mirror Skin •The amount of damage reflected will now cap at the amount of damage absorbed by Diamond Skin •Magic Weapon•When activated, a buff icon will now appear that displays the amount of time remaining •Meteor•Skill Rune – Star Pact •Now deals damage as Arcane instead of Fire •Passive Skills •Paralysis•Tooltip now displays the correct duration for how long a target will be stunned: “Lightning damage dealt to enemies has up to a 8% chance to Stun the target for 1.5 seconds.” (The functionality of the skill has not changed.) Items •General•+ Attack Speed bonus values on weapons and armor have been reduced by 50% •This change does not apply to quivers •High-end items (items level 61-63) will now drop in all Acts of [/wiki]Inferno[/wiki] and Acts III and IV of Hell difficulty •The new approximate drop rates are as follows: •Hell – Act III and Act IV •iLvl 61: 9% •iLvl 62: 1.9% •iLvl 63: 0% •Inferno – Act I •iLvl 61: 17.7% •iLvl 62: 7.9% •iLvl 63: 2.0% •Inferno – Act II •iLvl 61: 18.6% •iLvl 62: 12.4% •iLvl 63: 4.1% •Inferno – Act III and Act IV •iLvl 61: 24.1% •iLvl 62: 16.1% •iLvl 63: 8.0% •Please see the Patch 1.0.3 Design Preview for more information and specific details •Repair costs have been increased for item levels between 53 and 63 •Magic Find will no longer be considered when looting objects in the environment such as chests, barrels, vases, pots, and corpses •The item quality of all components needed to craft the Staff of Herding, as well as the Staff of Herding itself, have been changed from Common to Legendary (i.e. their item names will appear orange in color) •The Staff of Herding can no longer be salvaged or dropped •Crafted items that are dropped on the ground due to a player’s inventory being full can no longer be seen or picked up by other players •Unique monsters in Hell and Inferno difficulty are no longer guaranteed to drop two Magic items when slain •Weapon racks will no longer drop weapons 100% of the time •Destructible objects no longer have a chance to drop items, and will only have a small chance to drop gold when destroyed •Weapons and Armor•”Balanced” superior items (i.e. Balanced Short Sword) will now grant a percent attack speed increase that only affects the weapon itself, rather than a flat increase to attacks per second that affected both equipped weapons when dual-wielding •Crowd Control Reduction from items and skills will now reduce the percentage value of Slow, Chill, and Attack Speed debuffs rather than reducing how long the debuff lasts •For example: previously, if you were debuffed by a 60% slow that lasted for 2 seconds while wearing gear that provides 20% Crowd Control Reduction, your movement speed would be reduced by 60%, but only for 1.6 seconds. Now, the same amount of Crowd Control Reduction will reduce the Slow effect to 48%, but the effect will remain for the full 2 second duration. •Manticore now has one additional bonus affix •User Interface•Minimum damage and Maximum damage values will now display separately in an item’s tooltip (i.e. “+2-4 Damage” will now display as “+2 Minimum Damage” and “+2 Maximum Damage”) •Tooltips for items on the ground will now show comparison stats •Resist values will now be taken into effect when calculating the Protection comparison stat (the Protection value is an average protection estimate of all your resists) •When comparing a two-handed weapon against two currently-equipped one-handed weapons, the game will now simulate the removal of both one-handed weapons (instead of simply removing the main-hand weapon, which resulted in an inaccurate comparison) •When selling items to a vendor, the most recently sold items will now always display at the bottom of the Buyback tab •Bug Fixes•Items level 50 and above will now display their item level in the tooltip •Damage Over Time (DoT) skills will now properly benefit from items with the +Critical Chance affix •Legendary items with the +Attack Speed bonus will now correctly provide a bonus to attack speed •Please note that this fix will only affect new Legendary drops. Existing Legendary items will be addressed in future patch. •Players wearing +Life on Kill items should no longer receive a benefit from this affix when “killing” friendly monsters (e.g. when a witch doctor re-summons a Spider Queen while another Spider Queen is still active) •Fixed a bug with linking items with socketed gems in chat •Fixed a bug where vendors would occasionally not have any items for sale •Fixed a bug where selling more than 12 items to a vendor and then buying back 1 of those items could cause multiple items to disappear from the Buyback tab •Fixed a bug where swapping a 1-slot item (i.e. a ring) with 2-slot item (i.e. a weapon) in the second or third tab of a player’s stash would sometimes cause the 2-slot item to be filtered incorrectly to the first tab •Fixed a bug that was causing Collector’s Edition dyes to sell for the same price regardless of stack size Crafting •General•The gold and material crafting costs for all items level 1-59 have been reduced by 50% to 75% •Blacksmith•The gold cost to level the Blacksmith has been reduced by 50% •The number of Pages of Blacksmithing, Tomes of Blacksmithing, or Tomes of Secrets required to level the Blacksmith has been reduced •Base levels now require 1 page/tome, down from 5 •Milestone levels now require 2 pages/tomes, down from 5 •The number of Pages of Blacksmithing and Tomes of Blacksmithing required to craft items level 1-59 has been reduced •Items with 3 affixes no longer require Pages of Blacksmithing or Tomes of Blacksmithing to craft •The gold cost of crafting items with 4 affixes and 5 affixes (including items in Inferno difficulty) has been reduced •Weapon crafting costs have been reduced •The chance for level 60 items to produce Legendary crafting materials when salvaged has been reduced •Jeweler•The gold and material cost to combine gems ranks 2-8 has been reduced •Combinations for these ranks now only require 2 gems, down from 3 •The gold cost to combine each rank of gems is now as follows: •Rank 2 – Flawed: 10 gold (down from 500 gold) •Rank 3 – Regular: 25 gold (down from 750 gold) •Rank 4 – Flawless: 40 gold (down from 1250 gold) •Rank 5 – Perfect: 55 gold (down from 2000 gold) •Rank 6 – Radiant: 70 gold (down from 3500 gold) •Rank 7 – Square: 85 gold (down from 7500 gold) •Rank 8 – Flawless Square: 100 gold (down from 20,000 gold) Followers •General•Bug Fixes •Fixed a bug where the maximum Life of your followers was being displayed as different values in different parts of the game UI •Enchantress•Skills •Mass Control•Radius reduced from 15 yards to 8 yards •If Enchantress also has Reflect Missiles trained, Mass Control will no longer accidentally hex the player when both skills are activated •Skill will now correctly target enemies in all circumstances Bosses •General•Bosses have had their pathing improved •The quality of the item for the fourth stack of Nephalem Valor from bosses has been slightly reduced •Skeleton King•Abilities •Will now summon Skeletal Archers in Hell and Inferno difficulties •The Warden (mini-boss) •General •Now has Fast and Molten affixes, in addition to Jailer •In Inferno difficulty, the Warden will also gain the Desecrator affix •Butcher•Bug Fixes •Fixed an issue where the corner panel fires in the Chamber of Suffering were doing twice as much damage as intended •Ghom•Abilities •Gas Cloud •Radius of Gas Cloud has been slightly reduced •Slowing effect has been removed •The amount of damage dealt by Gas Cloud when first entering the cloud has been reduced, but the amount of damage incurred for remaining in the cloud has been increased •In Inferno difficulty, Gas Clouds will last longer, spawn 2 at a time, and (after 4 minutes) spawn more quickly •Maghda•Bug Fixes •Punish Dust projectiles can no longer be reflected •Zoltun Kulle•General •Zoltun Kulle will now enrage in Inferno difficulty after 3 minutes, using his Ceiling Collapse ability more often and for much higher damage •Abilities •Ceiling Collapse •Can now be cast at a player from any range •Fireball •Fireball attack now moves slower •Can now be cast at a player from any range •Teleport •Will now Teleport and run away from the player less often •Will now occasionally Teleport to the player •Belial•General •Belial will now enrage in Inferno difficulty after 3 minutes in his final phase, increasing the number of green pools dropped across the entire encounter platform •Bug Fixes •Fixed a bug that was causing Belial to use his breath attack away from the player rather than towards the player under certain circumstances •Siegebreaker•General •Overall damage has been reduced •No longer vulnerable to Confuse and Charm effects •Will now drop a health globe every 25% health mark (i.e. at 75%, 50%, and 25% health) •Now enrages after 4 minutes •In Inferno difficulty, Siegebreaker will now gain the Reflects Damage affix •Cydaea•Abilities •Spiderlings •Spiderlings will now have an easier time hitting players, but their damage has been reduced by 20% to compensate •In Inferno difficulty, Spiderlings will now live longer, be more spread out, and (after 4 minutes) spawn more often •Rakanoth•General •In Inferno difficulty, Rakanoth will now become much more aggressive after 3 minutes •Izual•General •Health pool has been increased •The number of Oppressors that join the fight has been reduced from 4 to 2 •Will no longer target Followers or Tyrael as frequently •Abilities •Base Attacks •Base attack damage has been lowered •No longer does Cold damage on top of base attacks •Charge •Charge damage has been reduced •Knockback has been removed •Will Charge slightly more often, but will only target players •Frozen Bombs •Frozen Bomb damage has been reduced •Bombs will now explode faster •Only 8 Bombs will now spawn around the player rather than 12 •Bombs will spawn at Izual’s feet less often •Frost Explosion •Frost Explosion damage has been reduced by 70% •Duration of freeze has been increased •Damage dealt to players while frozen will now break the effect •Players can now use defensive cooldown while frozen •Players can no longer avoid being frozen by doing high amounts of amount to Izual •Bug Fixes •Izual will no longer spawn twice if a player skips his introductory cut-scene •Diablo•Bug Fixes •Damage Over Time (DoT) effects will now be properly cancelled when Diablo becomes invisible and casts Shadow Clones in Phase Two •Diablo “Stomp” ability is now correctly classified as a debuff instead of a buff •Fixed a bug that was causing pets to not attack Shadow Clones Monsters •General•Champions, Rares, and Uniques have had their pathing improved •Elite packs (Champion/Rare) now drop an additional item for players with 5 stacks of Nephalem Valor, which is guaranteed to be of Rare quality •Damage from monsters in Acts II, III, and IV in Inferno difficulty has been reduced •Colossal Golgor base damage has been reduced •Herald of Pestilence tentacle attack damage has been reduced •Soul Ripper and Soul Lasher damage has been reduced and both monsters will now run away less often •Wasps in Act II, Mage Constructs in Act II, and Winged Mollocks in Acts III and IV will now run away less •Succubus monsters will now run away less and for a shorter distance •The health pools of Woodwraiths in the Highlands now match the health pools of Woodwraiths in the Fields of Misery •Lacuni and Scavenger Rares and and Champions will now un-burrow when called by their allies •Bloodclan Warriors no longer knockback when buffed and attack slightly slower •Morlu no longer have the Invulnerable Minions, Health Link, or Fire Chains affixes •Plagued, Arcane Enchanted, and Electrified monsters no longer have resistance to Poison, Arcane, and Lightning damage (respectively) •Leaders of Invulnerable Minions packs have had their health pools reduced •Mortar monsters can now hurl projectiles farther, but their minimum range has also been increased by 100% •Bug Fixes•Interrupting a monster attack before it lands will now properly trigger its cooldown •Treasure Goblins will now drop gold piles for all nearby players •Lacuni Warrior Rares and Champions will now reset their enrage timer correctly in Inferno difficulty •The Succubus “Blood Star” debuff will no longer affect the player if the damage from the projectile is dodged/blocked/etc •The damage from the Succubus “Blood Star” debuff will now scale based on the current cost of a player’s skill, even if the cost is reduced by items or skill runes •Monsters with the Extra Health affix should no longer gain more health every time players leave and join the game •Monsters with the Reflects Damage affix will no longer reflect Follower damage back to the player •Monsters with the Health Link and Knockback affixes will no longer knockback friendly monsters •Fixed a bug that was causing Champion Wallers to occasionally create walls at their location rather than the player’s location •Fixed a bug where Sandwasp projectiles could sometimes become invisible Bug Fixes •General•The experience bar for characters at level cap on a Guest Pass account will now display 0/0 experience. If the account holder upgrades to the full game, their characters will be at 0/41000 experience towards the next level. •The speed of the animation that plays when resurrecting another players should no longer scale with your attack speed •Attempting to cast a skill while spamming the Town Portal hot key will now correctly interrupt the Town Portal cast and animation •Players who use Town Portal while in a tar pit will no longer keep the tar pit debuff after being teleported •It is no longer possible for players in Hell difficulty to skip to Inferno difficulty by creating and leaving Public Games •It is no longer possible to prevent character death in a single-player game by pausing the game in one game client and then logging into the same account from a different game client •Fixed a bug where The Lyceum in the Southern Highlands was not appearing •Fixed a bug where players could switch their offerings in the Trade window right before clicking “Accept” and, due to high latency, the game would not always be able to verify that both players were accepting the same offerings •Fixed a bug that was allowing players to temporarily pick up items that belonged to another account •Fixed a bug that was causing players to become stuck when using a banner to port to another player that was in an “un-walkable” location (i.e. to a barbarian in the middle of performing Leap) •Fixed a position desync bug (aka “rubberbanding”) that could happen when some movement skills (Strafe, Whirlwind, Tempest Rush) ended because the player ran out of the appropriate resource •Fixed several issues where a player’s character would get stuck or “rubberband” while moving if their movement speed was slowed in any way •Several performance improvements have been made to both the PC and Mac client •Auction House•Item tooltips in the auction house will now correctly reflect stat bonuses provided by socketed gems •Items with class-specific affixes should now display the class restriction properly •It should no longer be possible for players to purchase a stack of items so large that it cannot be sent to their stash •The data displayed in each auction house tab should now properly reset when logging out Edytowane 19 czerwca 2012 przez Shankor Cytuj
Kazuun 221 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Diablo III patch 1.0.3 is now live in Europe! Check out the full patch notes below to learn about all the latest changes.Important: Please note that you will not be prompted to download patch 1.0.3 until the patch is live in your home region. If you are logging in from an American or Asian client, you will need to wait for this patch to release in that region before it can be installed. Additionally, if your home region is Europe, you will be unable to log into the Americas or Asia using Global Play after patch 1.0.3 is live until those regions have also patched. Sie pośpieszyli z tym pierwszym wersem xD Cytuj
Shankor 1 683 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) Napisali to na forum EU i za chwilę usunęli. Ciekawe... Magic Find will no longer be considered when looting objects in the environment such as chests, barrels, vases, pots, and corpsesFixed a bug where The Lyceum in the Southern Highlands was not appearing Czyli ze skrzynki mam 0%mf? Bez sensu. Mnóstwo rzeczy mi wypadło ze skrzynki, a z beczki nawet legendarna zbroja mi wypadła. Nie bardzo rozumiem. Co do drugiego to nowy-stary event. Zobaczymy. Edytowane 19 czerwca 2012 przez Shankor Cytuj
Kazuun 221 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Wszystkie rzeczy setowe i Legendary jakie wypadły mnie lub znajomym były z "otoczenia". Weapon Rack, Barrel, Chest, Vase, Pot etc. Nigdy z moba, hmm... Ja jestem ciekaw jak bardzo poszli z tym "...damage has been reduced" przy mobach oraz o ile faktycznie repairsy wzrosną. Dwie najważniejsze zmiany imho. Cytuj
Gattz 217 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 "-Destructible objects no longer have a chance to drop items, and will only have a small chance to drop gold when destroyed" bb legendarne z beczek "-Players can no longer avoid being frozen by doing high amounts of amount to Izual" lol Cytuj
Gość kaz_ Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) •Elemental Arrow•Skill Rune – Nether Tentacles •Tentacles will now only hit each target once Po raz kolejny na Demon Huntera spada potężny nerf, dlaczego tak bardzo chcą mi popsuć postać :F A tak na poważnie, to parę niezłych głupot zauważyłem, ale zmiany raczej na plus. In Inferno difficulty, Siegebreaker will now gain the Reflects Damage affix R.I.P. Act 3 farm run [*] Edytowane 19 czerwca 2012 przez kaz_ Cytuj
Gattz 217 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 e tam rip. zrobili tak ze i tak by sie nie oplacalo go juz zabijac tylko lepiej biegac dalej po championach i jaskiniach przed nim. a co do hentai macek to faktycznie dziwnie ze najbardziej op klasie zabrali najpopularniejszy skill co do ktorego istnieja tylko dwa zdania: a)najlepszy skill demon huntera b)najlepszy skill w grze ciekawe czy ludzie wroca do ball lightning po tym Cytuj
wronerro 257 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Autor Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Szybciej by bylo jakby usuneli DH z gry. Cytuj
Gość kaz_ Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Ech, a tak lubiłem stać w miejscu i patrzeć jak potworki padają Czas znaleźć sobie inny pożeracz czasu. Tak na prawdę po skończeniu Inferno nie ma co robić, loot jest żałosny i cały czas Blizzard go obcina poprzez na przykład usunięcie goblinów/złotych skrzynek, nerf beczek. Twórcy sobie ubzdurali, że najciekawiej farmi się zabijając czempiony, a każdy inny sposób jest be. Zarobić prawdziwy szmal na itemkach też ciężko, Europejski RMAH jest biedny, ludzie nic nie kupują, kryzys normalnie. W Ameryce za byle szmelc dają 250$, a tu nie mogę nawet sprzedać głupiego amuleciku za 5 ojro. Cytuj
Raptor 226 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 To ktos jeszcze w to gra? Ja z RMAH korzystac nie moge - konto na irlandie, bym potrzebowal irlandzka komorke (GG). Cytuj
Gattz 217 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 19 czerwca 2012 no wychodzi na to ze podzielilo na tych co moga sprzedawac na rmah wiec zostali i tych co nie moga Cytuj
Shankor 1 683 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) Wraz z patchem 1.0.3 pojawiły się błędy. Zostaną naprawione dopiero z kolejnym patchem. AchievementsThe achievement "Espionage" cannot be completed because the lore "Battlefield Reports" doesn't drop in game. Battle.net We are aware of players who are unable to gain EXP on their characters and their followers. Customer Service has been made aware of this issue as it may be an account issue. Workaround: Change your password. It is possible for the Switch Hero button to disappear. Combat Demon Hunter: By using Fan of Knives with a quiver equipped but no weapon, then equipping a weapon, you can bug out your DPS such that you deal no damage at all to anything. Demon Hunter - Strafe: Drifting Shadow can cause you to rubber band at low hatred when casting it with high attack speed and/or latency. Witch Doctor - Zombie Handler: Zombie Handler's health buff does not dynamically update. Witch Doctor - Spirit Vessel: Spirit Vessel does not allow you to walk through enemy collision. Witch Doctor - Zombie Charger: Zombie Bears stop abruptly with small bumps of physics. Witch Doctor - Zombie Charger: Zombie Bears are not casting properly on slopes. Environment Act 2 - Ancient Cave Level 2: A Resplendent Chest's items can become unreachable when opened in a location in this area. Act 2 - Hidden Aqueducts: Loot can fall behind a chest by an altar near the Jeweler, making it unreachable. Act 2 - Hidden Aqueducts: You can use movement spells to clip into the empty altar prop and exploit combat by being out of range of melee monster attacks. Act 3 - Arreat Crater Level 1: The loot from a specific rare chest falls into the chest and cannot be picked up in this area. Items Existing Legendary items that had the bugged Increased Attack Speed affixes will not get fixed until a future patch. All newly-created Legendary items (created by the player or the game) will correctly increase your attack speed. Monsters The player can be feared in rapid succession by Nightmarish monsters. Arghus the Collector (a unique armor vendor) cannot spawn. If you attack a Beast with the Illusionist affix just prior to its charge, it will become unresponsive. Bloodhawk monsters can perform their diving attack repeatedly while remaining untargetable. Cydaea's enrage timer does not function properly. It is possible for a player to fight her without her enrage timer activating. Siegebreaker does not incapacitate players who are picked up in his hand, allowing them to use various abilities, some of which can cause unintended behavior from Siegebreaker. The charge portion of The Butcher's Frenzy ability can hit players standing behind the boss. The Oppressor monster's charge attack deals damage twice. Act 3 - Tower of the Damned Level 1: Claw Bomb are dealing too much damage in Inferno difficulty. Act 4 - The Silver Spire Level 1: The Aspect of Destruction's max and current health increase every time he splits with the illusionist power. Act 4 - Secellum of Virtue: The monsters in this world do not grant XP when they are killed. Followers Monsters with the Reflect Damage affix will reflect damage caused by Followers onto the player. Quests Act 4 - Great Span: The ice barricade on the left side of the arena does not form if you quickly skip the cutscene during "Prime Evil : Kill Izual." Unlocking a new questline, then starting a game on a previous questline can cause the Quest Selection menu to not show the most recently unlocked questline. Act 4 - The Pinnacle of Heaven: It is possible to get stuck at a black screen if you immediately skip the cutscene during the quest "Prime Evil : Climb to the Pinnacle of Heaven in the Silver Spire," blocking progression. Act 4 - Holy Sanctum: The puzzle platforms are not all spawning in this area. User Interface Multiple Life UI indicators do not update when the hero heals or otherwise avoid a killing blow. Logging out while taking a town portal back to your initial location results in a disconnect. After patching, your Diablo III preferences will be reset. Please go to the Options menu and change your preferences to your liking. This will only happen once after patching and will not happen once they are changed back. The FPS feature does not update and will always show your FPS at 0. Compatibility Running programs that put an overlay over Diablo III (such as Mumble, Xfire, and MSI Afterburner) can cause Diablo III to crash. Use these overlays at your own risk. There are reports of not gaining experience and health globes being invisible. One suggested workaround is to simply reset your password, that seems to have worked for a few people. Edytowane 20 czerwca 2012 przez Shankor Cytuj
Shankor 1 683 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2012 Skoro już zapłaciłeś, to Blizza to nie obchodzi. :empathy2: 1 Cytuj
Kazuun 221 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2012 Niektóre rzeczy to nie są nowości. A pozostałe budzą pewien niesmak Cytuj
Gość kaz_ Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) Ok, pograłem 2 godzinki na nowym patchu i moje spostrzeżenia: - W Demon Hunterze Moc jest nadal silna, frozen arrow godnie zastępuje macki, teraz zamiast stackować AS lepiej zainwestować w krytyki - Potworki slabiej biją, ale dla glass cannona to żadne pocieszenie - Bałem się o repair cost, niepotrzebnie. Wysoki drop rate nadrabia koszty naprawy. - Ze skrzynek nic nie leci, ponyland jest już nieopłacalny, teraz zostało tylko bicie czempów. - Butcher jest faktycznie mocniejszy, co pozwala mniemać, że reszta bossów też. Może być. - Mortary to teraz niezły "ból w dupie" dla ranged postaci. Edytowane 20 czerwca 2012 przez kaz_ Cytuj
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