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Konsole NextGen  

296 użytkowników zagłosowało

  1. 1. Na którą konsolę nextgen czekasz najbardziej?

    • PlayStation 4
    • Xbox 720
    • Wii U
    • Jestem zawiedziony konsolami, nie zakupie kolejnej.
  2. 2. Nazwa następcy Xbox 360 to?

  3. 3. Premiera nowego Xboxa będzie?

  4. 4. Premiera PS4 będzie?

  5. 5. Ile RAM będą posiadać nowe konsole?

  6. 6. Nowe konsole będą kosztować...

    • 299-399 € (1199-1599 zł)
    • 400-499 € (1600-1999 zł)
    • 500-599 € (2000-2399 zł)
  7. 7. Ile rdzeni będą mieć nowe konsole?

  8. 8. Czy granie na PS Network dalej będzie za darmo?

    • Tak, będzie dalej za free.
    • Nie, będą opłaty podobne do XBL GOLD.
  9. 9. Czy liczysz na wsteczną kompatybilność?

    • Tak! Chcę czasami ogrywać tytuły ze starych platform.
    • Nie, wolę już żeby konsola była trochę tańsza.

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

A gamer walks into a retailer and hands over the game they wish to sell. This will only be possible at retailers who have agreed to Microsoft’s T&Cs and more importantly integrated Microsoft’s cloud-based Azure pre-owned system into its own.


The game is then registered as having been trade-in on Microsoft’s system. The consumer who handed it over will subsequently see the game wiped from their account – hence the until now ambiguous claim from Phil Harrison that the Xbox One would have to ‘check in’ to Microsoft’s servers every 24 hours.


The retailer can then sell the pre-owned game at whatever price they like, although as part of the system the publisher of the title in question will automatically receive a percentage cut of the sale. As will Microsoft. The retailer will pocket the rest.

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Gość Soul

Święto gracza, już nie mogę się doczekać tego E3 zapowiada się grubo!  jako fan gier kupie i tak pewno obie prędzej czy później, więc mi to rybka a większą sympatią będę darzył konsolę która będzie miała to coś :) Ogólnie malina, że nowa generacja nadchodzi dawać te mega gry w 1080p :P

Edytowane przez Soul
  • Plusik 1
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O grach na Xbox One




The day before Xbox One's formal unveiling in Redmond, Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg described the announcement process as a two-part affair - the dedicated event, he explained in a podcast, would focus on the hardware itself and Microsoft's broad "vision for the future of games, the future of entertainment", with more to follow on individual releases at E3 a few weeks from now. In hindsight, that's a splitting of the material Microsoft probably should have made a bit more public.


The decision to blow the lion's share of the event's slender one-hour runtime on live TV, Kinect features and somewhat ethereal talk of cloud computing has created the false impression that Xbox is no longer a platform for games enthusiasts, that Microsoft has "abandoned" the core Xbox audience in order to draw first blood in the forthcoming war with Google and Apple for dominance of the smart TV market. There were games on offer, of course, including the latest Call of Duty and a formidable show of force from EA Sports, but only Remedy's mysterious Quantum Break was a genuine surprise, and there was no live gameplay. Even without the subsequent confusion over pre-owned on Xbox One, it was a troubled debut.


Thankfully, a glance at the bigger picture reveals that this is more a question of presentation than strategy. Microsoft will invest no less than $1 billion into games next gen - an unprecedented sum for the firm - and Xbox One will swipe 15 exclusive titles in its first year at retail, including eight new IPs. All that's on top of a two-year period of bulking up, which has seen Microsoft Studios open new games studios in London, Washington and Victoria, British Columbia while snapping up talent for its existing operations.


Core gaming powerhouses 343 Studios, Lionhead and Turn 10 have all seen significant appointments - Lionhead, for instance, now runs under the supervision of MMO expert John Needham, in further evidence that the rumoured Fable 4 will be a cloud-centric affair. Microsoft has hired former Sony executive Phil Harrison - the man who oversaw the gestation of such noted PlayStation IPs as LittleBigPlanet - to manage internal projects and developer relations in Europe. Rare Ltd is poised to return to one of its cherished franchises in what Microsoft Studios boss Phil Spencer bills a "historic" revival.


Black Tusk Studios is working on a mysterious action title that's designed to compete with Halo and Gears of War. Microsoft has opened Lift London to create and incubate smaller scale cloud-based games. New projects are underway at Microsoft Studios Osaka, reflecting IEB president Don Mattrick's assertion that the company remains "committed" to Japan. Perhaps most hearteningly, Microsoft has acquired Press Play and Twisted Pixel to work on "weird, unique" titles for Xbox Live. In short, there's a lot more bubbling away under the surface than the Xbox One event suggests.


Our own, pre-reveal chats with Mattrick and Spencer attest to this, though it's necessary to peel away a lot of glossy investor-speak about "delivery" and "excellence". "We want to be about serious fun," says Mattrick, summarising Xbox One's games and entertainment offering. "Things that people are really passionate about. Things that they love. Things that they can't wait to get home to experience and to use. That's what the Xbox brings about. So, we're in the serious fun side of the house. You can call us the, you know, five to nine section if you want."


Pushed to discuss Microsoft's attitude to first-party exclusives during a roundtable conversation with journalists, he offers a regrettably detail-free yet promising account of Xbox One's core release slate. "I think they're always important. We just ran through our script and counted the number of exclusives, and looked at the amount of money that we're spending and the deals that we have, exclusive windows and [things to create differentiation]. I think, candidly, people are way, way under-indexing how hard we're punching."


"We're going to come out with detail on things and people are going to go, 'oh my god'. Like, 'they were focused, they made this a core goal, core activity'. There are great hits, there's innovation, and there are world class creators plugged in. You know, I keep track of it all, and I hope everyone here does - we kind of look back at all the different years and at what we shipped, how many units have sold. There's a lot of hyperbole about things, but I think we're going to deliver."


According to Spencer, the key to Xbox One's appeal as a development platform is that it's built for flexibility. Where Xbox 360 was originally designed to cater to a fairly specific set of needs, Xbox One is built for a market that has expanded and fragmented, encompassing a dazzling variety of subgenres, business models and complimentary platforms.

"People are playing games on all kinds of devices, and games with different business models, with different engagement timeframes," he explains. "I think when we started Xbox 360 so many of the games were about 'I'm going to play it for four or five hours, and then I'm going to play online'.


"Today our creators are really lighting up with the opportunity to build games that can live as full screen immersive experiences like you're seeing on shelves today, but also the idea of building device experiences that live in the SmartGlass world that connect to what's on the screen. The ability to take your mobile away with you and continue to engage on it, engage with the game. The opportunities today - more people are playing games today than, I think, ever before."


Microsoft's dalliance with cross-platform entertainment has only served to remind it of gaming's importance. "When you look at all forms of content, across all devices, games always pop right to the top of the app stores that are out there - they're a form of content everybody loves." Xbox One is designed to enclose all of these experiences seamlessly, via beefed-up SmartGlass features for mobile software and a part-curated digital storefront that, Microsoft promises, will ensure prominence for lower-budget efforts without miring the dash in Xbox Live Indie-style mediocrity.


"If I want to play a game for two minutes, or I want to play a game for two hours, or I want to play a game with twenty other people," suggests Spencer, "all of those opportunities are available on the platform we're putting forward."

He's unable to share many details of what developers are creating for Xbox One, but he's happy to discuss the broad strokes. "I see our creators really taking that opportunity to think about their games in a more granular way. To still have the full immersive, quadruple-A experience on screen, but also think about how those experiences can roam with devices - and it's nice that our new box actually understands all this through the way it's structured, that people do multiple things at the same time, and I can have shorter gameplay sessions, longer game play sessions."


Spencer also notes that this is just the beginning - the platform's evolution will be driven as much by what people create for it as by Microsoft's own, planned refinements. "Just like at the beginning of any console generation, where we end up will migrate as people learn, as people learn about the functionality of the box. They'll learn as Live evolves, as our platform evolves.


"It's always fun for me to be there at the beginning of a console generation and then watch how things change. I mentioned earlier - if you look at the generation of games that are out there today versus the games that were available at the launch of Xenon, it's a generational leap on the same hardware, and I think you'll see that same evolution this time around."


Naturally, Mattrick's immensely heartened by the feedback on all this from third parties. "What I've heard other people say, without breaking any of their non-disclosure agreements, is that we've got something pretty good, and they're excited to work with us and to see what the capabilities are, and what it could mean for their business. As creators and particularly as consumers, people are like 'how do I get one early?'"


Talk is cheap, of course, and it'll take more than talk to reassure those underwhelmed by the shortage of new game announcements at Microsoft's event. But what we know of the company's on-going operations substantiates the rhetoric from executives, and leaves us hopeful that the second stage of the Xbox One publicity narrative will wipe away the apathy surrounding its "entertainment"-skewed reveal.





Wychodzi na to, że MS nawet założył studio w Japonii.


  • Plusik 2
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Łamiąca wiadomość: Microsoft ma was w (pipi)e! *


"The super core guys, they will buy everything. They will buy all devices, but most people really only do buy one device, and if you're going to think about what that one device is, we believe an all-in-one system that does the best games and TV and entertainment will be something that's really unique."

The general message is that Microsoft didn't feel it was important to show games at the Xbox One reveal, because the custom of gamers is already taken as granted. It'll be pushing the One to other types of buyers, those not already considered dominated.


Hardkory ich nie obchodzą, oni walczą o gospodynie domowe i rencistów!



MS says gamers will buy everything, including Xbox One

Angry about the Xbox One? Put off by Microsoft's increasingly anti-consumer attitude? Company man Phil Spencer isn't worried. In fact, he's confident you'll buy anything it puts out, because that's what gamers do. 

"We believe that if all you want is gaming, you'll still pick us, at the end of the day," Spencer dismissively told OXM"The super core guys, they will buy everything. They will buy all devices, but most people really only do buy one device, and if you're going to think about what that one device is, we believe an all-in-one system that does the best games and TV and entertainment will be something that's really unique."

The general message is that Microsoft didn't feel it was important to show games at the Xbox One reveal, because the custom of gamers is already taken as granted. It'll be pushing the One to other types of buyers, those not already considered dominated. 

"We're going to continue to innovate, continue to add new experiences, and make it better every single year," he continued. "Right now we're eight years into this platform -- we didn't have a single music video [at launch], we didn't have any entertainment, and now we're seeing half our usage globally driven from entertainment apps. And so we think the story will evolve and continue to get better over time."

Microsoft's words following the Xbox One reveal have done very little to ingratiate them to the "super core" crowd. From Microsoft's vague bullshit concerning used games, to Don Mattrick calling people backwards, it seems to be going out of its way to display outward contempt toward their most dependable consumers.

A bit of a weird tactic, and a confidence some would call reckless, but apparently Spencer believes he could burn down your house and still sign you up for Xbox Live. 

And Sony thought $599 would put the PS3 at the top of the charts.

Videogame market history doesn't tend to favor hubris.

Xbox One: "if all you want is gaming, you'll still pick us" [OXM]






*oczywiście przesadzam ale w tej chwili to co się dzieje wokół X1 to w dużej mierze abstrakcja maczana w absurdzie popychana przez zbiorowe palenie czarownic. Ja już żadnego newsa nie traktuję na 100% poważnie - czekam na premierę i się zobaczy.

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Właśnie dlatego uwielbiałem X360 na początku generacji, ku.rwa. Mieli wszystko - fajne RPG jak Mass Effect, dobre jRPG jak BD, wesołe gierki typu Viva Pinata i Banjo i zaje.biste strzelanie w Girsach. Wydaje się, że wraz ze zniknięciem Allarda i innych, zniknęła też ich wizja, a na tron wszedł Kinect i tvtvtvcalodooty.

  • Plusik 5
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Gość DonSterydo

^ i to jest jedna z lepszych wiadomości o Xboxie. Mam nadzieję, że będzie to taki odpowiednik Team Ico :) Oby nie robili głupich minigierek japońskich na Kinecta bo się zdenerwuję.


Czyli studia, które robi jedną grę na dekadę?


Właśnie dlatego uwielbiałem X360 na początku generacji, ku.rwa. Mieli wszystko - fajne RPG jak Mass Effect, dobre jRPG jak BD, wesołe gierki typu Viva Pinata i Banjo i zaje.biste strzelanie w Girsach. Wydaje się, że wraz ze zniknięciem Allarda i innych, zniknęła też ich wizja, a na tron wszedł Kinect i tvtvtvcalodooty.


Jaka wizja jak te gry schodziły tylko w koszach po 5$. Nie trzeba mieć "wizji" żeby widzieć, że się do czegoś dopłaca.

Edytowane przez DonSterydo
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Patrzac po niektorych komentarzach to Micro ma kupione corowych graczy tak samo jak mialo sony w 2005 (corowi gracze czytaj slepo zapatrzenic na Xboxa/tak samo jak fanboje Sony wierzyli w rendera Killzone czy 120fpsow na ps3...). A Micro bedzie powoli walczyc o 'living room'. Ze tylko jedno urzadzenie? Proste, Xbox One jest taki duzy ze jak go rodzina kupi to raczej juz nic innego nie wcisnie pod televizor (ani nad televizor - Kinect....ani nawet za telewizor - zasilacz  :ninja: )

Edytowane przez hav3n
  • Plusik 1
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Czyli studia, które robi jedną grę na dekadę?


Hehe, skąd wiedziałem, że ktoś to napisze, blahblahblah.


Jaka wizja jak te gry schodziły tylko w koszach po 5$. Nie trzeba mieć "wizji" żeby widzieć, że się do czegoś dopłaca.


No nie wiem, Viva Pinata sprzedała się chyba ok. Zdecydowanie jest rynek dla takich gier, wystarczy próbować. Sony próbuje. Nintendo próbuje.

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Gość DonSterydo

Figaro: Ty serio z tym Nintendo? MS w ciągu roku inwestował w więcej nowych gier niż Nintendo przez całą generację :P Z całej trójki Nintendo właśnie najmniej ryzyka podejmowało.


PS. Co do Team ICO, no super developer, szkoda tylko, że gier nie robi :P

Edytowane przez DonSterydo
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Gość DonSterydo

Tylko, że te gry na tej platformie sprzedają się od 20 lat i ludzie biorą je z sentymentu i przyzwyczajenia. Nie ma tu żadnego próbowania skoro to non stop są te same marki.


Śmieszne bo klepiesz Ninę po plecach za coś co wytykasz MS, a w kwestii nic nie robienia Nintendo jest największym betonem w branży.

Edytowane przez DonSterydo
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Gość aphromo

Prosze, opowiedz jak to kolejne główne czesci Marianów, Zeld i Metroidów są odcinaniem kuponów.

Nintendo ma dziwną taktykę. Robi nowe gry w sensie gameplayu, ale wsadza tam znane marki i bohaterów. Pewnie dlatego że ta sama gra bez Mario w tytule sprzeda się 10x gorzej.

Tylko później tych gier z Marianami od groma.

Edytowane przez aphromo
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Prosze, opowiedz jak to kolejne główne czesci Marianów, Zeld i Metroidów są odcinaniem kuponów.

Nintendo ma dziwną taktykę. Robi nowe gry w sensie gameplayu, ale wsadza tam znane marki i bohaterów.

Tylko później tych gier z Marianami od groma.



To jest sprytna taktyka. Dając tych samych bohaterów, zapewniają sobie, że gra się sprzeda. Co nie zmienia faktu, iż co kolejny Marian, to mogłaby być nowa gra, za każdym razem inny koncept i kolejne pokłady kreatywności. Także da się? Da.

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Gość DonSterydo

O boże kolejne Halo, Forza, Girsy. Kolejny Marian - pokłady kreatywności :P


Nic nie mam do takiej strategii Nintendo skoro robią świetne gry i mi to rybka, ale Ty Figaro jesteś najzwyklejszym hipokrytą :) Wii to jedyna konsola obecnej generacji, do której trzeba sobie dokupić jeszcze dodatkowy sprzęt bo tylko na tym co oferuje Nina to byś nie ujechał.

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