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Konsole NextGen  

296 użytkowników zagłosowało

  1. 1. Na którą konsolę nextgen czekasz najbardziej?

    • PlayStation 4
    • Xbox 720
    • Wii U
    • Jestem zawiedziony konsolami, nie zakupie kolejnej.
  2. 2. Nazwa następcy Xbox 360 to?

  3. 3. Premiera nowego Xboxa będzie?

  4. 4. Premiera PS4 będzie?

  5. 5. Ile RAM będą posiadać nowe konsole?

  6. 6. Nowe konsole będą kosztować...

    • 299-399 € (1199-1599 zł)
    • 400-499 € (1600-1999 zł)
    • 500-599 € (2000-2399 zł)
  7. 7. Ile rdzeni będą mieć nowe konsole?

  8. 8. Czy granie na PS Network dalej będzie za darmo?

    • Tak, będzie dalej za free.
    • Nie, będą opłaty podobne do XBL GOLD.
  9. 9. Czy liczysz na wsteczną kompatybilność?

    • Tak! Chcę czasami ogrywać tytuły ze starych platform.
    • Nie, wolę już żeby konsola była trochę tańsza.

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Im dłużej o tym myślę, tym bardziej czuję, że to coś z Gakai. Koleś z Santa Monica coś pisał, że wpierw trza zrozumieć przeszłość, by zobaczyć future. Pokażą streaming gier na PSX, PS2, PS3 i powiedzą, że usługa pojawi się "w nastepnej generacji Playstation, którą ujawnimy wkrótce".

Odnośnik do komentarza

To jest Playstation Meeting, a tam ujawniają sprzęt.


Poza tym zapraszają tam inwestorów i prasę, ludziom na maile wysyłają linki do tej strony. Developerzy ze studiów Sony na swoich twitterach wrzucają ten adres itp. I to wszystko z powodu pokazania streamowania gier przez Gaikai?


bitch, please

Odnośnik do komentarza

Może gwoździem programu będzie Gaikai, ale na końcu pokażą jakiś błysk przyszłości i gier na PS4 ;p



artykuł EDGE



Development sources with working knowledge of both next generation consoles have told us that PlayStation 4 will be more powerful than the next Xbox, will ship with a redesigned controller and launch by the end of the year in Japan and the US. PlayStation 4’s European launch will follow in early 2014.


Sony is set to reveal its next PlayStation on Wednesday February 20th at an event dubbed ‘see the future’. Sony Computer Entertainment released a teaser video last night to announce the event. Below, our sources revealed what to expect from PlayStation 4.


The controller


Sources close to the hardware have revealed to us that PS4 will ship with a redesigned controller which is the same size as an existing DualShock but features a small touchpad in place of the existing Select, Start and PS buttons. The tech is based on Vita’s rear touchpad, and is similarly responsive in use.


A new Share button on the controller will, when pressed, launch a new feature that will allow screenshots and video to be distributed online. The PS4 hardware will continually record the most recent 15 minutes of onscreen action (with no processing penalty, claims our source), which users will then be able to edit and broadcast via the Internet. (awesome)


The launch


We’re told that PlayStation 4 will launch in Japan and the US by Christmas, with a Euro rollout following in early 2014, the delay attributed to the complexities involved in European distribution. Alongside the console, Sony will also introduce a new, improved iteration of its PlayStation Eye peripheral, which remains compatible with the PlayStation Move controller. Move will be available at launch, but it’s not clear yet whether it will be bundled with the hardware. Sony has already earned an enormous amount of goodwill among studios working with PS4 development hardware. Privately, Sony representatives have conceded that the company made a mistake in creating such esoteric architecture for PS3, and its strategy for PS4 gives developers more opportunities this time around, notably because the hardware is much more PC-like in its makeup than PS3.


We have confirmed with sources that recently leaked tech specs are accurate. Though Durango devkits offer 8GB of DDR3 RAM, compared to Orbis’s 4GB, Sony’s GDDR5 solution is capable of moving data at 176 gigabytes per second, which should eliminate the sort of bottlenecks that hampered PS3 game performance. Importantly, we’ve learned that Sony has told developers that it is pushing for the final PS4 RAM to match up to Microsoft’s 8GB.


Both platforms are driven by eight-core AMD CPUs clocked at 1.6GHz, with Microsoft opting for a D3D11.x GPU from an unknown source and Sony utilising a more capable solution in AMD’s ‘R10XX’ architecture, alongside the so-called ‘Liverpool’ system-on-chip.


It’s clear Sony has designed a system that, on paper, outperforms Microsoft’s next Xbox. One source familiar with both platforms tells us that in real terms Sony’s console is “slightly more powerful” and “very simple to work with”.


Ultimately, the performance differences between the two consoles will have as much bearing on multiplatform releases as the differences between PS3 and 360 – very little – but Sony will be expecting big-budget firstparty releases such as the PS4 Uncharted sequel to demonstrate its console’s superiority.

Edytowane przez Figaro
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A dlaczego mnie nie dziwi że podniecasz się czymś, czego nie rozumiesz.


Na tą chwilę to nawet nie ma na rynku żadnej karty graficznej z większą niż 2GB ilością ramu GDDR5. GTX 680 w takiej konfiguracji kosztuje 2000-2500zł. Oczywiście są tańsze modele z GDDR5, ale nie biorę pod uwagę odpowiedników 128 lub 192bit. Przypominam też że GDRR5 =/= DDR5. Nawet nie tyle koszt samej kości to uniemożliwia, zdaje mi się, że nie istnieją chipy GDDR5 w formie większej niż 512mb. Tym samym PS4, o ile ma te 4GB GDDR5 to miałoby na płycie 8 takich kości, co już jest zapewne problemem. 8GB to już 16 kości - nie da rade tego wrzucić na płytę główną konsoli.


IMO te zdanie oznacza już fakt dokonany, czyli Sony zwiększyło ilość GDDR5 z 2GB do 4GB by doścignąć 8GB DDR3 w Xklocku.


O ile te wszystkie ploty są prawdziwe.

Edytowane przez MaZZeo
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No jak to nie ma takiej karty, są Geforcy 660, są Radki 7950 które mają po 3GB GDDR5 - jednoprocesorowe.


Oprócz tego tak na prawdę czy konsola będzie miała 2 czy 4GB pamięci to nie ma większeog znaczenia. Liczy się taktowanie pamięci, szyna danych czy ilość potoków renderujących.

nie ma sensu do konsoli dawac wiecej niz 2gb gddr5 na grafike.

Taki bf3 na ultra z 4aa ciagnie 1.2gb pamieci na grafice i cos kolo 2gb ramu

Odnośnik do komentarza

No jak to nie ma takiej karty, są Geforcy 660, są Radki 7950 które mają po 3GB GDDR5 - jednoprocesorowe.


Oprócz tego tak na prawdę czy konsola będzie miała 2 czy 4GB pamięci to nie ma większeog znaczenia. Liczy się taktowanie pamięci, szyna danych czy ilość potoków renderujących.

nie ma sensu do konsoli dawac wiecej niz 2gb gddr5 na grafike.

Taki bf3 na ultra z 4aa ciagnie 1.2gb pamieci na grafice i cos kolo 2gb ramu


bf3 premierę miał jakiś czas temu, za 3 lata będą gry ze znacznie większymi wymaganiami.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Podoba mi się opcja dzielenia się. Obecnie trzeba podpinać konsole do kompa albo dokupić nagrywarkę. Jeśli to będzie tylko streamowanie to spoko, ale najbardziej bym chciał żeby dało się zgrać gameplay na dysk. Co do późniejszej premiery w naszej części świata to jest to niestety norma.

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The day is approaching. On February 20th we will know what the PlayStation 4 looks like, has inside of it, and what we’ll use to control it.

There’s a lot more to a new console, though. We need to know the release date, the price, any bundle information, online services, operating system details, and much more.

Over the past year there has been a ton of rumors coming out of many different sources. The most recent one coming from the supposed January 2013 developer model.

Obviously the final console is going to be different from the rumor mill specs but we’ve come to a point where we can put together a fairly accurate spec sheet for Sony’s upcoming PS4.

In this article I’m going to go over what we believe to be the close-to-final PS4 specs, details about the new controller, price, release date, bundles, and the console’s features.

Let’s start with the spec sheet.

PlayStation 4 Spec Sheet


After all of the rumored specs, the following is what we believe the PS4 to contain inside of it:

  • CPU: 8-core AMD processor clocked at 1.6GHz (with an overclocked speed of 2.8GHz), presumably close to the 4256 EE but a custom made chip since that is expensive.
  • GPU: AMD ‘R10XX”, which can also be found on the Radeon HD 7970. Video RAM will be at least 2GB.
  • GPU: Secondary “Liverpool” custom chipset to enable PS3 backwards compatibility and other video acceleration resources.
  • RAM: The memory has been long rumored to be 4GB of GDDR5 RAM, however, the latest rumors for the next Xbox stat 8GBs so it is rumored that the PS4 will also contain 8GB of GDDR5 RAM. I believe that will be the case.
  • HDD: 160GB or 500GB 7200 RPM SATA drive
  • Optical Drive: High-Speed Blu-Ray supporting 3D and 4k Blu-Ray discs, DVDs, and CDs.
  • HDMI port
  • 1.0 GB/s Ethernet port
  • Optical Out audio port
  • WiFi a/b/g/n
  • 4 USB 3.0 ports (2 on front, 2 in back)


he New PS4 Controller



It has been the news of the gaming circuit that Sony may ditch the DualShock controller format. I believe that to be half true. I think we’ll be seeing a touch screen interface on the PS4, much like the Wii U’s controller.


Basically the new PS4 controller will still be called a DualShock but will resemble a Vita very closely. Here’s what I think the controller will be like:

  • Capacitive touch screen in the middle of controller.
    • Two-point touch
    • Either 4.3 or 5.0 inch non-HD screen
    • Standard DualShock D-Pad
    • Standard DualShock control buttons (triangle, x, square, and circle)
    • Rumble
    • SixAxis motion
    • Proximity sensor
    • Internal flash memory

First off, I don’t think rumble is leaving. The controller is going to look like a Vita screen in the middle of a wider DualShock. That being said, the controller is going to be very important in the PS4. Each controller can be paired up with a PSN (or SEN) account and use the internal memory to hold the profile, avatar, trophy info, and possibly game saves. It will either be done like that or your profile will be attached to the controller and when turned on with a system it will access the cloud to bring up your info, saves, and trophies.


This will be how the PS4 will handle multiple log-ins of profiles. You’ll need to be connected to the internet to use multiple profiles if the cloud is used instead of the controller’s internet memory storage.


The controller will also feature a proximity sensor to control the distance from the console you can be at before the internal memory stops connection and your profile disappears from the PS4.


Finally, I think you’ll be able to use the Vita as a controller in every PS4 game. The back touch panel will be used for L2/R2 and L3/R3, just like in the portable’s PS1 Classics emulation. This will be handy if you only have one PS4 controller but you own a Vita so your friend can still play with you.


I believe extra controllers like this will retail for $79.99 and come in the classic black color at launch.





PS4 Price, Release Date, and Bundles


No matter what kind of rumors come out about these devices, the one question that always comes up is “how much will it cost?”

If I go by the spec sheet and controller info I just talked about I see the PS4 retailing at $399.99 USD.

Now, I also don’t think that will be the only price point you’ll be able to buy the console at. I think there will be two bundles for the PS4 come launch time. Here’s what they will contain:

  • Sony PlayStation 4 – $399.99
    • 160GB PS4 console
    • 1 DualShock Touch controller
    • HDMI cord
    • Controller charging cord

    [*]Sony PlayStation 4 Plus – $499.99

    • 500GB PS4 console
    • 1 DualShock Touch controller
    • HDMI cord
    • Controller charging cord
    • 1 month of PS Plus

Going off of these two bundles, I think you’ll have a great choice between the hundred dollars of getting the bigger hard drive and a quick trial of PS+ or just going bare bones. Either way, the 160GB and 500GB hard drive sizes are good enough for consumers. You’ll always have the choice of attaching an external hard drive (capable ofusing FAT32 and NTFS this time).

As for release date, if we’re getting this announcement on the 20th of this month then we’ll get the price and release date at E3. We’ll be seeing the PS4 hit retail shelves on October 22nd, 2013. That’s my specific guess but I really think October will be the month for the PS4, which makes Grand Theft Auto V’s September release date very close to the launch of the next gen. Rockstar may be closing out the PS3′s 2013 with a blast.



PS4 Features


Aside from specs, price, release date, and different priced release dates the console’s main features will also be highlighted. We’ll hear about everything from multiple log-ins to social networks to app stores. Here’s the list of what I believe the PS4 will be able to do (most based off rumor, other speculation):

  • SEN/PSN 2.0
    • Fully integrated store, not an app like the current store but it will resemble the current one.
    • Trophy sync will be instantaneous.
    • Multiple profiles on one console by linked controllers (described above).
    • Be able to restore purchases from PS3′s store.
    • PS+ section will be more featured instead of just found in the middle of a bunch of categories.
    • SEN/PSN service will remain free of charge but the PS+ price will go up to $19.99 for 3-months and $59.99 for a year.
    • Instant Game Collection will return but will not feature PS4 games until the console is at least a year old.
    • Full retail games available for digital download at day one (every release).

    [*]Friends & Communication

    • Cross game chat and party chat will be available from day one and be a usable feature in any game or app.
    • Voice messages can be sent to friends.
    • Emojis will make a debut in the chat system.
    • Sony branded mini bluetooth keyboards will be sold for the PS4 and will look similar to a Microsoft Arc Keyboard.
    • Sony will also sell a cheap headset that can plug into the controller’s charging port for around $19 or $29.

    [*]Backwards Compatibility

    • PS1: Fully playable from Blu-Ray drive or downloadable from SEN/PSN store.
    • PS2: Classics downloadable from the SEN/PSN store.
    • PS3: Fully playable from the Blu-Ray drive due to the Liverpool chip and downloadable from the SEN/PSN store.

    [*]Other Games

    • PS Minis: They will return on the PS4.
    • Transfers to the PSP and Vita will be quicker.

    [*]Sony App Store

    • Full app store will allow mobile developers to port their apps and games to Sony products beginning with the PS4.
    • Controller in the future will also be able to bring up the SEN/PSN account and profile on future Sony TVs, digital boxes, and other products.
    • Games will be able to be played on either the PS4 or Vita.
    • Gives a chance for devs such as Gameloft, Zynga, Com2US, and others to bring their games to a bigger audience.
    • Other apps such as e-mail, Skype, ESPN, reddit, Kindle, eBay, Audible,, and who knows else what can be ported over and used on the PS4 and Vita.

    [*]Social Hub

    • Sony will have a huge social focus on the PS4′s operating system.
    • Facebook, Twitter, and other networks will be integrated and you’ll have several options available to you for sharing, usage, and other things.
    • YouTube will be integrated with the PS4 and players can record, upload, or stream footage from their current game (PS4 and SEN/PSN 2.0 games only) to YouTube.
    • Players can use the new PS Eye 2.0 and/or a mic to have sound and reaction footage in the videos they are recording/streaming.

    [*]Other Features

    • Audio outputs: Dolby 2.0, 5.1, and 7.1 surround sound.
    • Video outputs: only HDMI, no composite or component.
    • Feed loader for discs, no top loader like current PS3 model.
    • There will only be one Ethernet port, not two like the dev model. The extra is only used for sharing and other dev purposes.

PS4 Launch Titles


I did a post about this a bit ago. Basically I found it easy to predict launch titles for the PS4 based on the past and how the recent Vita and Wii U launches went.

If you want to check the predicted launch titles out, follow this link. I believe there will be 15 launch titles highlighted by Uncharted 4.


So there we have it. That will be the PS4 according to all of the rumors pooled together and analyzed mixed with a bit of speculation. Honestly, if it is anything like this, the PS4 will be a beast.

We’ll all find out on February 20th. I think Sony is going to keep the games, release date, price, and bundle info for E3 but we’ll see plenty during the upcoming announcement.

I’ll be back after the conference to pick out the things that are right and wrong about this but going off of the latest and greatest rumors and mumblings, I think you can expect most of this.

Edytowane przez poli_x
  • Plusik 1
  • Minusik 1
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