Masorz 13 265 Opublikowano 22 maja 2013 Opublikowano 22 maja 2013 No to dajemy. Na początek wiadomość z ostatniej chwili - Xbox One nie celuje w najwyższej jakości oprawę graficzną Nowa konsola Microsoftu nie stawia na totalny graficzny odjazd, w zamian oferując szersze podejście do rozrywki, o czym poinformował Greg Williams - jeden z projektantów Xbox One. Williams stwierdził, iż zespół konstruujący amerykańskiego next-gena celowo za kurs obrał szeroko rozumianą rozrywkę: Świadomie nie celowaliśmy w najbardziej high-endową grafikę. W inteligentny sposób koncentrując się na szeroko rozumianej rozrywce. Inżynier określa Xbox One jako unikatowe urządzenie, które stanie się niejako hubem dla fanów sportu, filmów, seriali i oczywiście gier wideo.Nie należy jednak oczekiwać, iż konsola Microsoftu pod względem technicznym jakoś znacząco odstępowała będzie od PlayStation 4, prawdopodobnie legitymując się bardzo zbliżonymi możliwościami. Cytuj
GrzechuK 1 Opublikowano 13 czerwca 2013 Opublikowano 13 czerwca 2013 Cytuj
wrog 673 Opublikowano 14 czerwca 2013 Opublikowano 14 czerwca 2013 O nowym systemie achievementów: Szczegóły o systemie osiągnięć na Xbox One Bzdura. Cytuj
Piwo_HD 5 Opublikowano 15 lipca 2013 Opublikowano 15 lipca 2013 Podobno 12 giga Ramu bedzie.,201611 Cytuj
Mefi23 15 Opublikowano 26 listopada 2013 Opublikowano 26 listopada 2013 ciekawy sposób na naprawę Cytuj
Terrago 3 Opublikowano 26 listopada 2013 Opublikowano 26 listopada 2013 Trafiles uszkodzonego XOne? Dostaniesz gre od MS za darmo.,109150,15016780,Darmowe_gry_dla_posiadaczy_uszkodzonych_Xboksow_One.html? Cytuj
Terrago 3 Opublikowano 27 listopada 2013 Opublikowano 27 listopada 2013 Zarejestruj swojego XOne a otrzymasz przedluzona gwarancje do 2016r Cytuj
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 10 stycznia 2014 Opublikowano 10 stycznia 2014 Joseph Staten, a key creator of both the Halo and Destiny universes, has returned to Microsoft. His new title will be senior creative director and his job will be "helping to create incredible entertainment on XBOX," according to hisLinkedIn page. Tu komentarz Spencera: Joe isn't in 343i, he'll be on new stuff and some "returns". Great to have Joe back, master at story/character... Cytuj
Lokomotywa 371 Opublikowano 20 stycznia 2014 Opublikowano 20 stycznia 2014 gwarancja na Xbox One działa normalnie w Polsce, wystarczy reklamować przez Cytuj
kermit 6 998 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2014 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2014 (edytowane) Czekasz na premierę Xboksa One? Empik przyjmuje zamówienia! Wielu graczy nadal wyczekuje na premierę amerykańskiego next-gena nad Wisłą. Microsoft oficjalnie nie potwierdza, czy sprzęt trafi do nas w tym roku. Dotychczas zainteresowani, którzy zastanawiali się nad zamówieniem urządzenia za granicą, obawiali się o gwarancję. Jednak jeśli wejdziecie na stronę (klik na grafikę poniżej) możecie zamówić Xboksa One w bardzo interesującej cenie 2199 zł! Nie jest to wygórowana kwota – a do takich już nas empik przyzwyczaił – i co ciekawe, sprzęt ma posiadać polską instrukcję oraz serwis w Polsce! Konsola będzie dostępna od 3 marca 2014 roku. Przyszli nabywcy muszą pamiętać, że next-gen aktualnie nie posiada oprogramowania w polskiej wersji językowej oraz Xbox Live dla Xbox One również nie obsługuje języka polskiego. Nie możemy powiązać tej sytuacji z polską premierą, ponieważ wątpię, aby polski oddział Microsoftu przespał stworzenie wielkiego „bum” i nie stworzył medialnego szumu związanego z tą uroczystością. Dlatego ciekawi mnie bardzo skąd w pudełku znajdą się instrukcje w naszym języku? I jak dokładnie wygląda sprawa z gwarancją? Spróbujemy dowiedzieć się szczegółów i będziemy Was na bieżąco informować. Edytowane 4 lutego 2014 przez kermit Cytuj
MaZZeo 14 519 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2014 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2014 I’m excited to be able to share details with you today about several product updates we’ll be delivering for Xbox One starting next week. The team has been really excited to see the gameplay on Xbox One and the millions of hours of fun our fans have experienced since launch. We’ve also been busy listening to your feedback and working hard to incorporate it into Xbox One as soon as possible. We remain incredibly energized and we are aggressively working to make Xbox One better, faster than ever before.Xbox One is a platform for continuous innovation and new consumer experiences over time. Just as we did with Xbox 360, Xbox One will have regular updates to deliver new features and platform experiences designed to delight you. We’re always listening to you and we love your feedback, so keep it coming.February 11 system updatesOn February 11, the first update will be delivered to customers who sign into their Xbox One. It features many new improvements – including lots of behind-the-scenes updates for developers building apps and games for Xbox One, several new features we believe Xbox fans will love, stability and product updates to improve the customer experience, and continuous improvements to the quality of Kinect voice so commands become more fluid and responsive over time. While we won’t be going into all of the details of the product updates today, we will be sharing more information soon. Some of the features you can expect to see on February 11 include: The ability to see and manage your storage space. With this update, you will find it easy to find how much space your content takes up and better manage your content. You can also control your install lineup and more easily manage your download queue. We’ve separated My Games and My Apps into separate lists, so you can easily create separate queues for both. Now you can pick the order in which you want your content to load and we’ve added a boot progress indicator so you can better track updates while they load. The battery power indicator is back! You can see it right on the home screen, so you can easily track how much battery life is left on your controller. And, you will be able to use your USB keyboard with your Xbox One. These are just a few of the many updates we will be shipping on February 11. We’ll share more details on these and other upcoming features in the coming weeks. We have several surprises in store that we think you’ll love.March 4 system updates – countdown to “Titanfall” On March 4, in advance of what is expected to be the biggest game launch of the year, we will be delivering another system update to prepare your Xbox One for “Titanfall.” This update will contain many new features and improvements, most significantly to our party and multiplayer systems. Available on March 11, “Titanfall” is a team-based online multiplayer game that showcases the power of Xbox Live, and we will be shipping a new party and multiplayer system that will help make “Titanfall” the must-have game for this generation. This post is the first of many announcements and sneak peeks at features in the system updates. We’ve been carefully listening to your feedback and look forward to delivering many new features that will make Xbox One even better. We’re just getting started and can’t wait to share more information in the coming weeks. Cytuj
MaZZeo 14 519 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 XONE dostaje upload filmów prosto na youtube'a i możliwość snapowania youtube'a (w końcu!) No really related to official update. But still. Game DVR and Upload are among the most used apps on Xbox One. We know how important it is to be able to easily watch and share video clips, and starting tomorrow we’re rolling out an update to the YouTube app on Xbox One that integrates Game DVR and Upload with YouTube**, making it easier than ever to capture and share game clips with the world.Now, use Game DVR to capture epic gaming moments, edit them in Upload Studio, and, with the simple click of a button inside the YouTube app (look for My Uploads**), share them instantly to your YouTube channel. The updated YouTube experience also allows you to watch YouTube videos in Snap Mode, add individual YouTube videos to your Pins, earn Media Achievements, and add your YouTube channels to OneGuide for instant access to YouTube videos right next to your favorite TV listings or App Channels. Cytuj
kermit 6 998 Opublikowano 23 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 23 kwietnia 2014 Xbox One Gears of War to Have “Best in Class Visuals,” “Bleeding Edge Rendering Techniques” and More Black Tusk Studios is quite evidently gearing up for the development of the upcoming Gears of Wars game for the Xbox One, and is currently hiring 13 new employees, with twelve of those positions offered in the last two weeks. What’s more interesting is that the competences and requirements listed in the career opportunity ads give us some hints on what we can expect from the game, which seems to come packed with some quite lofty goals. First of all, let’s start with the inevitable fighting words: almost all the ads include a high sounding mission statement that involves “forging the future of the IP and pushing the limits of Microsoft’s entertainment platforms and devices” and ”delighting our fan base and shattering expectations of what is possible.” Now that we’ve paid homage to the marketing spiel, let’s delve into something a bit more specific: A post seeking a Senior Rendering Engineer, mentions that the game will utilize ”bleeding edge new rendering techniques to deliver best in class visuals for an AAA Console game.” The candidate will also be responsible for developing and optimizing “industry leading high performance real time graphics features and effects.” We also read about “major new features.” As we already knew Unreal Engine will be used for the game, and in fact experience with Epic’s middleware is considered desirable, together with experience with DirectX 10 and 11. This doesn’t really mean that the game won’t use DirectX 12 (there simply aren’t developers out there that have experience with it), and as a matter of fact the “Strong debugging and optimization skills in a multi-threaded environment” requirement indicates that it probably will, since DirctX 11 doesn’t really use multithreading for rendering. It’s one of the major features of DX12. Moving on to the art department, there is an ad looking for an Art Director that will work across Environments, Characters, Cinematics, Concept Art, Lighting, Animation, FX and UI. Interestingly the candidate will need to be comfortable “working with a broad spectrum of styles, from photo-realistic to highly stylized” This could mean a variety of things: Black Tusk may simply want a versatile art director able to work on a variety of styles for future projects. On the other hand the final art style of the nextGears of War might not have been decided yet. It’s also possible that it’ll involve different styles for cutscenes and gameplay (photorealistic for gameplay and comic-like for cutscenes, for instance). Finally, there could be more than one game involved. The last option combined with the second seems to be the most probable, considering that the candidate will be “Responsible for creating the art style of the Gears of War franchise moving forward.” The ad also mentions experience with ourtsourcing, meaning that Black Tusk will probably delegate part of the production to other studios. A post looking for a Gameplay Designer outs the fact that the studio is seeking to implement “innovative features.” Experience with Kismet (a visual scripting tool within the Unreal Development Kit) is also desired. On the other hand an ad for a Gameplay Engineer advertises the preference for experience in a co-op gameplay development environment, strongly suggesting that cooperative features are coming back to the series. Unsurprisingly cover mechanics are also making a comeback, as hinted by a post seeking aMultiplayer Level Designer. I seriously doubt anyone had any doubt here. Multiplayer definitely seems to be a focus for the game, as an ad for a Lead Multiplayer Level Designer involves creating an “industry-leading multiplayer experience.” Familiarity with “Gears of War gameplay and past Gears of War multiplayer map designs” is also required, probably indicating that Black Tusk intends to keep the new game true to its roots. An ad for a Senior Level Designer mentions creating ”interesting and dynamic levels and mechanics,” and integrating ”great events and gameplay mechanics, with the goal of making every moment special and memorable.” Linear storytelling will apparently play an important role in gameplay, as the candidate will have to work on “fantastic levels with great flow and layout, to tell a story while guiding the player experience.” A post looking for a Senior Online Services Engineer mentions the responsibility of “owning a reliable high-traffic services to support console and multi-screen end points,” which indicates that the game is probably going to involve SmartGlass in some capacity. Experience with Azureis also required, hinting to a heavy utilization of Microsoft’s cloud services. A similar ad for a Lead Online Service Engineer involves building the “next generation of backend services to power the Gears of War Universe, on console, web and mobile,” indicating that the franchise’s online component will very possibly extend beyond the Xbox One. It also talks about “Games,” which is a clear hint to long term plans that go past a single Xbox One title. Taking advantage “of the best solutions available with cloud services running on Azure and integration of multiple new technologies.” is also part of the candidate’s responsibilities. Interestingly enough, this last ad is very close to similar ones published for the nextHalo, possibly hinting to a close collaboration or at least the intention to implement similar features between Black Tusk and 343 Industries. Will we see the effect of any of this at E3 in about a month and a half? That’s possible. One thing is for sure: my curiosity is piqued. Cytuj
kermit 6 998 Opublikowano 23 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 23 kwietnia 2014 Xbox One will launch in Japan on September 4, Microsoft announced . Upcoming Xbox One titles for Japan include Forza Motorsport 5, Kinect Sports Rivals, Sunset Overdrive, Halo on Xbox One, Dead Rising 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, and more. 48 Japanese companies are registered to develop for the system, including: 2K Games Access Games Acquire Arc System Works Artdink Atlus Bandai Namco Games Bandai Namco Studio Bethesda Softworks BusinessPartner Capcom Cave Codemasters Cute CyberConnect2 CyberStep D3 Publisher Electronic Arts Experience From Software G.rev Genki Grounding GungHo Online Entertainment Hamster Integrow Kadokawa Games Klon Konami Land Ho Level-5 Mages Marvelous AQL Moss Nippon Ichi Software Sega Silicion Studio SNK Playmore Spike Chunsoft Square Enix Take-Two Interactive Tango Gameworks Tecmo Koei Triangle Service Ubisoft Warner Entertainment Japan Yuke’s Zoo Thanks, Famitsu. Update: Square Enix has announced its lineup of launch titles for Xbox One in Japan. From it Extreme Edges brand, the following titles will be available: Call of Duty: Ghosts (Infinity Ward) Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (Crystal Dynamics) Thief (Eidos Montreal) Murdered: Soul Suspect (Airtight Games) Read more at Cytuj
MaZZeo 14 519 Opublikowano 5 maja 2014 Opublikowano 5 maja 2014 Phil Spencer, the recently appointed head of the Xbox department at Microsoft, went all out in responding to questions from the fans about E3 on Twitter tonight.Some of the points he made were quite interesting, and below you can read a summary: Spencer doesn’t think Microsoft will introduce a dedicated handheld gaming device. Instead they’ll work on Windows Phone and tablets, maybe with controller support some day. Spencer wants to make E3′s show more focused on the fans and he’s looking for ideas to make them feel like the conference is for them even if they aren’t in Los Angeles. The main focus will be on hardcore gamers. There was an idea to make Cortana the voice of the show, but Spencer didn’t like it. He likes the Windows Phone feature but doesn’t want to overdo it. Fans won’t have to wait for Tokyo Game Show to see Japanese Xbox games (possibly meaning that we’ll see them at E3). This year Microsoft will show “stuff we are committed to, from top studios, for this year and future.” We’ll get a “couple of things” announced before E3. May “Should be a good month for news.” It took Spencer a month to get the plans set. Spencer has strict orders not to talk about any 343 industries IP before E3. Both new IP and sequels will be announced at this year’s show. Speaking about Japanese games, Spencer also talked about Lost Odyssey, mentioning that “Rights on that one are a bit complicated,” but that he’d like to see it on Games on Demand. He also stated that there may be opportunities to publish IPs that Microsoft owns but has neglected as digital games.Finally, he mentioned that what stopped Rare from doing a new Battletoads game is just time. All of their teams are full at the moment, and they have a long list of what they’d like to do next.One thing is for sure: Phil Spencer has been a busy bee, and it’s hard not to be intrigued about seeing the result of all that work in June. We’re just a little over a month away, and the hype is definitely building up. Cytuj
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 10 maja 2014 Opublikowano 10 maja 2014 Jakiś czas temu chodziły słuchy, że Lionhead pracowało nad grą o nazwie "Eden Falls". Niedawno MS zarejestrował taką nazwę, nie wiadomo tylko czy wskrzeszono oryginalny projekt. czy jest to może mobilna produkcja studia Lift London. Dzisiaj natomiast wiemy mniej więcej czym był projekt Lionhead, w sieci pojawiło się pierwotne logo gry z krótkim opisem jednego z pracowników studia: Cytuj
kermit 6 998 Opublikowano 12 maja 2014 Opublikowano 12 maja 2014 Crossing The Line unveiled for Xbox One - explore the land of the dead Zomboko Entertainment has announced that Crossing The Line, a CryEngine-powered "mystical" first-person shooter, will appear on Xbox One. Find screenshots below - notice that there isn't a gun in any of them. Not your average blaster, then. The game takes place in the present day, and stars a policeman who can switch between the world of the living and that of the dead - spend too long in the latter, and you may wind up becoming a permanent resident. Your objective is to save your wife from the netherworld, having lost her to a terrorist attack some years previous. Zomboko Entertainment is in fact just one person, Artyom Mironov, who lives and works in Moscow. Presumably, his game will be released on Xbox One by way of Microsoft's ID@Xbox program - there doesn't appear to be a publisher, at the time of writing. There's not much to add right now, other than the below screenshots. The art style was more abstract to begin with, apparently, but Zomboko ultimately decided that a realistic look would be best. Ta, DSOGaming. Cytuj
hav7n 5 936 Opublikowano 12 maja 2014 Opublikowano 12 maja 2014 (edytowane) Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition potwierdzone na XO Blizzard has confirmed Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition will be released on PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360 on August 19. The Ultimate Evil Edition bundles together the original Diablo III with its Reaper of Souls expansion and, crucially, it'll allow you to transfer your PS3 or Xbox 360 character to PS4 or Xbox One respectively so you can continue your progress. Edytowane 12 maja 2014 przez hav3n Cytuj
MaZZeo 14 519 Opublikowano 13 maja 2014 Opublikowano 13 maja 2014 (edytowane) Xbox One bez kinecta za 399$, pierwsze gry w GwG i wyrzucenie niektórych apek zza paywalla Since the beginning, we have focused on delivering great games and entertainment experiences for you. Your feedback matters to us and it shapes the products and services we build. Your feedback showed up in the Xbox One console we launched back in November and in the monthly updates we’ve delivered since.Today, we’re excited to share more ways your feedback is impacting the products we build.First, beginning on June 9th, in all markets where Xbox One is sold, we will offer Xbox One starting at $399*. This is a new console option that does not include Kinect. For $399, our new Xbox One offering will continue to deliver access to the best blockbuster games like “Titanfall,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” “Forza Motorsport 5,” “Dead Rising 3,” and the upcoming “Watch Dogs,” “Destiny” and "Sunset Overdrive." You will also be able to access popular entertainment apps, such as Twitch, YouTube, and Netflix, as well as watch live TV and use OneGuide. Finally, you will continue to be able to use many of the unique features of Xbox One including the ability to get game invites while you watch TV, switch between games and entertainment apps, enjoy Twitch broadcasts, and upload your favorite gaming moments.Next, we’re bringing more value to Xbox Live Gold members and offering all Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners access to entertainment apps whether or not you have an Xbox Live Gold membership. In early June, here is what you can expect from the new generation of Xbox Live: Free games with Games with Gold**. Since Games with Gold launched on Xbox 360 a year ago, over 12 million people have enjoyed great free games, resulting in nearly 200 million hours of free fun playing Games with Gold titles. We’ve been learning from your feedback and have focused on making improvements each month to the selection of titles. To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Games with Gold for Xbox 360 and as a thank you for helping shape this program, members will receive an additional free Xbox 360 game in June. The Games with Gold titles for Xbox 360 in June are “Dark Souls,” “Charlie Murder” and a bonus game of “Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition.” We’re pleased to bring Games with Gold to Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One in June. Members will have subscription-based access to free games ranging from top hits to breaking indie stars. The program will launch on Xbox One with “Max: The Curse of Brotherhood” and “Halo: Spartan Assault.” A single Gold membership will get you access to the free games for both Xbox One and Xbox 360. Exclusive Discounts. Deals with Gold will also launch for Xbox One in June, delivering discounts for great games each month, with significant savings for Xbox Live Gold members. The first titles offered in June will include “Forza Motorsport 5,” “Ryse: Son of Rome,” and a few other surprises. In the coming months, we will offer significant savings of up to 50 – 75 percent off certain titles. This program will continue to be available for Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox 360. And new on Xbox One, we will launch a virtual VIP room exclusive to Xbox Live Gold members where we will feature free games, monthly deals, and other great benefits. Popular entertainment apps will be available for all Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners. Xbox 360 has been a leader in delivering entertainment experiences for years, with over 170 global entertainment apps and experiences available today. We’re constantly adding new partners and experiences to the growing catalog on Xbox One. Coming in June, anyone with an Xbox will be able to access popular entertainment experiences – whether or not you have an Xbox Live Gold membership. This includes great gaming apps like Machinima, Twitch and Upload, popular video services like Netflix, Univision Deportes, GoPro, Red Bull TV and HBO GO, sports experiences like the NFL app for Xbox One, MLB.TV, NBA Game Time, NHL Game Center and more.*** Microsoft experiences including Internet Explorer, Skype, OneDrive and OneGuide will also be available to all Xbox customers.**** You can find a full list of apps and features that will be available below. We’ve heard that you want more choices from Xbox One. You want a wide variety of options in your games and entertainment experiences and you also want options in your hardware selection.To be clear, as we introduce this new Xbox One console option, Kinect remains an important part of our vision. Many of you are using Kinect for Xbox One every day. In fact, more than 80 percent of you are actively using Kinect, with an average of 120 voice commands per month on each console. Some of the most popular voice commands include “Xbox On,” “Xbox Broadcast” and “Xbox Record That.” We will continue to offer a premium Xbox One with Kinect bundle to deliver voice and gesture controls, biometric sign-in, instant personalization, instant scanning of QR codes, and enhanced features only available with Kinect in games such as “Kinect Sports Rivals,” “Just Dance 2014,” “Project Spark” and more. If you buy Xbox One for $399 and later decide you want to have all the experiences Kinect enables, we will also offer a standalone sensor for Xbox One later this fall. We’ll share more details about the standalone Kinect for Xbox One in the coming months.Phil@XboxP3 Edytowane 13 maja 2014 przez MaZZeo Cytuj
kermit 6 998 Opublikowano 15 maja 2014 Opublikowano 15 maja 2014 (edytowane) Head of Xbox says plans to decouple Kinect from Xbox One began in April In an interview with Ars Technica, Microsoft's Head of Xbox Phil Spencer confirmed that efforts to offera no-Kinect edition of Xbox One began as soon as he joined the Xbox team five weeks ago and that today’s out-of-nowhere announcement was meant to “get the product and the choice in front of consumers as soon as possible.” Beginning June 9, Xbox One consoles without Kinect sensors will be available at retail for $399, dropping the system’s current retail price by $100. (Pre-orders of the new SKU have already gone live at Amazon and Best Buy.) Consoles that include Kinect will still be manufactured, and while Spencer couldn’t confirm what percentage of produced systems will be decoupled from Kinect, “we’re building as many of both as we can,” he said. “Over time, [the total percentage] will play out as consumers make their decisions.” When pressed about Microsoft’s repeated, stubborn statements in the past about Kinect being an essential part of the Xbox One, Spencer countered that consumer response proved more important. “We have spent thousands of hours in engineering to make sure voice, gestures, and even IR for TV work great, but when a consumer walks in the store—$399 is a point we hear from consumers that they want Xbox at,” Spencer said. “I wanted to make sure players were heard.” In August, Microsoft announced that the Xbox One would no longer require a constant Kinect connection to function, reversing course on the system’s original, unpopular plan in light of privacy complaints. Spencer says it was this long-ago move that set today’s announcement into motion. “When we made that decision last summer, engineering work had to go into the platform to make sure the box would run without Kinect plugged in, and that was an enabler for this decision,” Spencer said. “It’s been five weeks since I was made head of Xbox, and at that time, Yusuf Medhi and I—we’re running the program together as partners now—and we began spending a lot of time looking at the list of opportunities for us.” That list also included removing the Xbox Live Gold paywall for media apps like Netflix, Hulu, and ESPN and expanding the Xbox 360’s Games for Gold freebie program to Xbox One. Spencer insisted that Microsoft’s internal Kinect roadmap has not changed and that the small number of Kinect-heavy games launched or announced thus far did not factor into Xbox’s announcement today. He also cited a surge in Kinect-specific activity in Xbox One apps such as Skype and Twitch. “We want to continue to increase the sensor’s accuracy, along with an expansion of international voice modeling and the robustness of skeleton tracking and gesture control,” Spencer said. “That’s something we’re working on with developers who are focusing on gesture games because that can always get better.” Harmonix, the creator of the Kinect-exclusive Dance Central series, offered a statement in support of the decision as it continues work on the Xbox One Kinect-exclusive Fantasia: Music Evolved. “As avid gamers, we’re excited for fans to have more choices out there,” Harmonix told Ars. “As game makers, this platform change doesn’t affect our strategy—it reinforces that we must continue to focus on building innovative, compelling, and well-designed motion experiences to motivate consumers to buy our games.” The non-Kinect SKU will launch without any packed-in games or download codes, unlike recent Xbox One bundles that have included popular games such as Titanfall, but Spencer hinted at a “bundling strategy that you’ll see play out between now and the holiday season.” Spencer couldn’t confirm a release date for a standalone Xbox One Kinect, and that also goes for the previously announced Kinect coming to Windows. “This decision in the long run will give more people a Kinect sensor,” Spencer said. “Now, people can join Xbox One sooner and add Kinect at a later time.” Edytowane 15 maja 2014 przez kermit Cytuj
Salwador 189 Opublikowano 16 maja 2014 Opublikowano 16 maja 2014 (edytowane) Patch notes for the Xbox One's May system update has been revealed, teasing new features to be added to the Xbox One.Published on May 12, 2014 The Xbox One's May update is now available to download for beta testers ahead of its full release. Details on the May Xbox One update have been passed by beta testers to Dualshockers, revealing that the update will make the following improvements and fixes: Updates to help address issues where Game DVR clips may be recorded without audio. Underlying OS changes required to enable planned 1405 features. Get System Update button change. This update changes how the system update button works under Settings->System. Now the button will say “No update available” and be greyed out when there is no update, and it will say “Update console” and be active when an update is available. Update to address issues some issues users noticed where Party Chat would be quiet unless the Party App is snapped. Najciekawiej brzmi *podstawowe zmiany systemowe wymagane w celu umożliwienia planowanych 1405 możliwości* Obecnie ściągam ten update i juz na wstępie mogę powiedzieć że jest to prawie 1.5GB Edytowane 16 maja 2014 przez Salwador Cytuj
wrog 673 Opublikowano 16 maja 2014 Opublikowano 16 maja 2014 To jest stary opis. Wczoraj wyszła nowsza wersja. Cytuj
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 19 maja 2014 Opublikowano 19 maja 2014 (edytowane) Fable Legends będzie grywalne na E3: Speaking at a UK press event on Monday, studio head John Needham said of the Xbox One RPG: ""Fable Legends is an exciting title that's really fun already. We're building it with Unreal Engine 4 and that combined with Xbox One has resulted in us building I think one of the most beautiful games on the platform. "We're super busy at the studio gearing up for E3. We're going to have a huge presence there. You can come to our booth and play. " Announced in August 2013 during Microsoft's Gamescom showcase event, Fable Legends will feature co-operative gameplay for up to four players. Lionhead has described the launch version of Fable Legends as "season one" of the game, with plans to evolve the title over five to ten years. Although Fable Legends will feature a strong online component, Lionhead has said it's "not an MMO" and can be played offline in single-player. "You can play with other people in a four-player cooperative experience. Your party could be all human players, or a mix of players and AI-controlled Heroes," the studio explained last August. "You can switch easily between single player and multiplayer styles of play whenever you decide, or when a friend signs on. During a quest, you can elect to battle a human or an AI Villain." Legends will also include "mini-games, pub games, and similar activities", some of which may use Kinect motion controls. Lionhead has said that Fable Legends is the "only core Fable game" in development, with no sequel to Fable 3 planned. A Fable Legends beta test is planned for 2014. Edytowane 19 maja 2014 przez DonSterydo Cytuj
kermit 6 998 Opublikowano 20 maja 2014 Opublikowano 20 maja 2014 (edytowane) Wystartowali z obniżkami na XONE - Fifa 14 - 40% This Week’s Deals with Gold Here are this week’s games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 26 May 2014 unless otherwise indicated. Xbox One Killer Instinct Ultra Edition (already own Combo Breaker)* add-on 50% Killer Instinct Ultra Edition (don’t own Combo Breaker)* add-on 12% FIFA 14* Xbox One game 40% Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region. These Xbox One deals are valid for Xbox Live Gold & Silver members. Edytowane 20 maja 2014 przez kermit Cytuj
hav7n 5 936 Opublikowano 20 maja 2014 Opublikowano 20 maja 2014 (edytowane) You can now video chat while playing games on Xbox One, Skype finally adds support for the system's Snap feature. Joining the other features introduced in the latest Xbox One system update, Microsoft announced today that Snap support has been added to Skype. The system's Snap feature--which allows an app to be brought up on the right side of the screen while the remainder of the screen is used to continue playing games, watching movies, or whatever else--was of limited use with Skype before now. The only way to snap anything with Skype was by leaving Skype in the middle of the screen, something that was of very limited use. Thanks to this new update, though, the Xbox One can now realize one of the features Microsoft used to promote it prior to launch: Namely, the ability to play a game or watch a movie with a Skype video chat window on the side of the screen. This feature is of use even to those who don't video chat using Skype; snapping the app allows easy access to options while on an audio call, like inviting more users, turning your microphone off, and hanging up Edytowane 20 maja 2014 przez hav3n Cytuj
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