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Yakuza Ishin


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Yakuzy nigdy grafą nie zabijały, przeciez te z ps3 wyglądały jak mocno podciągnięte ps2

Edytowane przez Ficuś

Zresztą i tak grają w to głównie Japońce. Bo jak będę chciał next-genowego sandboksa to wiadomym jest, że sięgnę po Watch Dogsy. To w ogóle sandboks będzie czy jakaś nawalanka tylko i nic poza tym?

  • Minusik 1
Opublikowano (edytowane)

Kolejny co to myśli, ze Yakuza to sandbox. Ludzie weźcie w końcu zacznijcie troszkę myśleć bo to przykre się robi. Seria Yakuza to bardziej coś w stylu Shenmue  niż sandbox. No i nie ma to jak porównywać kolejnego łopatologicznego samograja od Ubi do serii, która mechaniką siedzi jeszcze w erze przed upłyceniem rozgrywki na rzecz masowego odbiorcy.

Graficznie jest spoko, nie ma oczywiście szaleństwa ale tak jak wspomniał Ficuś Yakuza nigdy graficznym masakratorem nie była choć oczywiście niektóre efekty i przywiązanie do detali bardzo cieszy oczy.

Gameplay może jest z PS3 bo też i na nią również będzie wydana ta część. Ogólnie czekam niecierpliwie i mam nadzieję, że jen zejdzie ciut w dół bo przecież na lokalizację pewnie i tak nie ma co czekać.

Edytowane przez Paliodor
  • Plusik 1
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Obejrzałem narobiłem sobie smaka i się w(pipi)iłem na myśl o tym że przez partactwo Segi jak i osobniki jak ten trzy posty wyżej będę musiał albo zagrać w wersje JP gdzie wiele mi umknie lub tez sobie odpuścić bo nie będzie zlokalizowana :(

Edytowane przez Karas

No stary co ja Ci poradzę, że to seria dla Japonofilów jest. Grałem trochę na PS2, sprawdzałem na PS3 i po prostu mnie nie rusza. A spytałem czy jest to sandboks bo jednak na filmikach sprawia takie wrażenie. Nie wiem, może w tym wszystkim po prostu wciąga historia, nie zaliczyłem żadnej z odsłon a chyba kontekstowo nie ma co ich wybierać bo pewnie wszystkie są ze sobą powiązane.


Ale się spinacie, (pipi)a.

  • Minusik 1

Głupie gadanie to się i człowiek spina:D

Każda część ma swoją oddzielną historię więc spokojnie można grać w dowolna odsłonę choć oczywiście nawiązania są do poprzednich wydarzeń ale pogubić się raczej nie da bo twórcy przy każdej części dawali streszczenie fabuł poprzedników w formie filmików wyciągniętych z poszczególnych części i okraszonych komentarzem głównego bohatera.

A z tym japanofilem to może coś w tym jest bo co by nie mówić seria jest dość specyficzna.No ale to samo można powiedzieć o GTA i wielu innych gierkach. Uważam, że warto choć spróbować zagrać (zwłaszcza w mega dopakowaną pod względem zawartości Y4) i wyrobić sobie jako taką opinię o serii niż rzucać śmiesznymi hasłami typu czy to sandbox, nawalanka czy coś innego. Wystarczy, że matoły z PE już kiedyś przyrównywały serię do sandboxów co tylko niepotrzebnie wprowadzało ludzi w błąd. Bo niektórzy to jak słyszą sandbox to od razu skojarzenie z GTA i przyrównywanie do tej właśnie gry.

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Yakuza: Ishin: Another Life, Cross Play, and more revealed
Live the quiet country life with the mysterious girl Haru.
September 20, 2013 / 01:34 AM EDT / Cameron Ohara (@CameronOharaLuv)


Sega updated the official website for Yakuza: Ishin today with a plethora of new details, including a new “Another Life” mode where Ryoma Sakamoto and a mysterious girl named Haru take it easy on the countryside.

Here’s our summary:

Another Life

Live the quiet, country life at Ryoma Sakamoto’s secondary residence with the mysterious girl Haru in this game mode. Grow vegetables, raise pets, cook, and do otherr thins that you wouldn’t be able to do living the stressful life of the Shinsengummi. As your relationship with haru grows deeper, various special events may be unlocked.

  • Meeting Haru - Haru’s parents were killed in an accident and in order to repay their enormous debt it seems she must sell her precious home. For the sake of the poor girl lost on the road, Ryoma shoulders her debt and takes her into his secondary home where they live together. Set in the countryside, here starts Ryoma’s “other life.”
  • Growing Vegetables - You can grow a variety of vegetables in Ryoma’s garden. Take into consideration the many ways to grow plants in the field and find the best way to do it. Vegetables will take time to grow but using fertilizer and other items you can speed up the process.
  • Cooking - Use the vegetables you dig up and fish you catch to cook at Ryoma’s home. You can make food and then eat it on the spot, or pack a lunch box to carry with you. By cooking delicious food not only will you be able to recover health, but you’ll also find helpful status effects during battle.
  • Peddling - Use the vegetables you grow and the fish you catch to sell and deliver to customers and earn loans. Haru will take orders to the customers and when she returns she’ll give you the earnings. If you make rare vegetables and other foods, you can earn even more.
  • Pets - You can take home stray dogs and cats that you find in the town. You can give any name you want to your cats and dogs. If you feed them and pet them you’ll find them trying to communicate with you in their own way. You may even find some rare items if you get them in the right mood.

Cross Play

This time you can also play using PS Vita. Play the Battle Dungeon, Another Life and other mini-games incorporated in the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 versions with Cross Play. If you have a PS Vita you can now play on the train or even while on a break: level up in the Battle Dungeon or grow things in Another Life.

  • Gambling Mini-Games - The mini-games available with Cross Play include poker, mahjong, shogi, and all games can be played online. No matter which console you use, player rankings will be available. Aim to be the best in the country and log in everyday for a new challenge.

Battle Style

Play with a battle style all your own and become the strongest person in the Bakumatsu era! Use your katana, pistol, fists, or a combination of these. With each style comes special moves.
There are also special weapons like the spear, long sword, and cannon. Other items you find in the street can be used in battle, as well.

Weapon Making

  • Further Evolved Weapons - Ishin‘s weapon making system has been upgraded. Make and upgrade weapons to your heart’s content. The weapons that appear in this game include not only the the pistol, katana, and armor, but also the spear, long sword, and cannon. Weapon synthesis is also possible with tens of thousands of patterns available. Weapon making and strengthening can be done at the blacksmith. You can collect the materials you need for producing weapons during battle.
  • Challenge Strong Enemies with your Rare Weapons - Improving your weapons will raise your attack power, raise your status, and endow you with abilities. Weapon improvement can be decided in mini-games and big success here can mean especially big ability upgrades.
  • The Blacksmith’s Level is the Key to Success - Materials needed for weapon upgrades can be found in a variety of ways: in sub-stories, battles, mini-games, and Another Life. And as you make upgrades, the blacksmith himself will also level up. This means you can make more weapons.

Battle Dungeon

  • The New Card Action Battle Mode - In this game Ryoma won’t only battle by himself, he’ll also battle together with Shinsengumi in new action dungeons. By carrying card representations of your soldier allies into dungeons, you can use their abilities in this new style of battle.
  • Build Your Own Unit - There are hoodlums you can meet in fights on the street who want to work under Ryoma in the Shinsengumi and who possess a great variety of abilities. Discover allies as you progress through the game and whether they are seasoned fighters, skilled in defense, or put stress on physical recovery. Then match them to your play style and build a unit that is uniquely yours. For those who are not good in battle, you can also use money to build your unit. If you do this well, even the strongest of enemies will fall before you. Among these soldier allies exist rare soldiers, as well. Scour the streets to find them.
  • Challenge the Battle Dungeon - Grow your rallied soldiers by fighting together. If you raise your favorite soldiers you will find loyal supporters in your midst. You can even use synthesis to level up your card allies. Collect many soldiers and strengthen your favorites.
  • Acquire Rare Items by Fighting Together - In the Battle Dungeon you can find rare items that are difficult to locate in town. These rare items can be used to strengthen Ryoma’s weapons, and can also be sold for a high price.

Yakuza: Ishin is due out for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan on February 22. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.




Go Dungeon Crawling With Yakuza Restoration

By Ishaan . September 23, 2013 . 5:00pm


Yakuza Restoration will have a more complex battle system than previous Yakuza titles, Sega say. The game will keep the “Street Brawl Battle” system from its predecessors, but will also bring new features to the mix.


Lead character Ryouma Sakamota (AKA Hajime Saito) uses both a sword and a pistol to fight opponents. As such, the game has four battle styles:


  • A sword style, where you use powerful sword slashes
  • A pistol Style, where you use your revolver to shoot enemies
  • An unarmed combat style, where you employ the use of your fists
  • A fourth style, where you can use the sword and pistol together


Weapons that you can use in the game range from pistols to katanas to spears and even large cannons. Weapons can also be combined, with Sega claiming that a large number of combination patterns exist in the game and that you can level Ryouma up to level 99, upgrading his inventory all throughout.


The game also has two other RPG-like features called “Battle Dungeon” and “Another Life”. In Battle Dungeon, you take your fellow Shinsengumi members along with you to “dungeons” in the form of cards, and can use their various abilities in this manner. The dungeons you’ll enter will confer rare items that you can then use to enhance your weapons in the main game.


Meanwhile, in Another Life, you find yourself living a slow life with a girl named Haruka, indulging in activities like growing vegetables, fishing and cooking. This will feel different from the tense life of a Shinsengumi member.


Yakuza Restoration will be available in Japan on February 22nd, 2014.



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Edytowane przez Paliodor
  • 2 tygodnie później...

Nie wiem czemu zmienili imie Kazowi, to ma wg mnie slabsze brzmienie oraz ciesze sie z powrotu Mine.

Prawdopodobienstwo ze przetlumacza te gre jest bliskie zeru, ale moze ktos bedzie na tyle za(pipi)isty i zrobi jak z Kenshin, czyli da cutscenki z napisami angielskimi do obejrzenia na YouTubie.


 ale moze ktos bedzie na tyle za(pipi)isty i zrobi jak z Kenshin, czyli da cutscenki z napisami angielskimi do obejrzenia na YouTubie.


Ziomek, który przerobił tak Kenzan! bierze się za Yakuzę 5, ale mówi, że musi poczekać, aż Sega przestanie blokować cutscenki z "piątki" na YT. A na wersję anglojęzyczną Ishin NIE MA SZANS, więc nie ma co w kółko klepać modlitw do niebieskich. Pozostaje import.

Opublikowano (edytowane)

Przetłumaczone cut-scenki do Yakuzy Kenzan zrobiła grupa KHHsubs:

Poradniki na Gamefaq do Yakuzy Kenzan,3,4 zrobił ThePatrick ale do piątki jakoś nie widzę żadnego wiec pewnie do niej nie zrobił.

Pozostaje nadzieja, że ktoś się w końcu poświęci i spłodzi jakis poradnik bądź chociaż fabularne cut-scenki przetłumaczy.


A Ishin pewnie ogram, skoro Sega olała zachód to pozostaje import części, których mi brakuje.

Ponoć ma być jakiś material z Ishin dodawany do pierwszego rzutu japońskiej platynowej kolekcji "Playstation3 The Best" Yakuzy 5.


Pojawił się kolejny materiał z gry:

Edytowane przez Paliodor
  • 2 tygodnie później...

Mnóstwo nowych informacji na temat systemu walki, broni, zdobywaniu doświadczenia itd.


W Ishin każda walka będzie puentowana ocenami, podobnie jak w  Devil May Cry.

Muszę przyznać, że zmiany na tle pozostałych części szykują się konkretne. Widać, że ekipa Nagoshiego ma jeszcze rezerwy pomysłów na tą serię.

  • 2 tygodnie później...

Gdyby to nie była Sega, to może w jakimś minimalnym procencie bym mógł uznać za możliwą opcję. No ale całe szczęście, że nie trzeba sobie tym zbytnio zaprzątać głowy, bo Sega poza kolejnymi Sonicami ma w d.upie całą resztę gierek i to co ludzie chcieliby zobaczyć w wersji angielskiej.

  • Plusik 2
  • 3 tygodnie później...
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Troszkę na temat podziemi w Yakuza Ishin:


Yakuza Restoration Shows Off Its New Dungeon Crawling Segments

By Sato . November 11, 2013 . 4:35pm


Yakuza Restoration won’t be just about running around feudal Japan while dual-wielding swords and pistols to take out rebels as Ryoma Sakamoto. There will also be a dungeon crawler mode, with collectible allies who’ll be helping you out. Famitsu gives us a first look at the game’s dungeon exploration segments.


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Since Ryoma won’t be able to take dungeons on alone, he’ll be able to recruit help from fellow Shinsengumi members, who will appear in the form of cards, as seen above. In order to acquire these cards, you’ll first need to beat them up on the streets, as they appear as your regular Yakuza thugs looking for trouble.


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As you beat up different thugs, you’ll acquire their cards which consist of different unit types, such as attacker, defender, and healer; so putting together a team that fits your playstyle will be an important factor in the dungeon runs. There will also be rare units that are much more powerful than your average ones.


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As you progress through dungeons, you’ll get to level up your units. Additionally, you’ll also be able to combine cards to further gain experience.


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There’s also a chance to acquire rare items you wouldn’t normally find outside the dungeons.



These rare items can be used to enhance Ryoma’s weapons, or they can also be used to sell for some extra pocket money.



According to Famitsu, the number of dungeons are quite impressive, and there are several strategies required to take them on. For example, some will be simple enough where you just need to prepare yourself and things will go smoothly, then there are some where you’ll be required to carefully choose your allies.


Yakuza Restoration is slated for release in Japan on February 22nd, 2014 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.


Edytowane przez Paliodor

Co nieco o roli Haruki w nowej Yakuzie:


Haruka Sawamura is one of the main characters in the Yakuza series and Kazuma Kiryu is like a father figure to her. In Yakuza Restoration the two characters have a similar relationship. After her parents passed away, Haruka lived in the home she inherited alone. However, due to the debt that her parents left behind, she was about to lose it.


We all know that Kazuma Kiryu is a good guy, deep down, and this doesn’t change even when he plays the role of Ryoma Sakamoto in Yakuza Restoration. Ryoma meets Haruka after saving her from a certain incident, and she ends up letting him stay at her home. The two of them eat, share stories, and happily live a simple life together.


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Haruka does her best to keep the home clean and also takes good care of Ryoma. He’d probably want to take it easy after a whole day of beating down rebels. She will also be help out by going to the market to sell some of your goods.


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Opublikowano (edytowane)

Ja wrzucam to co jest aktualnie dostępne. A tłumaczeniem wolę sobie nie zaprzątać głowy bo szanse pewnie mniej niż zero.

Mały update o kolejne nowinki.


Previous Yakuza games always featured various actives to do in Kamurocho, like playing games at arcades and going to batting cages. Since Yakuza Restoration takes place during feudal Japan, I doubt there will be any local Sega centers, but there are other things Kazuma Kiryu Sakamoto Ryoma can do.


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There are 20 different vegetables and crops you can grow at home. Some will take longer than others to fully grow, so you might need to think twice before planting. They can then be used for cooking foods or sold for profit in the market.

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Fishing is another activity that will be available in Yakuza Restoration. Players can try out different lures at various rivers and lakes. Similar to the vegetables, the fish can also be used for cooking or sold profit.




Having a home wouldn’t be the same without pets! After finding stray cats or dogs in town, you’ll get to keep up to three of them at your home. By playing with them enough, they’ll show you their affection by occasionally bringing home rare items they’ve picked up.


Yakuza Restoration is slated for release in Japan on February 22nd, 2014 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.

Edytowane przez Paliodor
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Dawac mi to w Europie w zestawie z piata czescia na PS4 !

Yakuza: Ishin bylaby najlepsza gra do zestawu z konsola, zaden inny tytul startowy PS4 tak mnie nie jara jak ta gra.

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