balon 5 396 Opublikowano 31 grudnia 2014 Opublikowano 31 grudnia 2014 Co do CH to po wszystkich materiałach niestety wydaje mi się że to będzie malutka gra z arenami gdzie pokonujemy hordy przeciwników/bossów a nie żadna platformówka/przygodówka. Nawet nie strasz 1 Cytuj
Daffy 10 822 Opublikowano 5 stycznia 2015 Opublikowano 5 stycznia 2015 ale by byla lipa jesli faktycznie tak by bylo bo jakby to byl rasowy platformer to byloby mega Cytuj
Gość _Be_ Opublikowano 5 stycznia 2015 Opublikowano 5 stycznia 2015 To nie bedzie platformer tylko run'n'gun, twórcy (dokładnie dwóch braci) napisali na blogu czym będzie Cuphead i to bliżej Contry stoi niż platformera, jatka w prawo z co-opem. Cuphead is a classic run and gun that centers around 1-on-1 fights (2-on-1 in two player mode). With Cuphead, we aim to evolve the genre by adding new features such as: super arts, infinite lives, a playable world map and hidden secrets. In addition to that, we will have refined controls, additional boss patterns on harder modes and balanced weapons to equip (that you don’t lose!). We plan to release 10-15 bosses per episode and end up with over 30 bosses. If all goes as planned, we will defeat the current “Guinness World Record for Most Boss Battles in a Run and Gun Game”[25 total]). When developing Cuphead we started with the basics – who knows this better than Shigeru Miyamoto. He set the standard for all 2D and 3D platformers and they are still a great formula for gameplay perfection. Knowing this, we’ve spent a lot of time fine tuning small details like hitboxes, screen movement, player control, weapon balancing, and a ton of small details that may go unnoticed by some. PATTERNS, ETC. When we were designing Cuphead, we wanted the game to be more reaction-based than just straight memorization. Great games like Contra III/Hard Corps mainly used repeating patterns that appeared in the same order every time – we feel this pattern formula tends to have less surprise on subsequent replays. On the other end of the spectrum, a game like Mega Man has a lot of proximity based patterns to mix things up – but this can let you take advantage of the boss by forcing the AI into the same series of attacks. Our approach is to integrate variance by: *some of this is for nerds* Rearranging certain pattern orders on replays Using arrays on individual attack attributes to mix it up (vague example: 1,2,1,3,3,2,1,3,2 instead of 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) All proximity based attacks will have a variety of options to avoid pattern trapping Using RNG sparingly during suitable situations and not like Holy Diver – (P.S. Funkdoc rules!) Every boss in the game will have 3 ranks of difficulty: each one adds new patterns, visuals and blast processing We are aiming to have good diversity by : some fights styled more like a platformer patterns/gameplay themes that haven’t been seen before in a run and gun shmup stages with influences from games like: the Thunderforce series, Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga, and Jamestown (which is AMAZING) suits (like Mario 3) that will give the player new attributes/abilities extremely long, unskippable cut scenes Tym czym się inspirowali to Mega Man X czy Contra III więc dobre z nich ludzie. Cytuj
Daffy 10 822 Opublikowano 5 stycznia 2015 Opublikowano 5 stycznia 2015 to sie tego nie spodziewalem ale nice Cytuj
Daffy 10 822 Opublikowano 2 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 2 lutego 2015 czekam z niecierpliwoscia, ciekawe co wyjdzie z tego projektu Cytuj
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 (edytowane) Cuphead was conceived by brothers Chad and Jared Moldenhauer, and they've been thus far blown away by the response to their title. Speaking with GI, they had this to say regarding the game: "We're so used to setting it, and we loved the visuals, but after a while you just get accustomed to them and you go, 'I hope people like these'." I can attest for this sentiment from a design point of view, I rebuilt XboxMAD v3 about 4 times after getting used to the layout and questioning whether it would be good enough for public consumption - although what these guys are doing represents an undertaking far beyond anything I can imagine. "I thought that there would be some fans, but seeing it pop up as the 'top five interesting things at E3' on more than one website didn't make any sense. ... I'm still kind of in shock." Regarding design, StudioMDHR emphasised that they wanted several layers of uniqueness to every sequence and character, using the example of one of the game's numerous boss battles. "Everything is like the '30s, and we wanted to have that - not just that it's a bird in the sky, but that it's a bird in a bird-house. We want that secondary level of uniqueness to each visual. This is part of the first form." The game is side scrolling by nature, and to ram that vintage authenticity home, the team at StudioMDHR went to great lengths to layer the game world. "The reason we separated them like that is there's almost never a time on screen where you're seeing the same layers of noise and grain interacting with each other. So it never feels like you're watching a loop of effects." As a former animator, looping the same .gif of random grey dots to achieve a film grain effect is a quick, but inauthentic looking fix, by adding multiple layers of effects, it will prevent the film grain from appearing in a loop. It certainly sounds as though the team at StudioMDHR have really pushed the boat out when it comes to the feel of the Cuphead. "When we first started we noticed that when you have certain cigarette burns or other things on the screen that keep repeating, you eventually started thinking, 'Oh, look, it's at the top right every seven seconds.' So we've put in a lot of work extensively with those effects especially to eliminate that and still keep the old-timey feel. I'm pretty sure if you tallied up all the time we spent discussing or researching and actually testing out effects, we're probably at about a three-and-a-half full-time months with three people, because we were experimenting with this before any real development on the game started just to pull off the old-time film look." You can get a sense of Cuphead's layering in this picture. On gameplay, StudioMDHR isn't shy to draw comparisons to Contra and other twitch-era side scrolling arcade shooters. The old school approach to gameplay permeates the game's story as well, which, like the old school, is present primarily for context as opposed to the enrapturing of your emotions. Cuphead and player 2's Mugman have become indebted to the devil (due to a poor choice of gambling buddies), and the devil now owns their heads. In a make or break deal, the devil tasks Cuphead and Mugman to traverse the game's vintage world to recover an item, to eliminate the debt. Chad explains why this is all the story the game needs: "Because we both grew up in the fast-twitch arcade era, that's what we homed in on. We love the idea of not including too many cutscenes or too much story." The relaxed attitude to story is consistent with old-school animated cartoons, if you've ever seen any1920s Disney shorts, you know what these guys are on to. Returning to gameplay, Moldenhauer's Chad and Jared grew up on Contra and Treasure games (Gunstar Heroes is one of my favourite games of all time, so this comparison makes me particularly excited) - although, rather than drive the player through sequences of trash mobs, Cuphead skips right to the main course - boss battles. These battles won't just be gigantic bullet sponges however, StudioMDHR are intent on building lots of variety between each boss sequence. Regarding the pictured (above) bird boss, Cuphead hops into a plane and is tasked to dodge giant egg projectiles reminiscent of Mario 2's birdos. "It's not like a bullet-hell pattern, but it's very challenging. You might need a few tries to defeat the first form of this boss, based on your experience." Cuphead and Mugman have straws protruding from their ceramic heads, which can be used to perform an attack known as the 'Straw Slap'. "Initially it was a core idea, that we always wanted a parry, but we got side-tracked and we forgot about the Miyamoto rules, which are, 'Keep things simple.' We were going to have a separate parry button, and then the parry could be performed on the ground. It didn't have the same impact as forcing a player to engage and change their position. If you could just stand still and tap parry, it didn't have the same response as having to commit to a jump to start a parry. The idea is that it's contained in the same button, which is far better to communicate to players. You jump and then it's timing-based depending on how close the shot is to you. Cuphead has about 15 frames of straw slap animation. If you connect this property, you can land a slap and destroy any pink attacks that are in your radius." "We made it a color that we're not going to use often in the game, so anything that's colored pink like that and is bight and shiny will be known as a parryable attack. It's not just bullets, either. As you might notice in the image with the Phantom Train boss, the handcar that Cuphead and Mugman are riding has a pair of pink orbs. Parrying each one slides the car overto one side of the screen, which is a handy way to avoid the bosses and their various attacks." Cuphead certainly looks to include a lot of variety with it's boss battles. Those who remember Gunstar Heroes on the Sega MegaDrive (or Genesis, if you're from the US) might recall a level which had players hurl a giant dice, traversing a board game - each square had a different boss battle or trial, this is the sort of vibe Cuphead's feature with GI is giving me right now. Below is one of the game's myriad boss sequences, which takes place on an enthralling steam-punk arcade machine. "This actually came from Jared. He wanted to have a tribute to the '80s arcade games and all of the classics of the era. Our brains initially told us, 'We'll do a pixel art in some kind of 1930s style.' In the Simpsons cartoons, when they wanted to represent video games, they used some kind of pixel filter in post (production) to achieve a style, so we started with that. We had this insane idea where we'd draw and ink all the assets for this level and then run every frame through a pixelation filter and finally re-ink every frame with the pixelated look. Aside from the amount of effort to do that, it was too jarring with the watercolor and cartoon visuals." All of Cuphead's backgrounds are hand painted water-colour scenes, owing to the labour intensive construction of this unique title. "This stage is a crazy idea because it's all new character assets, and we're limiting the player to only shoot up, so it's old arcade-style. It's definitely off the path of the main game, but we feel like the games we always played - like Treasure's - had a lot of love put into them, and they'd be just out-side of the boundaries of what the rules were. They would always have unique gameplay ideas, so we're hoping this stage creates the same feeling for others." Chad emphasised that they aren't planning to over-do it with gameplay sequences that change up the core of the game, but that for now, it's one of the ways they can "keep the game exciting". Considering the sheer amount of additional assets and animation that only appear once per sequence, one could be forgiven for thinking StudioMDHR are well, crazy, but they certainly seem to have the end-user experience as a core driver of their creative process. # "Even if it's a lot of extra work, we think it's worth it in the end." Since E3, StudioMDHR have been on a hiring spree, ballooning to a massive ...erm, 9 developers. For such a small studio to have the time to pour this much meticulous polish over a project is quite impressive. Although time will tell whether their words carry the weight of their conviction, Cuphead is targeting a 2015 launch. Źródło: Edytowane 4 lutego 2015 przez DonSterydo Cytuj
SlimShady 3 496 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Za(pipi)isty,unikatowy styl graficzny,chyba w grach czegoś takiego nie było. Cytuj
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Co racja, to racja. Design kozak. Jakby człowiek grał w kreskówkę. Cytuj
Gość _Be_ Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Steryd ale usuwaj formatowanie jak przeklejasz tak newsy Cytuj
Salwador 189 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 GOT... Jeśli nawet grywalnością zawiedzie to wykonanie tej gry jest prawdziwą sztuką! Cytuj
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Steryd ale usuwaj formatowanie jak przeklejasz tak newsy Nie wiem jak Cytuj
Daffy 10 822 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 (pipi)a nie umiem sie skupic na tym wywiadzie - tak tragicznie go wkleiles, ale obrazki przemiazga, arcycudowny design Cytuj
Gość _Be_ Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Steryd ale usuwaj formatowanie jak przeklejasz tak newsy Nie wiem jak przy przeklejaniu ctrl+shit+v albo odznaczasz tryb bbcode albo zaznaczasz tekst i obok trybu bbcode w lewym górnym rogu masz usuń formatowanie Cytuj
Gość Beka Wnusiu Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Jest szansa na premierę pecetową? Cytuj
Gość _Be_ Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2015 (edytowane) Tak. Potwierdzone, że na windowsa wyjdzie też. Edytowane 4 lutego 2015 przez _Be_ Cytuj
maciekww28 848 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 bardzo dobra gierka do gwg Cytuj
kermit 6 998 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 bardzo dobra gierka do gwg ta gra zasluguje na zakup, tym bardziej ze pewnie bedzie kosztowac jakies 15$. ludzie doceniajcie takie gry... Cytuj
maciekww28 848 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 wiem o tym ale znając życie trafi do gwg Cytuj
Salwador 189 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 Podobnie jak D4. Ale osobiście to nie zmienia faktu że oddam z przyjemnością swoją mamonę twórcom tej gry. Cytuj
hav7n 5 936 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 Opublikowano 5 lutego 2015 I takie podejscie mi sie podoba Cytuj
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 3 marca 2015 Opublikowano 3 marca 2015 (edytowane) Gra jest grywalna na GDC, nic tylko czekać na jakieś nowe materiały Edytowane 3 marca 2015 przez DonSterydo Cytuj
kubson 3 189 Opublikowano 4 marca 2015 Opublikowano 4 marca 2015 ale ten pad jest sliczny, to samo tyczy sie samej oprawy gry <3 1 Cytuj
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