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Nintendo Switch - temat główny


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Mnie tylko ciekawi jak podejdą do tej całej sandboxowości. Bo mam serdecznie dosyć tego co się wyprawia z tym typem gry na tej generacji. Ciekawe, może uda się im to ugryźć w ten sposób, że nie będzie to nużące, a będzie to jednocześnie integralną częścią gry. Nie wiem, może to już jest wszystkim wiadome, nie chce sobie psuć zabawy dziesiątkami filmików;)

Edytowane przez roivas
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Ehhh naprawdę uwielbiam  jak wyciągacie coś z Chodzi mi o to że to NoA nagrywa Angielski dub a nie NoE, więc wezmą Amerykanów, którzy będą udawać Brytoli i wyjdzie tak jak w The Last Story od czego uszy krwawiły, ponieważ w NoA głosu użyczają pracownicy wewnątrz firmy a nie profesjonalni Voice-Actorzy (remake FF2 też to po części spotkało). No i akurat Niemcy do animców dobrze podkładają głosy i nie robią tego na jedno kopyto. Dlatego Zelde z chęcią ogram po Niemiecku (po angielsku również bo co mi tam).  

Edytowane przez chrno-x
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Są w ogóle jakieś oficjalne screeny z wnętrza dungeonów? I nie chodzi mi o te 100 mini dungeonów z niebieskim wnętrzem, ale o normalne, główne lokacje. Bo dotychczas widzę łąkę z drzewami i płaskie tereny. Średnio mi się podoba taki marketing.

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Kwestia gustu mój drogi  8) ja i tak się cieszę że Nintendo próbuje coś nowego ale jednocześnie denerwuje mnie, gdy zlewają na fanów w takich momentach i udają że to kwestie techniczne stoją na drodze albo nie mieli oni w tego nigdy w planach (a ile wrzucić to jako patch lub darmowe dlc).

  • Plusik 1
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Ehhh naprawdę uwielbiam  jak wyciągacie coś z Chodzi mi o to że to NoA nagrywa Angielski dub a nie NoE, więc wezmą Amerykanów, którzy będą udawać Brytoli i wyjdzie tak jak w The Last Story od czego uszy krwawiły, ponieważ w NoA głosu użyczają pracownicy wewnątrz firmy a nie profesjonalni Voice-Actorzy (remake FF2 też to po części spotkało). No i akurat Niemcy do animców dobrze podkładają głosy i nie robią tego na jedno kopyto. Dlatego Zelde z chęcią ogram po Niemiecku (po angielsku również bo co mi tam).  

Wszystko tak naprawdę rozchodzi się o kwestie gustu, mi się też nie podoba to że za tłumaczenie bierze się NoA, i że nie mam wyboru co do ścieżki dźwiękowej, która mi pasuje. Ale osobiście uważam, że ang. dub nie jest zły. 

I jestem w stanie Tobie uwierzyć, że Niemcy potrafią dobrze podkładać głosy w animcach, ale mnie nie przekonasz ogólnie do tego języka bo nie lubię jego brzmienia w japońskich produkcjach (pomijam już fakt, że nawet nie znam tego języka, tylko tam jakieś podstawy). Wszystko jednak rozchodzi się o ten brak wyboru, bo ja osobiście bym ograł grę po japońsku (z napisami) i właśnie po angielsku. Atlus jakoś potrafił zadowolić fanów, a Nintendo nie potrafi zaimplementować tak prostej rzeczy?

Wiem może trochę przesadzam ze swoją krytyką pod tym kontem, i gdy zasiądę przed konsolą, odpalając 3 marca najnowsze przygody Linka, to zapomnę o tej niedogodności wsiąkając we wspaniały świat wykreowany przez firmę z Kioto. Dzisiaj jedak sobie trochę pokrzyczę - bo czemu nie :shout:.

  • Plusik 1
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Są w ogóle jakieś oficjalne screeny z wnętrza dungeonów? I nie chodzi mi o te 100 mini dungeonów z niebieskim wnętrzem, ale o normalne, główne lokacje. Bo dotychczas widzę łąkę z drzewami i płaskie tereny. Średnio mi się podoba taki marketing.

No ten świat na ten moment to kórva tragedia - skoszone pole i tyle. W Xcx to widać było ten żyjący, tętniacy życiem świat a tu nic się nie dzieje. Czuje mocne wianie nuda.
Odnośnik do komentarza

Są w ogóle jakieś oficjalne screeny z wnętrza dungeonów? I nie chodzi mi o te 100 mini dungeonów z niebieskim wnętrzem, ale o normalne, główne lokacje. Bo dotychczas widzę łąkę z drzewami i płaskie tereny. Średnio mi się podoba taki marketing.


Nie ma i Nintendo robi to celowo aby uniknąć jakichkolwiek spoilerów fabularnych i gdzie udamy się z Linkiem. Po to w wersjach demo również implementują tylko część stuffu aby nie zdradzić wszystkiego co wałkują już od zeszłych targów E3 ale jak widać jeszcze do ludzi nie dotarło że albo będą musieli poczekać na recenzję albo kupić samemu grę aby dowiedzieć się jak będą wyglądać osady, dungeony itp. 


A i Aonuma potwierdził, że BotW będzie miała alternatywne zakończenie. 


P.S. A mini dungeon'ów będzie 120 a nie 100 (oficjalny guide book zdradził dokładną ilość). 

Odnośnik do komentarza


Są w ogóle jakieś oficjalne screeny z wnętrza dungeonów? I nie chodzi mi o te 100 mini dungeonów z niebieskim wnętrzem, ale o normalne, główne lokacje. Bo dotychczas widzę łąkę z drzewami i płaskie tereny. Średnio mi się podoba taki marketing.


Nie ma i Nintendo robi to celowo aby uniknąć jakichkolwiek spoilerów fabularnych i gdzie udamy się z Linkiem. Po to w wersjach demo również implementują tylko część stuffu aby nie zdradzić wszystkiego co wałkują już od zeszłych targów E3 ale jak widać jeszcze do ludzi nie dotarło że albo będą musieli poczekać na recenzję albo kupić samemu grę aby dowiedzieć się jak będą wyglądać osady, dungeony itp. 





A patrz, że przy premierze Skyward Sword i Twiilight Princess nie mieli problemu z pokazywaniem dungeonów w materiałach promocyjnych.

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• "The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild" is an open-world [open-air] The Legend of Zelda title with a world that is many, many times larger than any game before it in the series

• Full 24 hour day/night cycle - 1 minute is 1 hour in-game

• Real-time weather, featuring varying levels of rain including thunderstorms, snow [and possibly sandstorms in the desert]

• Link can purchase as well as find new articles of clothing to wear; which can be mixed and matched to your liking 

• 100+ Shrines [mini-dungeons] to explore The Amazon guidebook description says that there are 120 of them

• Link can pick up and use enemy weapons, as well as gather them to sell at shops and merchants

• Nintendo EPD has built a new, custom in-house physics engine specifically for this game. It allows for realistic properties of different materials such as durability, weight, motion and reaction to wind and force

• Fire propagation technology has been added to the physics engine, governing the spreading of flames as well as materials that are flammable

• Link can ride on his shield like a snowboard and ski down hills and slopes. Depending on the surface, he may have to leap over it and paraglide across as friction is a factor over things like stones, brick and rough objects

• Link can cook and prepare meals to add not only more hearts to the health meter, but also to give him stat-boosts to things like cold resistance, or to increase stamina for climbing. The ingredients can be combined to make custom dishes; but if you make something disgusting ["Dubious Food"], Link won't eat it

• Link can not only ride horses in Breath of the Wild - he can also find wild horses and tame them! Tamed horses can be stored at Stables scattered throughout the game world

• You can advance time by sleeping at campfires or resting at inns

• There will be several mini-games to find and enjoying the game one of which revealed recently is a mini-golf game Link can play using a special "Stasis Rune"

• Link can cut down trees with swords, bombs and axes and not only gain items from this, but also use the downed tree as a platform on water, a bridge across chasms or even cut to make firewood

• Using flint and a bundle of wood, Link can create a campfire to prepare food, keep warm, advance time and rest

• Temperature plays an important role in the game. For example, if Link enters a very cold area, he will start to shiver and slowly lose health. This is remedied by either equipping the appropriate clothing, or by eating spicy food which includes stat-boosts that give you temporary cold resistance

• Link has a paraglider he can use to leap from high places and glide far distances. He can also use windcurrents and updrafts of hot air from fires/campfires to reach other places

• Link's feet sink into the snow, so you'll move slower in snowy areas

• When you board a tamed horse at a stable, the stable will provide a saddle and bridle for it. There is no known information about whether or not you can customize these items

• Link can collect Korok Seeds from the many Koroks hiding around Hyrule. It is unknown what these will do. According to Amazon's guidebook description - there are 900 of them!

• There are many side quests to complete in the game According to the Amazon guidebook description, there are 76 of them

• There are many types of bombs, one of which is the remote bomb that comes in 2 known types - square/stationary and round which can be thrown or rolled. Physics will apply to the round bomb if it's placed on a hill, as it will roll down due to gravity

• Weapons and items have durability and will break after repeated use or duress

• Rupees are rare in the world and can only be bartered for or acquired by selling items in towns and from merchants. You can no longer find them by cutting grass or breaking objects - however, some enemies drop them occasionally

• Eating food and drinking potions are the only known ways to replenish your health - although fairy fountains will possibly return as well

• Enemies are very resourceful - if you disarm them, they will grab the nearest weapon available to attack you. Certain Bokoblins will even grab and throw rocks from the ground at you when disarmed

• Different enemies come out at different times during the day/night cycle

• The weather plays a large role in determining some of the abilities Link can perform. For example, Fire Arrows will not work unless being lit and shot from under an overhang, or from under a tree and mountainsides/cliffs/slopes are more slippery and thus harder to climb, due to being wet

• There will be an alternate ending based on progression and choices made during the game

• In an interview, Eiji Aonuma said that Epona will be in the game

• Link can use the sword and bow while riding a horse and also while shield-surfing

• Link will stub his toe if trying to kick a treasure chest while barefoot 

• Treasure chests can be opened - but shabby wooden ones can be broken or lit on fire to get at their contents 

• Jumping/diving into freezing water will rapidly deplete Link's health

• There are insects hiding in the grass that can be used to make elixirs

• There are many forms of transportation in the game. Other than the horse and other animal mounts, Link can fast-travel and also use a raft to cross bodies of water

• The Korok Leaf can be used to create a gust of wind to propel the raft and blow-back enemies and objects

• Link has a stamina meter that depletes as he exerts himself by running or climbing. This can be upgraded throughout the course of the game

• Link can climb most any surface - except for the smooth walls and some ledges of the Shrines

• Cooking food by throwing it on an open fire produces different food than if you cook it in a pot over open flame

• While falling, Link can reach out and grab surfaces to stop the drop

• Clouds cast shadows on the game world

• Link can hold up to 5 ingredients in his arms at once to concoct a re(nene)e in a pot

• Certain plants can season food for additional stat-boosts 

• Insect Parts can be combined with monster parts to create special elixirs

• Certain foods will grant additional yellow hearts to the health meter which serve as extra health

• When animals run by enemies, they'll get distracted and chase after them

• During the game's day/night cycle, people in tbe world have schedules and certain people and certain enemies will go to sleep

• Link can use Stalfos' severed arms as a weapon

• If a Bokoblin's friend is killed and drops a weapon that's better than the one it has already; he will hurry to pick it up

• Any weapon an enemy carries can be looted

• Main weapons, sub-weapons and shield types are all displayed on Link's character model - as well as the straps holding them and his Sheikah Slate

• Enemies will sometimes light their weapons on fire during battle

• Link can parry attacks using "Perfect Guard" by pressing the "A" button at the precise moment of impact from an attack

• When dodging an attack at the precise moment, Link can perform a "Perfect Dodge" which grants him the "Flurry Rush", where time slows down and Link can strike the enemy several times in rapid succession

• While on a mount, Link can jump off and time will slow down, allowing him to pull out his bow and arrow for precise shots

• There are many secrets, unlockables and Easter Eggs in the game 

• The soundtrack is orchestrated and is composed by Manaka Kataoka. She is known for her soundtracks to "The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks", "Super Smash Bros. Wii U", "Animal Crossing: New Leaf", "Animal Crossing: City Folk" and "Wii Fit"

• For the first time in this legendary series, full voice acting will be used for many of the supporting characters during cutscenes and possibly even in gameplay

• Every weapon can be thrown

• Link can acquire several abilities over the course of the game - some of which include "Cryonis"for freezing water, "Magnesis" for magnetizing metal objects, "Stasis" for stopping time and many more. Incidentally, the "Stasis" ability allows you when time is stopped to repeatedly hit an object and when you resume time, it will take the built-up inertia and fly rapidly away!

• Link can craft/improve items and weapons

• Heavy rainfall can put out campfires and wildfires

• During a thunderstorm, lightning can randomly strike around the environment including hitting objects, enemies and even Link! Wearing metallic armor raises the risk of being struck by lightning for both you and your enemies

• Using "Magnesis", Link can grab a metal treasure chest from across the room and bring it to his current position

• Large mini-bosses can be found roaming around the game world and they are unique, having their own name and health bar

• Link can place up to five markers on the map for navigation

• The Sheikah Slate can be used as a viewfinder to scout around the game world, as well as scanning enemies to see thier total health

• The game is directed by Hidemaro Fujibayashi, who is best known as the director of "The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap", "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword", "The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords", "The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages" and "Magical Tetris Challenge"

• The game is Executive Produced by Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma, who also helped with the entire creation and design process

• Though the content between both versions is the same, the Nintendo Switch version will have sharper textures, better draw distances and higher quality sound/environmental effects

• Link cannot be renamed in this game, as he could in previous games in the series. This is most likely due to the voiced cutscenes using his name

• The game will feature traditional dungeons; however the exact number of them is not known

• Link is right-handed in this game

• This is the first game in the series to feature auto-saves

• The game is 13.4 GB on Nintendo Switch and 13 GB on the Nintendo Wii U [There is a mandatory 3 GB install on the Wii U]

• Certain items only have uses in the overworld by striking or affecting them and cannot be used from a menu, like The Chu-Chu jelly drops

• Horses are the only mounts so far that have stats. They are: Stamina, Strength, Speed, Temperament and Bond. You can feed them and soothe them to increase your bond and it's also been noticed that you can feed other animals like dogs in towns and they will then follow you. It is currently unknown if we can take them into battle and fight with them by Link's side

• Enemies also have mounts

• When asked if Link's traditional green "Hero's Tunic" would be in the game, both Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma answered with the most tongue-in-cheek, wink-nudge answers - meaning...most likely

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