Gość Rozi Opublikowano 15 marca 2017 Opublikowano 15 marca 2017 Kur.wa co się dzieje, od 17 się próbuję zalogować i nic. Nikt nie ma takiego problemu? Cytuj
Gość Rozi Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Te nowe mapy są zajebiste. Graficznie miażdżą jajca; Soissons podczas słonecznej pogody wygląda jak Toussaint z Wieśka, te żywe kolory, te ćwierkające ptaszki. Najmniej póki co podoba mi się Fort Vaux, bo jednak za duży tam chaos i spam granatami. Fani Operacji Metro mogą się zachwycić, ja podchodzę jeszcze z rezerwą. Bardzo fajne są te systemy okopów, transzei i zasieków przy flagach; dodają klimatu i można się przyczaić. Z nowych broni odblokowałem RSC z soczewką i Chauchata Cytuj
Mecenas 74 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Rozi czy ci DICE płaci za pisanie cukrem jak koniu? już tak nie zachwalaj. Cytuj
Gość Rozi Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Od dziś będę kłamał, że mi się dobrze gra. W końcu nienawidzę I wojny światowej. Cytuj
krupek 15 537 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Już w Singlu, który jest całkiem niezły jak na Battlefield, są ładne mapy z fajną scenerią. Cytuj
Mecenas 74 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Miało być papier ksiązki nożyce, a jest snajper ,snajper ,granat,snajper :/ Cytuj
Gość Rozi Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 (edytowane) Ciekawe w jaki Ty tryb grasz, bo ja nie ginę od snajperów praktycznie w ogóle. I to narzekanie mnie śmieszy - graj tak, żeby snajperzy Cię nie mogli trafić, proste. Edytowane 16 marca 2017 przez Rozi Cytuj
Mecenas 74 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Opublikowano 16 marca 2017 Gram w duży podbój ,wiesz i mnie wkórwia ze 80 % mam właśnie od tych typów . 2 Cytuj
Litwin81 1 172 Opublikowano 17 marca 2017 Opublikowano 17 marca 2017 Żeby ciebie snajper nie mógł trafić,to byś musiał cały mecz czołgiem jeździć. Cytuj
El Loco Chocko 2 029 Opublikowano 17 marca 2017 Opublikowano 17 marca 2017 Te dalny z DICE troche polecieli w kulki. Autouzupelnienie granatow to pierwsza rzecz do odstrzalu. Na CTE cala spolecznosc byla na nie, bo raz ze to nie ograniczylo spamu to do tego uczynila zolnierza zaopatrzenia jeszcze mniej uzytecznym. Do tego calkowity brak delaya przy rzucaniu ich to tez zart niestety. Powinna byc jakas animacja, azeby trzeba sie bylo zastanowic czy warto sie narazac na ostrzal. Cos podobnego jak przy AT. Do tego ograniczenie dymnych I mini granatow. Gdzie tu logika? Znerfienie AA to kolejny "swietny" pomysl. Teraz piloci ktorzy maja 40-1 ratio, moga miec 70-1. Frontlines? Generalnie na tak, ale przydal by sie jakis timer. Wczotaj gralem chyba ponad godzinny mecz I z deczka to za dlugo. Fajnie by tez bylo gdyby ten tryb przeniesli na stare mapy tez, w innym wypadku czeka ten tryb taki sam koniec jak Chain link z BF4. Nowy dzwiek przy rozkazach tez jest mega irytujacy. Przesadzili tez z ta czerwienia gdy masz malo zycia. Ledwo co widac, a wejscie w chmure gazu by zaliczyc instant death nawet nie wiedzac o tym zdarza sie nadzwyczaj czesto. Nowe operacje potzrebuja balansu I to jak najszybciej. Punkty gdzie tzreba przebiec przez praktycznie odsloniete pole by dobiec do punktu praktycznie pozbawiaja atakujacych szans wszelakich. Zeby nie bylo ze same narzekania, nowe mapki nie sa zle, ale czesto faworyzuja jedna ze stron co nie powinno miec miejsca. Dice zarzeka sie ze teraz nie mieli czasu by zaimplementowac proponowanych zmian, wiec mam nadzieje ze czym predzej wyjdzie jakis patch. A nie znowu czekanie 3 miesiace. Cytuj
Shankor 1 673 Opublikowano 17 marca 2017 Opublikowano 17 marca 2017 (edytowane) Nowy dzwiek przy rozkazach tez jest mega irytujacy. Od tego dźwięku oszaleć można, jeśli ma się ogarniętego dowódcę i sprawnie się wykonuje zadania.Wymagania do odblokowania broni są zbugowane. Część trzeba zrobić w odpowiedniej kolejności, bo nie zaliczy. Edytowane 17 marca 2017 przez Shankor Cytuj
El Loco Chocko 2 029 Opublikowano 17 marca 2017 Opublikowano 17 marca 2017 Grenade Resupply, Ammo 2.0, and What's Next. u/DICE-RandomDeviation2m The grenade resupply changes have been quite controversial, and I've seen a lot of posts asking "What was DICE thinking!?" So I'm here to answer that for you, and invite to discussion. The grenade changes that we tested a few weeks ago in CTE and recently released with Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass are a very small part of a much larger system we've been calling Ammo 2.0 internally. What is Ammo 2.0? Ammo 2.0 is a complete rework to the resupply mechanics of Battlefield 1 that at its core is intended to increase the utility of the Support class. It should always be helpful to have a Support with ammo gadgets around. As side effects to this system we also get much more freedom and levers to tune how often gadgets can be used beyond just max ammo count and resupply time. What are our goals with Ammo 2.0? Ammo gadgets should always be helpful, and increase the abilities of other gadgets in the short term, even immediately after spawning in, not just after they've expended all of their uses. Other gadgets should not become completely useless once their ammo is expended, but should be stronger when supported by ammo. Resupplying must be limited to prevent overuse of gadgets, but should not require players to sit on a box for an excessive amount of time, else redeploying with full ammo becomes a more attractive and efficient option than actually resupplying. How do we plan on solving those issues with Ammo 2.0? The core of Ammo 2.0 is a shift from ammo gadgets being the only way to resupply, to a cooldown based system with ammo gadgets modifying cooldowns. The cooldown based resupply shifts the benefit of the ammo box from long term to short term. With the cooldown giving small amounts of ammo over the long term, we can reduce the starting ammo of many gadgets, making having ammo most important during a fight instead of after. In many ways the Support's ammo gadgets will become something like the offensive counterpart of the Medic's healing gadgets. Passive health regen will allow a player to survive without a Medic in the long term, but in the short term the Medic gadgets are critical to winning fights. We want support to multiply the effectiveness of other classes. For example, 2 Assaults supported with ammo should be better at taking out tanks than 3 Assaults without Support. Bringing a proper squad composition with complementary roles should be stronger than brute force stacking a single class. Cooldown based gadgets are nothing new to the Battlefield series, a good portion of the gadgets in Battlefield 1 already use a cooldown or regenerating ammo, such as medkits, syringe, mortar, periscope, and more. With Ammo 2.0 we'll be able to extend the benefits of the ammo box/pouch to these gadgets as well. So far you've seen two parts of the system, grenade cooldowns, and ammo box cooldown speedup. We've seen around a 7% decrease in grenade throws per second and grenade kills per minute across all base game maps since Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass was released. What's next for Ammo 2.0 Lots more changes will be coming to CTE for testing. Here's a preview of what we want to experiment with: The next thing coming to CTE will be a tuning pass on grenade timers and ammo box cooldown speedup. These changes will increase the time it takes to regen grenades without ammo, but also increase the strength of the ammo box buff. Resupply time with the ammo box will be mostly unchanged. Suppression hindering resupply. Much like passive healing and the medkit are already blocked by suppression, we'll be extending that to resupplies as well. Incoming suppression will completely halt passive resupply, and will make resupply from ammo boxes take 50% longer. This should help reduce grenade use on infantry maps like Argonne, Verdun, and Vaux where players are often in combat, and where we also see the highest rates of grenade kills, without making grenade resupply painfully long on larger maps where grenades are much less of a problem. Expanding Ammo 2.0 support to all gadgets. Adding Ammo Pouch support to Ammo 2.0. Our intent for the ammo pouch is to have it apply a "sticky" effect to the soldier who picks it up, giving him a similar cooldown reduction to the ammo box on his gadgets for a short time. Testing persistent cooldowns. This would mean tracking ammo count through death. Players would always spawn with at least a minimum amount of ammo, but the only way to get back to maximum would be to wait for the cooldown, either waiting a long time, or quickly with the help of a Support. No more bypassing the need to resupply by dying or redeploying. Testing ammo overcharge. This would allow ammo gadgets to supply players past the normal maximum ammo for their gadgets. We can also allow progress towards the overcharge to tick up without the ammo box, then instantly apply it upon interacting with an ammo gadget. We are also looking at smoke grenades, and whether a single grenade covers enough area. We may tweak their effect to provide better cover from each grenade. Of course we are open to your feedback and suggestions, and would love to have a constructive discussion around Ammo 2.0 and the vision for it. Nothing is set in stone, and this is a great opportunity to influence the direction of the game. Cytuj
MaZZeo 14 477 Opublikowano 19 marca 2017 Opublikowano 19 marca 2017 (edytowane) Baaardzo przyjemne są te nowe mapki ,a w animacji przeładowania francuskiej snajperki się zakochałem chyba. Edytowane 19 marca 2017 przez MaZZeo Cytuj
Shankor 1 673 Opublikowano 20 marca 2017 Opublikowano 20 marca 2017 Pogięło ich z 20 headshotami mp18 optical. Cytuj
Gość Rozi Opublikowano 20 marca 2017 Opublikowano 20 marca 2017 A co w tym trudnego? TDM i jazda. Cytuj
El Loco Chocko 2 029 Opublikowano 20 marca 2017 Opublikowano 20 marca 2017 No ja myslalem ze faktycznie durne to. Ale wystarczyly dwa podboje na forcie. 1 Cytuj
Shankor 1 673 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Nie mówię że trudne, raczej miałem na myśli że jest to zadanie nieadekwatne do klasy i broni. Poza tym mp18 ssie pałę. Cytuj
El Loco Chocko 2 029 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 No to poczekaj aż zobaczysz co trzeba zrobić by odkryć nowe bronie, które właśnie weszły do CTE. A no i weszło do testowania Ammo 2.0 nowy system uzupełniania amunicji, gadżetów itd. Cytuj
Shankor 1 673 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 (edytowane) No to poczekaj aż zobaczysz co trzeba zrobić by odkryć nowe bronie, które właśnie weszły do CTE. A no i weszło do testowania Ammo 2.0 nowy system uzupełniania amunicji, gadżetów itd. Edytowane 21 marca 2017 przez Shankor Cytuj
Gość Rozi Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 300 killi Selbstladerem 1906, to faktycznie dramat. Bardzo duży dramat. Ale plus, że dodają nowe bronie. Wiadomo kiedy mają wyjść? Cytuj
El Loco Chocko 2 029 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Trudno powiedzieć, póki co tylko testy. Cytuj
złoty 4 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Panowie jak odkryć te nowe bronie?Strzelam wyznaczoną w opisie i w ogole mi nie zalicza Cytuj
Shankor 1 673 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Jeśli masz zadanie typu 5x headshot w rundzie, to musisz to zrobić PO wykonaniu drugiego zadania. Zwróć uwagę czy używasz odpowiedniego wariantu broni. Cytuj
El Loco Chocko 2 029 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 Opublikowano 21 marca 2017 (edytowane) Everyone, Here are the patch notes for today's CTE update. Please remember that these are changes that may or may not be in the next release in production. There are features NOT mentioned in these notes that will be in the next production release, so don't panic if some of the changes you were hoping for aren't mentioned. Please keep the feedback flowing, especially for the Suez update and Ammo 2.0, as well as the new spotting feature for medics.Maps & ModesRe-enabled timer to Frontlines (we'll look into possibilities of making it infinite in custom games in the future). Second update of Suez. Layout and capture point fixes. Also vehicle changes. Rupture Polish: Reduced amount of planes to 2 per team. Changed size of capture area of D point. Swapped C and B (As noone seemed to get that it was B for Bridge. Duuh!) Changed size of capture area of A point. Moved motorcycle out of bush near T2 Spawn. Moved spawns back from T2 team in an effort to balance the map out a bit Added spawn area AA guns for both teams. Removed an MG position that wasn't supposed to be usable. Fixed issue where players could get in the Char 2C behemoth before it finished deploying and later teleported back. Fixed an issue in which the player was able to spawn outside of the combat area in Rush on Soissons. Fixed an issue in which the player was able to climb on top of the Fort and another in which the player was able to glitch behind some debris. Spectator Mode - fixed free camera boundaries on Giant's Shadow and Soissons.Weapons & GadgetsFixed an issue with the Selbstlader 1906 Sniper where rifle grenades were inheriting the velocity of bullets. Increased lethal grenade resupply timers: Mini: 28s Gas: 35s Light AT: 42s Frag: 49s Impact: 49s Incendiary: 49s Increased ammo box resupply rate modifier from 3x to 3.5x for all lethal grenades. Incoming suppression will halt resupply progress of grenades without an ammo box, and will reduce resupply speed with an ammo box to two thirds its normal value. Corrected rate of fire for the M1903 Experimental and Sniper from 51 to 54 rpm, which is the actual ROF for these weapons. Added Weapons: Hellriegel 1915 Defensive Selbstlader 1906 Sniper Huot Automatic Optical Martini Henry Sniper Fixed errors where K Bullets could hurt tanks farther than 150 meters away. Fixed incorrectly low drag for the Chauchat. Fixed K Bullet icon not being visible in the inventory when using the Lebel. Lebel Model 1886: Fixed spread decrease being too slow for Infantry version Fixed bipod having no influence on recoil and hipfire spread for Sniper version" Fixed incorrect scope sway when using 2.00x or 1.25x magnification Increased M1903 Experimental trigger pull weight to match the ROF change done in They Shall Not Pass. Removed post reload delay when using K Bullets on the Martini-Henry. Fixed issue with artillery exploding mid air. Fixed an issue where the crosshair disappeared when zooming in using the Villar-Perosa. Fixing bayonet bug that allowed player to be killed without triggering the animation when there was no obstacle between them. Fix grenade unspawning when character is dead on the server before the grenade was spawned there. Fixed an issue where the saber sound kept playing when jumping off a horse while swinging. Fixed issue where player could not see nearby medics when killing self with gas.ControlsAdded advanced gameplay option for adjusting the Stick Aiming Acceleration. Allows setting the soldier aiming when using a stick like Battlefield 4. Removed invalid binding for Left Alternate controller with the horse. Gallop and Melee were being bound to Left stick click which is not possible. Removed the Melee attack binding and from now on only Gallop will trigger (Melee attack would never trigger anyway) Adding aim assist setting for custom games.Other changesDisabled DX12 MGPU support because of a bug. Added setting for break pre-round to be 6 players. Updated base game credits. Added 19 ribbons (some with placeholder art). Created new widget to show player ping when ping exceeds soldier frame time history. (Updated in settings default to 0.1 which is 100 ping). Created new option in gameplay advanced to turn this option on/off. Medics can now "spot" dead players to let them know they are attempting to come save them. The dead player will see a notification in the bottom left (where nearby medics are listed), and the medic will get an objective-indicator on the corpse. This feature was suggested in a thread here a couple of months ago, and we're very happy to finally test it on the CTE.Ammo 2.0 testingToday's release also features an experimental setup of Ammo 2.0 for all gadgets with limited ammo. We expect that, once everything has been tweaked properly, there should be a significant reduction in explosives availability while making active resupplies by allies more relevant and less frustrating. We also increased the times it takes to resupply offensive grenades to better work with the average player lifetimes. How does it work? Gadgets replenish some of their ammo passively. Usually this is limited to less than the standard maximum amount of ammo. Most of the time it is one magazine. If the passive replenish is limited, the timer will keep running after the limit has been reached, but at the end of the cycle it prepares a magazine for instant resupply when getting near an ammo crate, instead of adding ammo directly to your inventory. Some gadgets allow you to carry more ammo than the standard maximum if actively resupplying on ammo crates. This bonus ammo is lost when you respawn. Ammo crates greatly speed up the replenish rate and allow for full resupplies. When you respawn, most gadgets will come with the same amount of ammo you died with. This also extends across two gadgets of the same type, like HE and Frag rifle grenades. However, most gadgets will have a minimum amount of ammo, preventing you from spawning without any ammo. Most offensive gadgets do not replenish passively when you are under fire. Active replenish is slowed down. Healing gadgets now benefit from nearby ammo crates. They are also not affected by suppression. Things to consider Ammo pouches are not supported yet and have been disabled. None of the values have been playtested. Do not expect well-tweaked numbers yet. Especially anti-tank gadgets might end up being too weak for AT purposes. Some gadgets had their damage adjusted already, but it might not be enough. Scoring does not work with gadgets. There are no UI indications for the progress of resupplies yet. Primary and secondary weapons are unchanged https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_live/comments/60j0zt/march_20th_update/ Edytowane 21 marca 2017 przez El Loco Chocko Cytuj
złoty 4 Opublikowano 22 marca 2017 Opublikowano 22 marca 2017 Nie mam tego dodatku i dlatego nie chce naliczać? Cytuj
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