Bzduras 13 238 Opublikowano 24 października 2019 Opublikowano 24 października 2019 Spoko, za filmik "Ukyo_PL's Live PS4 Broadcast" należą Ci się brawa, mój ulubiony na całym kanale <3 Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 24 października 2019 Opublikowano 24 października 2019 A będzie jakiś high quality content czy tylko mecze z jakimś cieniasem? Cytuj
wet_willy 2 174 Opublikowano 24 października 2019 Opublikowano 24 października 2019 Sa stremy na ktorych gram z Tienem Cytuj
PePePL 1 Opublikowano 29 października 2019 Opublikowano 29 października 2019 Najs. Mogę zagrać. Stawką będzie chwilowa utrata różowego kwadrata przez jednego z nas Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 10 listopada 2019 Opublikowano 10 listopada 2019 Zwiastun Broliego prosto ze streamu Finał turnieju w Hiszpanii właśnie się rozpoczął Cytuj
PePePL 1 Opublikowano 10 listopada 2019 Opublikowano 10 listopada 2019 (edytowane) Top8 turnieju w Hiszpanii. Grand Final epicki. Nie było takiego od miesięcy. Polecam każdemu. Edytowane 10 listopada 2019 przez PePePL Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 30 listopada 2019 Opublikowano 30 listopada 2019 Ten dramatic finish 1 Cytuj
PePePL 1 Opublikowano 1 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 1 grudnia 2019 Także w Japonii był mega dobry grand final! Polecam! Cytuj
Shen 10 391 Opublikowano 2 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 2 grudnia 2019 Drugi season pass w promce na ps4, chyba pierwszy raz. 1 Cytuj
PePePL 1 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 W dniu 2.12.2019 o 14:39, Shen napisał: Drugi season pass w promce na ps4, chyba pierwszy raz. Był już kiedyś w promo. Niemniej kto nie ma, powinien się zainteresować Promo wciąż / znów aktywne. Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 Liczę, że zapowiedzą Sezon 3 w tym miesiącu i będzie w nim Boski Miszcz. Ostatnio grywam więcej w FighterZ (głównie Ring Match z Ukyo), ale przysiadłem też do meczów rankingowych i udało się wbić pucharek za 530k punktów, coś co wydawało mi się niemożliwe jak zaczynałem grać (aktualnie mam ok 630k). Ostatnie trofeum do platyny to to za zebranie 20 milionów Zeni, ale to będzie spory grind, bo brakuje mi ok 7 baniek Ostro ich tam powaliło z tym pucharkiem przy tak ograniczonej formie pozyskiwania Zeni. A jeszcze wracając do rankedów, to ostatnio spotkałem sporo rage quiterów. Dla zainteresowanych, dwa starcie z nimi poniżej. O ile tego drugiego mogę jakoś zrozumieć, bo brakowało mu jednej wygranej do trofika za 530k, tak ten pierwszy to najgorszy typ gracza jaki może być. Jeszce gdyby zaliczało nam zwycięstwo to miałbym na to wywalone, a tak to się trochę odechciewa. 1 Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 15 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 15 stycznia 2020 Taka sytuacja z dzisiaj. Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 17 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 17 stycznia 2020 Ultra Instinct Goku trafi do gry. Szczegóły podczas finałów w Paryżu 8-9 lutego. Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 19 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 19 stycznia 2020 Skan z gazetki. I fajna kompilacja kombosów. Cytuj
PePePL 1 Opublikowano 25 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 25 stycznia 2020 Losowanie grup na finały w Paryżu: Cytuj
maciucha 11 695 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 chłopaki macie jakieś dobre tutoriale pod ręką? obejrzałem kilka na yt, ale i tak mnie rozpie.rdala AI na 50 Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 Na start to sprawdź poniższe. Później to już najlepiej filmiki do konkretnych postaci np kanał KuwangerLR. Weź pod uwagę, że to co było możliwe w starszych wersjach gry, niekoniecznie będzie działać aktualnie, ale takich zmian chyba nie było za dużo. No i najlepiej znaleźć kogoś do wspólnej gry, bo z AI to nie ma większego sensu. 1 Cytuj
Bzduras 13 238 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 Już Ci mówiłem, wieczorem w weekendy możemy coś pograć Cytuj
maciucha 11 695 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 2 minuty temu, Bzduras napisał: Już Ci mówiłem, wieczorem w weekendy możemy coś pograć jest crossplay? gram na xbonku, a kolega z tego widze to steam Cytuj
Bzduras 13 238 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 26 stycznia 2020 Mam też na Xbonie, easy Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 9 lutego 2020 Opublikowano 9 lutego 2020 Na zakończonym przed chwilą finale drugiego sezonu wrzucili zwiastun 3 sezonu, w którym dostaniemy 5 postaci. Jedną ze zmian będzie też możliwość wyboru asysty naszych zawodników. A poniżej zajebisty finał. 1 Cytuj
Suavek 4 984 Opublikowano 11 lutego 2020 Opublikowano 11 lutego 2020 GokuZ... Roshiego by wreszcie dodali. Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 11 lutego 2020 Opublikowano 11 lutego 2020 Boski Miszcz będzie na bank w tym sezonie. Z pozostałych dwóch postaci obstawiałbym Toppo i kogoś z GT więc może Baby. Cytuj
Square 8 995 Opublikowano 21 lutego 2020 Opublikowano 21 lutego 2020 Trochę oficjalnego gameplayu (jest tego więcej jakby ktoś chciał), a SP3 dalej nie ma do kupienia. Patch notes wersji 1.21 jak ktoś zna język Bardziej dostępna wersja, jako, ze długie to w spoilerze. Cytat Spoiler Universal Mechanics: UI: The UI has been updated Z Assist Selection: You can now select 3 different assists per character Limit Break: The last character gains the following three buffs: More damage Gains 1 bar of ki gauge The opponent gets less recoverable health when hit (other than invulnerable moves) Rising jump attacks: Various jumping attacks do not hit crouching state opponents while rising When landing from the air in blockstun, characters are now in crouching state Characters are now considered grounded right before landing Superiority Gauge: Added a gauge that shows the percentage of your entire team's health remaining Ki Charge: Reduced recovery Reflects Ki blasts Can be cancelled into Superdash with the H button while mid Ki Charge Even if the Ki Gauge is full, Ki Charge will still charge for a short duration Vanish: Can be cancelled into Superdash or special moves when it causes a cinematic Dragon Rush: Made it easier to connect in an air combo Can be cancelled into from 5L Can be cancelled into Vanish when it hits in a combo When Dragon Rushes clash, air options (double jumps and airdashes) are now restored Dragon Rush (Snapback): The opponent comes in faster The opponent can delay their incoming timing by inputting 4 EX Specials: EX specials only cost 0.5 bars now 6M: When cancelled into airdash during Sparking, the airdash will not cross over the opponent 5/2H: Does more damage when it causes a cinematic j.H: Landing recovery is removed when it causes a cinematic Guard Cancel Change: Gave it a higher attack level for clashes Z Assist: Made it so that if the opponent has not been out of blockstun for a set amount of time, Z Assists cannot be used again Made Z Assists hit away from them (uncertain what this means) Changed where Z Assists appear Air Dash: You can now airdash by inputting 9 right after jumping Attacks on Sub-Characters: Made it possible to cancel when and attack hits sub-characters like Saibamen or the Ginyu force Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where landing recovery was carried over from a previous jump Fixed a bug where hurtboxes would act strangely when an attack was done after blockstun Made it so hitboxes don't appear while the opponent is in hitstop from some attacks that cause a cinematic Characters: Goku (SSJ) 2M Increased range Increased active frames Increased recovery Increased startup (This change increases SSJ Goku's reach, and establishes more differences between him, Base Goku and Blue Goku) 5S Changed knockback (This change is to make it easier for 5S to combo into its follow up hits) Instant Transmission Kamehameha Startup is faster when the opponent is being comboed (This change makes it easier to combo) 236S (Ground, Upward Angled) Increased damage Decreased recovery Decreased active frames Decreased untech time (This change is to make it easier to use in neutral) Vegeta (SSJ) 2M Made the hitbox taller Adjusted hurtbox (This change is to make it easier to combo. The hurtbox was adjusted using the smallest Vegeta as a basis) 5S Changed knockback (This change is to make it easier for 5S to combo into its follow up hits) 236X When the ground version is cancelled into other moves, Vegeta keeps his air options (This change allows him to double jump and airdash after vanishing this move) 214H Appears behind the opponent and does a followup on hit Ground bounces when it causes a cinematic (This change increases the use cases for the EX version, and distinguishes it from the M version) Big Bang Attack (H+S) Changed the knockback on the air version (Made it easier to Ultimate Z Change and combo after) Piccolo j.M Made the tracking in the autocombo version more precise (This change makes it easier to combo) 214X Increased the buffer time into supers (Made it easier to combo into supers) 214L/M The armor starts earlier on the ground versions (The armor was adjusted to be in line with other characters) 214L/H Air version has faster startup (Made it easier to use in combos and in neutral) 236M Changed the distance Piccolo travels after he crosses up on the air version (Made it easier to hit small characters) Z Assist (A Type) Shoots two homing balls Adjusted each hit's damage, overall damage is higher Decreased startup Increased the hitstop on hit (Made it easier to use to match other assists) Gohan (Teen) 5LL Added landing recovery (Made it impossible to true blockstring until Sparking runs out) 5S Changed knockback (This change is to make it easier for 5S to combo into its follow up hits) j.2S Made the initial hitbox larger (This change was to make combos easier) 214X Changed its hit effect on cinematic hits (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Gohan does not land before the combo ends) 214H Made the hitbox taller Made the pushbox taller Increased active frames (Made it easier to hit opponents directly above Gohan) j.236M Changed knockback (Made it easier to use in combos) j.236H Reduced damage Added damage proration Increased recovery on block (This change is to reduce the move's strengh since EX moves cost less now) Father Son Kamehameha - Full Power Increased untech time Changed the final hit's effect (This change adds more knockdown advantage) Frieza 2M Made the hitbox taller (Made it easier to combo) j.M Made the tracking in the autocombo version more precise (This change makes it easier to combo) j.2H Changed the knockback when it causes a cinematic Increased the amount of time the opponent slides on a cinematic hit Removed landing recovery on a cinematic hit Adjusted the distance Frieza moves Added landing recovery (This change increases advantage on hit, making it easier to continue offense. Furthermore, it also makes it easier to combo into supers. Made it hit grounded opponents when done immediately after a jump.) j.S Hits superdash Increased untech time Reduced damage Added landing recovery (This change is to make it more usable in neutral and easier to combo in the corner) 236S Changed the effect on cinematic hit When the move does not hit in close range, the projectile moves slower (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Frieza does not land before the combo ends. Made it easier to land the final hit when the move connects) Sorbet's Ray Gun (S during Golden Frieza deactivation) Increased minimum damage Changed the effect on air hit Removed its 'followup super' damage proration (Made it easier to use in combos and to hit opponents) Golden Frieza You can now cancel Golden Frieza by doing the same input Golden Frieza's timer does not count down during Sparking Added cancels into other normals to the following normals: 5LLL, 5H, 5S, 2S, j.2S Fixed a bug where the tech after deactivating acted strangely (This change increases the use cases for Golden Frieza and added cancel options he didn't have before) Ginyu 5M Increased distance travelled (Made it easier to use in combos and neutral) 2M Increased distance travelled (Made it easier to combo into 2H. Made it easier to use in combos and neutral) j.M Increased active frames Increased recovery Adjusted hitbox Adjusted hurtbox (Made it easier to combo and made it not hit in weird looking ways) 5H Deflects Ki blasts while Ginyu spins Holding the button increases the damage Cannot be blocked standing (Increased use cases. Increased its damage on top of the universal damage increase on 5Hs) 5S (Guldo) Decreased startup Increased damage Increased untech time Increased hitstop Increased hitbox (Buffed the move and added it to Ginyu's Z Assist. Made it easier to use in combos) 5S (Burter) Increased untech time Decreased damage proration Increased hitstop on the final hit Increased pushbox while Burter moves Increased travel distance (Buffed the move and added it to Ginyu's Z Assist. Made it easier to use in combos and in neutral) 5S (Jeice) Reduced Jeice's recovery Changed where Jeice appears Ground bounces on hit (Buffed the move and added it to Ginyu's Z Assist. Made it easier to use in combos) 236X Increased air version's active frames Increased air version's travel distance (Made it easier to use in neutral) 236M Decreased startup (Made it easier to use in neutral and in combos) 236H Decreased startup Increased hitstop Increased untech time on the air version when it causes a cinematic (Made it easier to hit, easier to make safe, and increased use cases) Together We Are... The Ginyu Force! (214HS) New move (input is 214HS) Made it an Ultimate Z Change If used after a body change, Ginyu staggers (Added a level 3 move that Ginyu can use for invulnerability and combos) Z Assist (A Type) Decreased Startup (Brought it in line with other Z Assists) Bardock 236M Added landing recovery to the ground version when it causes a cinematic Changed hit effect on a cinematic hit (This change is to limit Bardock's ability to get mix ups off M lariat. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Bardock does not land before the combo ends) 236H Reduced blockstun Reduced recovery Reduced untech time (This change is to lower the move's strength since EX moves cost less) 236S Charges up the powered up button hold version faster Changed hit effect on a cinematic hit (Made it easier to use in combos. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Bardock does not land before the combo ends) Riot Javelin (236LM) Increased untech time Changed the angle on the air diagonal version Changed the knockback on the air diagonal version Increased Ultimate Z Change cancel time on the air version (Made it easier to Ultimate Z Change from this move) Z Assist Increased hitstop on hit (Made it easier to use in combos) Goku (GT) 5LL Decreased distance travelled Increased startup (Made it worse on whiff) 5S Made the hitbox taller Adjusted opponent's position on cinematic hit Adjusted knockback on non-cinematic hit Increased untech time on non-cinematic hit (Made it easier to use in combos and neutral) j.S Increased untech time on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo) 236X Reduced the distance at which the attack will hit (Made it so that the move wins less against the opponent's moves) 236L Increased distance travelled (Made it easier to use in combos and neutral) 214X Goku now loses a lot of height after the attack on the ground version (This change limits the mix ups GT Goku can get off this move) 214H Decreased travel distance (This change is to weaken this move since EX moves cost less now) Spirit Bomb (214HS) The opponent can ground tech after this move Reduced damage (Brought this in line with other lvl 3s that allow combos after. Adjusted the damage in order to mitigate the damage a combo using spirit bomb would do) Trunks 2M Made the hitbox taller (Made it easier to combo) j.H Decreased startup Increased active frames Made the initial hitbox smaller Increased the hurtbox at the beginning of the move (Buffed the moved for neutral and made it easier to combo with) j.2H Decreased startup (Made it easier to combo) 214S Made the initial hit only hit the opponent's main character Changed the effect on cinematic hits (This change is to prevent the phenomenon where the initial hit hits a sub-character, causing the explosion hit to not come out. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Trunks does not land before the combo ends) 236X Increased buffer window for supers Increased the amount of time the opponent slides on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo into supers) 214H Added the ability to steer it with 8 and 2 Increased travel speed Increased spinning duration (Increased use cases) Cell 5LLL Decreased damage proration (Brough in line with other characters' 5LLLs) 2M Increased hitbox (Made it easier to combo) 5H Damage increased when the button is held (This adds damage on top of the universal damage increased to 5/2H) j.2M Increased hitstun on ground hit (Made it advantageous on hit) 236M Decreased startup of the ground version (Increased use cases such as its usage for opening the opponent up) 236H The ground version goes behind the opponent (Increased use cases such as its usage for opening the opponent up and repositioning) 214X Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Cell does not land before the combo ends) 214H The ground version can be cancelled into an Ultimate Z Change (Made it easier to combo) 214S Does not do multiple hits when used in a combo Does not hit after a KO Changed effect on cinematic hit (Brought it in line with other throws. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Cell does not land before the combo ends) 236S (Ground, Upward Angled) Increased damage Decreased recovery Decreased active frames Decreased untech time (Made it easier to use in neutral) Android 18 5L Changed knockback on air hit (Made it easier to combo after) 2L Changed knockback on air hit (Made it easier to combo after) 5S Changed knockback (This change is to make it easier for 5S to combo into its follow up hits) j.L Decreased startup Made hitbox taller (Made it better in neutral and mixups) j.S Increased recovery (This change is to make it easier to link into j.L, given than j.L is faster now) 236X Increased throw range (Made it easier to land) 236M/H Changed the timing of its followup input Increased distance travelled Changed hit effect on cinematic hit (Made it harder to accidentally do the followup input. Made it easier to catch the opponent. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if 18 does not land before the combo ends) 236H Made the latter half of the move special cancelable on hit Increased hitstop on Android 17s attack Changed the knockback on Android 17s attack (Made it easier to combo off) 214H Android 17 appears faster Doing the input again does the follow up No longer pulls the opponent while they are in blockstun Increased hitstop on the final hit Made it so Android 17 cannot defend against moves done by the opponent's main body If a Z Assist is called while Android 17 is on standby, Android 17 goes away (Changed the move's performance since EX moves cost less now. Made it so that even though the opponent has one character remaining, you can get the follow up. Removed Android 17 vacuuming the opponent for strong mixups) 214S Changed knockback on the ground version (Made it easier to combo) 236S Increased the damage done when it hits Z Assists (This change is fixing a bug that cause Destructo Disc to do less damage when it hit assists) Gotenks 5LLL Made hitbox taller Made hurtbox taller (Made it easier to hit the opponent) 5H Damage increased when button held (This damage increased is on top of the universal 5/2H damage increased) 5S Changed knockback (This change is to make it easier for 5S to combo into its follow up hits) 236X Can be cancelled into other specials on once on whiff Changed the performance of the move to account for the whiff special cancel Changed the hit range (Increased use cases by introducing a whiff cancel. Adjusted the move with the whiff cancel in consideration. The hit range was adjusted to make it easier to beat superdash but easier to lose to long reaching moves) 214X Can be cancelled into other specials on once on whiff Changed the performance of the move to account for the whiff special cancel Changed the hit range (Increased use cases by introducing a whiff cancel. Adjusted the move with the whiff cancel in consideration. The hit range was adjusted to make it easier to lose to superdash) 214H Increased recovery (Adjusted to account for EX moves costing less) 214S Increased attack range while the opponent is in a combo Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Gotenks does not land before the combo ends) 236S Added landing recovery on the held version (This change is to reduce Gotenks mix up potential off this move) 236LM Decreased startup while the opponent is in a combo (Made it easier to combo) Z Assist (A Type) Increased attack range while the opponent is in a combo (Made it easier to combo) Krillin Senzu Bean (214X) Krillin now has infinite senzu beans Always throws senzu beans (never throws rocks) (Made senzu and rock separate moves) Rock Changed the input to 22X Changed the move's performance to account for the input change Cannot be superdashed (Made senzu and rock separate moves. Made it easier to use in neutral) 214S Made it automatically follow up on hit Does not do the follow up if the button is held Unaffected by hitstun scaling (Increased use cases) 236X Increased buffer time to cancel into supers Made hitbox taller (made it easier to combo into super. Adjusted the hitbox to fit the animation and made it easier to land) 236L/M Krillin now keeps his air options when the ground version is cancelled (This allows double jumps and airdashes after this move is vanished) Z Assist (A Type) Changed the way the rock works to be in line with it when used on point Increased the rocks untech time Throws two rocks (Made it easier to use to bring it in line with other assists) Kid Buu 5H Made hitbox taller Made hurtbox taller (Made it easier to combo, but made sure to not make it too strong in neutral) 5S Increased damage Made hitbox taller Adjusted the Initial position (Made it easier to combo) j.M When the first hit is cancelled into other normals, Kid Buu's float is increased (This change makes it so that j.M(1)>j.L will whiff on crouching opponents. This is to prevent strong mix up) 236S Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Kid Buu does not land before the combo ends) 214S Increased damage (Made the reward on hit higher) 236H Increased startup (Nerfed the move since EX moves cost less now) 214M/H Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Kid Buu does not land before the combo ends) Z Assist (A Type) Increased damage (This change is to bring it in line with the point version) Majin Buu Vanish / Sparking Brought Buu's fall speed after attacking in line with the other characters (Buu used to fall slower, making him easier to punish) 5LL Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo) 5LLL Gave it throw damage proration (Brought it in line with other 5LLLs) 5M Increased travel distance Ground bounces on air hit (Made it easier to combo and use as a mixup) 2M Changed knockback Increased untech Increased the opponent's hitstop Increased recovery (Made it possible to combo into 5M and easier to use in combos) 236X Causes sliding knockdown on cinematic hit Ground bounces on non-cinematic hit (Made it easier to use in combos) 236H Increased recovery Decreased travel distance on the air version (Adjusted since EX moves cost less now) 214X Increased the travel distance during the start of the move for the air version (Made it easier to use in combos) 214LM/HS Increased damage Increased minimum damage Increased the speed of the projectile (Made it easier to combo) Z Assist (A Type) Decreased startup (Brough it in line with other Z Assists) Nappa 5L Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo after) 5LLL Made hitbox taller (Made it easier to use in combos) 5S Changed knockback of the first hit Pushbox is larger during the attack Increased opponent's hitstop on the ki blast hit (Made it easier to use in combos) 2L Changed knockback (Made it easier to use in combos) j.L Made hitbox larger Made hurtbox larger Changed Nappa's position during the attack (Made it easier to use in neutral and in combos) 214S Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Nappa does not land before the combo ends) 236LM/HS Changed where the explosion appears The explosion's location can be altered by a button hold (Increased use cases) 214LM/HS Under some circumstances, this can be comboed after if the button is held Nappa can do special moves after if the button is held (Increased use cases) Saibaman (M) Changed the Saibaman's color (Made it easier to distinguish which Saibaman was summoned) Z Assist (A Type) The position of the attack changes based on the opponent's position (This change was to distinguish this Z Assist from others) Android 16 j.L Made the initial hitbox taller Made the initial hurtbox taller (Made it easier to use in combos) j.H Made an L input after do a superdash after j.LLL Decreased startup (Standardized to other characters. Made it easier to use in neutral and combos) j.S Made 2nd hit's hitbox taller (Made it easier to use in combos) 236M/H Decreased damage proration on cinematic hit Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it easier to use in combos. Made it so other characters' j.H causes a cinematic if 16 does not land before the combo ends (e.g a hard tag into j.H will slide)) 214H The ground version's first hit can now be cancelled into supers and vanish (This change gives 16 for freedom) j.236M Decreased damage proration on cinematic hit (Made it easier to use in combos) j.236M/H Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so other characters' j.H causes a cinematic if 16 does not land before the combo ends (e.g a hard tag into j.H will slide)) Z Assist (A Type) Increased untech time Increased opponent's hitstop on hit (Made it easier to use in combos) Yamcha 5LLL Increased untech time Can jump cancel every hit while in sparking, not just the last hit Changed knockback on cinematic his (Made it easier to combo) j.2H Increased untech time Made initial hitbox taller (Made it easier to combo) 214X Made it so the initial portion of the move does not clash Increased input buffer for cancelling into supers (Made it more usable as an antiair and easier to combo into super after) 214L/M Added head property invulnerability to the middle of the air version If the ground version is cancelled into other moves, Yamcha retains air options Adjusted the ground version's travel distance, made it better on block (Made it more usable as an antiair. When vanished, Yamcha can double jump and airdash. When the L/M version is blocked, Yamcha can act earlier than before) 236L Increased untech time Increased hitstop on final hit (Made it easier to combo) 236M Increased untech time Increased hitstop on final hit (Made it easier to combo) 236X>L/M Increased untech time Increased hitstop on final hit (Made it easier to combo) 236XX>L/M Made the pushbox larger when the opponent is being comboed (Made it easier to combo) 236X>6L/M Decreased recovery Changed the opponent's position on cinematic hit (Yamcha can act faster after the L/M versions are blocked. To adjust for that change, the opponents position has been adjusted to prevent Yamcha from comboing after) 236X>H Decreased blockstun When the move hits the opponent's point, recovery is reduced Changed effect on cinematic hit (Cancelling into vanish is no longer a true blockstring. Made it so other characters' j.H causes a cinematic if Yamcha does not land before the combo ends (e.g a hard tag into j.H will slide))ジャンプ強攻撃のカメラ演出ジャンプ強攻撃のカメラ演出 236H Increased untech time Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo. Made it so other characters' j.H causes a cinematic if Yamcha does not land before the combo ends (e.g a hard tag into j.H will slide)) Tien 5LLL Made hitbox larger (Made it easier to hit crouching opponents) 5H Reduced recovery on cinematic hit (Made it easier to use as a combo tool in the corner) 2M Increased travel distance (Made it easier to use in neutral and combos) 2H Increased landing recovery Adjusted travel distance (Made it impossible to true blockstring constantly while in Sparking) j.2H Adjusted travel distance (Made it easier to use in combos) 236X Removed landing recovery on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo into supers on hit) 236M Decreased startup Attack startup changes based on distance from the opponent Increased active frames (Increased use cases) 236H The ground version can only be used once per combo Decreased the air version's statup (Brought it in line with other throw moves. Made the air version better for mixups and combos) 214X Reduced recovery (No longer minus on hit) 214L Causes sliding knockdown on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo into supers) 214M/H Changed the ground bounce knockback on cinematic hit (In order to adjust for the reduced recovery, the knockback effect has been changed so 5L does not combo after) 214S Reduced recovery Increased hitstop Increased meter gain (Made it easier to use in neutral) 214HS Increased invulnerable frames (Made it harder to be interrupted before the attack hits) Z Assist (A Type) Increased untech time (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Gohan (Adult) 2H Added landing recovery when cancelled into other moves (Made it impossible to true blockstring constantly while in Sparking) 5S Added cancels into other normals when at lvl7 (Added in cancels) j.S Added cancels into other normals when at lvl7 (Added in cancels) 236X Added landing recovery (Made landing recovery uniform across versions along with the buffs to M/H versions) 236M/H Changed effect after the first hit Changed the knockback on every hit other than the first Can be cancelled into supers when Gohan lands from the attack Increased number of hits Adjusted damage Increased untech time Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo into super after. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Gohan does not land before the combo ends) j.236H Increased untech time on cinematic hit Changed knockback on cinematic hit Made it impossible to get a cinematic hit in the same combo after this causes a cinematic hit Changed the travel distance on hit Removed landing recovery when this move hits the opponent's point character Reduced damage Reduced blockstun Adjusted recovery (Made it easier to combo on cinematic hit, and harder to combo on non-cinematic hit. Adjusted since EX moves cost less now) Z Assist (A Type) Increased startup Made it impossible to clash (It is still the fastest assist in the game, but was slowed down to prevent unintended combos from some cinematic moves) Hit 5L Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo after) 2L Increased opponent's hitstop on hit Increased active frames Changed knockback (Made it so that even when cancelled into 5M on hit, Hit will not be at a disadvantage. To account for that, made it hard to use in combos) 5S Changed knockback Changed the timing to cancel into vanish on successful counter to prevent Hit from getting punished for doing so Increased recovery on successful counter Changed effect on cinematic hit (Increased possible followups on hit. Made it harder to cancel into vanish on accident. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Hit does not land before the combo ends) 214X Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Hit does not land before the combo ends) 236X>M Causes sliding knockdown on cinematic hit (Increased use cases as a combo tool) 236X>H Increased active frames Made hitbox taller Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made the move stronger along with the Z Assist version. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Hit does not land before the combo ends) Z Assist (A Type) Invulnerable frames start earlier Increased untech time Decreased startup Increased active frames (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Goku (SSGSS) 5S Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo) 236H Changed knockback on hit Goku can now act in the air after the air version is blocked Fixed a bug where the move would act weird when targeting an opponent who is off screen (Made it easier to combo after. Fixed a bug) 214X Increased throw range (Made it easier to land) 214M/H Increased travel distance Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it easier to land. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Goku does not land before the combo ends) j.214X Increased butter time to cancel into supers (Made it easier to combo into supers) Z Assist (A Type) Ground bounces on hit Flagged as a head property attack Increased hitbox (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Vegeta (SSGSS) 2M Made the hitbox taller Adjusted hurtbox (This change is to make it easier to combo. The hurtbox was adjusted using the smallest Vegeta as a basis) 5S Knockback adjusted Increased untech time (Made it easier to combo) 2S Knockback adjusted Increased untech time (Made it easier to combo) 214X Increased sliding knockdown time (Made it easier to continue offense after) 214L/M Decreased the ground versions startup (Made it easier to use in mixups and combos) 214M Increased travel distance (Made it easier to use in mixups and combos) 214M/H Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Vegeta does not land before the combo ends) 236LM Changed knockback on non-cinematic hit Increased untech time on non-cinematic hit (Increased use cases of the button hold version) 214[LM/HS] (Lvl 5) Changed effect on hit Cannot move until landing (Made the situation on hit better) Z Assist (A Type) Increased damage Decreased damage proration on the initial hit Increased untech time on the 2nd hit (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Beerus 5L Can be cancelled into 5LL on whiff earlier (This change is to allow a combo from 2L even if 5L whiffs) 5LL Decreased startup (This change is to allow a combo from 2L even if 5L whiffs) 5H Decreased startup (Made it easier to use in neutral) 2H Moves forward during the beginning of the move Increased hitbox (Made it easier to combo) 2S Can cancelled into itself up to 3 times The balls do more damage when hit by Beerus' normals The balls have large hitboxes when hit by Beerus' normals (Increased use cases. Buffed balls that have been hit by normals) 236X The balls do more damage when hit by Beerus' normals The balls have large hitboxes when hit by Beerus' normals (Buffed balls that have been hit by normals) 236S The balls do more damage when hit by Beerus' normals The balls have large hitboxes when hit by Beerus' normals (Buffed balls that have been hit by normals) 214X Ground bounces on hit Decreased the slide speed of the sliding knockdown (Made it easier to combo) 214H Decreased damage Ground bounces higher on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo) 236LM/HS Fixed a bug where the super stayed on screen longer than it should (Fixed a bug) Z Assist (A Type) Increased damage Changed knockback Increased untech time (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Goku Black 5LL Initial hitbox is taller (Made it easier to combo) 5S Changed knockback Always knocks the opponent forward Can be cancelled into 5H and 2H (Made it easier to combo) 2L Made moves cancelable into 2L (Made it easier to use in neutral, etc) 2M Decreased startup (Made it easier to use in neutral, etc) 2H Increased untech time on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo) j.214X Increased the size of the inner portion of the hitbox Increased travel distance Changed travel distance on cinematic hit (Made it easier to land on opponents who are directly in the corner) 214S Made it only usable once per combo Changed effect on cinematic hit (Brought in line with other throw move. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Goku Black does not land before the combo ends) 236HS Fixed a bug where the projectile would not come out if the initial part clashed (Fixed a bug) Z Assist (A Type) Decreased recovery (Adjusted to fit other characters kamehamehas) Android 21 214X Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so other characters' j.H causes a cinematic if 21 does not land before the combo ends) 236S Decreased startup on ground version Increased untech time Causes sliding knockdown on hit Increased damage proration Decreased the followup window (Made it easier to land. Made it easier to combo) 214S Increased untech time Causes sliding knockdown on hit Increased damage proration Decreased the followup window (Made it easier to land. Made it easier to combo) 214S (Stolen Move - Yellow / Command Grab) Causes sliding knockdown on hit The dive followup tracks the opponent (Made it easier to combo) 236X Increased hitbox (Buffed along with the Z Assist) 214LM/HS Steals all empty move slots on hit (This change is to distinguish is from j.214LM/HS) Z Assist (A Type) Increased opponent's hitstop on hit Increased hitbox Decreased startup (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Broly 5L Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo after) 5H Increased damage on held version (This damage increase is in addition to the universal damage increase to 5/2H) 5S Increased the lower portion of the initial hitbox (Made it easier to hit small characters in standing state) j.2H Increased sliding knockdown time on cinematic hit Increased the amount of time the opponent is frozen for on cinematic hit (Made it easier to continue offense after this hit 236S Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Broly does not land before the combo ends) 236X Changed knockback, including the H version Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo into supers. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Broly does not land before the combo ends) 214X Increased travel distance on hit Increased input buffer to cancel into supers (Made it easier to continue offense on hit. Made it easier to combo into supers on hit) j.214X Removed landing recovery on hit Increased input buffer to cancel into supers (Made it easier to continue offense on hit. Made it easier to combo into supers on hit) j.214M Increased sliding knockdown time (Made it easier to continue offense on hit) 214S Decreased total duration Can be done even while Powered Shell (214S) is already active (Made it easier to use in neutral) 236HS Decreased minimum damage (Made it do less damage to soften the combo) Z Assist (A Type) Decreased startup Reflects the opponents ki blasts Changed knockback Increased opponent's hitstop on hit (Made changes to distinguish it from his B Type Z Assist) Vegito (SSGSS) 2S Changed knockback on non-cinematic hit Increased untech time on non-cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo on non-cinematic hit) j.S Increased untech time (Made it easier to combo) 236X Decreased damage proration on non-cinematic hit (Made the damage higher when used in combos) 236M/H If the first hit whiffs, the followup multi-hits can still cause cinematics (Increased use cases) 236S Increased hitbox (Made it more useful in neutral and combos) 236LM/HS Decreased damage at long range, increased damage at close range Increased minimum damage Changed knockback on all hits but the last All hits but the last cause sliding knockdown Increased active frames on the last hit The last hit will not hit if the opponent is not below a certain height (Made changes to distinguish is from j.236LM/HS. Made it harder for only the first hit to land, causing lower damage) Z Assist (A Type) Increased untech time Increased hitstop Increased landing recovery Increased hitbox Decreased startup Changed knockback (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Zamasu (Fused) 5LLL Made the throw range taller when used in a combo Added throw damage proration (Made it easier to combo. Brought the damage proration in line with other characters' 5LLL) 5S Increased projectile speed Increased hitstop Increased untech time Changed knockback Increased recovery (Made it easier to combo) j.2H Decreased startup Changed travel distance Increased landing recovery Removed landing recovery on cinematic hit Removed landing recovery when done from flight (Made it easier to combo. Made it hit grounded opponents when done immediately after a jump. Made it easier to use for mixups) j.S Changed knockback on all hits but the last Made initial hitbox taller (Made it easier to combo) 236X Increased travel distance on ground version Increased travel distance on cinematic hit Removed landing recovery on cinematic hit (Increased use cases for the ground version. Made it easier to continue offense on cinematic hit) Goku 236M Air version wall bounces on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo) 236H Increased travel distance downwards on the air version (Made it easier to use in neutral and combos) 214X Can call assists earlier on hit (Made it easier to combo with assists) 214M Decreased travel distance on hit Changed knockback Changed knockback on ground bounce Increased hitstop (Made it easier to combo with assists) 214M/H Made attacks not land until the followup hits on a cinematic hit (Made it so the cinematic cannot be interrupted) 214S Can Z Change on hit Reduced recovery on hit (Made it easier to combo) 236S (Ground, Upward Angled) Increased damage Reduced recovery (Made it easier to use in neutral) 236LM/HS>LM Can cancel into 3x Kaioken Kamehameha and 20x Kaioken Kamehameha on hit (Made it easier to combo into an Ultimate Z Change) Z Assist (A Type) Changed knockback Increased opponent's hitstop on hit (Made it easier to combo) Vegeta 5LLL Added head property invulnerability (Increased use cases) 5S Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo into 5S followup hits) 2M Made hitbox taller (Made it easier to combo) j.S Can alter the ki blast's trajectory by inputting 8 (Increased use cases) 236L/M When the ground version is cancelled, Vegeta keeps his air options (Vegeta can double jump and airdash after a vanish) 236H Becomes invulnerable earlier (Changed to be in line with other moves that become invulnerable in the same way. This is not referring to moves that appear behind the opponent, but to moves that have invulnerable frames a little after the start of the move) 214L Increased sliding knockdown time on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo) 214M Ground bounces on cinematic hit (Made it easier to combo) 214S Increased throw range Increased active grames Untech time is unaffected by hitstun scaling Increased untech time on cinematic hit Increased recovery on hit (Made it easier to land. Made it so there are more followup options) 236LM/HS Does more damage when done from 214S (Made it do more damage when done from 214S) 214LM/HS Does more damage when done from 214S (Made it do more damage when done from 214S) Z Assist (A Type) Decreased startup Increased untech time Change knockback (Made it easier to combo) Cooler 5S Increased opponent's hitstop on hit Increased untech time Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo) 6H Made hitbox taller Always knocks forward (Made it easier to combo) 214LM/HS Fixed a bug where meter cooldown would not happen when the ground version whiffed (Fixed a bug) Z Assist (A Type) Increased untech time Increased landing recovery (Made it easier to combo) Android 17 5L Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo after) 5LL Decreased startup Changed travel distance and character position Increased hitbox Changed knockback (Made it so 5LL combos from 2L even if 5L whiffs) 5LLL Changed character position Increased hitbox Decreased hurtbox Made pushbox taller in the first half of the move Added invulnerability against lows (Increased use cases) 5M Decreased startup Increased hitbox (Made is easier to use in neutral) 5S Changed the knockback on all hits but the last (Made it easier to combo) 2L Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo after) j.S Decreased startup Changed travel distance Increased untech time Increased opponent's hitstop on hit Changed knockback (Made it easier to combo) Rekka>5H/S Increased active frames Increased recovery Can only be cancelled into on hit (Changed the move to account for EX moves costing less now. Changed the regular version to reflect changes to the EX version) Rekka>5H Can absorb hits from lvl 1s and lvl 3s (Made it stronger as a response to supers) 236/214S Can do the air version after the ground version Decreased landing recovery Pushbox appears later Can be cancelled earlier (Increased use cases) Z Assist (A Type) Increased active frames Increased untech time Reduced opponent's hitstop on hit Changed knockback Wall bounces on hit (Made it easier to use in combos) Jiren 5L Increased lower portion of the hitbox (Made it easier to hit short characters) 5S Decreased startup Increased opponent's hitstop on hit Decreased untech time Increased recovery (Made it easier to use in neutral and combos) 2S Increased damage on cinematic hit (This change is to reflect the damage change to 2Hs) j.2H Decreased startup Made the initial hitbox taller Made the hitbox come out even when done at minimum height Made the attack come out as soon as you release the button hold Increased the sliding knockdown time Changed the timing for calling Z Assists when this move causes a cinematic hit Increased damage on button hold version (Made it easier to combo. Increased damage to match the damage increase to j.H) 236X Increased hitstop Decreased damage proration on non-cinematic hit Fixed a bug where the effect would not appear on clash (Made combos after do more damage) 214X Increased damage Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it easier to distinguish on a successful counter. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Jiren does not land before the combo ends) 214L/M Increased meter gain (Made it easier to distinguish on a successful counter) 214L Can catch lows now (Made it easier to counter moves) 214M Decreased total duration (This change is to distinguish is from the L version) 214S Can now counter Z Assists Changed effect on cinematic hit (Increased use cases. Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Jiren does not land before the combo ends) Z Assist (A Type) Position change based on the distance from the opponent Changed knockback Increased untech time Increased startup (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Videl Great Saiyaman Attacks Decreased the cooldown time before another Great Saiyaman attack (Made it easier to use in neutral) 5L Increased travel distance other than when cancelled into itself (Made it easier to combo) j.2S Increased the sliding knockdown time (Made it easier to combo) 6H Added invulnerability to ki blast (Increased use cases) 236H Increased travel distance (Made it easier to use in neutral) 22X Changed knockback on cinematic hit Decreased damage proration when used as a follow up from 236X (Made it easier to combo) 214M Increased the sliding knockdown time on the Great Saiyaman attack (Made it easier to combo) 236HS Counters on frame 1 Fixed a bug where meter gain cooldown does not kick in on whiff (Increased use cases. Fixed a bug) Z Assist (A Type) Decreased startup Increased opponent's hitstop on hit Reduced travel distance (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Janemba 5S Decreased startup outside of combos (Made it easier to use in combos. The startup during combos is the same as before) 2S Decreased startup outside of combos (Made it easier to use in combos. The startup during combos is the same as before) j.S Decreased startup outside of combos (Made it easier to use in combos. The startup during combos is the same as before) 236X Decreased recovery Janemba falls earlier after the air version Changed recovery on cinematic hit (Made it easier to use in neutral) 236/214S Even if the opponent is in the air and the corner, Janemba will teleport into the corner when teleporting from the air to the ground. (This change is to make it more clear when Janemba takes the corner) j.214X The projectile bounces off the corner Increased projectile travel distance Increased the amount of time before the attack automatically goes off (Increased use cases) 214M/H Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Janemba does not land before the combo ends) Z Assist (A Type) Decreased startup Increased number of attacks Changed single hit damage, increased overall damage (Made it easier to use, in line with other Z Assists) Gogeta (SSGSS) j.H Decreased startup (Made it easier to use in neutral and combos) j.2H Increased damage on cinematic hit (Increased damage to match the damage increase to j.H) 214L Increased the window where the move cannot clash (Made it a better antiair) 214S Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.2H causes a cinematic if Gogeta does not land before the combo ends) 236LM Made it not do lower damage when done in the corner (Does the same damage in the corner) j.236LM Increased hitstop on hit (This change makes it harder for the number of hits to decrease based on positioning) Broly (DBS) 2L Increased travel distance Increased hitbox Increased hurtbox (Made it easier to use in neutral and combos) 5H Increased damage on the button hold version (This is on top of the universal 5/2H damage increase) 236X Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Broly does not land before the combo ends) 214X Changed effect on cinematic hit (Made it so j.H causes a cinematic if Broly does not land before the combo ends) Z Assist (A Type) Decreased startup Changed knockback (This change is to distinguish this Z Assist from his B Type Z Assist) Cytuj
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