Bansai 11 198 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 30 minut temu, Bzduras napisał: Owszem, są. Ale jest i coś w tych spoilerach... Ukryj zawartość Vergil confirmed tyle to po pierwszym trailerze mozna bylo wywnioskowac, ale fajnie ze to juz OFICLAJNE ze tak powiem. Sa jakies inne spoilery? Bo nie wiem czy sie nie zlamac. Cytuj
Bzduras 13 077 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 @estel - luzik Przy okazji, nadal masz ten avatar? Szacun, jakoś 12 lat temu o nim rozmawialiśmy @Bansai - jeśli chcesz być spoiler free to lepiej nie oglądaj. Nie wiem, ile z tego to wczesna gra, ale dzieje się dużo. Cytuj
Josh 5 256 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Jestem zniszczony, to będzie najlepszy Devil od czasu trójki. Cytuj
Figaro 8 398 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 2 godziny temu, XM. napisał: Nie ma co ogladac, trzeba wytrzymać ten tydzień jakos Ja obejrzałem i żałuję. Wytrzymaj! Ależ to będzie gieraaaa. Godzinę temu, Josh napisał: Jestem zniszczony, to będzie najlepszy Devil od czasu trójki. Czyli lepsze od czwórki i DmC? No nie za wysoka poprzeczka ;p Cytuj
estel 806 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 @Bzduras avatary to jedyny sposob dla mnie, zeby zapamietac kto jest kim. Dlatego teraz juz w ogole nikogo nie kojarze @Figaro wara od DmC zreszta widac, ze Capcom sie uczy bo w 5 zaimplementowali motywy zmiany w srodowisku jak zywcem wyjete z DmC np. macki rozwalajace sciany itd. Cytuj
Figaro 8 398 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Dużo wypożyczyli z DmC, fakt. Nic do gierki nie mam, w zasadzie planuję ją kupić na PS4 właśnie. Jedyne co mnie boli, że znowu nie ma zbytnio gotyckich klimatów z jedynki, brakuje mi tego Te lokacje w V są jakieś-takie. Cytuj
mate6 108 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 A mnie właśnie lokacja w demie się bardzo podoba, lubię zrujnowane miasta dużo bardziej niż cokolwiek, co jest gotyckie. Cytuj
Bansai 11 198 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 gotyckie klimaty byly juz too edgy w latach 90tych, dobrze ze zdechlo. 1 Cytuj
Josh 5 256 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Bardzo źle, że zdechło. Gier umiejscowionych w industrialnych klimatach masz na pęczki, natomiast tych rozgrywających się w mrocznych zamkach czy katedrach praktycznie wcale. Zapewne dlatego, że trzeba mieć znacznie więcej wyobraźni, żeby zaprojektować takie lokacje. Mimo wszystko naiwnie wierzę, że w DMC5 również i takie miejscówki się trafią. Cytuj
XM. 11 297 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 E tam, zamczysko na pewno będzie. Caly czas również licze na nostalgiczny powrót na Mallet Island Cytuj
Figaro 8 398 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 1 minutę temu, Josh napisał: Bardzo źle, że zdechło. Gier umiejscowionych w industrialnych klimatach masz na pęczki, natomiast tych rozgrywających się w mrocznych zamkach czy katedrach praktycznie wcale. Zapewne dlatego, że trzeba mieć znacznie więcej wyobraźni, żeby zaprojektować takie lokacje. Mimo wszystko naiwnie wierzę, że w DMC5 również i takie miejscówki się trafią. Dżosz wie co mówi. Cytuj
Bzduras 13 077 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Przy okazji premiery RE2 również pojawiały się głosy, że "już całą grę pokazali", a pełniak miał sporo niespodzianek do zaoferowania. Chcę wierzyć, że w tym przypadku będzie tak samo. Jak opanować ten hajp Cytuj
XM. 11 297 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Teraz, Bzduras napisał: Jak opanować ten hajp Nie wiem, ja po GTA V przestałem mieć jakikolwiek hype na gry i mimo że czekałem na jakis tytuł to na spokojnie, premiera, cyk do sklepu i się grało natomiast na DMC V odliczam kazdą godzinkę. Ehh, chyba pierwszy raz w zyciu nawet wezme urlop na grę i od rana będę napier.dalał 1 Cytuj
mate6 108 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 @XM. Nie wiem czy z tych samych powodów, ale ja też od GTAV nie odczuwam hype'u na inne gry. Trochę zazdro, że teraz masz na DMCV. Cytuj
Josh 5 256 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 U mnie już tydzień wolnego zaklepany, będzie ostre szarpańsko Cytat Przy okazji premiery RE2 również pojawiały się głosy, że "już całą grę pokazali", a pełniak miał sporo niespodzianek do zaoferowania. Chcę wierzyć, że w tym przypadku będzie tak samo. To się dużo nie pomylili, bo w przypadku RE2 pokazali cholernie dużo. Cytuj
Bzduras 13 077 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2019 Ja obiecywałem sobie po MGSV, że nigdy już nie dam się nahajpować na gierkę. Nie pykło 47 minut temu, XM. napisał: i od rana będę napier.dalał Znalazłeś ten steelbook w końcu? Nawet chwilę nad nim myślałem, ale jednak granie od północy >>>> kawałek stali na półce. 44 minuty temu, Josh napisał: To się dużo nie pomylili, bo w przypadku RE2 pokazali cholernie dużo. Niby tak, ale w ciągu pierwszego playthrough miałem sporo momentów na zasadzie "łooooopaaaaanie, co to się tu stanęło właśnie przed chwilą", na to samo liczę teraz. Cytuj
Starh 3 176 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Grałem tylko w 4 - polecacie jakiś skrót fabuły? Cytuj
Bzduras 13 077 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 2 minuty temu, Starh napisał: Grałem tylko w 4 - polecacie jakiś skrót fabuły? 1 Cytuj
Starh 3 176 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Swoją drogą jeszcze jedno pytanie - ostatnia część (ten ala reboot) wlicza się do kanonu? Cytuj
Bzduras 13 077 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Nie, jak sam napisałeś - to reboot. Osobny byt w kontekście serii. Cytuj
Dr.Czekolada 4 496 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Nie, tamto to gra Ninia Theory. Historia opowiedziana od zera i inaczej. Cytuj
Wiolku 1 592 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Jak ja bym chciał gotyckie klimaty o mamo. @Bansai nawet mi takich słów nie wypisuj tutaj! Cytuj
Gość Nyu Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 2000 years ago demons ruled the world with Mundus leading them. One of Mundus' best knights, Sparda, awoke to justice, betrayed the demons, and sealed off the demons in the demon world (along with his own power) to save humanity and give them a proper world to thrive in. 30 years before the game starts he marries a woman named Eva and has two twin sons, Dante and Vergil. Shortly after the birth Sparda dies and Eva is left to raise the children on her own. When the twins are 10 years old demons arrive at their home and murder Eva and separate the twins. DMC1: 20 years later after Eva's death Dante became a demon hunter and opened up a shop named Devil May Cry, he's visited by a woman, one who resembles his fallen mother, named Trish who tells him of Mundus' return on Mallet Island. Dante heads there with her to stop him and seal him again. In Mallet island he fights many demons and faces off with a particular demon knight named Nero Angelo (Was mistranslated as Nelo). In the initial fight Nero Angelo overpowers Dante but he spots Dante's amulet left by his mother and shaken by it the knight flees the battle. In their final duel Nero Angelo's helmet comes off showing off a white haired man underneath the armor, after losing the final fight the knight disappears in a flash of light and drops an amulet identical to the one Dante has, here he learns that this was Vergil and that he had been serving as Mundus brainwashed pawn. Pressing on Dante saves Trish from a demon only for her to attack him revealing to be a demon made by Mundus and betraying him. Dante furious at her still saves her from falling debris because she looked like his mother, despite her pleas he continues on without her though earning her trust and care. When Dante reaches Mundus he's instantly incapacitated by Mundus and is about to be killed but Trish steps in and saves his life. Dante faces off against Mundus and in the final fight it's revealed Trish is alive and she helps him defeat the demon prince. The two escape the exploding island and form a demon hunter duo and rename the shop to Devil Never Cry. DMC2: I can't be bothered. DMC3: 10 years before DMC1 this game shows Dante starting up his first demon hunting store but before he can even choose a name for it he's visited by a strange old man named Arkham who invites him to something him and Dante's brother Vergil have set up. Dante then gets attacked by demons and decides to head out to meet Vergil. A giant tower named the Temen-Ni-Gru pops up in the middle of the city and unleashes demons on to the streets. Dante makes his way to the tower and defeats demons and becomes acquainted with a woman named Mary who's there to kill demons and stop her father Arkham from fulfilling his plan and a creepy demon jester who assists Dante with navigating the tower while also annoying him. Dante makes his way to the top of the tower and engages in a fight with Vergil after doing some minor catching up (It's revealed they had met a year prior, elaborated more in the manga). Dante loses the fight horribly and has his mother's amulet stolen by Vergil. Upon losing Dante in rage awakens to his demonic form known as Devil Trigger and makes his way down to the tower's lowest levels where Vergil plans to break the seal his father put onto the demonic world and gain unimaginable power. While descending the tower, Vergil asks Arkham why he didn't kill his daughter, Mary, earlier, deflecting the question Arkham is then stabbed by Vergil as his use to him had been expended. Dante finds himself in this room and is confronted by Mary, she asks him if she killed Arkham and becomes furious once Dante teases her about it as she had intended to kill him on his own due to Arkham killing her mother to achieve demonic power. After the argument Dante leaves and Mary weeps over her father's body and in his final breaths Arkham reveals he was controlled by Vergil and asks his daughter to stop him and put a stop to his plan. Dante makes his way to the room where Vergil is trying to do the ceremony to unseal the demonic seal but it doesn't work and the two fight instead. After the fight Mary comes in to butt in into their duel only for them all to be interrupted by the demonic jester from before. The Jester overpowers all 3 of them and he reveals himself to be Arkham who explains to Vergil that the ceremony didn't work since he was missing a crucial element, the blood of a human priestess who Sparda sacrificed to create the seal, a woman who is revealed to be Mary's ancestor. Arkham undoes the seal and ascends to the demon world to claim the demonic power Sparda left behind while the 3 are left to catch up. Vergil is knocked out of commission and Dante and Mary make their way up the tower again, the two meet up in a demonic library and engage in a duel where Mary pours her heart out to Dante and explains that no matter how out of her league she is and how fruitless her task is she won't give up as she feels responsible to make up for her father's sins and stop his plans. Up until this point Dante had only engaged in this quest to fight Vergil as he did not like him and for his own self entertainment and he also felt some disgust to his bloodline as he felt that it was his father's demonic bloodline that lead to his mother getting killed and ruining his family, safe to say that he was only going to open up his shop to kill the things he hated the most and not out of a noble desire. This opposes Vergil who blames his weakness on his human side and blames himself for being too weak to save his mother and focuses on achieving ultimate power so he never has to feel weak ever again, something he'll get no matter what and no matter how many lives he destroys in the process. Upon seeing Mary's resolve Dante has a change of heart and decides that he too must be responsible for the deeds of his father and the role he was given in this world, he makes his way up to the tower to stop Arkham with a new resolve. Dante makes his way to the top of the tower and enters the demon world where Arkham has achieved Sparda's power by using his legendary sword and he takes the form of Sparda's demonic form, however it's too much power for him to handle and he mutates into a mess off blobs and leeches. Dante engages in a fight but is overpowered until Vergil makes a dramatic appearance and steals Dante's spotlight, the two put their differences aside and fight off Arkham in one of the worst fights in the game but also ends in one of the best cutscenes in the game, Jackpot, yeah, nice, fuck. The two defeat Arkham who gets thrown back into the top of the tower where he is approached by Mary, he urges her to help him again but she tells him that she's no longer Mary, she's now Lady, a nickname Dante had given her earlier and one she adopts from now on, she draws her gun and kills her father who begs one final time before he dies. Dante and Vergil end up in the edge of the human world and the demon world and the two face off in a final duel where Dante succeeds and disarms Vergil of his father's sword and makes Vergil drop his mother's amulet. In defeat Vergil picks up his mother's amulet over his father's sword and tells Dante that he's staying in the demon world, their father's home, Vergil throws himself off the edge of the world and descends into the demon world. Heartbroken Dante leaves the world and the tower and returns to ground level where he sees Mary waiting for him. Mary notices Dante weeping but he brushes it off mentioning demons don't cry, Mary comforts him by saying that even in this world even a demon can shed tears after losing those he loves, before the two can continue though a final onslaught of demons appear and Dante and Mary team up to kill them. After the fight Mary recounts what happened after that and mentions that she'll do anything to stop monsters like her father from rising again and that she's found out that while there are humans as evil as a devil that there are also kind and compassionate demons capable of caring for others. She reveals that Dante figured out a name for his shop, Devil May Cry, in honor of Mary's kind words to Dante and his new view on the world. DMC4: 10 years after DMC1 we're shown a young man Nero fighting off some demons in his hometown of Fortuna as he makes his way to the town opera hall to see his childhood friend singing. The two gather for the holy father of the city, Sanctus, to talk about some boring old man shit idk, and Nero leaves due to boredom but he feels something approaching and from the rooftop a man bursts in. The man pulls out a gun and shoots Sanctus in the face, he turns around and he reveals himself to be Dante who begins slaughtering the town guards and engages in a fight with Nero after Nero felt he posed a threat to Kyrie. In the fight Dante stabs Nero in his arm and it's revealed Nero has a powerful demonic arm at his disposal. After their fight Dante flees and Nero is instructed to look for him by Credo, leader of the city's knights (Order of the Sword) that Nero belongs to and brother to Kyrie. Nero finds himself in a frozen castle past the outskirts of town and finds a hidden lab that's run by Agnus, a demonic weapons expert and scientist who works for the Order. In his lab he keeps Vergil's broken Yamato sword that he lost 20 years ago but in a fractured state. Agnus gets furious at Nero for taunting him and causing him trouble so he attempts to kill him but Nero has a flashback to Kyrie being in danger and he awakens to a demonic power that was caused by him resonating to Vergil's sword in the lab, he scares Agnus off and continues his way through the castle. He finds Dante in a jungle but he flees before Nero can say anything. It's revealed Sanctus had survived Dante's attacks and Agnus tells him of Nero's situation and his connection to Kyrie. Continuing to the Order's HQ Nero is approached by Credo who had been recently commanded by Sanctus to apprehend him. The two fight with Nero being the victor, Kyrie arrives to see her brother injured and Nero sporting a demonic arm, before Nero can say anything though Agnus arrives and tells him Nero has been corrupted and he takes her to the order's HQ to use as bait for Nero. Furious, Credo also makes his way to the HQ. Continuing on Nero fights Agnus but fails to save Kyrie and in frustration he rushes his way up the HQ but he's stopped by Dante halfway who tells him he wants Yamato as it belonged to his brother and it was used to seal the demonic world years ago. Nero too furious to listen to reason engages in a fight with Dante and ends up losing to him, Dante tells him that he's free to go on ahead now that he's let off some steam and isn't as furious as before, the two introduce themselves properly and Nero goes on ahead. Nero ends up at the top of the HQ where a giant statue based on Sparda (named the Savior) rests. Sanctus fights Nero and after he loses Sanctus moves himself inside the statue and begins to control it, he takes Kyrie and stores her within the statue, he captures Nero and Yamato and seals them inside of him as well as Nero is needed since it turns out he has Sparda's blood within him. Credo tries to save them but is mortally wounded by Sanctus as Dante and Trish arrive to see this unfold. The Savior makes his way to Fortuna to perform a final ceremony to become a God or something. In Credo's dying breath he asks Dante to save Kyrie and Nero. Dante not one to let a dying man's wishes go to waste makes his way back to the initial city the game started out in to stop Sanctus and save Nero. The Agnus gets Yamato from Sanctus and uses it to unseal a final demon gate in Fortuna city and unleash hundreds of demons. Dante makes his way back and destroys the other gates along the way along with the demons who guard him. He fights Agnus back in Fortuna and kills him because Dante's an ice cold bitch like that, he reclaims Yamato, and breaks the final demon game before engaging the Savior. Unable to beat the Savior Dante decides to send Yamato inside where Nero rests so that he can take it down from the inside. Nero awakens with Yamato and proceeds to where Sanctus' final room where Kyrie's also sealed. Nero fights Sanctus and tells him that his desire to gain Sparda's power was at fault since Sparda's power also lied in being able to love and share compassion, something which Sanctus looked down on the whole game. Sanctus is defeated and Nero returns with Kyrie to Dante but is attacked by the Savior one last time before they can celebrate, Nero breaks its face using his demonic arm and he says farewells to Dante. Nero intends to return Yamato to Dante but Dante tells him to keep it as a gift as it's important to him but that's the only kind of gift worth giving to someone. Dante says a final farewell and leaves Nero and Kyrie to start a new life. Final note, Nero is HEAVILY alluded to be Nero's son. His devil trigger awakening has him flashing back to hearing a voice in his head saying "I NEED MORE POWER", something Vergil is known for. His DT is a demonic specter who resembles Nero Angelo and Vergil's DT form and Nero was the only person who fixed Vergil's personal weapon. Nero has white hair which only Sparda and his kids are shown having, and Sanctus says Nero has Sparda's blood within him. In DMC4SE they added in a prologue set before DMC3 where we see Vergil making his way through the town, a woman spots him and takes interest in him suggesting she's Nero's mother and Vergil buried his Temen-Ni-Gru in her deeper than Sparda sealed that initial shit up millennia ago. He's shown leaving the town with a shadow that resembles Nero's specter. Artbook 3142 outright states that Nero is Vergil's son and a DMC5 team member said he's happy people like Nero's new look and is happy people are saying he looks like Vergil as they wanted him to look closer to his daddy. Despite this we still have niggas sayin "it's not his son though" to them I say, QUE THE JODAAAAN. Cytuj
XM. 11 297 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 Opublikowano 1 marca 2019 (edytowane) 7 dni! Edytowane 1 marca 2019 przez XM. 3 1 1 Cytuj
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