kiseki 817 Opublikowano 21 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 21 grudnia 2019 14 godzin temu, Dr.Czekolada napisał: Mimo wszystko to wciąż aktorka, która wcieliła się w jej postać i odegrała rolę w cutscenkach plus VA. Z tym odegraniem roli też bym się nie zapędzał bo news nie jest potwierdzony to raz, a dwa, Pani Saszy niby zrobili tylko "facial skan". Równie dobrze jej odgrywanie roli może się skończyć na kilku słowach i grymasach twarzy żeby dać bazę prawdziwym aktorom, których już nikt nie szuka po internecie. Cytuj
Josh 5 633 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 (edytowane) W dniu 20.12.2019 o 17:54, Dr.Czekolada napisał: Sama Jill na każdym kadrze wygląda jak kompletnie inna osoba XD Ukryj zawartość Ukryj zawartość Ukryj zawartość Ukryj zawartość Znam w realu dziewczynę, która na każdym zrobionym jej zdjęciu wygląda totalnie inaczej. A jak ją zobaczyłem pierwszy raz face-to-face, to też wyglądała zupełnie inaczej niż na fotkach Natomiast sama Jill totalnie nijaka, nie podoba mi się wygląd modelki. Edytowane 23 grudnia 2019 przez Josh 1 Cytuj
smoo 2 316 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 Do tej nowej Jill powoli się przyzwyczajam, ale mam nadzieję że tej Saszy chociaż zapłacili porządnie, bo wygląda na zagłodzoną. Taka typowa insta-anorektyczka o której zapomina się po 20 sekundach. Eh, a mogło być tak pięknie Może chociaż Capcops dadzą ją w DLC. Easy money. A jak nie to zostają mody na PC. Cytuj
hudiny 16 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 Kwestia wyglądu jest bardzo subiektywna. Nie dogodzi się wszystkim. Mi akurat się podoba. Ogólnie Jill to moja ulubiona postać w uniwersum. Cytuj
Wredny 10 133 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 Dla mnie wszystkie te postacie można wyebać wpissdu i dać zupełnie nowe - każda z nich ma tyle głębi, co Tofu, którym graliśmy w bonusach RE2. Kij, kto tu będzie, ważne żeby sie dobrze na nią patrzyło i żeby gierka była fajna Cytuj
Najtmer 1 083 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 23 grudnia 2019 (edytowane) moze jednak zostanmy przy postaciach bez ktorych by nie bylo tak fajnej trzeciej czesci. Edytowane 23 grudnia 2019 przez Najtmer Cytuj
LiŚciu 1 247 Opublikowano 24 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 24 grudnia 2019 Skupiacie się na twarzy Jill gdy przez większość gry patrzycie na jej tyłek. Cytuj
Najtmer 1 083 Opublikowano 24 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 24 grudnia 2019 Oj tam, ciasny niebieski topik byl najwazniejszy Cytuj
Dr.Czekolada 4 496 Opublikowano 24 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 24 grudnia 2019 (edytowane) jej niebieski topik i fryzura robiła tą postać. Dla mnie chyba najbardziej charakterystyczna babka obok Lary Croft z ery psx. Edytowane 24 grudnia 2019 przez Dr.Czekolada 1 Cytuj
Wredny 10 133 Opublikowano 24 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 24 grudnia 2019 Kij z topikiem, jej wdzianko z Revelations to było dopiero 1 Cytuj
Josh 5 633 Opublikowano 25 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 25 grudnia 2019 (edytowane) Topik ze spódniczką najlepszy. W REmake w niektórych miejscach jak się dobrze ustawisz do kamery to możesz nawet zobaczyć jej majtasy Edytowane 25 grudnia 2019 przez Josh Cytuj
Nemesis 1 297 Opublikowano 25 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 25 grudnia 2019 Ostatnio grałem właśnie tym strojem <3 nadal świetnie to wygląda. W oryginale dodatkowych strojów było dużo. Oby dali ten Reginy z DC. Cytuj
Josh 5 633 Opublikowano 25 grudnia 2019 Opublikowano 25 grudnia 2019 Nawet nie wiedziałem, że jest coś takiego. Swoją drogą polecam sprawdzić manhwę RE3, o ile jakimś cudem traficie na tłumaczenie. To co się tam odpyerdala to mokry sen każdego fana serii Cytuj
Bartolinsky 1 828 Opublikowano 3 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 3 stycznia 2020 Sporo info od ziomka z forum biohaze, który podobno ma te wieści od testera. Dużo tego i szczegółowo, także wydaje się legitne. Spoiler - Leakerbro from the previous thread here. I'm all for shitposting but Drain Deimos aren't cut and neither are hunters or the worms. Haven't seen spiders though - She barely talks during gameplay. When Nemesis chases her she pants a lot and yells but there's no expletives. She drops an F bomb in the diner when Carlos defends Umbrella and she recants the Mansion incident, but it sounds like they listened to the Claire critique. - Ivies aren't in and you see ONE Licker in RPD and it disappears when you come back down the stairs, you expect to confront in and BAM, Nemmy has found you. No lickers thereafter and I got to play until the clock tower fakeout - No, but killing him prevents him pursuing you in that particular area. He's very tanky, you get a magnum in RPD and it has more kick than Leon's did in RE2 and yet it took 8 headshots to down the prick. You can dodge. We couldn't select a difficulty but two bites put me into caution, felt like Standard, there were other guys testing the other modes but I just got given a standard build that ends at Clock Tower, likely because at the time they hadn't done Carlos' parts yet. - I answered this two threads back but his death is similar to the OG but the reasons he's there are different. The radio guy from RE2 tells people there's evac at RPD, Jill races there after a survivor named Nicole dies and nu-Dario Rosso locks her out in a rage, she has nowhere else to go so she heads to RPD. You follow Brad's footsteps for a bit as citizens flee a last stand scenario outside of RPD. When you arrive, Nemesis kills the half dozen RPD cops left, Brad backs up and draws his S. Edge to shoot at Nemesis, and gets his head crushed in Nemesis' palm. Jill shoots until her Glock is empty and then grabs Brad's SEdge in a cutscene, running into RPD in FPV. You then resume control inside and she laments that his STARS card is outside, then remembers that Chris likely left his behind in his office, so that's your next objective. -They explain that Irons confiscated hers, Barry's and Rebecca's belongings in this version, which is why her Samurai Edge got replaced and why they make a big deal out of her grabbing Brad's in a panic. Chris had skipped town before Irons came down hard on them. They remix how you acquire Barry's magnum as a result, with Jill obtaining her lockpick from inside the photo frame of her dog and using it to break into Barry's desk -I answered this too. Never saw them because the build ended at clock tower, but I met Drain Deimos who look more like black lickers mixed with the Reapers from RE5, so the reptile monster in the trailer isn't a deimos, has to be a hunter, so look forward to that. -There's points in the cutscenes where she looks genuinely frightened when nemesis is on the prowl, and she gives a vicious and angry performance when Carlos is ignorant to Umbrella's involvement. There's also a scene where she's in REmake attire and flashing back to the mansion, which is what the scene of her in front of the mirror in the trailer is the start of. I didn't see it in the costumes menu but it's a safe bet it's in since aside from classic, there's two other costume slots. Her voice actress is very, very good though. -I'll elaborate a little. I went to a total of 8 save rooms I'd say? And in three of them, which were what felt like hours apart, there's a munitions case with a workbench beside it. Jill can make a set amount of enhanced ammo of her choice as a one time use kind of thing, but that's it. You can still make ammo with gunpowders, though, it's a 1-1 port of REmake 2's gunpowder system. -The intro isn't very long but it's basically just an autistically detailed justification for why she explodes out of the building in the original. This time it's because she's holed up with some survivors in the apartment since it's harder for the dead to get into, but Nemesis is deployed on the street outside and breaks through the doors. The zombies pour in and kill the civvies while Nemesis pursues you. It's a hybrid of cutscene and gameplay and that scene where she faces the camera in the trailer transitions into OTS with zombies on the street chasing her. -The pads look thinner but it's basically as close to the costume as the RE3 OG costume DLC is, some small tweaks but overall a 1-1 model. The hat looked a bit funky with some clipping on the hair in the cutscene but as it was 4 months ago, I can see that being fixed by now. I wish they would let me come back to play the current build because it always sucks playtesting a good game because you never really get to finish them until the game's out for everyone else. -I wasn't allowed to stray off the beaten path by the reps at the playtest event, but of what I did played, it has an Evil Within 2 sort of approach to Raccoon, but since the city is on lockdown, there's convenient military roadblocks in certain places. Nemesis can clear some dynamically by exploding them, you can open one with a crowbar you find in a garage, and you can also use fire escapes to cross through highly zombie populated streets unhindered, though Drain Deimos lurk on higher elevations. It's basically a huge version of Claire's orphanage street segment in 2make -Don't take my word for it since it's likely it just wasn't in my build, but Mercenaries didn't show up anywhere on the main menu, nor did "extra modes", only "Start Project Resistance" which was greyed out as you can choose to install it separately, which we weren't able to -Though she knows by RPD Nemesis is after her, it's actually Nikolai prior to the train car section who details it's called the NEMESIS T-Type and it's directive is to hunt members of STARS and eliminate any surviving members of RPD should it hinder its directive. You get a flashback cutscene where Nikolai and some of the other Monitors for Umbrella are observing an operating room where Spencer is gleeful about the NE parasite adapting to a Tyrant. -There's some revamps of old puzzles, and the two gems to get to the cable car are in new locations, there's also two new puzzles off the top of my head: one in a fairground while Nemesis is pursuing you, there's a key hidden inside one of those ball toss booths that you need to use to start a merry go round to spin it around that has a body with a keycard around the guy's neck. Then there's another in a movie theatre to open a safe and get a key to the parking garage outside of it. I enjoyed them. -He uses tentacles during combat but it seems to be random, but I did see a guy next to me in a similar area be killed by tentacle impalement, so I think your death animation is tied to what Nemesis has out, because one of my deaths he just blew me in half -It's more like an abridged version of events. Jill doesn't detail much, just seeing "monsters straight out of her nightmares", being betrayed by Wesker, and how her, Brad, Chris, Rebecca and Barry were the only ones who make it out. You only see Brad from the front, Chris, Barry and Becca from the back as they put their hands in the air to hail Brad's chopper. Seems like it's just blended Chris and Jill's story into that weird mix they did with RE2make's scenarios. -The blockade with the cops dying happens in the RPD cutscene this time, and instead of zombies killing them, the zombies are killing fleeing civvies while the cops protect RPD because they're awaiting evac. Nemesis kills the cops instead because they're in the way of Brad who's pussying out behind them. Jill arrives on scene and Brad gets face crushed, then you flee in a cutscene and take Brad's s-edge. -This is something I can give a big answer on. Yes, and they spit acid sometimes too. There's zombies in civvy clothes, zombies in RPD, UBCS uniforms - both of which are basically bulletproof aside from headshots, there's zombies in patient gowns and lab coats and there's a couple guys in army fatigues when you're nearing clock tower as well. There's also two dog models now, not just the one from RE2make which IS one of the two models -They're implied at points but some are gone, like Nemesis in RPD, you don't fight him. Jill tries in the cutscene, gets BTFO and grabs Brad's samurai edge and flees. In the movie theatre you can either go through Nemesis, or detour and escape through a screening room full of zombies. You can also shoot a gas leak in the diner to immediately down him but prevent you ever going back into the diner again, which has some good s*** in the back, or you can fight him with AI Carlos. -You also don't see Wesker despite Jill mentioning him, which made me think at the time maybe Capcom doesn't have plans to bring him back since now would've been a great time to test the waters with his new look He could be hiding in the REmake Epilogue Files (if there are any) -I can offer some dev lore on this question though, a jap who was testing the game asked them about crimson heads and the translator said they tried to see if at the very least the ghost survivors' invincible paleheads would work, but they felt it clashed with having Nemesis be indestructible himself so they never made it beyond proposal -They can still tank shots but with the inclusion of yellow herbs and the fact Jill gets a pretty sizeable arsenal early on, they're more environmental hazards than mobs to take out. Nemesis and Deimos occupied the bulk of my ammo count. Zombies I just started using fire escapes to avoid or kiting them around the abandoned vehicles, they're vicious in interiors though, they double lunge like in RE2 hardcore but I'm pretty sure the build was on standard, so while not as spongy, I think the game overall is just plain harder. -That infection mirror scene happens because she flashbacks to the mansion incident and laments that she's felt like she's just existing ever since, feeling like a part of her died in the mansion because she can't go back to a normal life anymore. She says a remix of the "farewell to my life, farewell to my home..." line because of it -The dodge is just on R1, there's no prompt on screen or any RE6 s***, if a zombie is just about to grab you, tilt the left stick while you hold R1 and Jill will dodge, but she can only do a dodge once every five seconds, to prevent OG RE3 levels of spam. You also can't dodge Deimos head grabs and Nemesis head grabs, you have to wriggle your stick (again, no prompt, they just expect common sense or a defense item) to get free. -She's very tough from the onset and tries to pull Dario through his grief over this Nicole lady's death. She also calls Brad out for the mansion and calls Carlos a "f****** corporate lapdog" for defending Umbrella, she's pretty great. The only time she displays fear is when Nemesis is around, but there's a bit of smugness when the gas station explodes because she thinks there's no way he survived it. She also doesn't let Nikolai talk down to her. With zombies she makes sounds of exertion but no HOLY s***!!!!!! or GET AWAY!!!!!! like Claire did, just pants and grunts from dodging and combat. -He does and it's a bigger explosion this time and he's the one responsible for destroying Nemesis' limiter coat after the gas station explosion broke his antibody pump (I think that's what Nikolai explained it was for, something about stabilising the NE parasite from taking over the tyrant part of the brain). He also has a flashback scene of the UBCS being BTFO by Deimos and zombies. -There are flash grenades, frag grenades and a taser which is very useful on Deimos because it puts them on their back where their bug flesh is soft and easy to damage. I saw a yellow grenade at one point but I couldn't get to it. Cytuj
Berion 207 Opublikowano 4 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 4 stycznia 2020 W dniu 24.12.2019 o 10:50, ListuniO napisał: Skupiacie się na twarzy Jill gdy przez większość gry patrzycie na jej tyłek. Ponieważ akurat o profesjonalne wykonanie tego elementu można być spokojnym. Cytuj
Josh 5 633 Opublikowano 6 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 6 stycznia 2020 W dniu 3.01.2020 o 22:55, Bartolinsky napisał: Sporo info od ziomka z forum biohaze, który podobno ma te wieści od testera. Dużo tego i szczegółowo, także wydaje się legitne. Ukryj zawartość - Leakerbro from the previous thread here. I'm all for shitposting but Drain Deimos aren't cut and neither are hunters or the worms. Haven't seen spiders though - She barely talks during gameplay. When Nemesis chases her she pants a lot and yells but there's no expletives. She drops an F bomb in the diner when Carlos defends Umbrella and she recants the Mansion incident, but it sounds like they listened to the Claire critique. - Ivies aren't in and you see ONE Licker in RPD and it disappears when you come back down the stairs, you expect to confront in and BAM, Nemmy has found you. No lickers thereafter and I got to play until the clock tower fakeout - No, but killing him prevents him pursuing you in that particular area. He's very tanky, you get a magnum in RPD and it has more kick than Leon's did in RE2 and yet it took 8 headshots to down the prick. You can dodge. We couldn't select a difficulty but two bites put me into caution, felt like Standard, there were other guys testing the other modes but I just got given a standard build that ends at Clock Tower, likely because at the time they hadn't done Carlos' parts yet. - I answered this two threads back but his death is similar to the OG but the reasons he's there are different. The radio guy from RE2 tells people there's evac at RPD, Jill races there after a survivor named Nicole dies and nu-Dario Rosso locks her out in a rage, she has nowhere else to go so she heads to RPD. You follow Brad's footsteps for a bit as citizens flee a last stand scenario outside of RPD. When you arrive, Nemesis kills the half dozen RPD cops left, Brad backs up and draws his S. Edge to shoot at Nemesis, and gets his head crushed in Nemesis' palm. Jill shoots until her Glock is empty and then grabs Brad's SEdge in a cutscene, running into RPD in FPV. You then resume control inside and she laments that his STARS card is outside, then remembers that Chris likely left his behind in his office, so that's your next objective. -They explain that Irons confiscated hers, Barry's and Rebecca's belongings in this version, which is why her Samurai Edge got replaced and why they make a big deal out of her grabbing Brad's in a panic. Chris had skipped town before Irons came down hard on them. They remix how you acquire Barry's magnum as a result, with Jill obtaining her lockpick from inside the photo frame of her dog and using it to break into Barry's desk -I answered this too. Never saw them because the build ended at clock tower, but I met Drain Deimos who look more like black lickers mixed with the Reapers from RE5, so the reptile monster in the trailer isn't a deimos, has to be a hunter, so look forward to that. -There's points in the cutscenes where she looks genuinely frightened when nemesis is on the prowl, and she gives a vicious and angry performance when Carlos is ignorant to Umbrella's involvement. There's also a scene where she's in REmake attire and flashing back to the mansion, which is what the scene of her in front of the mirror in the trailer is the start of. I didn't see it in the costumes menu but it's a safe bet it's in since aside from classic, there's two other costume slots. Her voice actress is very, very good though. -I'll elaborate a little. I went to a total of 8 save rooms I'd say? And in three of them, which were what felt like hours apart, there's a munitions case with a workbench beside it. Jill can make a set amount of enhanced ammo of her choice as a one time use kind of thing, but that's it. You can still make ammo with gunpowders, though, it's a 1-1 port of REmake 2's gunpowder system. -The intro isn't very long but it's basically just an autistically detailed justification for why she explodes out of the building in the original. This time it's because she's holed up with some survivors in the apartment since it's harder for the dead to get into, but Nemesis is deployed on the street outside and breaks through the doors. The zombies pour in and kill the civvies while Nemesis pursues you. It's a hybrid of cutscene and gameplay and that scene where she faces the camera in the trailer transitions into OTS with zombies on the street chasing her. -The pads look thinner but it's basically as close to the costume as the RE3 OG costume DLC is, some small tweaks but overall a 1-1 model. The hat looked a bit funky with some clipping on the hair in the cutscene but as it was 4 months ago, I can see that being fixed by now. I wish they would let me come back to play the current build because it always sucks playtesting a good game because you never really get to finish them until the game's out for everyone else. -I wasn't allowed to stray off the beaten path by the reps at the playtest event, but of what I did played, it has an Evil Within 2 sort of approach to Raccoon, but since the city is on lockdown, there's convenient military roadblocks in certain places. Nemesis can clear some dynamically by exploding them, you can open one with a crowbar you find in a garage, and you can also use fire escapes to cross through highly zombie populated streets unhindered, though Drain Deimos lurk on higher elevations. It's basically a huge version of Claire's orphanage street segment in 2make -Don't take my word for it since it's likely it just wasn't in my build, but Mercenaries didn't show up anywhere on the main menu, nor did "extra modes", only "Start Project Resistance" which was greyed out as you can choose to install it separately, which we weren't able to -Though she knows by RPD Nemesis is after her, it's actually Nikolai prior to the train car section who details it's called the NEMESIS T-Type and it's directive is to hunt members of STARS and eliminate any surviving members of RPD should it hinder its directive. You get a flashback cutscene where Nikolai and some of the other Monitors for Umbrella are observing an operating room where Spencer is gleeful about the NE parasite adapting to a Tyrant. -There's some revamps of old puzzles, and the two gems to get to the cable car are in new locations, there's also two new puzzles off the top of my head: one in a fairground while Nemesis is pursuing you, there's a key hidden inside one of those ball toss booths that you need to use to start a merry go round to spin it around that has a body with a keycard around the guy's neck. Then there's another in a movie theatre to open a safe and get a key to the parking garage outside of it. I enjoyed them. -He uses tentacles during combat but it seems to be random, but I did see a guy next to me in a similar area be killed by tentacle impalement, so I think your death animation is tied to what Nemesis has out, because one of my deaths he just blew me in half -It's more like an abridged version of events. Jill doesn't detail much, just seeing "monsters straight out of her nightmares", being betrayed by Wesker, and how her, Brad, Chris, Rebecca and Barry were the only ones who make it out. You only see Brad from the front, Chris, Barry and Becca from the back as they put their hands in the air to hail Brad's chopper. Seems like it's just blended Chris and Jill's story into that weird mix they did with RE2make's scenarios. -The blockade with the cops dying happens in the RPD cutscene this time, and instead of zombies killing them, the zombies are killing fleeing civvies while the cops protect RPD because they're awaiting evac. Nemesis kills the cops instead because they're in the way of Brad who's pussying out behind them. Jill arrives on scene and Brad gets face crushed, then you flee in a cutscene and take Brad's s-edge. -This is something I can give a big answer on. Yes, and they spit acid sometimes too. There's zombies in civvy clothes, zombies in RPD, UBCS uniforms - both of which are basically bulletproof aside from headshots, there's zombies in patient gowns and lab coats and there's a couple guys in army fatigues when you're nearing clock tower as well. There's also two dog models now, not just the one from RE2make which IS one of the two models -They're implied at points but some are gone, like Nemesis in RPD, you don't fight him. Jill tries in the cutscene, gets BTFO and grabs Brad's samurai edge and flees. In the movie theatre you can either go through Nemesis, or detour and escape through a screening room full of zombies. You can also shoot a gas leak in the diner to immediately down him but prevent you ever going back into the diner again, which has some good s*** in the back, or you can fight him with AI Carlos. -You also don't see Wesker despite Jill mentioning him, which made me think at the time maybe Capcom doesn't have plans to bring him back since now would've been a great time to test the waters with his new look He could be hiding in the REmake Epilogue Files (if there are any) -I can offer some dev lore on this question though, a jap who was testing the game asked them about crimson heads and the translator said they tried to see if at the very least the ghost survivors' invincible paleheads would work, but they felt it clashed with having Nemesis be indestructible himself so they never made it beyond proposal -They can still tank shots but with the inclusion of yellow herbs and the fact Jill gets a pretty sizeable arsenal early on, they're more environmental hazards than mobs to take out. Nemesis and Deimos occupied the bulk of my ammo count. Zombies I just started using fire escapes to avoid or kiting them around the abandoned vehicles, they're vicious in interiors though, they double lunge like in RE2 hardcore but I'm pretty sure the build was on standard, so while not as spongy, I think the game overall is just plain harder. -That infection mirror scene happens because she flashbacks to the mansion incident and laments that she's felt like she's just existing ever since, feeling like a part of her died in the mansion because she can't go back to a normal life anymore. She says a remix of the "farewell to my life, farewell to my home..." line because of it -The dodge is just on R1, there's no prompt on screen or any RE6 s***, if a zombie is just about to grab you, tilt the left stick while you hold R1 and Jill will dodge, but she can only do a dodge once every five seconds, to prevent OG RE3 levels of spam. You also can't dodge Deimos head grabs and Nemesis head grabs, you have to wriggle your stick (again, no prompt, they just expect common sense or a defense item) to get free. -She's very tough from the onset and tries to pull Dario through his grief over this Nicole lady's death. She also calls Brad out for the mansion and calls Carlos a "f****** corporate lapdog" for defending Umbrella, she's pretty great. The only time she displays fear is when Nemesis is around, but there's a bit of smugness when the gas station explodes because she thinks there's no way he survived it. She also doesn't let Nikolai talk down to her. With zombies she makes sounds of exertion but no HOLY s***!!!!!! or GET AWAY!!!!!! like Claire did, just pants and grunts from dodging and combat. -He does and it's a bigger explosion this time and he's the one responsible for destroying Nemesis' limiter coat after the gas station explosion broke his antibody pump (I think that's what Nikolai explained it was for, something about stabilising the NE parasite from taking over the tyrant part of the brain). He also has a flashback scene of the UBCS being BTFO by Deimos and zombies. -There are flash grenades, frag grenades and a taser which is very useful on Deimos because it puts them on their back where their bug flesh is soft and easy to damage. I saw a yellow grenade at one point but I couldn't get to it. Obczaiłem kilka akapitów i odpuściłem dalsze czytanie, bo widzę syte spoilery. Tu chyba jest opisane z 90% zawartości gry (o ile oczywiście to prawdziwe informacje) Cytuj
Nemesis 1 297 Opublikowano 6 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 6 stycznia 2020 Też przeczytałem kilka akapitów i niektóre mnie zaintrygowały. Ale to duże spojlery. Cytuj
smoo 2 316 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 (edytowane) Garsc newsow od Offical Playstation Magazine UK: Cytat Nemesis will use an improved version of the AI developed for the Tyrant of Resident Evil 2 Remake. Sound will be very important in a city like Raccoon City, you will have to rely on it to anti(pipi)te dangers lying in wait around the corner. Confirmation that we will visit the streets, the shops, the Stagla petrol station, the Raccoon Press offices, the hospital. Nemesis was created in real life to be able to be scanned via photogrammetry. Mercenaries mode will not return. The mutant worms will be back. Carlos will be playable. There will not be the action choice mechanism as in the original, which could give different sequences of the game afterwards or an advantage over a danger. There will also be no more endings. It will therefore be interesting to know who will fly the helicopter at the end of the game and whether Nicholai will survive or not. Zbudowali prawdziewgo Nemesisa zeby moc go zeskanowac i wrzucic do gry To beda niezapomniane przezycia. Szkoda ze nie bedzie wyborow Edytowane 9 stycznia 2020 przez smoo Cytuj
Josh 5 633 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 Brak merców mnie nie boli, pewnie dadzą inny tryb zamiast tego. Tak samo brak alternatywnego zakończenia, to w oryginale i tak praktycznie nic się nie różniło od standardowego. Natomiast pozbycie się z gry wyborów to straszna ch*jnia, bo jakby nie patrzeć była to jedna z najfajniejszych rzeczy. Nie powiem, żebym się tą grą przestał jarać, ale póki co widzę więcej powodów do narzekań niż do podniety. Żeby jeszcze chociaż w miejsce tych wyrzuconych patentów zaoferowali jakieś inne, to nie miałbym obiekcji, jednak póki co zapowiada się że gra zamiast być lepszym RE3, będzie jej wykastrowaną wersją. Obym się mylił. Cytuj
Masorz 13 265 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 9 stycznia 2020 Po tym, jak wykastrowali scenariusz B i go okroili w RE2 Remake, to już mnie nawet nie dziwi informacja o braku wyborów w trójce. Oby tylko zachowali klimat i dali oryginalny soundtrack za darmo, lub najwyżej za te 5 zetta. CZEKAM. Cytuj
LiŚciu 1 247 Opublikowano 10 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 10 stycznia 2020 20 godzin temu, Josh napisał: Brak merców mnie nie boli, pewnie dadzą inny tryb zamiast tego. Tak samo brak alternatywnego zakończenia, to w oryginale i tak praktycznie nic się nie różniło od standardowego. Natomiast pozbycie się z gry wyborów to straszna ch*jnia, bo jakby nie patrzeć była to jedna z najfajniejszych rzeczy. Nie powiem, żebym się tą grą przestał jarać, ale póki co widzę więcej powodów do narzekań niż do podniety. Żeby jeszcze chociaż w miejsce tych wyrzuconych patentów zaoferowali jakieś inne, to nie miałbym obiekcji, jednak póki co zapowiada się że gra zamiast być lepszym RE3, będzie jej wykastrowaną wersją. Obym się mylił. Za merców ma być RE Resistance. Te wybory mnie w 3 niespecjalnie kręciły w sensie to że ich nie będzie raczej mnie grzeje. Bardziej się obawiam że gra bezie krótsza i że faktycznie wpierniczą więcej strzelania i akcji (ktoś wcześniej pisał że takie ma być nastawienie). RE4 troche zniszczył serie (sama gra super ale słaby RE) i mam obawyy że teraz też bardziej w tą stronę pójdą. I kurde cały czas mam obawy co do jakości skoro wychodzi rok po RE2R. Niby mówią że produkcja szła prawie równolegle ale coś mi się w to nie chce wierzyć bo niby mieli skasować gdyby 2 się nie sprzedała? Obym też się mylił. Cytuj
Gość Nyu Opublikowano 10 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 10 stycznia 2020 Tak, dopiero co zrehabilitowali serię i już mieliby wrócić do jej gorszych czasów? Cytuj
Sven Froost 504 Opublikowano 11 stycznia 2020 Opublikowano 11 stycznia 2020 Co do wyborow, jest szansa ze beda w trakcie gry a nie jak w oryginale w sensie uciekamy czy walczymy tylko jak sami zagramy czy to oznacza pelne skrypty? Cytuj
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