falcon87pl 123 Opublikowano 28 listopada 2022 Opublikowano 28 listopada 2022 W dniu 25.11.2022 o 17:18, MaZZeo napisał: Moim zdaniem gra się o niebo lepiej niż rok temu. Sezon 3 wrzucił świetna mapę. Wygląd map, ilość broni etc jest już na odpowiednim poziomie. Nie jest to klasa BF1 nadal, ale każdy zainteresowany powinien sprawdzić samemu w są play. Sprawdzilem ostatnio i na chwile obecna mozna smialo w tego BFa pograc. Co prawda wolalbym mniejsze mapy i jakas Dominację (Amiens z BF1 ), ale spoko sie gra np. w Przełamanie. Akcja jest skupiona na dwoch punktach, mozna sie szybko odradzać na zespole albo na punktach, wiec nie ma bezsensownego biegania po tych ogromnych mapach, co mnie najbardziej odrzuca. Udalo sie nawet w zeszlym tyg pograc w 3 osoby na sluchawkach i zabawa byla przednia. Cytuj
krzysiek923 1 872 Opublikowano 30 listopada 2022 Opublikowano 30 listopada 2022 (edytowane) Nie wiem, czym była ta gra przedtem, ale obecnie jest całkiem OK, gra się przyjemnie, a że jest to mój pierwszy kontakt, nie mam w głowie żadnych "traum" związanych z poprzednim stanem gry. Jest w pytę. Edytowane 30 listopada 2022 przez krzysiek923 1 Cytuj
krzysiek923 1 872 Opublikowano 30 listopada 2022 Opublikowano 30 listopada 2022 Nie no, psy szczekają, a dla mnie sztosik. Pierwsze wrażenie było dziwne, gra wydawała się trochę kartonowa, ale szybko się przyzwyczaiłem i wydaje mi się nawet, że movement trochę przypomina Bad Company 2. Czy to dobrze, czy źle... Dla mnie OK, chociaż mamy jednak 2022 rok i niektórych może razić. Jednak wydaje się, że lekkie uproszczenia animacji były konieczne przy takiej skali całości. Na PC skala map mi się podoba, ale grając w to na padzie raczej bym się męczył wciskaniem gałki do przodu. Wciąga, z miejsca rozegrałem kilka meczów podboju. Wstępnie BF2042 Sezon 3 > BFV. Cytuj
Ryuk 1 507 Opublikowano 3 grudnia 2022 Opublikowano 3 grudnia 2022 Pogralem sobie troche bo na steam jest darmowy weekend, zdecydowanie lepiej niz beta. Fajna odskoncznia jak valorant denerwuje, ale BF to to nie jest bardziej jak CoD z czasow ps3 niz BF. Netcode tez troche kuleje chyba albo TK jest taki duzy. Ogolnie nie kupil bym tego za pelnca cene ale chyba wykupie game pass zeby raz na jakis czas odpalic. Ale gdybym na to wydal 350 zl na premiere to ladny bym mial bol dupy P.S Komu trzeba obciagnac w EA zeby Arica Harbour? Cytuj
krzysiek923 1 872 Opublikowano 6 grudnia 2022 Opublikowano 6 grudnia 2022 Jutro aktualizacja. Spoiler Map Rework: Manifest New Vault Weapons: M416, M240B, M93R Gameplay Responsiveness Improvements around Weapon Reload Animation and Audio Changelog Gameplay Improvements You are now able to dynamically change the zoom radius of the minimap via keybind Improved hit registration against soldiers on moving platforms or vehicles Resolved an issue where a vault animation could play on top of a reload animation Further improvements to improve responsiveness around weapon deploy and undeploy animations, aiming down sight, sprint traversal and reduced the time around enter soldier movement speeds these changes will be particularly felt on animation Improved responsiveness on transition into movement from standing still Fixed an issue where it was possible to skip the traversal sprint recovery time Fixed animation not playing properly when entering vehicles though entrance that is high above the ground Resolved an issue where the Character is stuck in downed state after dying during a takedown and then getting revived Fix a rare issue that could make the player stuck in a limbo state after dying during a takedown Making hit reactions more pronounced to improve the shooting experience Fixed an issue where Sundance may have a more bouncy landing via their Wingsuit than anticipated Fixed a bug where landing with the wingsuit on a fence shortly after activating could cause lethal fall damage Fixed an issue with Blood Splatter not appearing correctly when shooting enemy soldiers Fixed an issue causing blood spatter effects to appear in unintended places Added blood mist elements to the regular body and head shot impacts on soldiers to better convey that you hit an enemy Fixed a bug where you could attach to a rope through thin walls Fix for left hand animations breaking after entering a vehicle from traversal sprint Fixed a bug when traversal sprinting into water could make the swimming animation break Fixed an issue where you could sometimes see floating weapon parts after throwing a smart grenade Maps Renewal Adjusted the Capture Zone for Sector A and B to encourage a smoother flow of gameplay as an Attacker. Kaleidoscope Removed C1 and G1 Capture Points on Conquest Large, and merged the subsequent capture area into nearby Capture Points. The win rate was balanced towards one side unfairly with Kaleidoscope, and these changes should hopefully improve and encourage a more natural flow of play throughout Stranded Tweaked ticket count for Conquest to encourage a slightly longer duration of match time Adjusted the combat area and out of bounds limits on Breakthrough, for the last sector Defender HQ has been moved closer to the flag on Breakthrough, for the last sector Adjusted the HQ area and out of bounds limits for the first sector on Rush The MCOM for the first sector has been relocated out of the hanger on Rush Made improvements to other MCOM positions to improve attacking flow for Rush Fixed an instance of flickering terrain when in low flying aircraft around D1 Fixed the ability to hide in in-world stationary Tanks near the C1 Objective Fixed level of detail issue on destroyed showroom screens We’ve placed extra lubrication on the crane rails for the Shipping Container grabber inside the ship, this means it shall no longer be jittery in motion and should be much smoother! Manifest Fixed a rare issue that allowed grenades to fall through the ground Resolved a visual issue where flying close to the incoming storm on Manifest would result in a black vignette around the screen A melee attack to a chair in the office suite will no longer destroy the entire desk, we have yet to invent Adamantium as part of your arsenal loadout Fixed audio issue where metal scaffolding throughout the level did not sound correct to its material type Improved lighting draw distance scenarios for the Toll Station at distance Fixed issue in FFA where players got deployed under the map on small layout Fixed issue where enemies could be seen deploying in the same spot Fixed issue where the Spawn Beacon could be placed after crawling under containers Fixed issue where the lighting poles on the map remained lit after being destroyed. Fixed an instance of lighting draw distance inside the Storage Facility Spearhead Further improvements to the initial spawning phase on Rush Fixed some debris issues when the Landed Drone’s propeller was destroyed Fixed an issue where at certain angles during the downed-state, some water sources could disappear Fixed an issue where players were not taking damage from fire around the tire piles Fixed issue where several entrances of the cube buildings were very darkly lit Sealed the roof of the tunnel so rain no longer appears inside it Fixed Printer Boxes issue where the robotic arm was still functional after the printer box got destroyed Fixed issue where Deploy Point UI was missing from the Deploy screen on FFA Fixed issue where a stack of four yellow tank containers were floating inside the E2 flag Fixed issue where killcam transition to deploy screen showed the whole interior of the building when dying inside C2 & E1 buildings Fixed some minor tree clipping issues around vents and containers Fixed issue with movers where Ammo/Health crates would not get destroyed when a Mover passing over them Fixed level of detail issues for base of robot arm after the yellow robots were destroyed Fixed issue with unnatural stretched ground texture placed near the tunnel entrance Fixed issue where it was possible to destroy the ruin state of Nordvik water tank Fixed audio issue where the distant warfare on Spearhead was still present during end of round screen AI Given each AI Soldier a navigation manual that should help them through the road between Sector D and E with more ease on Spearhead With this navigation manual, we have also told them to look out for small objects and not to get confused by them on Spearhead Fixed an issue where AI could get stuck navigating through the Ventilator Zone on C2 and E1 on Spearhead Given driving instructions for AI driving larger vehicles for Rush on Spearhead Fixed issues where AIs were unable to climb ladders on Spearhead’s Capture Point E2 Weapons Toggle Optics should now be listed for the NVK-NXT 2X scope in the Rorsch Mk-4 collection menu Fixed an issue that was causing the PKS-07 to clip through the camera when equipped on the A-91 Fixed an issue that allowed the primary scope on the Rorsch Mk-4 to float slightly above the weapon on PlayStation 4 Fixed an issue where flashlights or lasers would sometimes be visible on secondary weapons and gadgets Fixed an issue where the HUD would sometimes fail to load after switching attachments on weapons Fixed an issue that was causing laser beams to be misplaced at different FOV values Ensured that the sound effects are aligned with the firing of the 12M Auto Subsonic magazine no longer interferes with other magazines ammo capacity on the VCAR Subsonic mesh is visible when swapping from other magazines on the VCAR Fixed an issue that was causing a broken weapon position to be displayed on the M16A3 while prone and using the M26 underbarrel attachment. MP412 Rex now has the intended rate of fire. AKS-74u now has the intended rate of fire. Fixed an issue where the MP9 shooting animation while ADS would break when exiting a vehicle. Added several missing weapon attachments to Portal. VCAR magazines now have the intended color. Fixed orientation of the TV 2x Sight within the icon on the AK24. Minor VFX tweaks to the PF51 Improvements made to the Rorsch Mk-4 trail FX An additional layer of Animation polish has been applied to the M16A3 Updated textures on the Avancys iron sights while viewing them from view We have updated several elements of our weapons to improve the overall 'feel' of them. This includes work across our Reload Animations which should make all weapons, across the entire game, feel a lot more snappier and responsive. Vehicles Call-in audio now plays when calling in the EMKV90-TOR Updated the description of the Active Protection System to convey that it does not block close range projectiles Fixed an issue where VFX was not displaying correctly when Active Protection Systems were firing Fixed an issue where vehicles could have a repeating wet pattern on them Fixed an issue that was preventing deployable gadgets such as the Spawn Beacon from being placed closed to either of the EBLC-RAM or EMKV90-TOR while Active Protection Systems were enabled Fixed an issue where aiming within a tank could become problematic while looking at smoke Parts of aircraft would sometimes animate in the wrong direction, we've turned them around so now they'll be rotating on the correct axis Fixed an issue that would allow drivers in the MAV to be able to ADS while in 1P view Fixed an issue that was causing overheat circle to wrongly display while using the Howitzer cannon on the EBLC-RAM Fixed an issue that was causing vehicles such as the LATV4 and LCAA Hovercraft from receiving too much damage when colliding with various objects around a map Overheat and cooldown states are communicated with red in the crosshair HUD circle For the MD540 Nightbird, we have lowered the ground pull effect and tweaked the force, may it be with you always Fixed an issue when deploying into a vehicle that would cause the camera to briefly go inside the vehicle and look weird Calling in a LCAA Hovercraft on top of a tank will propel the tank high in the sky or under the map. Physics are weird sometimes The LATV4 has had its swole levels reduced and can no longer ram tanks (Thanks for the intel, Carpo!) The "Unassigned" UI is no longer present in 1p view after repeatedly switching the seats on AAV-7A1 AMTRAC Smoke Launcher VFX is now more accurately aligned across game clients Active Protection Systems no longer block damage from C5 or AT Mines Fixed an issue where the spotter seat on the MD540 Nightbird would only update the minimap and not provide the in-world spot Improved behavior while flying the MD540 Nightbird with Helicopter control assists disabled Improvements made to the VFX on fighter jets Animated leading edge flaps on the F-35E Panther and SU-57 FELON Updated and overhauled locking ranges and behavior of all locking weapons when laser designated Tweaks to the vehicle HUD and crosshair, including updating alpha channels and ensuring decorative HUD elements are less visually impacting to players Specialists & Gadgets Fixed an issue where weapon meshes could be seen breaking after throwing Sundance's Smart grenade Fixed an issue where the Throwing knife was visible floating on player when being headshot with throwing knife Fixed FPS drops when ADSing with the XM370A on Stranded and Hourglass on previous generation systems The XM370A now has SFX for when its projectile is traveling in the air Fixed an issue where Ammo was present in empty magazine when reloading the XM370A Fixed a bug with Falck’s Stim Pistol where it could get stuck in self- heal animations Fixed a bug where players were able to resupply from ammo bags while inside a vehicle Fixed an issue where players who were manning the Mounted Vulcan in smokes would have their animations break Added Missing Gadget descriptions for Lis and Zain in Hazard Zone screen Fixed issues where Players were able to spot insertion beacons through the wall Fixed an issue where Irish shield couldn't be deployed in tight corridors Fixed an issue where the camera would shake when using the Raos' Cyber Warfare Suite after switching from main weapon Fixed an issue with Broken Hit animations when hitting Dozer while he's using the Ballistic Shield Fixed a bug Hacked/EMP icon was missing on enemy gadgets Fixed situations where Paik's EMG-X Scanner overlay does not immediately disappear when entering a vehicle Fixed an issue where the Insertion Beacons could be seen through the floor of the building near A2 on Kaleidoscope, Conquest Fixed a bug where the Prox Sensor grenade in-world Icon was not displayed on the grenade Fixed a bug where Angel’s Loadout Crate were not being fully absorbed by the player and would bounce away (Eyes in the sky, people >:)) Fixed a bug where Dozer's shield did not protect user against close range attacks Fixed abusable behaviors where players could progress on missions by damaging and repairing their own gadget Fixed a bug where when you would cancel self-heal with Med-Pen audio keeps playing Fixed a bug where the player was unable to pick up Mounted Vulcan after dying/redeploying Heal needed UI Icons are now visible for non support characters with the health create, without first having to deploy the health create Fixed issues with Grenade throw animations not playing correctly Fixed an issue where after fragmentation the grenades would get stuck into the ceilings Open and character gadgets can now not be placed on top of bushes Fixed a bug where Rocket Launchers would deal no damage on a user mid vault World Log event messages for vehicle repair and Angels' ammo resupply now informs who is doing the action Fixed a bug where after exiting the OV-P Recon Drone, the Enter hint would remain displayed on the screen Fixed an issue where Zain's trait would trigger in vehicles with closed seats Audio Fixed an issue where requesting orders from a dead squad leader would default to MacKay Several Voice Over improvements have been included around ping reviving and canceling pings Airstrike voice over lines have been added Added Audio improvements for the XM370A, including new projectile sounds for the Airburst Fixed an issue where audio keeps playing when you cancel self-heal with Med-Pen Fixed an audio issue when reloading after an empty reload Fixed an issue where sound effects were not triggering when reloading the DM7 while running/walking during the first part of the reload Added hit reaction camera shake and bullet damage sound polish Fixed an issue where no call-in audio is played when calling in the EMKV90-TOR Fixed an issue where distant warfare sound effects were still present during EOR screen Portal Added the S3 map, Spearhead, as an available map under the Custom Conquest Portal mode. Added the S3 Battle Pass Weapon, Rorsch Mk-4, to the InventoryPrimaryWeapons block Added the S3 Battle Pass Vehicle, EMKV90-TOR, to the Vehicles block Added the S3 specialist, Zain, to the PlayerSoldiers block Added Zain's specialist Gadget, XM370A, to the InventoryCharacterSpecialties block Added the S3 Battle Pass Weapon, NVK-P125, to the InventorySecondaryWeapons block Added the S3 Battle Pass Throwable, Throwing Knife, to the InventoryThrowables block Added the S3 Battle Pass Weapon, NVK-S22, to the InventoryPrimaryWeapons block Progression & XP Reviving a teammate that has requested it will now reward you with Request Fulfilled XP Increased the XP from "Match Reward" in Hazard Zone by 50% Increased the XP from successfully destroying an MCOM in Rush from 150 to 300 Solo & Co-Op XP Changes - Enabled all Ribbons, but at 40% XP value. - Doubled "Round Actions" XP cap, but each action gives 50% reduced XP. In Rush, the Scoreboard now shows the correct objective icon for Attackers and Defenders Fixed an issue with displaying the Player Levels correctly at the End of Round Progression screen Fixed an issue where the unlock requirement progress for an already unlocked Player Card item would look like it had been reset Fixed an issue where the wrong unlock requirement would be displayed on attachments Fixed an issue where an item would show up as new even if you had previously unlocked it in a different way Improved scenarios where people look like they are awarded 0 XP at end of the round Cytuj
Plugawy 3 762 Opublikowano 19 grudnia 2022 Opublikowano 19 grudnia 2022 Jest darmowy tydzień. Pograłem dwa dni i wrocilem do bf1. Szkoda czasu. Cytuj
AK-47 214 Opublikowano 28 grudnia 2022 Opublikowano 28 grudnia 2022 Mnie się fajnie gra bardziej dynamiczna niż bf 5, ale niestety mój komputer się nie lubi z tą grą, bo czasami wywala do pulpitu, albo jest bluescreen Wysłane z mojego M2102J20SG przy użyciu Tapatalka Cytuj
krzysiek923 1 872 Opublikowano 30 grudnia 2022 Opublikowano 30 grudnia 2022 (edytowane) do usunięcia Edytowane 30 grudnia 2022 przez krzysiek923 Cytuj
Hubert249 4 341 Opublikowano 27 stycznia 2023 Opublikowano 27 stycznia 2023 Ostatnio grałem w okolicach premiery, odpaliłem dziś znowu i Nie wiem czy ja się do Modern Warfare przyzywczaiłem, czy coś w tej grze ewidentnie hehe nie gra. Nie przypominam sobie w BF4 czy BF1 aż takiego młynu chosu. Wszystko jest wszędzie, huk, dym same czołgi i helikoptery panie. Cytuj
LiŚciu 1 247 Opublikowano 27 stycznia 2023 Opublikowano 27 stycznia 2023 (edytowane) Kupiłem BF na PS5. Po odpaleniu nie loguje się do serwerów tylko wyskakuje okno mówiące o resecie hasła. Nigdy nie powiązałem kont psn z ea i tez nigdy nie musiałem tego robić w poprzednich BF. Jakieś tipy? Edytowane 27 stycznia 2023 przez LiŚciu Cytuj
sprite 1 809 Opublikowano 28 stycznia 2023 Opublikowano 28 stycznia 2023 Może zaloguj się swoim kontem psn i połącz konta? https://signin.ea.com/p/juno/login?execution=e1824325812s1&initref=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.ea.com%3A443%2Fconnect%2Fauth%3Fdisplay%3Dweb2%2Flogin%26response_type%3Dcode%26theme%3Deahelp%26redirect_uri%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ea.com%2Fsso%2Flogin%2F%26locale%3Den_US%26nonce%3Dnonce%26client_id%3Dorigin_CE Cytuj
addhoc 67 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2023 Opublikowano 4 lutego 2023 (edytowane) Mam tego Battlefielda od premiery i tak obserwuje te zmiany to uczucia mocno mieszane. Poza tym super sprawa: koło 23.00 w tygodniu z kimś zagrać na standardowym trybie to sztuka, ostatnio na Przełamaniu i Podboju trafiałem na serwery 6/64 gdzie w końcu nikt nie doszedł i po graniu. Dorzucili trochę broni do głównego koszyka z poprzednich części ale jakiś różnic wielkich nie ma: znaleźć coś dobrego to wyzwanie. pora już na coś naprawdę Nextgen bo sztywno już Edytowane 4 lutego 2023 przez addhoc Cytuj
krzysiek923 1 872 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2023 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2023 Okropna jest ta nowa mapa, kompletny chaos, wszystkiego jest za dużo. Snajperzy na obrzeżach całej mapy. Cytuj
easye 3 451 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2023 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2023 Za kazdym razem jak odpalam nowa mape BFa, to nie mogę sie nadziwić jak ta gra wygląda. 1 Cytuj
UberAdi 2 335 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2023 Opublikowano 28 lutego 2023 1 godzinę temu, krzysiek923 napisał: Okropna jest ta nowa mapa, kompletny chaos, wszystkiego jest za dużo. Snajperzy na obrzeżach całej mapy. Brzmi po prostu jak BF. Na premierę problemem były zbyt duże puste przestrzenie i grało się tragicznie, to już wole chaos i skupienie akcji na mniejszym obszarze. Cytuj
easye 3 451 Opublikowano 1 marca 2023 Opublikowano 1 marca 2023 Same here. Ostatnio zaś bardzo dużo h spędzam w trybach 32 vs 32 - przełamanie, mały podbój, piechota i gra sie wybornie. Cytuj
MYSZa7 9 070 Opublikowano 1 marca 2023 Opublikowano 1 marca 2023 Powrót po kilku miesiącach no i jest Mapy z podstawki są fajnie przeprojektowane (w końcu brak tylu otwartych przestrzeni), nowe także dają radę, no i w końcu jest możliwość korzystania z broni z Portala (BF3 i BC2). Ogólnie gra wygląda tak jak powinna od samego początku. Po wielu sesjach z MW2 boli tylko zerowy odrzut przy strzelaniu, ale to kwestia przyzwyczajenia. Cytuj
Gość Rozi Opublikowano 8 marca 2023 Opublikowano 8 marca 2023 Ależ fajnie się w to gra! Klasyczny battlefieldowy gameplay, czyli brak teamplayu, ludzie nie wiedzą jak używać ról, nikt nie podnosi, miód Haptyka ładnie nadupca na Dualsense (można odczuć z której strony jest wybuch nawet), a gra wygląda super graficznie. Pewnie porzucą wsparcie niedługo, ale w końcu ta gra zaczęła jakoś działać. Cytuj
PanKamil 1 108 Opublikowano 8 marca 2023 Opublikowano 8 marca 2023 Odpaliłem i gra się przyjemnie. Zawsze byłem jednak #teamcod bo wolę mniejsze mapy niż takie wielkie bestie z otwartymi przestrzeniami jak w battlefieldzie ale jeszcze z pewnością popykam. Dzięki bogu koniec z tymi wojnami światowymi. Cytuj
Faka 4 136 Opublikowano 9 marca 2023 Opublikowano 9 marca 2023 Jakieś dobre poradniki, co do ustawień i sterowania pada na xsx/p5, kojarzycie dobrego prosa? 17 godzin temu, Rozi napisał: Klasyczny battlefieldowy gameplay, czyli brak teamplayu, ludzie nie wiedzą jak używać ról, nikt nie podnosi, miód Czyli nie ma grup teamplayowych jak to było w BF1, czy masz na myśli, że debile grają i nie ogarniają idei grania w grupie? Cytuj
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