ShtaS 174 Opublikowano 26 marca 2009 Opublikowano 26 marca 2009 PS3 Store update for 26th March 2009 Game Burn Zombie Burn Packs LittleBigPlanet™ - Buzz! Costume Pain - Smack Pack Pain - El Chile Grande Unreal Tournament 3 - Titan Mutator Bonus Pack Guitar Hero World Tour C-Lebrity' By Queen Fat Bottom Girls' By Queen We Are The Champions' By Queen James Bond Theme Queen Track Pack Rock Band Black Deep Even Flow Garden Jeremy Master/Slave Oceans Once Porch Release Why Go Ten (Album) Videos God of War 3 Announcement Trailer inFamous High Voltage Trailer Wallpapers Crash Commando™ War Wallpaper RA3 Allied Cryocopter Wallpaper RA3 Empire Tsunami Tank Wallpaper RA3 Soviet Apocalypse Tank Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic Hip Wallpaper Theme Red Alert 3 Soviet Theme PSP content available to download via PS3 Store Game Buzz!™: Brain of the UK PSP Store/Media Manager Store Game Buzz!™: Brain of the UK Videos God of War 3 Announcement Trailer inFamous High Voltage Trailer Cytuj
.... 2 Opublikowano 26 marca 2009 Opublikowano 26 marca 2009 robale zaatakowaly kanade 13$ 14.68 z podatkiem ale sie skusze Cytuj
Gość Kyo Opublikowano 2 kwietnia 2009 Opublikowano 2 kwietnia 2009 Polecam sprawdzić USA PSS. Jest kilka nowości w tym Killzone 2 Behind the Bullet Demo Cytuj
lothronik 254 Opublikowano 3 kwietnia 2009 Opublikowano 3 kwietnia 2009 PS Store update - 02.04.2009 PS Store EU DODATKI DO GIER * Red Alert 3 (Isles of Conflict pack; darmowy) * Street Fighter IV (Classic pack; €3.99) * Unreal Tournament 3 (Titan Pack; darmowy) * PAIN (character pack; dwa; €0.99 każdy) * Sonic Unleashed (Chun-nan adventure pack; €3.99) * Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm (Storm pack 9 & 10; darmowe) * Rock Band * Guitar Hero World Tour TRAILERY * Everybody's Golf: World Tour * RUSE * Split Second THEME'Y * Rag Doll Kung Fu * PAIN (dwa) TAPETY * Rag Doll Kung Fu PS Store US QORE * Qore (roczny abonament; $24.99) * Qore (numer #11 - kwiecień 2009; darmowy) KILLZONE 2 * Killzone 2 - Behind the Bullet PEŁNE WERSJE * Comet Crash ($9.99) DODATKI DO GIER * LittleBigPlanet (Patapon Costume Pack; $1.99) * PAIN (Brock Lee Character; $0.99) * Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 (Isles of Conflict Map Pack; darmowy) * Rock Band * Guitar Hero World Tour TRAILERY * Killzone 2 * Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time * Command and Conquer Red Alert 3: Ultimate Edition * Modern Warfare 2 * Wanted: Weapons of Fate TRAILERY FILMOWE & BLU-RAY * Obsessed * Beverly Hills Chihuahua THEME'Y * PAIN * MLB Team (pięć) TAPETY * Rag Doll Kung Fu Cytuj
Welna 1 105 Opublikowano 10 kwietnia 2009 Opublikowano 10 kwietnia 2009 Na japonskim PSS za 1500 jenow jest .............. uwaga uwaga Final Fantasy VII na PSP i PS3 Cytuj
lothronik 254 Opublikowano 10 kwietnia 2009 Opublikowano 10 kwietnia 2009 PS Store update - 09.04.2009 PS Store EU PEŁNE WERSJE * Flock! (€14.99) * Hail to the Chimp (€14,99) * Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic (€9.99) * Worms (€9.99) DEMA * Flock! * The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena DODATKI * LittleBigPlanet (€1.99 oraz €2.99) * Resident Evil 5 (Versus Mode; €4.99) * Rock Band & Guitar Hero World Tour (piosenki) * Quantum of Solace (Camille Map Pack; €4.99) TRAILERY GIER * inFamous * Mirror's Edge * PAIN * Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic TAPETY * Crash Commando * Rag Doll Kung Fu PS Store US PEŁNE WERSJE * Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic ($9.99) * Flock ($14.99) DEMA * Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection * Flock DODATKI * LittleBigPlanet (Rag Doll Kung Fu Costume Pack, $5.99) * Rock Band & Guitar Hero World Tour (piosenki) TRAILERY GIER * Pulse * PAIN * DC Universe * Alpha Protocol * Burn Zombie Burn! * Virtua Tennis 2009 TRAILERY FILMOWE * Kröd Mändoon Extended * Prin(pipi)al's Office - The Dog Ate It… Really * Jim Carrey: Extreme Yes Man * Marley & Me THEME'Y * Resistance: Retribution * PAIN * NCAA National Champions University of North Carolina ($1.99) * MLB Team (pięć) * Cyber Girls * Fractal Ribbons * Tuner Hotties TAPETY * Rag Doll Kung Fu * Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection Cytuj
collins 111 Opublikowano 19 kwietnia 2009 Opublikowano 19 kwietnia 2009 PS Store update - 16.04.2009 PS Store EU PEŁNE WERSJE * Outrun Online Arcade (€9.99) * Pixeljunk Eden Encore (€2.99) DODATKI DO GIER * LittleBigPlanet (strój Monkey King; Cornish Yarg Update) * F.E.A.R. 2 (Toy Soldiers Expansion) * Midnight Club LA (Car Pack 1, €2.99) * Magic Ball (DLC Booster Pack, €2.99) * Smackdown vs Raw 2009: (Doink The Clown, Bushwhackers, Earthquake, Vader; wkrótce) * Valkyria Chronicles (Hard EX Mode, €3.99; Edy’s Mission, €3.99; Selvaria’s Mission, €3.99) * Guitar Hero World Tour & Rock Band (piosenki) THEME'Y * PixelJunk Eden Encore TAPETY * PixelJunk Eden Encore Wallpapers * Crash Commando Cytuj
.... 2 Opublikowano 23 kwietnia 2009 Opublikowano 23 kwietnia 2009 Playable Content Future Cop LAPD PS1 game (£3.99) Championship Bass PS1 game (£3.99) Penny Arcade: Episode 2 (£7.99) Red Faction Guerrilla demo (free) UFC 2009 Undisputed demo (free) Add-on Content The Godfather II The Corleone Bundle (£6.29) The Godfather II Jack of All Trades pack (£3.19) The Godfather II Level 4 Firearms pack (£3.19) The Godfather II Pentangeli map pack (£4.79) LittleBigPlanet Creator Pack 1 (free) LittleBigPlanet Heavenly Sword level kit (£2.39) Mahjong Tales Booster Pack (£3.19) Midnight Club LA South Central vehicle pack (£2.39) Saints Row 2 Ultor Exposed pack (£6.29) WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 roster update 2 (£3.19) WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 roster update 3 (free) Tom Clancy's HAWX European Assault pack (£3.99) Guitar Hero World Tour DLC (continued) Rock Band DLC (continued) Guitar Hero World Tour DLC Motorhead track pack (£4.39) "Iron Fist" by Motorhead (£1.59) "Jail Bait" by Motorhead (£1.59) "Love Me Like A Reptile" by Motorhead (£1.59) Rock Band DLC REO Speedwagon/Styx Tour '09 pack (£4.99) "Blue Collar Man (Long Nights)" -- Styx (£0.99) "Renegade" -- Styx (£0.99) "Too Much Time on My Hands" -- Styx (£0.99) "Ridin' the Storm Out" -- REO Speedwagon (£0.99) "Roll With the Changes" -- REO Speedwagon (£0.99) "Take It On The Run'" -- REO Speedwagon (£0.99) "Can't Stop Rockin'" -- Styx/REO Speedwagon (£0.99) Hautewerk Pack 01 (£2.49) "Stop Start Again" -- Hautewerk (£0.99) "Alone in My Head" -- Hautewerk (£0.99) "I Know Where You Came From" -- Hautewerk (£0.99) Videos Battlefield 1943 Announcement trailer inFamous Beauty of Power trailer Bayonetta story trailer PixelJunk Eden Encore trailer Themes and Wallpapers PixelJunk Eden Encore Pink theme (free) PixelJunk Eden Encore Pink wallpaper PSP Content Need For Speed ProStreet full game (£17.99) Chessmaster: The Art Of Learning full game (£15.99) Exit full game (£11.99) Future Cop LAPD PS1 game (£3.99) Championship Bass PS1 game (£3.99) czy dzisiaj nie mialo byc tych dwoch mapek do killzonea? Cytuj
drk2 7 Opublikowano 23 kwietnia 2009 Opublikowano 23 kwietnia 2009 Nie wiem jak na jap. ale na Hong-Kongu jest demko Crystal Defenders od square-enix, prosta gireka w stylu PixelJunk:Monsters z elementami rpg i potworkami z Finali i Dragon Questow. Zai.ebioza Cytuj
ErgoProxy 0 Opublikowano 1 maja 2009 Opublikowano 1 maja 2009 Demo X-Men Origins: Wolverine Na Europejskim Cytuj
Shakeawake 5 Opublikowano 6 maja 2009 Opublikowano 6 maja 2009 Qore Episode 12 – Featuring Batman: Arkham Asylum, DiRT 2, Ghostbusters and Euphoria Trailer - Cytuj
collins 111 Opublikowano 7 maja 2009 Opublikowano 7 maja 2009 PS Store update - 07.05.2009 PS Store EU DEMA: - Savage Moon DODATKI: - Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X: US Eagles Pack (£3.99) - LittleBigPlanet: Norse Mythology Pack (£2.39) - Wheelman: * Expansion Pack: Premium Pack (£3.99) * Expansion Pack: Free Street Showdown (darmowy) - Trivial Pursuit: Expansion Pack (darmowy) - Guitar Hero World Tour: Ferret/Metal Blade Track Pack (£4.39) - Rock Band: * “Do You Want To” - Franz Ferdinand * “Take Me Out” - Franz Ferdinand * “The Banishment” - Prong * “Idealistic Types” - Prong * “Naked Eye” - Luscious Jackson * “Drain the Blood” - The Distillers * “Midnight Rider” - The Allman Brothers Band * “Blue Sky” - The Allman Brothers Band * “Smooth Criminal” - Alien Ant Farm NOWE GRY (PSP): - LocoRoco - £14.99 - Key of Heaven - £14.99 - Socom - £14.99 - World Tour Soccer £14.99 DEMA (PSP): - Imagine Champion Rider TRAILERY: - Killzone 2 - Burnout Paradise - Ratchet And Clank - Tekken 6 Cytuj
LukaszM 26 Opublikowano 8 maja 2009 Opublikowano 8 maja 2009 Na PS Store US pojawiły się następujące klasyki z PSX: - Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage - R-Type Delta - Bowling Cytuj
biszkopt78 1 Opublikowano 15 maja 2009 Opublikowano 15 maja 2009 (edytowane) Na amerykańskim PS Store jest do RAG DOLL KUNG FU do pobrania za FREE promocja trwa do 21.05.09 Edytowane 15 maja 2009 przez biszkopt78 Cytuj
collins 111 Opublikowano 22 maja 2009 Opublikowano 22 maja 2009 PS Store update – 21.05.2009 PS Store EU GRY z PSOne * Creatures 3: Raised in Space GRY (PSP) * Fading Shadows DEMA * inFamous * Marvel vs. Capcom 2 * Red Faction: Guerilla Multiplayer Demo * Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 * Killzone 2 Behind The Bullet DODATKI * LittleBigPlanet: Monsters Kit * LittleBigPlanet: Monsters Kostüme * F.E.A.R. 2: Elite Powered Armour Maps * MotorStorm: Pacific Rift: 2nd livery Pack * Sonic Unleashed: Apotos & Shamall adventure pack * H.A.W.X - Russians Falcons Pack * PAIN Charakter - The Red Baron * Guitar Hero - “Disconnected” - In Flames - “Oh Yeah!” - Housse de Racket - “Look Good In Leather” - Cody ChesnuTT * Rock Band - Alice Cooper - Billion Dollar Babies (Live) - Alice Cooper - I’m Eighteen (Live) - Alice Cooper - Poison - Alice Cooper - School’s Out (Live) - Alice Cooper - Under My Wheels (Live) - Alice Cooper - Vengeance Is Mine - The Replacements - Kids Don’t Follow - Taking Back Sunday - Liar - Taking Back Sunday - Makedamnsure - Taking Back Sunday - What’s It Feel Like To Be A Ghost? TRAILERY * Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time trailer * inFamous trailer * Uncharted 2 - Multiplayer Trailer * Fat Princess - Drop of a Hat Trailer * Resistance 2 - Behind the Scenes: The Dream Team * Resistance 2 - Behind the Scenes: Mode Makers * Resistance 2 - Behind the Scenes: From Vision to Reality PS Store US GRY z PSOne Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six ($5.99) Ford Racing ($5.99) DEMA * inFAMOUS Demo * Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 Demo *Disney/Pixar UP Demo DODATKI * LittleBigPlanet - LittleBigPlanet Monsters Kit ($3.99) - LittleBigPlanet Monsters Costumes ($2.99) - LittleBigPlanet Bride of Sackula Costume ($0.99) - LittleBigPlanet Werewolf Costume ($0.99) - LittleBigPlanet Zombie Costume ($0.99) - LittleBigPlanet Sackula Costume ($0.99) * MotorStorm Pacific Rift Patriot Signature Livery Pack (free) * PAIN: Ded Baron Character ($0.99) * F.E.A.R. 2 Armored Front Map Pack ($6.99) * Guitar Hero World Tour “Disconnected” by In Flames ($1.99) “Look Good In Leather” by Cody ChesnuTT ($1.99) “Oh Yeah!” by Housse de Racket ($1.99) European Track Pack 05 ($5.49) - Downloadable Track Pack for Guitar Hero World Tour featuring “Disconnected” by In Flames, “Look Good In Leather” by Cody ChesnuTT and “Oh Yeah!” by Housse de Racket * Rock Band “Billion Dollar Babies (Live)”— Alice Cooper ($1.99) “I’m Eighteen (Live)”— Alice Cooper ($1.99) “Poison”— Alice Cooper ($1.99) “School’s Out (Live)”— Alice Cooper ($1.99) “Under My Wheels (Live)”— Alice Cooper ($1.99) “Vengeance Is Mine”— Alice Cooper ($1.99) “Ring of Fire”— Social Distortion ($1.99) “Story of My Life”— Social Distortion ($1.99) Alice Cooper Pack 01 ($9.99) - includes: “Vengeance Is Mine,” “Under My Wheels (Live),” “School’s Out (Live),” “Poison,” “I’m Eighteen (Live)”, “Billion Dollar Babies (Live)” by Alice Cooper. “Liar (It Takes One to Know One)”— Taking Back Sunday ($1.99) “MakeDamnSure”— Taking Back Sunday ($1.99) “What’s It Feel Like to Be a Ghost?”— Taking Back Sunday ($1.99) Taking Back Sunday Pack 01 ($5.49) - includes: “What’s It Feel Like to Be a Ghost?,” “MakeDamnSure”, “Liar (It Takes One to Know One)” by Taking Back Sunday. * Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X - Russian Falcons Pack ($4.99) TRAILERY * Pulse 5/21 Edition * MotorStorm Pacific Rift Signature Livery Trailer * Fat Princess Developer Diary #1 * inFAMOUS: Technology Trailer * inFAMOUS: Empire City Trailer * Red Faction: Guerrilla - Art of Destruction 1 Trailer * Red Faction: Guerrilla - Art of Destruction 2 Trailer * Red Faction: Guerrilla - Tools of Destruction 1 Trailer * Red Faction: Guerrilla - Tools of Destruction 2 Trailer * Terminator Salvation - Trailer * Virtual Tennis 2009 Court 1 Trailer * Virtual Tennis 2009 Court 2 Trailer ZWIASTUNY FILMÓW * Passengers Trailer * Underworld: Rise of the Lycans Trailer * Paul Blart: Mall Cop Trailer * The Sky Crawlers Trailer TEMATY * PAIN: Ded Baron Theme (free) * F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin MP Theme ($0.99) * Gangsters Theme 2 ($1.49) * Tigers ($1.49) * Hockey Hotties ($1.49) * Argyle Girls ($1.49) TAPETY * Sky Crawlers Wallpaper Cytuj
LukaszM 26 Opublikowano 29 maja 2009 Opublikowano 29 maja 2009 Na amerykańskim PS store pojawił się Resident Evil Director's Cut za 9,99$ Cytuj
Texz 670 Opublikowano 30 maja 2009 Opublikowano 30 maja 2009 Podczas wystaw E3 PS Store będzie na bieżąco zasilane nowymi materiałami: Cytuj
Katana 0 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2009 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2009 (edytowane) Na PlaystationStore US pojawił się ważny klasyk z PSXa za jedyne 9.99$ Final Fantasy VII Edytowane 3 czerwca 2009 przez Katana Cytuj
Seto 0 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2009 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2009 W PSS HK (HongKong) znajdziecie demo Fight Night Round 4. Cytuj
collins 111 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2009 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2009 PS Store update - 03.06.2009 PS Store EU TRAILERY PS3 * Army of Two The 40th Day * Batman: Arkham Asylum * Battlefield 1943 * Battlefield: Bad Company 2 * Brutal Legend * Buzz! Quiz World * Dante’s Inferno * Dragon Age * Eyepet * Front Mission: Evolved * Fat Princess * Gravity Crash * Heavy Rain * Hustle Kings * LittleBigPlanet PSP * Nier * Numblast * PixelJunk Shooter * Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time * Replay * SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 * Vidzone TRAILERY PSP * Gran Turismo (PSP) * PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe (PSP) * MotorStorm Artic Edge (PSP) PS Store US GRY PS One * Final Fantasy 7 ($9.99) * Medal of Honor ($5.99) TRAILERY PS3 * EyePet * Fat Princess * Final Fantasy VII * Gravity Crash * Heavy Rain * Hustle Kings * inFamous * Invizimals PSP * PixelJunk Shooter * Playstation Network * Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time * Uncharted 2 * WipEout HD Fury TRAILERY PSP * Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP) * echochrono (PSP) * Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier (PSP) * MotorStorm Artic Edge (PSP) * SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 (PSP) PS Store JP TRAILERY PS3 * Final Fantasy XIV Cytuj
sizacz 12 Opublikowano 4 czerwca 2009 Opublikowano 4 czerwca 2009 Final Fantasy 7 na polskim PS store. Tylko 36 zl !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cytuj
Gromi 10 Opublikowano 4 czerwca 2009 Opublikowano 4 czerwca 2009 Oprócz Fajnala jest też demko Fight Nighta. Cytuj
_mike 319 Opublikowano 5 czerwca 2009 Opublikowano 5 czerwca 2009 Na Amerykańskim PSS jest demo Overlord'a 2 - miało być dopiero za tydzień... Mam nadzieje, że dorzucą szybko masę dem z e3 Cytuj
LukaszM 26 Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2009 Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2009 Na polskim PS Store pojawiły się następujące gry: -Puzzle Quest: Galactrix - 69zł -Wolfenstein 3D -18zł -Gunstar Heroes -18zł Dodatek do Burnouta - Big Surf Island - 47zł Nowe mapy do Call od duty 5 oraz do Killzone 2 Cytuj
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