POSNANIAK 50 Opublikowano 24 lutego 2008 Opublikowano 24 lutego 2008 Za co dostaje się Clanka na plecach? Widziałem parę osób z takim bajerem Posnaniak musi dac Ci blogoslawienstwo,dostajesz wtedy stroj Clanka i uniform roboczy Posnaniaka;) Pozdro Pytam grzecznie a ty odpisujesz buraczanie jak................ Buraczanie jak..... bo jestem chlop z mazur.... Dobra a tak na serio: get the indicated number of Skill Points to unlock the corresponding reward: Concept Art Pack 1: 10 points Concept Art Pack 2: 20 points The Mighty Wrench (allies get a wrench): 40 points Flip levels: 70 points Clank backpacks: 100 points MP mechanic skin: 126 points Faranell buraku ;d clanka bierzesz z myresistance.net tam są kody na ten kostium. za wszystkie skikllpointy to jest jak to powiedziałeś mój uniform roboczy czyli skull & black ops Cytuj
Neo3016 8 Opublikowano 11 marca 2008 Opublikowano 11 marca 2008 [POL]....przyjeliscie w koncu kogos? Cytuj
POSNANIAK 50 Opublikowano 15 marca 2008 Opublikowano 15 marca 2008 [POL]....przyjeliscie w koncu kogos? Niestety nikt z tych co się zgłosili nikt nie miał odpowiednich umiejętności, więc zostajemy przy starym składzie. Cytuj
Nekrokatolik 0 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2008 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2008 jestem nobem i cziterem wiec jakby ktos chcial ze mna pokapusniaczyc to moje PSNid: Nekrokatolik tylko mi dupy od razu nie skopcie Cytuj
triboy 1 079 Opublikowano 15 września 2008 Opublikowano 15 września 2008 Witam, jeżeli chce ktoś postrzelać w Resa, zapraszam do gry. Pojawiam się wieczorami i nie jestem żadnym killerem:) Cytuj
Janush 224 Opublikowano 18 września 2008 Opublikowano 18 września 2008 (edytowane) Sory że się tutaj pytam ale nie mogłem znaleźć tematu o resistance w trybie single player . Więc chciałem się zapytać czy ktoś mógłby mi dać linka do jakiegoś filmu albo zdjęć z wyzwaniami za które dostajemy punkty ( a za punkty możemy odblokowywać nowe concept arty i takie inne ). Edytowane 18 września 2008 przez terror Cytuj
POSNANIAK 50 Opublikowano 18 września 2008 Opublikowano 18 września 2008 (edytowane) Sory że się tutaj pytam ale nie mogłem znaleźć tematu o resistance w trybie single player . Więc chciałem się zapytać czy ktoś mógłby mi dać linka do jakiegoś filmu albo zdjęć z wyzwaniami za które dostajemy punkty ( a za punkty możemy odblokowywać nowe concept arty i takie inne ). jeśli szkoda Tobie czasu na wielokrotne przechodzenie kampanii to poprostu sciągnij sejwa. (Skills) -General- Name: Reading is fun Requirement: Collect 10 intel reports. Point Value: 2 Tip for completion: NA Name: Chicks Dig Eyestrain Requirement: Collect 20 intel reports. Point Value: 3 Tip for completion: NA Name: Too many secrets Requirement: Collect all intel reports. Point Value: 7 Tip for Completion: NA Name: In for a penny Requirement: Kill 3 Hybrids at once with a Fragmentation Grenade. Point Value: 1 Tip for Completion: Find a group of Hybrid and nade them, simple as that. Name: Fetch Requirement: Kill a Howler using only a fragmentation grenade. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: Wait till after the Howler has just finished an attack animation and it will pause temporarily. This is the time for you to use your nade. Use this timing to keep it from running out of the blast radius or killing you before it goes off. Name: Accupunture is cheaper Requirement: Kill 3 enemies at once with the Hedgehog Grenade. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: Refer to tip for "In for a Penny". Name: Why are these candles screaming Requirement: Kill 8 Hybrids in 30 seconds with fire. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Find a large group of Hybrid and introduce them to your Dragon or an Air-Fuel Grenade. Name: Lovely parting gifts Requirement: Squat over 15 Hybrid corpses. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: Ah, nothing like a task that requires you to corpse hump your enemies. Thanks, Halo online. Anyway, just remeber to mash L2 while standing over the body of a dead Hybrid. This task is pretty simple as most levels contain way more than 15 Hybrid. Name: Tag, you're it Requirements: Kill 5 enemies using the Bullseye in 30 seconds. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: Use a level that contains lots of Menials such as the "Into the Depths" level group them up and shred them with your Bullseye. Name: Gasping for air Requirement: Kill 2 Hybrid only after severing all 4 of their coolant hoses. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Stay at a distance and use the Fareye to snipe the hoses before finishing them off. This will keep them from charging you and making hose cutting a huge pain in the rear. Name: Nowhere to hide Requirement: Kill 5 enemies in a level by shooting them through a wall with the Auger. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Just blast enemies through their cover. Name: Twirly whirly Requirement: Kill 5 Menials with a Bullseye trap. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Use the "Into the Depths" level for this one because the beginning of the level is full of Menials. This one was a tricky one because it took me a bit to figure out what they meant by "Bullseye Trap". To pull off this move fire your tag dart but after you fire it keep the L1 button held down. Next fire the weapon until the rounds stop collecting around the tag. At this point there shout be a swirling ring of bullets floating above your tag. You can release L1 at this point. The trap will go off after a few seconds, so make sure to stay near it to keep the Menials from leaving its blast range. Name: Turrets Requirement: Use the sentry gun to kill 6 enemies in a level. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Use the level "Spires" because it contains easy to reach turrets and lots of enemies for you to shoot with them. Name: Mechanical thumbs Requirement: Beat the game on Hard difficulty. Point Value: 5 Tip for Completion: NA -York- Name: Supersonic meat cubes Requirement: Kill 3 Leapers at once with a Fragmentation Grenade. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: In the second level use a grenade on the second set of Leapers after they crawl down from the wall. Name: Homing beacons Requirement: Tag 4 Hybrids with the Bullseye in a level. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: NA Name: Chimera Pate Requirement: Run over 10 Hybrid with the tank. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: NA -Grimsby- Name: Don't worry insurance has it covered Requirement: Break at least 5 Chimeran boxes in the Conversion Center. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: This can be completed within the first portion of the first level in the Grimsby string. The boxes you need to break are small and black. They look like little computer towers. Shoot them until they split in two. Name: 20th sentry Requirement: Don't get shot by a Lancer Mine in the Conversion Center. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Try to blast the mines before they have a chance to fire. In some cases several spring up at once. If you can't get them all before they are ready to fire find cover. Bounce back and forth from behind cover to get them without getting shot. Name: Personal space bubble Requirement: Don't let a Menial grab you in the Conversion Center. Point Value: 4 Tip for Completion: Usually bashing a Menial is the best option. However, when going for this skill point it is probably safter just to shoot them before they can close to grab range. -Manchester- Name: Lightfoot Requirement: Take no damage from mines in Manchester. Point Value: 4 Tip for Completion: You will find the mines for this one in the second half of the level. They begin in the area after you fought the two Howlers. Avoid setting off any mines that you don't have to. You don't have to activate and dodge all the mines for this one to count. You just need to avoid taking any mine damage. Name: This is my rifle, this is my gun Requirement: Defeat the Stalker in "Outgunned" using only the M5A2 Rifle. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: This one is fairly easy just be sure not to use any nades on it. For further help see my strat in the "Outgunned" level of the guide. -Nottingham- Name: In one ear, out the other Requirement: Get 5 head shots with the Fareye in Nottingham. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: Just get five head shots in the second level of the Nottingham string. For some reason I couldn't get it to register in the level where you first aquire the Fareye. -Cheshire- Name: Passive Aggressive Requirement: Kill 4 Hybrids or Menials without weapon damage. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: In "Angel" after the level starts head to the first room. It will be a med lab with some explosive barrels and plenty of Menials. Move to the barrels and draw in the Menials then quickly move back and blast the barrel to finish this task off. Name: We've lost the security deposit anyway Requirement: Break 10 medical lamps in Northern Command. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: In "Angel" there are a couple of the lamps in the Menial room you first encounter. The rest can be found in the rooms in the long hallway near the end of the level. They are the rooms with glass windows you can't see through. The lamps are the big lamps that have their own stands and are located next to the medical tables. Shoot them until the top part falls off. Name: Mirror,mirror Requirement: Destroy all glass in the windows of Northern Command. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: This one is also completed in "Angel" the windows you need to break start in the same room that is best used for misplaced aggression. There are 19 windows to break in the first area, 6 in the next upstairs area, and 46 in the hallway area. Some of the tricky ones include the small windows along the floor of the first room and the glass windows of the doors in the last area. -Somerset- Name: Next speed trap, 50 miles Requirement: Use the jeep to make it through Cheddar Gorge in 8 min. or less. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Move from area to area as quickly as possible. Ignore as many of the enemies as you can. Backlash nades will come in handy. They allow you to storm into the gate switch bases without taking massive damage. Another tip is to get a stopwatch so you can keep track of the time. Name: I can see my house from here Requirement: Jump at least 50m in the LU-P in Cheddar Gorge. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: This one is done in "Common Ground". Near the end of the level across from the last two gate switch bases is a large stone ramp. Get up to speed in your jeep and ramp off of the stone to the broken bridge area below to pass this skill point off. Name: Misplaced aggression Requirement: Blow up all cars in the town of Cheddar Gorge. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: This one can be tricky. This one is passed of in the "Search and Rescue" level. Shoot the cars in the streets until they blow up. Just the cars though the jeeps toward the end and the truck in this level will not explode. There are 12 cars that need to be destroyed to pass this off. They are all easy to find except for one. To find this tricky hidden car move throught the opening in the brick wall at the beginning of the level. Proceed straight and slightly left and follow the road till it ends with a metal barrier with some razor wire above the barrier. If you look through the wire in the distance next to a building is a car. You can't reach this vehicle but you can shoot it till it explodes. Name: They came from behind Requirement: Run over 3 Hybrids while driving in reverse. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Just back over them in the level "Common Ground". Name: I believe this is yours Requirement: Use only Chimeran weapons during the final approach to the Tower. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: For this one use only the following guns: Bullseye, Auger, Reapers, or Hedgehog Grenades. This one is done in the "A disturbing discovery". -Bristol- Name: One eye dog Requirement: Kill a Howler with the L23 Fareye. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Do this on "Devil at the Door" Fall back so the Howler attacks your teammates and focus Fareye the thing down. Name: A new kind of sourdough Requirement: Kill all the enemies in the cafeteria with the Sapper. Point Value: 4 Tip for Completion: This one is pretty self explanatory. This skill is done in the "Evacuation" level. Name: Pint in one hand, darts in the other Requirement: In Southern Command, bullseye the four dartboards with the Fareye. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: The dart boards are in the same kitchen used for the sourdough skill point. They are hangin up on the walls, split into two groups. There are two of them located next to each staircase. -Bracknell- Name: Karma's a bitch Requirement: Kill all enemies in the tunnels with only their native weapons. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: Completed in the "Into the Depths Level". Kill Hybrid with Bullseyes, Steelhead with Augers, Slikskulls with Reapers, and Hardfangs with Arc Chargers. The only tricky part was figuring out how to kill all the unarmed Chimera. These can be killed using whatever you wish. For the Stalker at the end of the level encapsulate it with Backlash grenades. Name: This is my house Requirement: Prevent chimera from staying on the mine platform for more than 10 sec. Point Value: 4 Tip for Completion: Done in the "Into the Depths" level. Just kill the enemies quickly as they exit the lifts around the mining platform. -London- Name: Leapin Lizards Requirement: Take no damage from Rollers in London outskirts. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: NA Name: Fast like the tortoise Requirement: Take no damage from Slipskulls in the London outskirts. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: NA -Thames- Name: Le Parkour Requirement: Finish the first level of Thames within 5 minutes. Poit Value: 4 Tip for Completion: After doing the first part of the level where you have to kill two stalkers and a Widowmaker, run quickly through the rest of the map ignoring as many enemies as you can while you race for the exit. -Tower- Name: Breakin the law Requirement: Destroy the Reactor without using the L209 LAARK. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: NA Name: Vanilla only please Requirement: Reach the Reactor without using weapon secondary fire or nades. Point Value: 4 Tip for Completion: Play through "Angel's Lair" and reach the reactor in "Last Hope" while meeting the above criteria. I think that the rocket launcher and some of the other weapons might prevent completion. So what I did was stick to the M5 and Bullseye only. Name: What would hale do Requirement: Kill an Angel using only the Rossmore 236 combat shotgun. Point Value: 2 Tip for Completion: This one is easily done in "Angel's Lair". Kill the first Angel you come across. Wait till it is hovering near the bridge before shooting to max out the weapon's effectiveness. Name: Return to sender Requirement: Shoot 5 objects thrown at you by the angels before they reach you. Point Value: 3 Tip for Completion: This one is also best done in "Angel's Lair" at the first Angel you come across. After the Angel throws a few rounds of its spikes it will pull out some explosive cannisters from the wall. Use the Fareye to snipe them in mid-air before they reach you. (Rewards) Concept Art Pack 1 // aquire 10 skill points to unlock Concept Art Pack 2 // aquire 20 skill points to unlock Resistance: Behind the Scenes // aquire 40 skill points to unlock Flip levels // aquire 70 skill points to unlock Clank Backpacks // aquire 100 skill points to unlock Unlock Skeleton Skin // aquire 126 skill points to unlock Edytowane 18 września 2008 przez POSNANIAK Cytuj
Neo3016 8 Opublikowano 30 września 2008 Opublikowano 30 września 2008 http://faqs.ign.com/articles/848/848614p1.html A tu masz filmiki do tych wszystkich "wyzwan".Chyba przez nie mozna lepiej zrozumiec co trzeba zrobic Cytuj
Neo3016 8 Opublikowano 8 października 2008 Opublikowano 8 października 2008 Moze urzadzimy jakis nowy turniej?Co myslicie? Cytuj
triboy 1 079 Opublikowano 8 października 2008 Opublikowano 8 października 2008 Moze urzadzimy jakis nowy turniej?Co myslicie? Jeżeli nie trzeba być "super kill ratio killerem always head shooterem" to ja się zgłaszam Cytuj
Janush 224 Opublikowano 8 października 2008 Opublikowano 8 października 2008 (edytowane) Wielkie dzięki Neo3016 bardzo mi pomogłeś Ps. Ostatnio sobie przyrzekłem że będę gry przechodził na 100% no chyba że gram w takiego nfs pro street . Ps2.Niedługo ruter przyjeżdża więc będę również grał online (może w końcu zobaczę skilla Posnaniaka i Adiego na żywo xD ) . Edytowane 8 października 2008 przez terror Cytuj
Neo3016 8 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 (edytowane) Wielkie dzięki Neo3016 bardzo mi pomogłeś Ps. Ostatnio sobie przyrzekłem że będę gry przechodził na 100% no chyba że gram w takiego nfs pro street . Nie ma za co. Ja juz gre w 100% przeszlem(troche mi to zajelo) i dosc dlugo gram online.Nie moge tylko pojac na jakiej zasadzie dostaje sie ribbona za headshot'a.Wiem ze trzeba strzelac w glowe ale czesto jest tak ze strzelam w glowe ale ribbona nie dostaje,albo tez dosc czesto mam tak ze gonie przeciwnika,strzelam w niego a on odwraca sie,trzy strzaly(doslownie) i juz leze.Jak to jest mozliwe? :wtf: :evil: Edytowane 9 października 2008 przez Neo3016 Cytuj
triboy 1 079 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Nie wiem, ale też mialem sytuacje ,w których wywaliłem w kolesia cały magazynek, a ten mimo to dalej sobie biegał. Cytuj
UberAdi 2 335 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 po prostu spotkaliscie lagerow zazwyczaj takiego laga maja japonczycy i amerykanie bo maja szybsze lacza od nas przez co koles do ciebie strzela jak ty go jeszcze nie widzisz a dopiero jak go zobaczysz zzera ci pol zycia Cytuj
triboy 1 079 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Mi chodzi o sytuację kiedy kolo 1 strzela do kola 2, ja ładuję w kola 1, cały magazynek, kolo 1 żyje...Przy czym cały czas widzę kola 1. Cytuj
UberAdi 2 335 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 no, betonowy koles. czeste zjawisko na resie a czasami jest tak ze walniesz heada ze snajpy, koles padnie nagle pojawi sie znow, przebiegnie pare krokow i dopiero umrze to wszystko przez lagi Cytuj
triboy 1 079 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 (edytowane) Ok, satysfakcjonująca odpowiedź. Betonowy w sensie, twardy, potężny, idealny na pomnik? Edytowane 10 października 2008 przez triboy17@o2.pl Cytuj
UberAdi 2 335 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Opublikowano 9 października 2008 Ok, satysfakcjonująca odpowiedź. Betonowy w sensie, twardy, potężny, idealny na pomnik? wyluzuj... betonowy w sensie nie do zabicia metoda konwencjonalna z czym mam wyluzowac?? o_O Cytuj
zwierzakX360 1 Opublikowano 11 października 2008 Opublikowano 11 października 2008 Siema!!Chciałem poinformować ze polska scena ressa powraca,mam juz pare osob chetnych do gry potrzebujemy jeszcze czwórki i jedziemy.Co z tego wyniknie nie wiem, moze jakis klan lub regularne granie 4 fun. chetnch zapraszam moj psn id: \/ Cytuj
Neo3016 8 Opublikowano 11 października 2008 Opublikowano 11 października 2008 (edytowane) Ja sie zglaszam lecz czas mam tylko w weekendy.Moj psn: KiIIerPL (przez 2 duze <i>) Edytowane 28 sierpnia 2010 przez Neo3016 Cytuj
Kornolio 1 056 Opublikowano 11 października 2008 Opublikowano 11 października 2008 Ja też chętnie bym pyknął w Resistance moj psn id : Kornolio-PL Cytuj
zwierzakX360 1 Opublikowano 11 października 2008 Opublikowano 11 października 2008 \/-to była strzałka na sygnature moj psn id to : Scrappy_Pl Dzis gralismy z 3h chetni niech wysla mi friend reqesta Cytuj
kAos 1 Opublikowano 13 listopada 2008 Opublikowano 13 listopada 2008 PSN ID: kaospl1232131231 "Resistance" jak by ktos chcial popykac to zapraszam do dodania mnie do znajomych HEADSET: Tak Cytuj
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