Mq 73 Opublikowano 21 lutego 2010 Opublikowano 21 lutego 2010 Szukam czegoś w stylu Drabiny Jakubowa, Silent Hill jakieś chore klimaty... ktoś coś poleci? Martyrs (francuski film), Nagi Lunch, Videodrome, Altered States Martyrs... osz kur... obejrzałem trailer i chce to obejrzeć. Mam wrażenie, że znam już całą fabułę w filmie po trailerze, ale na pierwszy rzut oka film przebija hostel i inne w klimacie :potter: Skoro zaintrygowalo cie Martyrs to Haute Tension i A l'intérieur tez sa francuskimi horrorami wartymi obejrzenia. Francuzi maja niezle nasrane sadzac po tych filmach ... Cytuj
tk___tk 4 795 Opublikowano 21 lutego 2010 Opublikowano 21 lutego 2010 Drugi film autora Haute tension - remake klasycznego Wzgórza mają oczy też wg. mnie zaje.bisty choć tutaj zdania są podzielone. Cytuj
Słupek 2 210 Opublikowano 21 lutego 2010 Opublikowano 21 lutego 2010 (edytowane) Najlepszy serial jaki kiedykolwiek powstał "Rodzina Soprano" lol To nie loluj tylko odrzuć rękawice. Edytowane 22 lutego 2010 przez SłupekPL Cytuj
Madaxaa 4 Opublikowano 22 lutego 2010 Opublikowano 22 lutego 2010 Panowie, prośba. Trochę off, ale nie mogłem lepszego tematu znaleźć. Jakieś filmy (najlepiej "dość" stare) z motywem zemsty, przebaczenia i odkupienia win. Cytuj
gekon 1 787 Opublikowano 22 lutego 2010 Opublikowano 22 lutego 2010 Trylogia o zemście. w sumie Pana i Pania zemste można olać, ale Oldboy to perelka. Cytuj
Kalel 3 634 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Szukam filmu z kategorii " Te, które trzeba obejrzeć przed śmiercią." Może być cokolwiek, thriller, S-F, Komedia, Dramat, konkretnie czegoś z potężnym finiszem który pozostawia wiele pytań. Cytuj
marjano 161 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Szukam filmu z kategorii " Te, które trzeba obejrzeć przed śmiercią." 1. Le Voyage dans la Lune - Georges Méli?s (1902) 2. The Great Train Robbery - Edwin S. Porter (1903) 3. The Birth of a Nation - D.W. Griffith (1915) 4. Les Vampires - Louis Feuillade (1915) 5. Intolerance - D.W. Griffith (1916) 6. Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari - Robert Wiene (1919) 7. Broken Blossoms - D.W. Griffith (1919) 8. Way Down East - D.W. Griffith (1920) 9. Within Our Gates - Oscar Micheaux (1920) 10. Körkarlen - Victor Sjöström (1921) 11. Orphans of the Storm - D.W. Griffith (1921) 12. Souriante Madame Beudet, La - Germaine Dulac (1922) 13. Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Fritz Lang (1922) 14. Nanook of the North - Robert J. Flaherty (1922) 15. Nosferatu, Eine Symphonie des Grauens - F.W. Murnau (1922) 16. Häxan - Benjamin Christensen (1923) 17. Foolish Wives - Erich von Stroheim (1922) 18. Our Hospitality - John G. Blystone & Buster Keaton (1923) 19. La Roue - Abel Gance (1923) 20. The Thief of Bagdad - Raoul Walsh (1924) 21. Stachka - Sergei M. Eisenstein (1924) 22. Greed - Erich Von Stroheim (1924) 23. Sherlock, Jr. - Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle & Buster Keaton (1924) 24. Der Letzte Mann - F.W. Murnau (1924) 25. Seven Chances - Buster Keaton (1925) 26. The Phantom of the Opera - Rupert Julian & Lon Chaney (1925) 27. Bronenosets Potyomkin - Grigori Aleksandrov & Sergei M. Eisenstein (1925) 28. The Gold Rush - Charles Chaplin (1925) 29. The Big Parade - King Vidor (1925) 30. Metropolis - Fritz Lang (1927) 31. Sunrise - F.W. Murnau (1927) 32. The General - Clyde Bruckman & Buster Keaton (1927) 33. The Unknown - Tod Browning (1927) 34. Oktyabr - Grigori Aleksandrov & Sergei M. Eisenstein (1927) 35. The Jazz Singer - Alan Crosland (1927) 36. Napoléon - Abel Gance (1927) 37. The Kid Brother - J.A. Howe & Ted Wilde (1927) 38. The Crowd - King Vidor (1928) 39. The Docks of New York - Josef von Sternberg (1928) 40. Un Chien Andalou (An Andalusian Dog) - Luis Bu?uel (1928) 41. La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (The Passion of Joan of Arc) - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1928) 42. Steamboat Bill, Jr. - Charles Reisner & Buster Keaton (1928) 43. Potomok Chingis-Khana (Storm Over Asia) - Vsevolod Pudovkin (1928) 44. Blackmail - Alfred Hitchcock (1929) 45. Chelovek S Kinoapparatom (The Man with the Movie Camera) - Dziga Vertov (1929) 46. Die Büchse der Pandora (Pandora's Box) - Georg Wilhelm Pabst (1929) 47. Der Blaue Engle (The Blue Angel) - Josef von Sternberg (1930) 48. L'Âge d'Or (The Age of Gold) - Luis Bu?uel (1930) 49. Zemlya (Earth) - Aleksandr Dovzhenko (1930) 50. Little Caesar - Mervyn LeRoy (1930) 51. All Quiet on the Western Front - Lewis Milestone (1930) 52. ? Nous la Liberté (Freedom for Us) - René Clair (1931) 53. Le Million (The Million) - René Clair (1931) 54. Tabu - F.W. Murnau (1931) 55. Dracula - Tod Browning (1931) 56. Frankenstein - James Whale (1931) 57. City Lights - Charles Chaplin (1931) 58. The Public Enemy - William A. Wellman (1931) 59. M - Fritz Lang (1931) 60. La Chienne (The Bitch) - Jean Renoir (1931) 61. Vampyr (The Vampire) - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1932) 62. Love Me Tonight - Rouben Mamoulian (1932) 63. Boudu Sauvé des Eaux (Boudu Saved From Drowning) - Jean Renoir (1932) 64. I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang - Mervyn LeRoy (1932) 65. Trouble in Paradise - Ernst Lubitsch (1932) 66. Scarface: The Shame of a Nation - Howard Hawks (1932) 67. Shanghai Express - Josef von Sternberg (1932) 68. Freaks - Tod Browning (1932) 69. Me and My Gal - Raoul Walsh (1932) 70. Zéro de Conduite (Zero for Conduct) - Jean Vigo (1933) 71. 42nd Street - Lloyd Bacon (1933) 72. Footlight Parade - Lloyd Bacon (1933) 73. Gold Diggers of 1933 - Mervyn LeRoy (1933) 74. She Done Him Wrong - Lowell Sherman (1933) 75. Duck Soup - Leo McCarey (1933) 76. Queen Christina - Rouben Mamoulian (1933) 77. Las Hurdes (Land Without Bread) - Luis Bu?uel (1933) 78. King Kong - Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack (1933) 79. The Bitter Tea of General Yen - Frank Capra (1933) 80. Sons of the Desert - William A. Seiter (1933) 81. It's a Gift - Norman Z. McLeod (1934) 82. Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will) - Leni Riefenstahl (1934) 83. L'Atalante - Jean Vigo (1934) 84. The Black Cat - Edgar G. Ulmer (1934) 85. Judge Priest - John Ford (1934) 86. It Happened One Night - Frank Capra (1934) 87. The Thin Man - W.S. Van Dyke (1934) 88. Captain Blood - Michael Curtiz (1935) 89. Mutiny on the Bounty - Frank Lloyd (1935) 90. A Night at the Opera - Sam Wood (1935) 91. The 39 Steps - Alfred Hitchcock (1935) 92. Bride of Frankenstein - James Whale (1935) 93. Top Hat - Mark Sandirch (1935) 94. Une Partie de Campagne (A Day in the Country) - Jean Renoir (1936) 95. Modern Times - Charles Chaplin (1936) 96. Swing Time - George Stevens (1936) 97. My Man Godfrey - Gregory La Cava (1936) 98. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town - Frank Capra (1936) 99. Camille - George Cukor (1936) 100. Sabotage - Alfred Hitchcock (1936) 101. Dodsworth - William Wyler (1936) 102. Things to Come - William Cameron Menzies (1936) 103. Le Roman d'un Tricheur (The Story of a Cheat) - Sacha Guitry (1936) 104. Captains Courageous - Victor Fleming (1937) 105. Ye Ban Ge Sheng (Midnight Song) - Ma-Xu Weibang (1937) 106. La Grande Illusion (Grand Illusion) - Jean Renoir (1937) 107. Stella Dallas - King Vidor (1937) 108. The Life of Emile Zola - William Dieterie (1937) 109. Make Way for Tomorrow - Leo McCarey (1937) 110. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) 111. The Awful Truth - Leo McCarey (1937) 112. Pépé Le Moko - Julien Duvivier (1937) 113. Jezebel - William Wyler (1938) 114. The Adventures of Robin Hood - Michael Curtiz & William Keighley (1938) 115. Angels with Dirty Faces - Michael Curtiz (1938) 116. Olympia - Leni Riefenstahl (1938) 117. La Femme du Boulanger (The Baker's Wife) - Marcel Pagnol (1938) 118. Bringing Up Baby - Howard Hawks (1938) 119. Stagecoach - John Ford (1939) 120. Zangiku Monogatari (The Story of the Late Chrysanthemums) - Kenji Mizoguchi (1939) 121. Babes in Arms - Busby Berkeley (1939) 122. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - Frank Capra (1939) 123. The Wizard of Oz - Victor Fleming (1939) 124. Destry Rides Again - George Marshall (1939) 125. Only Angels Have Wings - Howard Hawks (1939) 126. Gone With the Wind - Victor Fleming & George Cukor (1939) 127. Le Jour se L?ve (Daybreak) - Marcel Carné (1939) 128. Gunga Din - George Stevens (1939) 129. Ninotchka - Ernst Lubitsch (1939) 130. La R?gle du Jeu (The Rules of the Game) - Jean Renoir (1939) 131. Wuthering Heights - William Wyler (1939) 132. His Girl Friday - Howard Hawks (1940) 133. Rebecca - Alfred Hitchcock (1940) 134. Fantasia - Ben Sharpsteen (1940) 135. The Philadelphia Story - George Cukor (1940) 136. The Grapes of Wrath - John Ford (1940) 137. Dance, Girl, Dance - Dorothy Arzner (1940) 138. Pinocchio - Hamilton Luske & Ben Sharpsteen (1940) 139. The Mortal Storm - Frank Borzage (1940) 140. The Bank Dick - Edward F. Cline (1940) 141. Citizen Kane - Orson Welles (1941) 142. The Lady Eve - Preston Sturges (1941) 143. The Wolf Man - George Waggner (1941) 144. The Maltese Falcon - John Huston (1941) 145. Sergeant York - Howard Hawks (1941) 146. Dumbo - Ben Sharpsteen (1941) 147. High Sierra - Raoul Walsh (1941) 148. Sullivan's Travels - Preston Sturges (1941) 149. How Green Was My Valley - John Ford (1941) 150. The Palm Beach Story - Preston Sturges (1942) 151. Now, Voyager - Irving Rapper (1942) 152. Casablanca - Michael Curtiz (1942) 153. To Be or Not to Be - Ernst Lubitsch (1942) 154. Cat People - Jacques Tourneur (1942) 155. The Magnificent Ambersons - Orson Welles & Fred Fleck (1942) 156. Yankee Doodle Dandy - Michael Curtiz (1942) 157. Meshes of the Afternoon - Maya Deren & Alexander Hammid (1943) 158. Fires Were Started - Humphrey Jennings (1943) 159. The Man in Grey - Leslie Arliss (1943) 160. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1943) 161. I Walked with a Zombie - Jacques Tourneur (1943) 162. The Seventh Victim - Mark Robson (1943) 163. The Ox-Bow Incident - William A. Wellman (1943) 164. Shadow of a Doubt - Alfred Hitchcock (1943) 165. Ossessione - Luchino Visconti (1943) 166. Meet Me in St. Louis - Vincente Minnelli (1944) 167. To Have and Have Not - Howard Hawks (1944) 168. Laura - Otto Preminger & Rouben Mamoulian (1944) 169. Gaslight - George Cukor (1944) 170. Henry V - Laurence Olivier (1944) 171. Ivan the Terrible, Parts One and Two (Ivan Groznyj I i II) - Sergei M. Eisenstein (1944) 172. Double IndemnityDouble Indemnity - Billy Wilder (1944) 173. Murder, My Sweet (Farewell My Lovely) - Edward Dmytryk (1944) 174. The Battle of San Pietro - John Huston (1945) 175. Spellbound - Alfred Hitchcock (1945) 176. Mildred Pierce - Michael Curtiz (1945) 177. Les Enfants du Paradis (The Children of Paradise) - Marcel Carné (1945) 178. Roma, Citt? Aperta (Open City) - Roberto Rossellini (1945) 179. The Lost Weekend - Billy Wilder (1945) 180. Detour - Edgar G. Ulmer (1945) 181. I Know Where I'm Going! - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1945) 182. The Best Years of Our Lives - William Wyler (1946) 183. Brief Encounter - David Lean (1946) 184. Paisá (Paisan) - Roberto Rossellini (1946) 185. The Postman Always Rings Twice - Tay Garnett (1946) 186. My Darling Clementine - John Ford (1946) 187. The Stranger - Orson Welles (1946) 188. La Belle et la B?te (Beauty and the Beast) - Jean Cocteau (1946) 189. The Big Sleep - Howard Hawks (1946) 190. The Killers - Robert Siodmak (1946) 191. A Matter of Life and Death - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1946) 192. Great Expectations - David Lean (1946) 193. Notorious - Alfred Hitchcock (1946) 194. Black Narcissus - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1946) 195. It's a Wonderful Life - Frank Capra (1946) 196. Gilda - Charles Vidor (1946) 197. Monsieur Verdoux - Charles Chaplin (1947) 198. Out of the Past - Jacques Tourneur (1947) 199. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1947) 200. Odd Man Out - Carol Reed (1947) 201. Ladri di Biciclette (The Bicycle Thief) - Vittorio De Sica (1948) 202. Letter from an Unknown Woman - Max Ophüls (1948) 203. Secret Beyond the Door - Fritz Lang (1948) 204. Force of Evil - Abraham Polonsky (1948) 205. Xiao Cheng Zhi Chun (Spring in a Small Town) - Fei Mu (1948) 206. Red River - Howard Hawks & Arthur Rosson (1948) 207. Rope - Alfred Hitchcock (1948) 208. The Snake Pit - Anatole Litvak (1948) 209. The Lady from Shanghai - Orson Welles (1948) 210. The Paleface - Norman Z. McLeod (1948) 211. The Red Shoes - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1948) 212. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - John Huston (1948) 213. Louisiana Story - Robert J. Flaherty (1948) 214. The Heiress - William Wyler (1949) 215. Kind Hearts and Coronets - Robert Hamer (1949) 216. Gun Crazy - Joseph H. Lewis (1949) 217. Adam's Rib - George Cukor (1949) 218. Whiskey Galore! - Alexander Mackendrick (1949) 219. White Heat - Raoul Walsh (1949) 220. The Reckless Moment - Max Ophüls (1949) 221. The Third Man - Carol Reed (1949) 222. On the Town - Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly (1949) 223. Orphée (Orpheus) - Jean Cocteau (1949) 224. The Asphalt Jungle - John Huston (1950) 225. Rashomon - Akira Kurosawa (1950) 226. Winchester '73 - Anthony Mann (1950) 227. Rio Grande - John Ford (1950) 228. All About Eve - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1950) 229. Sunset Blvd. - Billy Wilder (1950) 230. Los Olvidados (The Young and the Damned) - Luis Bu?uel (1950) 231. In a Lonely Place - Nicholas Ray (1950) 232. The Big Carnival - Billy Wilder (1951) 233. A Streetcar Named Desire - Elia Kazan (1951) 234. Strangers on a Train - Alfred Hitchcock (1951) 235. The Lavender Hill Mob - Charles Crichton (1951) 236. Pandora and the Flying Dutchman - Albert Lewin (1951) 237. The African Queen - John Huston (1951) 238. Journal d'un Cure de Campagne (Diary of a Country Priest) - Robert Bresson (1951) 239. An American in Paris - Vincente Minnelli (1951) 240. A Place in the Sun - George Stevens (1951) 241. The Day the Earth Stood Still - Robert Wise (1951) 242. The Quiet Man - John Ford (1952) 243. Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) - René Clément (1952) 244. Angel Face - Otto Preminger (1952) 245. Singin' in the Rain - Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly (1952) 246. Ikiru (To Live) - Akira Kurosawa (1952) 247. Europa '51 - Roberto Rossellini (1952) 248. The Bad and the Beautiful - Vincente Minnelli (1952) 249. The Big Sky - Howard Hawks (1952) 250. High Noon - Fred Zinnemann (1952) 251. Umberto D - Vittorio De Sica (1952) 252. Le Carrosse d'Or (The Golden Coach) - Jean Renoir (1952) 253. The Bigamist - Ida Lupino (1953) 254. The Band Wagon - Vincente Minnelli (1953) 255. Madame De... - Max Ophüls (1953) 256. From Here to Eternity - Fred Zinnemann (1953) 257. Tokyo Story - Yasujiro Ozu (1953) 258. Roman Holiday - William Wyler (1953) 259. Le Salaire de la Peur (Wages of Fear) - Henri-Georges Clouzot (1953) 260. The Naked Spur - Anthony Mann (1953) 261. Pickup on South Street - Samuel Fuller (1953) 262. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Howard Hawks (1953) 263. The Big Heat - Fritz Lang (1953) 264. Les Vacances de M. Hulot (M. Hulot's Holiday) - Jacques Tati (1953) 265. Voyage in Italy - Roberto Rossellini (1953) 266. Ugetsu Monogatari (Tales of Ugetsu) - Kenji Mizoguchi (1953) 267. Shane - George Stevens (1953) 268. Beat the Devil - John Huston (1953) 269. Johnny Guitar - Nicholas Ray (1954) 270. On the Waterfront - Elia Kazan (1954) 271. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - Stanley Donen (1954) 272. Les Diaboliques - Henri-Georges Clouzot (1954) 273. Animal Farm - Joy Batchelor & John Halas (1954) 274. Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock (1954) 275. A Star Is Born - George Cukor (1954) 276. The Barefoot Contessa - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1954) 277. La Strada (The Road) - Federico Fellini (1954) 278. Shichinin No Samurai (The Seven Samurai) - Akira Kurosawa (1954) 279. Senso (The Wanton Countess) - Luchino Visconti (1954) 280. Silver Lode - Allan Dawn (1954) 281. Carmen Jones - Otto Preminger (1954) 282. Sanshô Day? (Sansho the Baliff) - Kenji Mizoguchi (1954) 283. Salt of the Earth - Herbert J. Biberman (1954) 284. Artists and Models - Frank Tashlin (1955) 285. Guys and Dolls - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1955) 286. Pather Panchali - Satyajit Ray (1955) 287. Bad Day at Black Rock - John Sturges (1955) 288. Les Maîtres Fous (The Mad Masters) - Jean Rouch (1955) 289. Hill 24 Doesn't Answer - Thorold Dickinson (1955) 290. The Ladykillers - Alexander Mackendrick (1955) 291. Marty - Delbert Mann (1955) 292. Ordet - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1955) 293. Bob le Flambeur (Bob the Gambler) - Jean-Pierre Melville (1955) 294. Kiss Me Deadly - Robert Aldrich (1955) 295. The Man from Laramie - Anthony Mann (1955) 296. Rebel Without A Cause - Nicholas Ray (1955) 297. The Phenix City Story - Phil Karlson (1955) 298. Sommarnattens Leende (Smiles of a Summer Night) - Ingmar Bergman (1955) 299. Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog) - Alain Resnais (1955) 300. The Night of the Hunter - Charles Laughton (1955) 301. Lola Mont?s (The Sins of Lola Montes) - Max Ophüls (1955) 302. Forbidden Planet - Fred M. Wilcox (1956) 303. Biruma No Tategoto (The Burmese Harp) - Kon Ichikawa (1956) 304. The Searchers - John Ford (1956) 305. Un Condamné ? Mort s'Est Échappé ou le Vent Souffle o? il Veut (A Man Escaped) - Robert Bresson (1956) 306. Written on the Wind - Douglas Sirk (1956) 307. The Man Who Knew Too Much - Alfred Hitchcock (1956) 308. Giant - George Stevens (1956) 309. All That Heaven Allows - Douglas Sirk (1956) 310. Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Don Siegel (1956) 311. The Wrong Man - Alfred Hitchcock (1956) 312. Bigger Than Life - Nicholas Ray (1956) 313. High Society - Charles Walters (1956) 314. The Ten Commandments - Cecil B. DeMille (1956) 315. 12 Angry Men - Sidney Lumet (1957) 316. Det Sjunde Inseglet (The Seventh Seal) - Ingmar Bergman (1957) 317. An Affair to Remember - Leo McCarey (1957) 318. Smultronstället (Wild Strawberries) - Ingmar Bergman (1957) 319. Le Notti di Cabiria (The Nights of Cabiria) - Federico Fellini (1957) 320. Kumonosu Jo (Throne of Blood) - Akira Kurosawa (1957) 321. The Incredible Shrinking Man - Jack Arnold (1957) 322. Aparajito (The Unvanquished) - Satyajit Ray (1957) 323. Gunfight at the OK Corral - John Sturges (1957) 324. The Bridge on the River Kwai - David Lean (1957) 325. Bharat Mata (Mother India) - Mehboob Khan (1957) 326. Letyat zhuravli The Cranes Are Flying) - Mikheil Kalatozishvili (1957) 327. Paths of Glory - Stanley Kubrick (1957) 328. Sweet Smell of Success - Alexander Mackendrick (1957) 329. Man of the West - Anthony Mann (1958) 330. Touch of Evil - Orson Welles (1958) 331. Bab el Hadid (Cairo Station) - Youssef Chahine (1958) 332. Gigi - Vincente Minnelli (1958) 333. The Defiant Ones - Stanley Kramer (1958) 334. Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock (1958) 335. Popiól i Diament (Ashes and Diamonds) - Andrzej Wajda (1958) 336. Dracula - Terence Fisher (1958) 337. Mon Oncle (My Uncle) - Jacques Tati (1958) 338. Jalsaghar (The Music Room) - Satyajit Ray (1958) 339. Les Quatre Cents Coups (The 400 Blows) - François Truffaut (1959) 340. North by Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock (1959) 341. Some Like It Hot - Billy Wilder (1959) 342. Anatomy of a Murder - Otto Preminger (1959) 343. Les Yeux Sans Visage (Eyes Without a Face) - Georges Franju (1959) 344. Ride Lonesome - Budd Boetticher (1959) 345. Orfeu Negro (Black Orpheus) - Marcel Camus (1959) 346. Shadows - John Cassavetes (1959) 347. Apur Sansar (The World of Apu) - Satyajit Ray (1959) 348. A Bout de Souffle (Breathless) - Jean-Luc Godard (1959) 349. Ben-Hur - William Wyler (1959) 350. Pickpocket - Robert Bresson (1959) 351. Hiroshima Mon Amour - Alain Resnais (1959) 352. Rio Bravo - Howard Hawks (1959) 353. Le Trou (The Hole) - Jacques Becker (1959) 354. Ukigusa (Floating Weeds) - Yasujiro Ozu (1959) 355. Rocco e i Suoi Fratelli (Rocco and His Brothers) - Luchino Visconti (1960) 356. La Dolce Vita - Federico Fellini (1960) 357. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning - Karel Reisz (1960) 358. Tirez Sur le Pianiste (Shoot the Piano Player) - François Truffaut (1960) 359. L'Avventura (The Adventure) - Michelangelo Antonioni (1960) 360. La Joven (The Young One) - Luis Bu?uel (1960) 361. Meghe Dhaka Tara (The Cloud-Capped Star) - Ritwik Ghatak (1960) 362. Hayno (The Housemaid) - Kim Ki-young (1960) 363. Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock (1960) 364. La Maschera del Demono (Revenge of the Vampire/Black Sunday) - Mario Bava & Lee Kresel (1960) 365. Peeping Tom - Michael Powell (1960) 366. The Apartment - Billy Wilder (1960) 367. Spartacus - Stanley Kubrick (1960) 368. Splendor in the Grass - Elia Kazan (1961) 369. L'Année Derni?re ? Marienbad (Last Year at Marienbad) - Alain Resnais (1961) 370. La Jetée (The Pier) - Chris Marker (1961) 371. One-Eyed Jacks - Marlon Brando (1961) 372. Lola - Jacques Demy (1961) 373. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Blake Edwards (1961) 374. La Notte (The Night) - Michelangelo Antonioni (1961) 375. Jules et Jim (Jules and Jim) - François Truffaut (1961) 376. Viridiana - Luis Bu?uel (1961) 377. The Ladies Man - Jerry Lewis (1961) 378. Sasom i en Spegel (Through a Glass Darkly) - Ingmar Bergman (1961) 379. Chronique d'un Été (Chronicle of a Summer) - Edgar Morin & Jean Rouch (1961) 380. The Hustler - Robert Rossen (1961) 381. West Side Story - Jerome Robbins & Robert Wise (1961) 382. Mondo Cane (A Dog's Life) - Paolo Cavara, Gualtiero Jacopetti & Franco E. Prosperi (1962) 383. Cléo de 5 ? 7 (Cleo from 5 to 7) - Agn?s Varda (1962) 384. Dog Star Man - Stan Brakhage (1962) 385. Sanma No Aji (An Autumn Afternoon) - Yasujiro Ozu (1962) 386. L'Eclisse (The Eclipse) - Michelangelo Antonioni (1962) 387. Lawrence of Arabia - David Lean (1962) 388. To Kill a Mockingbird - Robert Mulligan (1962) 389. The Manchurian Candidate - John Frankenheimer (1962) 390. Lolita - Stanley Kubrick (1962) 391. O Pagador de Promessas (Keeper of Promises) - Anselmo Duarte (1962) 392. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - John Ford (1962) 393. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? - Robert Aldrich (1962) 394. Vivre sa Vie: Film en Douze Tableaux (My Life to Live) - Jean-Luc Godard (1962) 395. Heaven and Earth Magic - Harry Smith (1962) 396. The Birds - Alfred Hitchcock (1963) 397. The Nutty Professor - Jerry Lewis (1963) 398. Blonde Cobra - Ken Jacobs (1963) 399. The Cool World - Shirley Clarke (1963) 400. 8 1/2 - Federico Fellini (1963) 401. Pasazerka (Passenger) - Witold Lesiewicz & Andrzej Munk (1963) 402. Le Mépris (Contempt) - Jean-Luc Godard (1963) 403. Hud - Martin Ritt (1963) 404. Nattvardsgasterna (Winter Light) - Ingmar Bergman (1963) 405. Flaming Creatures - Jack Smith (1963) 406. The Great Escape - John Sturges (1963) 407. Shock Corridor - Samuel Fuller (1963) 408. Il Gattopardo (The Leopard) - Luchino Visconti (1963) 409. Vidas Secas (Barren Lives) - Nelson Pereira dos Santos (1963) 410. Méditerranée - Jean-Daniel Pollet & Barbet Schroeder (1963) 411. Khaneh Siah Ast (The House Is Black) - Forugh Farrokhzad (1963) 412. The Haunting - Robert Wise (1963) 413. Yukinojo Henge (An Actor's Revenge) - Kon Ichikawa (1963) 414. The Servant - Joseph Losey (1963) 415. Goldfinger - Guy Hamilton (1964) 416. Scorpio Rising - Kenneth Anger (1964) 417. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (The Umbrellas of Cherbourg) - Jacques Demy (1964) 418. Marnie - Alfred Hitchcock (1964) 419. My Fair Lady - George Cukor (1964) 420. Suna No Onna (Woman in the Dunes) - Hiroshi Teshigahara (1964) 421. Dr. Strangelove - Stanley Kubrick(1964) 422. A Hard Day's Night - Richard Lester (1964) 423. Il Deserto Rosso (The Red Desert) - Michelangelo Antonioni (1964) 424. Tini Zabutykh Predkiv (Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors) - Sergei Parajanov (1964) 425. The Masque of the Red Death - Roger Corman (1964) 426. Prima della Rivoluzione (Before the Revolution) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1964) 427. Gertrud - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1964) 428. Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to St. Matthew) - Pier Paolo Pasolini (1964) 429. Deus e o Diablo Na Terra do Sol (Black God, White Devil) - Glauber Rocha (1964) 430. Onibaba (The Demon) - Kaneto Shindô (1964) 431. Vinyl - Andy Warhol (1965) 432. Obchod Na Korze (The Shop on Main Street) - Ján Kadár & Elmar Klos (1965) 433. Doctor Zhivago - David Lean (1965) 434. The War Game - Peter Watkins (1965) 435. Tokyo Orimpikku (Tokyo Olympiad) - Kon Ichikawa (1965) 436. La Battaglia di Algeri (The Battle of Algiers) - Gillo Pontecorvo (1965) 437. The Sound of Music - Robert Wise (1965) 438. Rekopis Znaleziony W Saragossie (The Sargossa Manuscript) - Wojciech Has (1965) 439. Alphaville, une Étrange Aventure de Lemmy Caution (Alphaville) - Jean-Luc Godard (1965) 440. Chimes at Midnight (Campanadas a Medianoche) - Orson Welles (1965) 441. Repulsion - Roman Polanski (1965) 442. Juliet of the Spirits (Giulietta Degli Spiriti) - Federico Fellini (1965) 443. Pierrot le Fou (Pierrot Goes Wild) - Jean-Luc Godard (1965) 444. Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! - Russ Meyer (1965) 445. Subarnarekha (Golden River) - Ritwik Ghatak (1965) 446. De Man Die Zijn Haar Kort Liet Knippen (The Man Who Had His Hair Cut Short) - André Delvaux (1965) 447. Hold Me While I'm Naked - George Kuchar (1966) 448. Blowup - Michelangelo Antonioni (1966) 449. Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) - Sergio Leone (1966) 450. Sedmikrasky (Daisies) - Vera Chytilová (1966) 451. Da Zui Xiu (Come Drink With Me) - King Hu (1966) 452. Seconds - John Frankenheimer (1966) 453. In the Heat of the Night - Norman Jewison (1967) 454. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - Mike Nichols (1966) 455. Persona - Ingmar Bergman (1966) 456. Masculin, Féminin (Masculine-Feminine) - Jean-Luc Godard (1966) 457. Au Hazard Balthazar (Balthazar) - Robert Bresson (1966) 458. 2 ou 3 Choses Que Je Sais d'Elle (Two or Three Things I Know About Her) - Jean-Luc Godard (1967) 459. The Graduate - Mike Nichols (1967) 460. Playtime - Jacques Tati (1967) 461. Report - Bruce Conner (1967) 462. Hombre - Martin Ritt (1967) 463. Belle de Jour - Luis Bu?uel (1967) 464. Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (The Young Girls of Rochefort) - Jacques Demy & Agn?s Varda (1967) 465. Week End - Jean-Luc Godard (1967) 466. Le Samoura? (The Godson) - Jean-Pierre Melville (1967) 467. Cool Hand Luke - Stuart Rosenberg (1967) 468. Point Blank - John Boorman (1967) 469. Wavelength - Michael Snow (1967) 470. Bonnie and Clyde - Arthur Penn (1967) 471. Csillagosok, Katonák (The Red and the White) - Miklós Jancsó (1967) 472. Marketa Lazarová - Frantisek Vlácil (1967) 473. The Jungle Book - Wolfgang Reitherman (1967) 474. Horí, Má Panenko (The Fireman's Ball) - Milos Forman (1967) 475. Terra Em Transe (Earth Entranced) - Glauber Rocha (1967) 476. Ostre Sledované Vlaky (Closely Watched Trains) - Jirí Menzel (1967) 477. Vij - Georgi Kropachyov & Konstantin Yershov (1967) 478. Gaav (The Cow) - Dariush Mehrjui (1968) 479. C'Era una Volta il West (Once Upon a Time in the West) - Sergio Leone (1968) 480. Planet of the Apes - Franklin J. Schaffner (1968) 481. Faces - John Cassavetes (1968) 482. Rosemary's Baby - Roman Polanski (1968) 483. If... - Lindsay Anderson (1968) 484. Memorias del Subdesarrollo (Memories of Underdevelopment) - Tomás Gutiérrez Alea (1968) 485. The Producers - Mel Brooks (1968) 486. David Holzman's Diary - Jim McBride (1968) 487. Skammen (Shame) - Ingmar Bergman (1968) 488. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick (1968) 489. Vargtimmen (Hour of the Wolf) - Ingmar Bergman (1968) 490. Targets - Peter Bogdanovich (1968) 491. Night of the Living Dead - George A. Romero (1968) 492. Ma Nuit Chez Maud (My Night With Maud) - Eric Rohmer (1969) 493. Lucía - Humberto Solás (1969) 494. Hsia Nu (A Touch of Zen) - King Hu (1969) 495. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - George Roy Hill (1969) 496. Midnight Cowboy - John Schlesinger (1969) 497. Satyricon - Federico Fellini (1969) 498. Z - Costa-Gavras (1969) 499. Il Conformista (The Conformist) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1969) 500. Easy Rider - Dennis Hopper (1969) 501. High School - Frederick Wiseman (1969) 502. In the Year of the Pig - Emile de Antonio (1969) 503. The Wild Bunch - Sam Peckinpah (1969) 504. Andrei Rublyov (Andrei Rublev) - Andrei Tarkovsky (1969) 505. Le Boucher (The Butcher) - Claude Chabrol (1969) 506. Sayat Nova (The Color of Pomegranates) - Sergei Parajanov & Sergei Yutkevich (1969) 507. Kes - Ken Loach (1969) 508. Tristana - Luis Bu?uel (1970) 509. Five Easy Pieces - Bob Rafelson (1970) 510. El Topo - Alejandro Jodorowsky (1970) 511. Woodstock - Michael Wadleigh (1970) 512. Deep End - Jerzy Skolimowski (1970) 513. La Strategia del Ragno (The Spider's Stratagem) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1970) 514. Little Big Man - Arthur Penn (1970) 515. Ucho (The Ear) - Karel Kachyna (1970) 516. Patton - Franklin J. Schaffner (1970) 517. M*A*S*H - Robert Altman (1970) 518. Performance - Donald Cammell & Nicolas Roeg (1970) 519. Gimme Shelter - Albert Maysles, David Maysles & Charlotte Zwerin (1970) 520. Zabriskie Point - Michelangelo Antonioni (1970) 521. L'Uccello Dalle Piume di Cristallo (The Bird with The Crystal Plumage) - Dario Argento (1970) 522. Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini (The Garden of the Finzi-Continis) - Vittorio De Sica (1970) 523. Wanda - Barbara Loden (1971) 524. W.R.: Misterije Organizma (W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism) - Dusan Makavejev (1971) 525. A Clockwork Orange - Stanley Kubrick (1971) 526. Le Chagrin et la Pitié (The Sorrow and the Pity) - Marcel Ophüls (1971) 527. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Mel Stuart (1971) 528. McCabe and Mrs. Miller - Robert Altman (1971) 529. Walkabout - Nicolas Roeg (1971) 530. Klute - Alan J. Pakula (1971) 531. Harold and Maude - Hal Ashby (1971) 532. Még Kér a Nép (Red Psalm) - Miklós Jancsó (1971) 533. Get Carter - Mike Hodges (1971) 534. The French Connection - William Friedkin (1971) 535. Shaft - Gordon Parks (1971) 536. Dirty Harry - Don Siegel (1971) 537. Le Souffle au Coeur (Murmur of the Heart) - Louis Malle (1971) 538. Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song - Melvin Van Peebles (1971) 539. The Last Picture Show - Peter Bogdanovich (1971) 540. Straw Dogs - Sam Peckinpah (1971) 541. Two-Lane Blacktop - Monte Hellman (1971) 542. The Heartbreak Kid - Elaine May (1972) 543. Aguirre, Der Zorn Gottes (Aguirre, the Wrath of God) - Werner Herzog (1972) 544. Cabaret - Bob Fosse (1972) 545. Ultimo Tango a Parigi (Last Tango in Paris) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1972) 546. High Plains Drifter - Clint Eastwood (1972) 547. Sleuth - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1972) 548. Deliverance - John Boorman (1972) 549. Solyaris (Solaris) - Andrei Tarkovsky (1972) 550. The Godfather - Francis Ford Coppola (1972) 551. Viskingar och Rop (Cries and Whispers) - Ingmar Bergman (1972) 552. Fat City - John Huston (1972) 553. Le Charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie (The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie) - Luis Bu?uel (1972) 554. Die Bitteren Tränen der Petra Von Kant (The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant) - Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1972) 555. Frenzy - Alfred Hitchcock (1972) 556. Pink Flamingos - John Waters (1972) 557. Superfly - Gordon Parks Jr. (1972) 558. The Sting - George Roy Hill (1973) 559. La Maman et la Putain (The Mother and the Whore) - Jean Eustache (1973) 560. Badlands - Terrence Malick (1973) 561. American Graffiti - George Lucas (1973) 562. Papillon - Franklin J. Schaffner (1973) 563. Enter the Dragon - Robert Clouse (1973) 564. Mean Streets - Martin Scorsese (1973) 565. The Long Goodbye - Robert Altman (1973) 566. The Wicker Man - Robin Hardy (1973) 567. La Nuit Américaine (Day for Night) - François Truffaut (1973) 568. Don't Look Now - Nicolas Roeg (1973) 569. Sleeper - Woody Allen (1973) 570. Serpico - Sidney Lumet (1973) 571. The Exorcist - William Friedkin (1973) 572. Turks Fruit (Turkish Delight) - Paul Verhoeven (1973) 573. El Espíritu de la Colmena (The Spirit of the Beehive) - Victor Erice (1973) 574. La Plan?te Sauvage (Fantastic Planet) - René Laloux (1973) 575. Amarcord - Federico Fellini (1973) 576. The Harder They Come - Perry Henzell (1973) 577. Pat Garret and Billy the Kid - Sam Peckinpah (1973) 578. Dersu Uzala - Akira Kurosawa (1974) 579. The Conversation - Francis Ford Coppola (1974) 580. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Tobe Hooper (1974) 581. Zerkalo (The Mirror) - Andrei Tarkovsky (1974) 582. A Woman Under the Influence - John Cassavetes (1974) 583. Young Frankenstein - Mel Brooks (1974) 584. Chinatown - Roman Polanski (1974) 585. Céline et Julie Vont en Bateau (Celine and Julie Go Boating) - Jacques Rivette (1974) 586. Blazing Saddles - Mel Brooks (1974) 587. The Godfather: Part II - Francis Ford Coppola (1974) 588. Angst Essen Seele Auf (Ali: Fear Eats the Soul) - Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1974) 589. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia - Sam Peckinpah (1974) 590. Dog Day Afternoon - Sidney Lumet (1975) 591. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Milos Forman (1975) 592. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles - Chantal Akerman (1975) 593. The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Jim Sharman (1975) 594. Deewaar (The Wall) - Yash Chopra (1975) 595. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones (1975) 596. Barry Lyndon - Stanley Kubrick (1975) 597. Faustrecht der Freiheit (Fox and His Friends) - Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1975) 598. India Song - Marguerite Dumas (1975) 599. Picnic at Hanging Rock - Peter Weir (1975) 600. Maynila: Sa mga kuko ng liwanag (The Nail of Brightness) - Lino Brocka (1975) 601. Sal? o le Centoventi Giornate di Sodoma (Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom) - Pier Paolo Pasolini (1975) 602. Nashville - Robert Altman (1975) 603. Cría Cuervos (Cria!) - Carlos Saura (1975) 604. O Thiassos (The Traveling Players) - Theo Angelopoulos (1975) 605. Jaws - Steven Spielberg (1975) 606. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie - John Cassavetes (1976) 607. Carrie - Brian De Palma (1976) 608. The Outlaw Josey Wales - Clint Eastwood (1976) 609. All the President's Men - Alan J. Pakula (1976) 610. Rocky - John G. Avildsen (1976) 611. Taxi Driver - Martin Scorsese (1976) 612. Network - Sidney Lumet (1976) 613. Voskhozhdenie (Ascent) - Larisa Shepitko (1976) 614. Ai No Corrida (In the Realm of the Senses) - Nagisa Oshima (1976) 615. Novecento (1900) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1976) 616. The Man Who Fell to Earth - Nicolas Roeg (1976) 617. Star Wars - George Lucas (1977) 618. Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Steven Spielberg (1977) 619. The Last Wave - Peter Weir (1977) 620. Annie Hall - Woody Allen (1977) 621. Last Chants for a Slow Dance - Jon Jost (1977) 622. Stroszek - Werner Herzog (1977) 623. Czlowiek Z Marmuru (Man of Marble) - Andrzej Wajda (1977) 624. Saturday Night Fever - John Badham (1977) 625. Killer of Sheep - Charles Burnett (1977) 626. Eraserhead - David Lynch (1977) 627. Ceddo - Ousmane Sembene (1977) 628. Der Amerikanische Freund (The American Friend) - Wim Wenders (1977) 629. The Hills Have Eyes - Wes Craven (1977) 630. Soldaat van Oranje (Soldier of Orange) - Paul Verhoeven (1977) 631. Suspiria - Dario Argento (1977) 632. The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith - Fred Schepisi (1978) 633. Wu Du (Five Deadly Venoms) - Chang Chen (1978) 634. L'Arbero degli Zoccoli (The Tree of Wooden Clogs) - Ermanno Olmi (1978) 635. The Deer Hunter - Michael Cimino (1978) 636. Grease - Randal Kleiser (1978) 637. Days of Heaven - Terrence Malick (1978) 638. Dawn of the Dead - George A. Romero (1978) 639. Shao Lin San Shih Liu Fang (Shaolin Master Killer) - Chia-Liang Liu (1978) 640. Up in Smoke - Lou Adler & Tommy Chong (1978) 641. Halloween - John Carpenter (1978) 642. Die Ehe der Maria Braun (The Marriage of Maria Braun) - Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1979) 643. Real Life - Albert Brooks (1979) 644.My Brilliant Career - Gillian Armstrong (1979) 645. Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky (1979) 646. Alien - Ridley Scott (1979) 647. Breaking Away - Peter Yates (1979) 648. Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum) - Volker Schlöndorff (1979) 649. All That Jazz - Bob Fosse (1979) 650. Being There - Hal Ashby (1979) 651. Kramer vs. Kramer - Robert Benton (1979) 652. Life of Brian - Terry Jones (1979) 653. Apocalypse Now - Francis Ford Coppola (1979) 654. The Jerk - Carl Reiner (1979) 655. The Muppet Movie - James Frawley (1979) 656. Manhattan - Woody Allen (1979) 657. Mad Max - George Miller (1979) 658. Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (Nosferatu: Phantom of the Night) - Werner Herzog (1979) 659. Ordinary People - Robert Redford (1980) 660. Atlantic City - Louis Malle (1980) 661. Le Dernier Métro (The Last Metro) - François Truffaut (1980) 662. The Shining - Stanley Kubrick (1980) 663. Stars Wars: Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back - Irvin Kershner (1980) 664. The Elephant Man - David Lynch (1980) 665. The Big Red One - Samuel Fuller (1980) 666. Loulou - Maurice Pialat (1980) 667. Airplane! - Jim Abrahams, David Zucker & Jerry Zucker (1980) 668. Raging Bull - Martin Scorsese (1980) 669. Raiders of the Lost Ark - Steven Spielberg (1981) 670. Das Boot (The Boat) - Wolfgang Petersen (1981) 671. Gallipoli - Peter Weir (1981) 672. Chariots of Fire - Hugh Hudson (1981) 673. Body Heat - Lawrence Kasdan (1981) 674. Reds - Warren Beatty (1981) 675. An American Werewolf in London - John Landis (1981) 676. Tre Fratelli (Three Brothers) - Francesco Rosi (1981) 677. Czlowiek Z Zelaza (Man of Iron) - Andrzej Wajda (1981) 678. Trop tôt, trop tard (Too Early, Too Late) - Dani?le Hullet & Jean-Marie Straub (1981) 679. Fast Times at Ridgemont High - Amy Heckerling (1981) 680. E.T.: The Extra-Terestrial - Steven Spielberg (1982) 681. The Thing - John Carpenter (1982) 682. Poltergeist - Tobe Hooper (1982) 683. Blade Runner - Ridley Scott (1982) 684. The Evil Dead - Sam Raimi (1982) 685. Tootsie - Sydney Pollack (1982) 686. Yol - Serif Gören & Yilmaz Güney (1982) 687. Diner - Barry Levinson (1982) 688. Fitzcarraldo - Werner Herzog (1982) 689. Gandhi - Richard Attenborough (1982) 690. La Notti di San Lorenzo (The Night of the Shooting Stars) - Paolo Taviani & Vittorio Taviani (1982) 691. De Stilte rond Christine M. (A Question of Silence) - Marleen Gorris (1982) 692. Fanny och Alexander (Fanny and Alexander) - Ingmar Bergman (1982) 693. A Christmas Story - Bob Clark (1983) 694. El Norte - Gregory Nava (1983) 695. Videodrome - David Cronenberg (1983) 696. Star Wars: Episode VI, Return of the Jedi - Richard Marquand (1983) 697. The Big Chill - Lawrence Kasdan (1983) 698. Sans Soleil (Sunless) - Chris Marker (1983) 699. Le Dernier Combat (The Last Battle) - Luc Besson (1983) 700. L'Argent (Money) - Robert Bresson (1983) 701. UTU - Geoff Murphy (1983) 702. Terms of Endearment - James L. Brooks (1983) 703. De Vierde Man (The Fourth Man) - Paul Verhoeven (1983) 704. The King of Comedy - Martin Scorsese (1983) 705. The Right Stuff - Philip Kaufman (1983) 706. Koyaanisqatsi - Godfrey Reggio (1983) 707. Once Upon a Time in America - Sergio Leone (1983) 708. Scarface - Brian De Palma (1983) 709. Narayama Bushi-Ko (The Ballad of Narayama) - Shohei Imamura (1983) 710. Amadeus - Milos Forman (1984) 711. The Terminator - James Cameron (1984) 712. Paris, Texas - Wim Wenders (1984) 713. A Nightmare on Elm Street - Wes Craven (1984) 714. This Is Spinal Tap - Rob Reiner (1984) 715. Beverly Hills Cop - Martin Brest (1984) 716. Ghost Busters - Ivan Reitman (1984) 717. A Passage to India - David Lean (1984) 718. Stranger Than Paradise - Jim Jarmusch (1984) 719. The Killing Fields - Roland Joffé (1984) 720. The Natural - Barry Levinson (1984) 721. The Breakfast Club - John Hughes (1985) 722. Ran - Akira Kurosawa (1985) 723. Idi i Smotri (Come and See) - Elem Klimov (1985) 724. La Historia Oficial (The Official Story) - Luis Puenzo (1985) 725. Out of Africa - Sydney Pollack (1985) 726. The Purple Rose of Cairo - Woody Allen (1985) 727. Back to the Future - Robert Zemeckis (1985) 728. Tong Nien Wang Shi (The Time to Live and the Time to Die) - Hsiao-hsien Hou (1985) 729. Brazil - Terry Gilliam (1985) 730. Kiss of the Spider Woman - Hector Babenco (1985) 731. The Quiet Earth - Geoff Murphy (1985) 732. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters - Paul Schrader (1985) 733. Prizzi's Honor - John Huston (1985) 734. Sans Toit Ni Loi (Vagabond) - Agn?s Varda (1985) 735. Shoah - Claude Lanzmann (1985) 736. The Color Purple - Steven Spielberg (1985) 737. Manhunter - Michael Mann (1986) 738. Stand By Me - Rob Reiner (1986) 739. Blue Velvet - David Lynch (1986) 740. Hannah and Her Sisters - Woody Allen (1986) 741. She's Gotta Have It - Spike Lee (1986) 742. Le Déclin de L'Empire Américain (The Decline of the American Empire) - Denys Arcand (1986) 743. The Fly - David Cronenberg (1986) 744. Aliens - James Cameron (1986) 745. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - John Hughes (1986) 746. Down by Law - Jim Jarmusch (1986) 747. A Room with a View - James Ivory (1986) 748. Children of a Lesser God - Randa Haines (1986) 749. Platoon - Oliver Stone (1986) 750. Caravaggio - Derek Jarman (1986) 751. Tampopo - Juzo Itami (1986) 752. Do Ma Daan (Peking Opera Blues) - Tsui Hark (1986) 753. Salvador - Oliver Stone (1986) 754. Top Gun - Tony Scott (1986) 755. Sherman's March - Ross McElwee (1986) 756. Dao Ma Zei (The Horse Thief) - Tian Zhuangzhuang (1986) 757. Yeelen (Brightness) - Souleymane Cissé (1987) 758. Der Himmel Über Berlin (Wings of Desire) - Wim Wenders (1987) 759. 'A' Gai Waak Juk Jaap (Project A, Part II) - Jackie Chan (1987) 760. Babbetes Gaestebud (Babette's Feast) - Gabriel Axel (1987) 761. Raising Arizona - Joel Coen (1987) 762. Full Metal Jacket - Stanley Kubrick (1987) 763. Withnail and I - Bruce Robinson (1987) 764. Good Morning, Vietnam - Barry Levinson (1987) 765. Au Revoir les Enfants (Goodbye Children) - Louis Malle (1987) 766. Broadcast News - James L. Brooks (1987) 767. Housekeeping - Bill Forsyth (1987) 768. The Princess Bride - Rob Reiner (1987) 769. Moonstruck - Norman Jewison (1987) 770. The Untouchables - Brian De Palma (1987) 771. Hong Gao Liang (Red Sorghum) - Zhang Yimou (1987) 772. The Dead - John Huston (1987) 773. Fatal Attraction - Adrian Lyne (1987) 774. Sinnui Yauman (A Chinese Ghost Story) - Siu-Tung Ching (1987) 775. Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown) - Pedro Almodóvar (1988) 776. Spoorloos (The Vanishing) - George Sluizer (1988) 777. Bull Durham - Ron Shelton (1988) 778. Ariel - Aki Kaurismäki (1988) 779. The Thin Blue Line - Errol Morris (1988) 780. Akira - Katsuhiro Ôtomo (1988) 781. Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (Cinema Paradiso) - Giuseppe Tornatore (1988) 782. Hôtel Terminus: Klaus Barbie et Son Temps (Hotel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie) - Marcel Ophüls (1988) 783. A Fish Called Wanda - Charles Crichton (1988) 784. The Naked Gun - David Zucker (1988) 785. Big - Penny Marshall (1988) 786. Dangerous Liaisons - Stephen Frears (1988) 787. Hotaru No Haka (Grave of the Fireflies) - Isao Takahata (1988) 788. Topio Stin Omichli (Landscape in the Mist) - Theo Angelopoulos (1988) 789. Dekalog, Jeden (The Decalogue) - Krzysztof Kieslowski (1988) 790. Die Hard - John McTiernan (1988) 791. Une Histoire de Vent (A Tale of the Wind) - Joris Ivens (1988) 792. Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Robert Zemeckis (1988) 793. Rain Man - Barry Levinson (1988) 794. Une Affaire de Femmes (The Story of Women) - Claude Chabrol (1988) 795. Drowning By Numbers - Peter Greenaway (1988) 796. Neco Z Alenky (Alice) - Jan Svankmajer (1988) 797. Batman - Tim Burton (1989) 798. When Harry Met Sally - Rob Reiner (1989) 799. Crimes and Misdemeanors - Woody Allen (1989) 800. The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover - Peter Greenaway (1989) 801. Drugstore Cowboy - Gus Van Sant (1989) 802. My Left Foot - Jim Sheridan (1989) 803. Die Xue Shuang Xiong (The Killer) - John Woo (1989) 804. Do the Right Thing - Spike Lee (1989) 805. Roger & Me - Michael Moore (1989) 806. Glory - Edward Zwick (1989) 807. Astenicheskij Sindrom (The Asthenic Syndrome) - Kira Muratova (1989) 808. Sex, Lies and Videotape - Steven Soderbergh (1989) 809. Say Anything - Cameron Crowe (1989) 810. The Unbelievable Truth - Hal Hartley (1989) 811. Beiqing Chengshi (A City of Sadness) - Hsiao-hsien Hou (1989) 812. S'En Fout la Mort (No Fear, No Die) - Claire Denis (1990) 813. Reversal of Fortune - Barbet Schroeder (1990) 814. Goodfellas - Martin Scorsese (1990) 815. Jacob's Ladder - Adrian Lyne (1990) 816. King of New York - Abel Ferrara (1990) 817. Dances With Wolves - Kevin Costner (1990) 818. Hitlerjunge Salomon (Europa Europa) - Agnieszka Holland (1990) 819. Pretty Woman - Garry Marshall (1990) 820. Archangel - Guy Maddin (1990) 821. Trust - Hal Hartley (1990) 822. Nema-Ye Nazdik (Close-Up) - Abbas Kiarostami (1990) 823. Edward Scissorhands - Tim Burton (1990) 824. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer - John McNaughton (1990) 825. Total Recall - Paul Verhoeven (1990) 826. Wong Fei-Hung (Once Upon a Time in China) - Hark Tsui (1991) 827. Boyz 'n the Hood - John Singleton (1991) 828. Da Hong Deng Long Gao Gao Gua (Raise the Red Lantern) - Yimou Zhang (1991) 829. Delicatessen - Marc Caro & Jean-Pierre Jeunet (1991) 830. Guling Jie Shaonian Sha Ren Shijian (A Brighter Summer Day) - Edward Yang (1991) 831. Naked Lunch - David Cronenberg (1991) 832. La Belle Noiseuse (The Beautiful Troublemaker) - Jacques Rivette (1991) 833. The Rapture - Michael Tolkin (1991) 834. My Own Private Idaho - Gus Van Sant (1991) 835. Thelma & Louise - Ridley Scott (1991) 836. Terminator 2: Judgment Day - James Cameron (1991) 837. The Silence of the Lambs - Jonathan Demme (1991) 838. JFK - Oliver Stone (1991) 839. Slacker - Richard Linklater (1991) 840. Tongues Untied - Marlon Riggs (1991) 841. Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse - Fax Bahr, Eleanor Coppola & George Hickenlooper (1991) 842. La Double Vie de Véronique (The Double Life of Veronique) - Krzysztof Kieslowski (1991) 843. Strictly Ballroom - Baz Luhrmann (1992) 844. The Player - Robert Altman (1992) 845. Reservoir Dogs - Quentin Tarantino (1992) 846. Romper Stomper - Geoffrey Wright (1992) 847. Glengarry Glen Ross - James Foley (1992) 848. Unforgiven - Clint Eastwood (1992) 849. Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer - Nick Bloomfield (1992) 850. Conte d'Hiver (A Tale of Winter) - Eric Rohmer (1992) 851. Yuen Ling-Yuk (The Actress) - Stanley Kwan (1992) 852. C'Est Arrivé Pr?s de Chez Vous (Man Bites Dog) - Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel & Benoît Poelvoorde (1992) 853. The Crying Game - Neil Jordan (1992) 854. Ba Wang Bie Ji (Farewell My Concubine) - Kaige Chen (1993) 855. Groundhog Day - Harold Ramis (1993) 856. Thirty Two Short Films about Glenn Gould - François Girard (1993) 857. Short Cuts - Robert Altman (1993) 858. Philadelphia - Jonathan Demme (1993) 859. Hsimeng Jensheng (The Puppetmaster) - Hsian-hsien Hou (1993) 860. Jurassic Park - Steven Spielberg (1993) 861. Trois Couleurs: Bleu (Three Colors: Blue) - Krzysztof Kieslowski (1993) 862. The Piano - Jane Campion (1993) 863. Lan Feng Zheng (The Blue Kite) - Tian Zhuangzhuang (1993) 864. Hsi Yen (The Wedding Banquet) - Ang Lee (1993) 865. Schindler's List - Steven Spielberg (1993) 866. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - Stephan Elliott (1994) 867. Trois Couleurs: Rouge (Three Colors: Red) - Krzysztof Kieslowski (1994) 868. Hoop Dreams - Steve James (1994) 869. Forrest Gump - Robert Zemeckis (1994) 870. The Lion King - Roger Allers & Rob Minkoff (1994) 871. Clerks - Kevin Smith (1994) 872. Four Weddings and a Funeral - Mike Newell (1994) 873. Natural Born Killers - Oliver Stone (1994) 874. The Last Seduction - John Dahl (1994) 875. Pulp Fiction - Quentin Tarantino (1994) 876. The Shawshank Redemption - Frank Darabont (1994) 877. Les Roseaux Sauvages (The Wild Reeds) - André Téchiné (1994) 878. Chong Qing Sen Lin (Chungking Express) - Kar-wai Wong (1994) 879. Crumb - Terry Zwigoff (1994) 880. Sátántangó - Béla Tarr (1994) 881. Zire Darakhatan Zeyton (Through the Olive Trees) - Abbas Kiarostami (1994) 882. Heavenly Creatures - Peter Jackson (1994) 883. Caro Diario (Dear Diary) - Nanni Moretti (1994) 884. Muriel's Wedding - P.J. Hogan (1994) 885. Riget (The Kingdom) - Morten Arnfred & Lars von Trier (1994) 886. Babe - Chris Noonan (1995) 887. Deseret - James Benning (1995) 888. Braveheart - Mel Gibson (1995) 889. Safe - Todd Haynes (1995) 890. Toy Story - John Lasseter (1995) 891. Casino - Martin Scorsese (1995) 892. Heat - Michael Mann (1995) 893. Kj?rlighetens Kj?tere (Zero Kelvin) - Hans Petter Moland (1995) 894. Clueless - Amy Heckerling (1995) 895. Smoke - Wayne Wang & Paul Auster (1995) 896. Badkonake Sefid (The White Balloon) - Jafar Panahi (1995) 897. Se7en - David Fincher (1995) 898. Underground - Emir Kusturica (1995) 899. Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge (The Brave Heart Will Take the Bride) - Aditya Chopra (1995) 900. Xich Lo (Cyclo) - Anh-Hung Tran (1995) 901. The Usual Suspects - Bryan Singer (1995) 902. Dead Man - Jim Jarmusch (1995) 903. Fargo - Joel Coen (1996) 904. Trois Vies & Une Seule Mort (Three Lives and Only One Death) - Raoul Ruiz (1996) 905. Shine - Scott Hicks (1996) 906. Breaking the Waves - Lars von Trier (1996) 907. Independence Day - Roland Emmerich (1996) 908. Secrets and Lies - Mike Leigh (1996) 909. Gabbeh - Mohsen Makhmalbaf (1996) 910. Lone Star - John Sayles (1996) 911. Trainspotting - Danny Boyle (1996) 912. Scream - Wes Craven (1996) 913. The English Patient - Anthony Minghella (1996) 914. Cheun Gwong Tsa Sit (Happy Together) - Kar-wai Wong (1997) 915. Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) - Hayao Miyazaki (1997) 916. L.A. Confidential - Curtis Hanson (1997) 917. The Butcher Boy - Neil Jordan (1997) 918. The Ice Storm - Ang Lee (1997) 919. Boogie Nights - Paul Thomas Anderson (1997) 920. Deconstructing Harry - Woody Allen (1997) 921. The Sweet Hereafter - Atom Egoyan (1997) 922. Funny Games - Michael Haneke (1997) 923. Ta'm e Guilass (Taste of Cherry) - Abbas Kiarostami (1997) 924. Abre los Ojos (Open Your Eyes) - Alejandro Amenábar (1997) 925. Mat i Syn (Mother and Son) - Aleksandr Sokurov (1997) 926. Titanic - James Cameron (1997) 927. The Big Lebowski - Joel Coen (1998) 928. Festen (The Celebration) - Thomas Vinterberg (1998) 929. Saving Private Ryan - Steven Speilberg (1998) 930. Buffalo 66 - Vincent Gallo (1998) 931. Rushmore - Wes Anderson (1998) 932. Lola Rennt (Run Lola Run) - Tom Tykwer (1998) 933. Idioterne (The Idiots) - Lars von Trier (1998) 934. Pi - Darren Aronofsky (1998) 935. Happiness - Todd Solondz (1998) 936. The Thin Red Line - Terrence Malick (1998) 937. There's Something About Mary - Bobby Farrelly & Peter Farrelly (1998) 938. Sombre - Philippe Grandreiux (1998) 939. Ringu - Hideo Nakata (1998) 940. Gohatto (Taboo) - Nagisa Oshima (1999) 941. Magnolia - Paul Thomas Anderson (1999) 942. Beau Travail - Claire Denis (1999) 943. The Blair Witch Project - Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sánchez (1999) 944. Three Kings - David O. Russell (1999) 945. Rosetta - Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne (1999) 946. Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother) - Pedro Almodóvar (1999) 947. Le Temps Retrouvé (Time Regained) - Raoul Ruiz (1999) 948. Fight Club - David Fincher (1999) 949. Being John Malkovich - Spike Jonze (1999) 950. American Beauty - Sam Mendes (1999) 951. Bad Ma Ra Khahad Bord (The Wind Will Carry Us) - Abbas Kiarostami (1999) 952. The Matrix - Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski (1999) 953. The Sixth Sense - M. Night Shyamalan (1999) 954. Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse (The Gleaners and I) - Agn?s Varda (2000) 955. Nueve Reinas (Nine Queens) - Fabián Bielinsky (2000) 956. La Captive (The Captive) - Chantal Akerman (2000) 957. Dut Yeung Nin Wa (In the Mood for Love) - Kar-wai Wong (2000) 958. Ali Zaoua, Prince de la Rue (Ali Zaoua, Prince of the Streets) - Nabil Ayouch (2000) 959. Gladiator - Ridley Scott (2000) 960. Kippur - Amos Gitai (2000) 961. Yi Yi (A One and a Two) - Edward Yang (2000) 962. Requiem for a Dream - Darren Aronofsky (2000) 963. Amores Perros - Alejandro González I?árritu (2000) 964. Meet the Parents - Jay Roach (2000) 965. Signs & Wonders - Jonathan Nossiter (2000) 966. Wo Hu Cang Long (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) - Ang Lee (2000) 967. Traffic - Steven Soderbergh (2000) 968. Dancer in the Dark - Lars von Trier (2000) 969. Memento - Christopher Nolan (2000) 970. Safar e Ghandehar (Kandahar) - Mohsen Makhmalbaf (2001) 971. Ni Neibian Jidian (What Time Is It There?) - Ming-liang Tsai (2001) 972. Y Tu Mamá También (And Your Mother Too) - Alfonso Cuarón (2001) 973. Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain - Jean-Pierre Jeunet (2001) 974. Sen To Chihiro No Kamikakushi (Spirited Away) - Hayao Miyazaki (2001) 975. La Pianiste (The Piano Teacher) - Michael Haneke (2001) 976. La Stanza del Figlio (The Son's Room) - Nanni Moretti (2001) 977. No Man's Land - Danis Tanovic (2001) 978. Moulin Rouge! - Baz Luhrmann (2001) 979. Monsoon Wedding - Mira Nair (2001) 980. Lantana - Ray Lawrence (2001) 981. ? Ma Soeur! (Fat Girl) - Catherine Breillat (2001) 982. Mulholland Dr. - David Lynch (2001) 983. The Royal Tenenbaums - Wes Anderson (2001) 984. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Peter Jackson (2001) 985. The Pianist - Roman Polanski (2002) 986. Gangs of New York - Martin Scorsese (2002) 987. Cidade de Deus (City of God) - Fernando Meirelles (2002) 988. Hero (Ying Xiong) - Yimou Zhang (2002) 989. Hable con Ella (Talk to Her) - Pedro Almodóvar (2002) 990. Russkij Kovcheg (Russian Ark) - Aleksandr Sokurov (2002) 991. The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers - Peter Jackson (2002) 992. Les Invasions Barbares (The Barbarian Invasions) - Denys Arcand (2003) 993. Oldboy - Chan-wook Park (2003) 994. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 - Quentin Tarantino (2003) 995. Good Bye Lenin! - Wolfgang Becker (2003) 996. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King - Peter Jackson (2003) 997. Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore (2004) 998. The Passion Of The Christ - Mel Gibson (2004) 999. Collateral - Michael Mann (2004) 1000. The Aviator - Martin Scorsese (2004) 1001. Million Dollar Baby - Clint Eastwood (2004) Cytuj
Kalel 3 634 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Dobra, z 20 widziałem teraz 980 przede mną. Dzięki ;] Cytuj
Diabeu 1 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Drugi film autora Haute tension - remake klasycznego Wzgórza mają oczy też wg. mnie zaje.bisty choć tutaj zdania są podzielone. za(pipi)isty, Mirrors też daje radę, scena w wannie robi wrażenie marjano, a ty się dobrze czujesz? czy po prostu jesteś debilem i u ciebie tak zawsze? Kalel, Blade Runnera zalicz, o ile jeszcze nie miałeś okazji Madaxaa, Unforgiven z Eastwoodem Najlepszy serial jaki kiedykolwiek powstał "Rodzina Soprano" lol To nie loluj tylko odrzuć rękawice. pozwolisz że ja odrzucę? Alternatywy 4 Cytuj
marjano 161 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Mam sie bac goscia ktory s.ra ze strachu na mirrors? Z kiferem saterlandem? Cytuj
Diabeu 1 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 jednak jesteś debilem, nawet czytać ze zrozumieniem nie umiesz Cytuj
michal 576 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 heh ktoś tu surreala zna . Dobrze dobrze , ambitne kino rulez Cytuj
Mq 73 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Zaiste, umrzec nie obejrzawszy takich dziel jak Pretty Woman, Dzien Niepodleglosci albo Poznaj Mojego Tate to jakby nie zyc w ogole. Cytuj
gekon 1 787 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Ze 40 filmów z listy dałoby radę. Cytuj
Figaro 8 446 Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 Autor Opublikowano 5 marca 2010 heh ktoś tu surreala zna . Dobrze dobrze , ambitne kino rulez wymień najlepsze surreale z tej listy, bo nie chcę kazdego po kolei wklejac do wyszukiwarki i sprawdzać gatunek ;f Cytuj
Wiolku 1 592 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Chcesz surrealizmu ? "Głowa do wycierania" Lyncha. Osz fuck ale mi spalił czachę ten film. Cytuj
Figaro 8 446 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Autor Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Widziałem kiedyś, o 3 w nocy. Ruluje ten film. Cytuj
gekon 1 787 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Sorry za offtop, ale do tych surreali trzeba sie jakoś nastawić specjalnie, zjeść coś przed seansem itp? Bo kilka już widziałem i jednak żaden mi głowy nie zrył. Cytuj
michal 576 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 heh ktoś tu surreala zna . Dobrze dobrze , ambitne kino rulez wymień najlepsze surreale z tej listy, bo nie chcę kazdego po kolei wklejac do wyszukiwarki i sprawdzać gatunek ;f z tych typowych surrealistycznych filmideł polecam wszystko od Bunuela, Svankmajera , Lyncha i Kennetha Angera . Oprócz tego Primer , Begotten , Gummo , Julien donkey boy , Gozu , Dead or Alive 1,2,3 Nieodwracalne , Kod nieznany(mocno filozoficzny tytul) , Funny games , Ukryte , Equus , Kapryśna chmura , Święta Góra , Decasia . gekon - nie nastrajaj sie , surreal najlepiej dziala z zaskoczenia :twisted Cytuj
Wiolku 1 592 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Gdzieś czytałem, że surreala nie należy interpretować(broń Boże w czasie seansu). Po prostu chłonąć, bez zbędnych rozkminek. To ogólne świeże rozumienie pozostawić w głowie i nie ruszać. Ja tak często robię i działa ;] Cytuj
gekon 1 787 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Bo dla mnie te filmiki w sumie nie rożnią się od reklmówek, teledysków. Taki zlepek obrazków bez sensu. Wchodzi taki film z jednej strony i wyychodzi drugą nie pozostawiając żadego wrażenie. Pewnie robie coś nie tak. Spróbuję jeszcze raz. Cytuj
michal 576 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 wiesz ze w tym momencie bluznisz . Cytuj
Kazuo 134 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Opublikowano 6 marca 2010 Ostatnio załapałem podjarę na tematykę piracenia, polećcie coś w stylu Jacka Sparrowa. Cytuj
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