django 549 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Bez zbednego wstepu bo chyba kazdy mniej wiecej wie o co cho Oto pierwsza znaczaca pozycja w katalogu Young God Records, wytworni zarzadzanej przez Michaela Gira. Zeszloroczny album grupy Akron/Family jest jest wypelniony po brzegi optymistycznymi pioseneczkami w ktorych Ci kosmici probuja nam wmowic rozne rzeczy. Sztampy nie ma, bynajmniej. Chlopaki solidnie odrobili prace domowa i az zadziwiaja sprawnoscia z jaka manewruja po poszczegolnych tematach muzycznych. A to zabiora cos z country, a to z gospela, a to jakas balladke walna. Wszystko polane przepysznym freak-folkowym sosem i wymieszane w jednym kotle. Ba! Chłopaki nie stronia nawet od wstawek turntablismu czy pseudo-impowizacji podsmiewujac sobie z Zornowskiego Painkillera. Ogolnie plyta nie nudzi, i choc nie jest to poziom 'We Are Him' formacji 'Angels of Light' to i tak chce sie tego sluchac. Optymistyczne nutki w sam raz na napierdalajacy na oknem deszcz i ogolna szarugę. Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #01] Love, Love, Love (everyone) [1:46] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #02] Ed is a Portal [7:32] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #03] Don't be afraid, you're already dead [4:36] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #04] I've Got Some Friends [3:10] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #05] Lake Song/New Ceremonial Music for Moms [7:25] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #06] There's So Many Colors [8:11] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #07] Crickets [3:59] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #08] Phenomena [3:47] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #09] Pony's OG [5:20] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #10] Of All The Things [7:41] Akron/Family - [Love is Simple #11] Love, Love, Love (Reprise) [3:07] bierzcie i cieszcie sie Cytuj
tukan 1 917 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Bez zbednego wstepu bo chyba kazdy mniej wiecej wie o co cho Ja nie wiem, naprawdę. Ale opis płyty brzmi zachęcająco to obadam. Chyba. Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Autor Opublikowano 31 października 2008 w skrocie - jeden z najbardziej znaczacych bandow, a napewno najbardziej 'wplywowych' na pokolenia muzykow. Najpierw grali ciezko ciezko czego dowodem jest chociazby 'Filth' - taki Streetcleaner, ale wydany w '83 roku. Po jakim czasie doszla Jarboe i grali bardziej melodyjnie az do 'Soundtracks For The Blind' na ktorym walili 'gotyckie balladki', ambienty etc. Ogolnie bylo mroczno, ciezko, ale bez halasu a raczej z budowaniem klimatu. Po ww. plytce Swansi przestali istniec a Gira i Jarboe poszli w swoje strony wydajac wiecej lub mniej bardziej lub mniej udanych plyciw. Ogolnie warto znac. Cytuj
ogqozo 6 701 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Dla mnie za ciężkie, zresztą tak samo, jak Godflesh. Jak sobie tego słucham, to po chwili albo wyłączam w(pipi)iony, albo chce mi się rzygać. To znaczy, Swans. Nie wiem, jak to coś, no bo jak podobne do Swans, to nie będę słuchał. P.S. "Body to Body..." to jedna z najbardziej depresyjnych płyt, jakie zrobiono, no rzeź. Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Autor Opublikowano 31 października 2008 przeciez napisalem, ze optymistyczna plytka Cytuj
ogqozo 6 701 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Opublikowano 31 października 2008 Coś mało ten Akron podobny do Swans. W zasadzie to w ogóle. Cytuj
Gość _Be_ Opublikowano 1 listopada 2008 Opublikowano 1 listopada 2008 Optymistyczne nutki w sam raz na napierdalajacy na oknem deszcz i ogolna szarugę. bierzcie i cieszcie sie Ano dokładnie, pozytywne granie polecam. Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 1 listopada 2008 Autor Opublikowano 1 listopada 2008 Coś mało ten Akron podobny do Swans. W zasadzie to w ogóle. ja tam nigdzie nie pisalem, ze Akrony maja cos wspolnego ze Swans;] oprocz wytworni ofkors, Gira teraz zreszta tez zupelnie inne rzeczy nagrywa. W przyszlym tygodniu wrzuce pare jego plytek. Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 22 listopada 2008 Autor Opublikowano 22 listopada 2008 The Angels of Light - We Are Him Michael Gira wspierany przez muzyków Akron/Family na IMO najlepszej plycie formacji 'TAoL'. 'We Are Him' to dwanaście niesamowitych utworów oscylujących wokół alt-country i 'nowego' folku. Płyta, mimo, że bardzo spójna klimatycznie, jest niesamowicie zróżnicowana dźwiękowo. Pojawia się tutaj i gospel, coś około rockowego, jakieś balladki, elementy post-rockowych soundscape'ów itakdalej itympodobne. Album jest niesamowicie przejmujący, głos Giry (?) to absolut, nieskazitelnie czysty oraz przekazujący mnóstwo emocji w czym pomagają świetne teksty piosenek. Szczerze mówiąc, nie wiem co dalej mogę napisać o tym albumie. (Stosunkowo) Niewiele jest w moim katalogu ocen 10/10, ale nie mogę nic innego jej wystawić. Uzależniający album od którego ciężko się opędzić a przy tym wzorowo zagrany, zaśpiewany, wyprodukowany, wydany i ukradziony. Wiem, że jeżeli w tym momencie bym ją włączył to wyleciałaby z plejera dopiero za pare dni. Moc. na dole jeszcze zapodam recenzje z biczdorka The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #01] Black River Song [3:15] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #02] Promise Of Water [5:27] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #03] The Man We Left Behind [5:51] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #04] My Brother's Man [4:18] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #05] Not Here/Not Now [5:42] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #06] Joseph's Song [4:03] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #07] We Are Him [4:11] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #08] Sometimes I Dream I'm Hurting You [6:27] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #09] Sunflower's Here To Stay [3:01] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #10] Good Bye Mary Lou [3:08] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #11] The Visitor [4:35] The Angels Of Light - [We Are Him #12] Star Chaser [5:50] A year ago, writing for Perfect Sound Forever, Brian Hell buried himself in a series of questions about lyrics with Michael Gira. The Angels of Light Sing "Other People"-- the fifth album from Gira's prime project since Swans' end in 1997-- had just been released. The most telling question and answer refer to "Simon Is Stronger Than Us", a playful song with Akron/Family, then Gira's backing band, teasing his broad baritone with yelps for harmonies. Hell inquired if the line "And Francis did that, too, though Francis trawled London and made no excuse" was a reference to Irish painter Francis Bacon: "Well yes, I am referring to Francis Bacon there, very astute of you," the singer replied. Of course Gira would reference Bacon, call him by name even: Articulating with screams, something Bacon specialized in while painting, has been paramount to Gira's aesthetic for a quarter century now. On We Are Him-- his sixth and arguably most engaging album as Angels of Light-- he lands some of the best of those complete releases. Gira seems more empowered and commanding than he has in a decade, the emotions he's conveying coming in huge fits that, like Bacon's, are as powerful as they are draining. He's backed by one of the most impressive guest lists of the year (Akron/Family providing the basic tracks, plus new friends or longtime collaborators Larkin Grimm, David Garland, and Bill Rieflin), but one must understand that this is Gira's album. He lets it all out and wastes little time: Four seconds into the colossal opening track, "Black River Song", for instance, a thick electric bass knock pumps against every heavy drum hit and compacted guitar sinew: "Black river runs/ beneath this ground/ Black river flows forever/ But he makes no sound." The chorus-- some variation of the series, "Fading, growing, breathing, flowing," sung by Gira and female voices-- is sinister, challenging and almost sexy. A track later, a rocking-chair rhythm moans beneath Gira's snarl. He's rarely sounded this foreboding: Prodded by a scathing, raw violin drone and a daring chorus of sirens, it's an escalating dirge for the collapse of society, full of floods, blood and mouths too stupid to scream. Beneath an electric guitar twitter, heavy drums and furious strings on "My Brother's Man", Gira hands down these imprecations: "I walk through the thick black mud. I walk with my brother's blood. I see with my brother's eye. I scream at my brother's sky." Swans, anyone? But this record isn't so simple. "My Brother's Man" notes that the brother is capable of murder and so is Gira. But it embraces the relationship, vowing to crush god "in my fucking hand" for the sake of fraternal legacy. It's protective, triumphant. The subsequent "This Is Not Here"-- a dark duet with Gira's wife, Siobhan Duffy-- offers the lovers choices and endings: Will the world steal the sun, or will the lovers touch the light? "Will you dream that we breathe?" It's not about anger or fatalism. In 1984, Gira screamed about burning and eating hearts on "Raping a Slave"; in 1995, he sang about supplication to God while witnessing the fragility of the world during "Our Love Lies". We Are Him is a near-perfect, totally committed summation hammering at the same unresolved archetypes from someone who's now a father. That's not to say that this album is without its share of misses, or at least the occasional artistic anomie that has, by now, become a requisite of Gira's work. Those songs aren't better left unsung: "Goodbye Mary Lou" has a purpose, its rhythm an uneasy country twitter that leaves Gira little room to do much but say exactly what he's feeling. The first verse ends "Mary Lou, I renounce you"; the second, "Mary Lou, fuck you"; and in closing, the indiscretions of young anger that have been boiling for a lifetime come crashing down with a wink: "Oh Mary Lou, I forgive you." We Are Him is ultimately about getting by, about trying to survive with a family and a faith at a time when "the dogs...howl as the street fills with blood." Gira, at 53, continues to evolve, to challenge himself, to question his beliefs. As long as he does that, every song won't roar like the perfect first two tracks of We Are Him or have the brilliant gospel insistence of the title track. The slight, charming chamber pop he tries won't always work as it does on "Sunflower's Here to Stay", a song that pushes for persistence. Luckily, doing otherwise has never been an option for Gira. na stronie wytworni macie sample jakby ktos sie wachal/nie wiedzial czego sie spodziewac: Cytuj
Blok 6 Opublikowano 23 listopada 2008 Opublikowano 23 listopada 2008 (edytowane) szczurek, ściągnałęm pierwszą płytę jaką tu wrzuciłeś. jeśli to jest twoim zdaniem wesoła muzyka, to nie chcę wiedzieć, jaka jest w takim razie wg. ciebie smutna. zaraz to drugie sprawdzę. ctrl+a->delete->opróżnij kosz. Edytowane 23 listopada 2008 przez Blok Cytuj
ogqozo 6 701 Opublikowano 23 listopada 2008 Opublikowano 23 listopada 2008 Jak mówisz, że 10/10, to obadałem. Fajne, ale ja bym takiej oceny nie wystawił. Nadal nie łapię, co to ma wspólnego ze Swans. Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 23 listopada 2008 Autor Opublikowano 23 listopada 2008 wspolnego ma osobe Giry. Mialem zakladac oddzielny temat dla Swansow i dla innych rzeczy? Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 Autor Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 Swans - Filth [1983]Swans - [Filth #01] Stay Here [5:37] Swans - [Filth #02] Big Strong Boss [3:02] Swans - [Filth #03] Blackout [3:47] Swans - [Filth #04] Power for Power [5:53] Swans - [Filth #05] Freak [1:13] Swans - [Filth #06] Right Wrong [4:43] Swans - [Filth #07] Thank You [3:53] Swans - [Filth #08] Weakling [5:20] Swans - [Filth #09] Gang [3:19] Swans - [Filth #10] Speak [4:31] Swans - [Filth #11] Laugh [4:07] Swans - [Filth #12] Sensitive Skin [6:16] Swans - [Filth #13] Take Advantage [4:29]DOWNLOAD Rzecz z czasów, gdy Justin Broadrick nagrywał ambienty na kaseciaku ojca pomiędzy kolejnymi przesluchaniami plyt Neila Younga, Trent Reznor grał covery popowe z jakims gej-bandem a rodzice Steve'a Austina walczyli w sądzie z lekarzem który miał zniszczyć struny głosowe ich syna poprzez użycie helu zamiast tlenu. Uprzedzam - ta płyta jest ciężka jak sam skurwysyn. Jeżeli słuchaliście Streetcleanera to pomnóżcie to sobie razy dziesięć. Nihilistyczne teksty wykrzykiwane przez młodziutkiego Michała Girę, w tle zaś bezkształtne, "walcowate" granie gitary, pogięta perkusja plus odgłosy uderzeń w blachę przeróżnymi przedmiotami. Posłużę sobię recenzją z allmusicguide:With only Gira and Kane carrying over from the first EP's lineup, the truly bizarre thing about Swans' first full release is that, in its own angry beyond all anger way, you can actually dance to it at very brief points. Admittedly, spasmodic jerking-around might be the more expected response (and given that Gira physically attacked an audience member at a show around the time of this album's release for "getting into it too much," maybe the safer one). But the point remains that the overwhelming angst-and-death on songs like "Big Strong Boss," with lyrics like "Cut my throat, kill me snake, do what I say, you're the boss, " sometimes gets married close enough to a groove that it's almost surprising. For the most part, though, the drums (courtesy in part of future Young Gods producer Roli Mosimann) pound away almost like a ritual, doomy bass and grinding guitars sound like prime Black Sabbath at even danker levels of destruction, and Gira sounds like he's ripping his soul from his throat every time another lyric is half-barked, half-wailed, sometimes with a little electronic distortion help. As might be guessed, the only light in the lyrical tunnels comes from an oncoming train, as song titles like "Power for Power" and "Weakling" would indicate; even "Thank You" has lines such as "This smells sour, burn my face." Norman Westberg's guitar work has a definite power to it, and occasional studio manipulations like the chopped up/sped up "Freak" keep things interesting, but by the end it all gets a bit much. In small doses, though, it's great, and early Swans really is like little else on the planet before or since. pro-tip: należy odtwarzać tę płytę GŁOŚNO, gdyż została ona nagrana prawdopodobnie na "żywca" bez milionów mikrofonów boskiej jakości. Zresztą, takie samo info pojawiło się na wydaniu CD. Cytuj
tukan 1 917 Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 (edytowane) Nie znałem wcześniej, przesłuchałem, dobre. Zapomniałem dodać że zawsze kojarzyli mnie się z muzyką a'la country ;] Sam nie wiem czemu. No ale teraz już wiem co to. Edytowane 24 stycznia 2009 przez koval Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 Autor Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 Może dlatego. Michael Gira teraz: 20 lat temu: Cytuj
tukan 1 917 Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 Może może ;p Pewnie w tv czy coś mówili o Swans i pokazali tego dziadka w kapeluszu i przez to ;p ale je.bać to zapodaj coś więcej od nich z łaski swojej Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 Autor Opublikowano 24 stycznia 2009 spoko, zamierzam przerobic rozne okresy ich rozwoju, bo co zaczeli grac a na czym skonczyli to lata swietlne :] btw. wspomnienia Giry z okresu Filth This is all slabs of sound, rhythm and screaming/testifying. What more do you need? In a way, it was a reaction against Punk (and just about any other music you can think of), and the conservative notion that 3 chords were somehow necessary. I used to deny it vehemently at the time, but No Wave (I "hated" that scene too, for some reason I can't remember now) played a big role as the germ from which this music grew, along with The Stooges and Throbbing Gristle, of course. I wanted Swans to be "heavier" though â I wanted the music to obliterate - why, I don't remember! I think it just felt good. Live, we used two basses (playing utterly unmusical chords that were stabbed and left to sustain or sometimes hit in staccato or opposing rhythms), drums, a "percussionist" that slammed down on a metal table with a metal strap, crude cassette loops of various sounds/noises (usually some kind of undefined ROAR), and Norman Westberg's glorious sustained and screaming guitar chords. It was pretty elating to play live - for us. If 100 people showed up (which would have been a huge audience at the time - 20 was more the average), 80 were guaranteed to leave by the second song. Somehow that tension - contempt or indifference from the audience - was nourishing, so we kept going. Here's some music I was listening to at the time: Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, The Stooges, Brian Eno, Teenage Jesus And The Jerks, DNA, The Contortions, Glenn Branca, Black Flag, early Pink Floyd, This Heat, Kraftwerk, The Germs, Cabaret Voltaire, Can, Public Image LTD., SPK - Michael Gira/Young God Records 2008 i nagranie live utworu "Fool" (oryginalnie na epce Young God) z DVD "A Long Slow Screw" z '86 (całość do znalezienia na exo albo na slsk) One of the trademarks of Swans' early period was playing at painfully loud volumes during concerts, to the point where some audience members would vomit or the police would stop the show. This lent a reputation to the name Swans which was one of the contributing factors in Gira's retirement of the band in 1997. Cytuj
ogqozo 6 701 Opublikowano 25 stycznia 2009 Opublikowano 25 stycznia 2009 Najlepsze płyty Swans: 1. Body to Body... 2. Young God 3. Cop Cytuj
Gość _Milan_ Opublikowano 25 stycznia 2009 Opublikowano 25 stycznia 2009 no fajna ta plyta, brzmi jak Big Black, tylko ze ten drugi chyba jednak ciekawszy. Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 25 stycznia 2009 Autor Opublikowano 25 stycznia 2009 dobra, jedziemy dalej Children of God [1987] Swans - [Children Of God #01] New Mind [5:12] Swans - [Children Of God #02] In My Garden [5:36] Swans - [Children Of God #03] Our Love Lies [4:31] Swans - [Children Of God #04] Sex, God, Sex [6:37] Swans - [Children Of God #05] Blood And Honey [4:47] Swans - [Children Of God #06] Like A Drug (Sha La La La) [5:34] Swans - [Children Of God #07] You're Not Real, Girl [4:17] Swans - [Children Of God #08] Beautiful Child [4:52] Swans - [Children Of God #09] Blackmail [3:32] Swans - [Children Of God #10] Trust Me [4:59] Swans - [Children Of God #11] Real Love [6:21] Swans - [Children Of God #12] Blind Love [7:45] Swans - [Children Of God #13] Children Of God [4:22] Part 1 Part 2 w Swansach zachodza pierwsze poważne zmiany, najważniejszym czynnikiem jest chyba dołączenie do składu Jarboe, która gra na klawiszach i zapewnia drugie wokale. Jest lżej - i to o wiele. Pojawiają się elementy czysto akustyczne, teksty są często melorecytowane lub śpiewane a sama muzyka jest o wiele bardziej melodyjna i harmoniczna. Nadal pozostał w tej muzyce ten dziki pazur, który w połączeniu z innymi, nowymi elementami daje dość surrealistyczny i psychodeliczny klimat. Komentarz Giry: By 1986/7 Swans had run its course with the physical assault of sound that we had employed previously for the most part. I wanted to move on to other things and didn’t want to get stuck in some style, which in our case had the potential of becoming cartoonish if we’d continued in that direction. So I pushed the music into unfamiliar territory. We spent 6 weeks in an old isolated medieval sawmill in Cornwall England “experimenting” and hashing things out. Even though there was the inevitable tension between myself and the musicians at that time, I remember that episode fondly and miss everyone involved…sigh. Everyone did a great job musically, as well as imbibing with enthusiasm the local brews and eating huge amounts of free food. Jarboe came more to the fore as a presence too. The line up of Gira / Kizys / Westberg / Jarboe / Parsons was a really good version of the band - one of the best live versions of Swans ever – actually much more intense and visceral in performance than in the nuanced takes of the songs on these recordings. Lyrically, I’d always seized on abstract subjects like money/power/sex/work, etc., and I was watching a lot of Jimmy Swaggart on TV (the televangelist), and I thought he was a great rock performer, so I stole his thunder as best I could. I didn’t want to mock the religious impulse, which would have been a typical thing to do at the time, but instead to get inside it. Everyone wants to lose themselves in something bigger than they are. I don’t know if this is a bad thing or a good thing. Anyway, Children Of God was a major turning point for Swans and the musical tendencies that are first engendered here were fertile ground for the remaining future records. - Michael Gira/Young God Records 2008 Ewentualne sample jeżeli ktoś chce sprawdzić przed ściągnięciem Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 27 stycznia 2009 Autor Opublikowano 27 stycznia 2009 Swans - White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity [1991]Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #01] Better Than You [5:53] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #02] Power And Sacrifice [5:39] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #03] You Know Nothing [5:48] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #04] Song For Dead Time [5:27] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #05] Will We Survive [6:53] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #06] Love Will Save You [6:09] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #07] Failure [6:22] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #08] Song For The Sun [5:05] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #09] Miracle Of Love [6:45] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #10] When She Breathes [5:06] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #11] Why Are We Alive? [5:32] Swans - [White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity #12] The Most Unfortunate Lie [5:02]Download Mistrzostwo.The opening track "Better Than You" almost says it all: Starting with the wail of an infant, then suddenly crashing into surging music that mixes quick, energetic drums with bells and other instruments, the song turns into a dramatic acoustic guitar/percussion piece with Gira's brooding voice and Jarboe's haunting backing; after some re-developments of the themes, it ends with a beautiful restatement of the sung section with additional guitar and bell sounds. At once incredibly destructive and astoundingly life-affirming -- and worth the entire Burning World album several times over -- "Better Than You" demonstrates that Swans had emerged from their major-label fiasco even more powerful and artistic than before, aiming for an awesome, all-encompassing majesty in their music that the admittedly hypnotic earlier versions of the band, in their brute forcefulness, simply could not have achieved. Interestingly, a number of players from Burning World and other Bill Laswell associates parti(pipi)ate on White Light, but here Gira as sole producer marshals everyone's collective efforts to heights that Laswell either was unwilling or unable to do. Also notably, Westberg is all but absent on guitar, with new arrival Clinton Steele taking the fore as the major instrumentalist after Gira and Jarboe themselves. Picking out all the highlights from such a stunning disc is practically impossible, but three of the flat-out classic marvels here are: "You Know Nothing," with its simply lovely introduction and Gira's commanding singing; "Song for Dead Time," a gentle Jarboe-sung number filled out by a simple but effective string-synth arrangement; and "Failure," carried by a buried guitar strum, Gira's Sisyphean lyric, and brief, lush choruses. Simply put, this is out and out brilliant as the clear starting point for the second half of Swans' unique career. Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 24 marca 2009 Autor Opublikowano 24 marca 2009 Swans - Celebrity Lifestyle - Mother/Father [1994]Swans - [Celebrity Lifestyle · Mother/Father #01] Celebrity Lifestyle [4:10] Swans - [Celebrity Lifestyle · Mother/Father #02] Mother/Father [4:07] Swans - [Celebrity Lifestyle · Mother/Father #03] You Know Everything (Reprise 1990) [4:30]Download singielek pełen zajebistości Cytuj
wietnam 0 Opublikowano 1 maja 2009 Opublikowano 1 maja 2009 S W A N S Swans 1982 EP discogs Filth 1983 LP discogs Cop 1984 LP discogs Young God 1984 EP discogs Greed 1985 LP discogs Time Is Money (Bastard) 1985 Single discogs A Screw 1986 Single discogs Holy Money 1986 LP discogs Public Castration Is A Good Idea 1986 Live discogs Children of God 1987 LP discogs New Mind 1987 Single discogs Feel Good Now 1987 Live discogs Real Love 1987 Live discogs Love Will Tear Us Apart 1988 Single discogs Live Amsterdam 1988 Live discogs Live Ljubljana 1988 Live discogs Live Harlem 1988 Live discogs Can't Find My Way Home 1989 Single discogs Saved 1989 Single discogs The Burning World 1989 LP discogs Anonymous Bodies In An Empty Room 1990 Live discogs Body To Body Job To Job 1991 Compilation discogs Live In Brno 1987 1991 Live discogs [td]White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity 1991 LP discogs Love Of Life 1992 LP discogs Love Of Life / Amnesia 1992 Single discogs Omniscience 1992 Live discogs[ Cop/Young God 1992 Compilation discogs Greed/Holy Money 1992 Compilation discogs Celebrity Lifestyle · Mother/Father 1994 Single discogs The Great Annihilator 1994 LP discogs Kill The Child - Live 1985-87 1995 Live discogs Failure/Animus 1996 Single discogs Die Tür Ist Zu 1996 LP discogs Soundtracks For The Blind 1996 LP (x2) discogs Children Of God/World Of Skin 1997 Compilation (x2) discogs I Am The Sun 1997 Live/Single discogs Swans Are Dead 1998 Live (x2) discogs Cop/Young God/Greed/Holy Money 1999 Compilation (x2) discogs Various Failures 1988-1992 1999 Compilation (x2) discogs Filth/Body To Body, Job To Job 2000 Compilation (x2) discogs Forever Burned 2003 Compilation discogs 8) Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 1 maja 2009 Autor Opublikowano 1 maja 2009 Moze cos polec Wietnam, skoro wrzuciles? ;] Cytuj
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