ornit 3 125 Opublikowano 26 października 2009 Opublikowano 26 października 2009 Handsome fighters never lose battles - Vega, Street Fighter 2 Cytuj
Linek 187 Opublikowano 26 października 2009 Opublikowano 26 października 2009 Hej, to ja, Imoen! - BG Nie ma nic gorszego od Kobolda oszusta... - któreś z FR Come out, come out, wherever you are... - Future Cop And remember, respect is everything! - GTA2 Pewnie coś jeszcze, ale w tej chwili nie pamiętam. Cytuj
wojnar 1 892 Opublikowano 26 października 2009 Opublikowano 26 października 2009 "O kurwa, ktoś włączył alarm" - GTA 2 - chyba pierwsze bluźnierstwo z jakim spotkałem się w grach. Ach te emocje co powiedzą rodzice jak zobaczą to na ekranie^^ Cytuj
Zeratul 415 Opublikowano 12 listopada 2009 Opublikowano 12 listopada 2009 Let's do this Marines - CoD MW Cytuj
Zwyrodnialec 1 786 Opublikowano 12 listopada 2009 Opublikowano 12 listopada 2009 (edytowane) Tick tock, Prince. Tick, tock. Time is precious. Time is fleeting. Time... Is something you have very little of. I am your untapped potential, your unrealized dreams! I am part of you. Do you think you would be here now if not for me? How many times did I save you? How many times did I unblock you path, take down your enemies, remind you of your mission? While all you did was cry about your father and Kaileena and Farah, how everything bad always happens to you! Boo-hoo, Prince! All that is yours is rightfully mine... and mine it will be! You call yourself a warrior!? Ha Ha! If I am selfish Prince, it is because you are. If I am ruthless and reckless and lacking in morals it is because you are Such violence! Your anger serves only to feed me. So I have to ask, have you really changed? After all I am right here standing before you! Seasons change, tastes change... but people? People never change, and you delude yourself believing otherwise... Wszystkie teksty pochodzą z Prince Of Persia The Two Thrones, a ich autorem jest Dark Prince. Edytowane 12 listopada 2009 przez Zwyrodnialec 1 Cytuj
stoodio 2 096 Opublikowano 18 listopada 2009 Opublikowano 18 listopada 2009 War...War never change... changes - Intro Fallout'a 1 kultowa fraza, znajduje się również w F2 jak i F3 Cytuj
Słupek 2 230 Opublikowano 23 listopada 2009 Opublikowano 23 listopada 2009 (edytowane) "50 Thousand people used to live here, now its a ghost town..." Cod4: MW Edytowane 23 listopada 2009 przez SłupekPL Cytuj
Pawełek 93 1 Opublikowano 2 kwietnia 2010 Opublikowano 2 kwietnia 2010 Mario get you next time- mario karts Cytuj
maciekww28 848 Opublikowano 24 maja 2010 Opublikowano 24 maja 2010 Are you there Dragon Ninja? All grows dark... and silent... I have staked my name... I have fought with all of my being... all to forge a future for the black spider clan, I have no regrets... Just as you have pursued a cause greater than yourself, so too have I... Dragon ninja... take my cursed blade... (Słowa Genshin'a tuż przed śmiercią) (Ninja Gaiden II) Cytuj
Zwyrodnialec 1 786 Opublikowano 24 maja 2010 Opublikowano 24 maja 2010 Najlepszy dialog z Prince of Persia The Sands of Time Farah: So it's true, he was a traitor? Prince: Take this, return it to your father's treasure vaults...guard it well... Farah: I owe you thanks, but why did you invent such a fantastic story, do you think me a child, that I would believe such nonsense? [Prince kisses Farah] Farah: [pushes him away] I said I owe you thanks. You presume too much. [Prince rewinds time] Farah:...Such a fantastic story, do you think me a child, that I would believe such nonsense? Prince:...You're right, it was just a story [gives her the dagger]. Farah: Wait, I don't even know your name... Prince: Just call me...Kakolukia... 1 Cytuj
Słupek 2 230 Opublikowano 25 maja 2010 Opublikowano 25 maja 2010 (edytowane) "Milcz kobieto" Kratos (Linda) GoW3 Edytowane 25 maja 2010 przez SłupekPL Cytuj
Mendrek 586 Opublikowano 25 maja 2010 Opublikowano 25 maja 2010 Eee tam Two Thrones/Rival Swords miało zaje.biste dialogi między Prince'm i Dark Prince'm Dark Prince: Onward and upward Prince! Quickly, you must regain your throne! Prince: I?m moving as fast as I can. What do you suggest? That I grow wings and fly? Dark Prince: One can always dream. (chwil parę później) Prince: No more rooftops? Dark Prince: Indeed. Irritating little detour. Let us be on with it. Head down to street level and we will find a way to regain the rooftops! Prince: You are an insistent inner voice, aren?t you? Dark Prince: Well, someone has to make the decisions!... *** Książę jest po pierwszej transformacji w mrocznego księcia, wszedł do wody i się odmienił: Prince: It?s gone now. Water seems to fight this corruption. Why did you hide this from me? Dark Prince: What? And ruin all the fun? *** Książe spotyka Farah, ale nieco się zapomniał że w związku z perturbacjami czasowymi, Farah go teraz nie kojarzy: Dark Prince: Well, look at that! Prince: Farah! Farah: How do you know my name? Prince: Yes?I? Dark Prince: I eagerly await your response. *** Gdzieś słychać wołanie kobiety: Farah: Did you hear that? Dark Prince: If you know what is good for you say no. Prince: No! We can afford no more delays! Dark Prince: Good, put her in her place! *** Farah jest uwięziona, więc książę jej pomaga i uwalnia ją, ale sam zostaje uwięziony: Farah: Thank you, Prince. Prince: Of course. The problem is?now I am trapped. Dark Prince: Just like a woman. Solving her problem creates a new one for you. *** Książę uporczywie decyduje się za każdym razem ratować Farah, co raz to bardziej irytując swoje alter ego: Dark Prince: Fine! Waste your valuable time rescuing the princess! I can only imagine what the Vizier is doing right now. Probably expanding his army, torturing innocent citizens, deciding what kingdom to conquer next! What he should be doing is dying! Zresztą dialogów jest więcej i bardzo umilają grę, to jest najlepsza dialogowo część PoP Cytuj
Zwyrodnialec 1 786 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2010 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2010 To jest dobre. Let's get ready to tango - Joker z Batman Arkham Asylum Cytuj
sprite 1 809 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2010 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2010 Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex Dr. Neo Cortex: Congratulations Crash. You should be proud of yourself Not only have you collected all the crystals in record time, but you've also defeated the Elementals. Let Crunch and me be the first ones to congratule you. Crunch Bandicoot: By pummeling your sad bandicoot frame to a pulp! Come and get it! Haha to jest dobre. 1 Cytuj
Kalel 3 634 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2010 Opublikowano 20 czerwca 2010 Andrew Ryan: What is the difference between a man and a parasite? A man builds. A parasite asks 'Where is my share?' A man creates. A parasite says, 'What will the neighbors think?' A man invents. A parasite says, 'Watch out, or you might tread on the toes of God... ' oraz Andrew Ryan: I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well. i wiele wiele innych cytatów różnych postaci które składają się na geniusz tej gry ( bez porównania do jakże słabej 2 części). Cytuj
Canaris 304 Opublikowano 21 czerwca 2010 Opublikowano 21 czerwca 2010 Wszystkie gadki Protossów . Wszystkie dialogi z MGS'a ( 1 2 i 3 ) Cytuj
Copper 2 657 Opublikowano 23 czerwca 2010 Opublikowano 23 czerwca 2010 Najbardziej utkwiły mi w pamięci cytaty z AC2: Antonio: Avanti, Ezio! Prego. Can I offer you something? Biscotti (biscuit)? Un caffe ( a coffee)? Ezio: What's "caffe?" Antonio: An interesting concoction given to me by a Turk merchant. [Hands him a cup] Here, have a taste. [Ezio sips the coffee] Ezio: A little bitter if you ask me. It just seems lacking somehow. I don't know - have you considered adding sugar maybe? Or latte? (milk) Antonio: I suppose it's something of an acquired taste. Ezio Auditore: Now Firenze will judge you for what you've done. Francesco de' Pazzi: It's over... It's all over... Ezio Auditore: Meglio essere felici in questa vita che aspirare a esserlo nella prossima. (Better to be content in this life, than aspire to it in the next) Ezio: Buona sera (good afternoon), Vieri. We were just talking about you! I'm surprised to see you here. I thought the Pazzi hired others to do their dirty work. Vieri: It's your family that cries for guards when there's trouble, Cordardo (coward). Afraid to handle things yourself? Ezio: Your sister seemed quite satisfied with the handling I gave her earlier! (!) Cytuj
ChomikVille 0 Opublikowano 1 sierpnia 2010 Opublikowano 1 sierpnia 2010 "Save me some cheerleaders!" - Haggard w BC2 Cytuj
Zwyrodnialec 1 786 Opublikowano 1 sierpnia 2010 Opublikowano 1 sierpnia 2010 The Warriors. Ajax: "I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle." Klasyk, zaczerpnięty oczywiście z samego filmu. Cytuj
MYSZa7 9 070 Opublikowano 1 sierpnia 2010 Opublikowano 1 sierpnia 2010 (edytowane) God of War Kratos:The Gods of Olympus have abandoned me, now there is no hope... Edytowane 1 sierpnia 2010 przez MYSZa7 Cytuj
Figaro 8 473 Opublikowano 2 sierpnia 2010 Opublikowano 2 sierpnia 2010 Seria Jak ma mnóstwo cytatów. 90 procent z udziałem Daxtera. Daxter: Hey baby! Why don't you and I go cruisin' on this A Grav Zoomer? Keira:: Rule number one, I don't date animals... Daxter: Ah, you don't know what you missin'! Jak: Where would you be without me, eh Dax? Daxter: Well, I probably wouldn't be 2 feet tall, fuzzy, and running in a sewer without any pants... God, I miss pants. Daxter: So there I was, toe to toe with FIVE of the nastiest Metal Heads you ever saw! Slime oozing from monstrous jaws! Teeth sharper than daggers! Slowly, all TEN of 'em surround me. But do I surrender? No! I summon my highly trained killer instincts, and pounce! Hya! Chooy! Whaa! HAA! And when the dust cleared, there were TWENTY less Metal Heads in the world! Tess: Ohhh, Daxter you're amazing! Daxter: Yeah, I know. Daxter: Hey, Tattooed Wonder, how come we get all the crappy missions? Torn: Because I... don't... like... you! Ashelin: Who the hell are you two? Daxter: Mmm, I do love a woman in uniform. Wanna bark some orders at me? Woof woof! I'm your soldier on the front lines of love! Waiter, foxhole for two! Ashelin: Keep talking and I'll raise your voice a couple of octaves. Cytuj
Wielki K 94 Opublikowano 2 sierpnia 2010 Opublikowano 2 sierpnia 2010 Maria (SH2): ''See? I'm real. Don't you want to touch me?'' - nie powiem, wrzuciło mi to dreszcz na plecy Cytuj
MaZZeo 14 517 Opublikowano 22 sierpnia 2010 Opublikowano 22 sierpnia 2010 ... Gordon Freeman, Half-life Cytuj
sprite 1 809 Opublikowano 22 sierpnia 2010 Opublikowano 22 sierpnia 2010 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Dr. Neo Cortex: " You fool! Do you think I'm unaware of the situation? If we don't have any friends left on the planet, then we'll need to find... an enemy..." 1 Cytuj
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