django 549 Opublikowano 28 marca 2012 Opublikowano 28 marca 2012 Takie dywagacje to sensu wiekszego nie maja IMO. Jeden powie, ze jest super, drugi, ze (pipi)owo a trzeci, ze konsola zabila mu matke. Na E3 i tak sie dowiemy wiekszosci rzeczy. Juz niedlugo, spokojnie. Cytuj
Nemesis 1 279 Opublikowano 28 marca 2012 Opublikowano 28 marca 2012 Dla mnie to tym bardziej jest dziwne, bo obaj panowie udzielają nieco sprzecznych opinii, a jednak pracują nad tym samym tytułem w jednym studiu. Cytuj
darkgamer 43 Opublikowano 28 marca 2012 Opublikowano 28 marca 2012 Bo pewnie sami do końca nie znają finalnej specyfikacji,nie zmienia to jednak faktu,że next geny od dwóch kolejnych gigantów będą potężniejsze,wątpię aby Nintendo stworzyło"potwora"który pociągnie późniejsze gry wydane również na sprzęt konkurencji.Cała nadzieja leży w grach Nintendo i ewentualnych exa-ch ,bo i tak większość posiada, dodatkowo przynajmniej jedną konsole Sony lub Microsoftu,w przyszłości,jak wyjdzie PS4 i Xbox720(czy jak tam będą się nazywać)sytuacja nie ulegnie raczej drastycznej zmianie,choć kto wie,różnie to bywa. Cytuj
P-chan 195 Opublikowano 30 marca 2012 Opublikowano 30 marca 2012 To było wiadome,jednak i tak myślę,że będzie sporo odstawać od tego co zobaczymy na maszynkach M$ i Sony. Akurat ja obstaje przy odwrotnej teorii, tzn. następcy X360 i PS3 faktycznie będą mocniejsze od Wii U (to akurat nie dziwota, gdy będą miały póżniejszą premiere), ale nie aż tak znacznie jak w przypadku obecnie nam panującej generacji. Z prostej przyczyny, a jest nią "opłacalność inwestycji". Bo nie wierzę w to, że choćby Sony nauczone doświadczeniem z PS3, czy Vitą (choć mogę się mylić co pokazuje sama Vita), pozwoli sobie na to by ich kolejna konsola słabo się sprzedawała przez dłuższy okres, i jeszcze sporo do niej dopłacali przez kilka lat. A jeśli Nintendo zażyczy sobie podajmy za swój sprzęt 1600 zł (choć słyszałem plotkę, że ma kosztować ok 300 dolców), Sony natomiast podobną cenę co za PS3, gdzie przez najbliższe dwa, być może trzy lata różnicy między Wii U a takim PS4 nie będzie widać lub będą to pokazywać tylko nieliczne tytuły. To wiadomo jaki sprzęt wybiorą ludzie. Czasy się zmieniły Sony nie startuje już z pozycji lidera, gdzie mogli narzucić swoje warunki, bo sprzęt sam się sprzedawał jak za czasów PS2. Sama marka Playstation, również nie jest już taka silna, a kondycja całej korporacji również, więc osobiście wątpię by Sony poszlo tą samą ścierzką co w przypadku PS3, co pośrednio zwiastunem jest Vita. Z którą zaczeli eksperymentować dodając różne interaktywne funkcje, a że popełnili kilka innych błędów to już inna sprawa... W sumie, na co narzekać, bo jestem ciekaw co z tego wszystkiego wyjdzie, i co przyniesie nam nowa generacja, której pierwszym zwiastunem jest Wii U... 1 Cytuj
grabipl 150 Opublikowano 31 marca 2012 Opublikowano 31 marca 2012 Tak czy srak, jeśli w nastepnęj konsoli MS i Sony będzie blokada na używki to Nintendo zgarnie kolejną pule graczy, sam wtedy zakupie Wii U... 1 Cytuj
Malutki 5 Opublikowano 4 kwietnia 2012 Opublikowano 4 kwietnia 2012 Anonimowi developerzy twierdzą ,że WiiU jest słabe ,a tymczasem Gearbox ma inne zdanie na ten temat . Aliens: Colonial Marines Wii U “will be one of the best looking versions of the game” Gearbox chief creative officer Brian Martell has said that the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines “will be one of the best looking versions of the game”. This comes following rumored developer comments that the Wii U’s power isn’t at the same level as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Martell didn’t go into detail about hardware specs, but he did suggest that the console has more RAM and a “really great processor”. Martell said: “I think things like the Wii U are becoming very sexy with what you can do with the controller and especially with what we’re able to do with using things like motion tracker or whatever sub gameplay will be that you get to see on there. “I think that’s a compelling experience. I think the machine itself will be one of the best looking versions of the game, because they’ve got more RAM than some of the other things and they’re late in the cycle, so they’ve got this really great processor and all that kind of stuff.” http://nintendoevery...ns-of-the-game/ Gearbox talks Wii U: “pretty powerful”, “nice bridge to the next generation”, “people will be surprised” A fresh set of Wii U-related quotes from Gearbox president Randy Pitchford and Aliens: Colonial Marines producer Brian Burleson have swooped in. Pitchford was more vocal – and very complimentary – about the hardware. He said Wii U is “a really cool system — it’s pretty powerful.” Pitchford also stated that “it’s a really nice bridge to the next generation.” This is similar to what Gearbox chief creative officer Brian Martel said last year. Pitchford’s comments in full: “Nintendo still has a lot to announce with their platform, and it’s not up to us to go ahead of them. I think it’s a great platform and I’m really excited about it, particularly with this game, there’s a lot of exciting opportunities like, ‘Wow, my motion tracker is there, and I can move it like this!’ There’s just so much cool stuff. “There’s a lot that we can do with that screen. It’s a really cool system — it’s pretty powerful. I want to be careful, because I don’t want to risk any sensitive information that Nintendo’s not ready to share yet, but in our experience it’s a great system. I think it’s a really nice bridge to the next generation. I think people will be surprised. I don’t know off the top of my head how many of the specs they’ve released, so I want to be very careful not to jump the gun, but we’re very pleased with the hardware. And even since they gave us our first alpha kit, our very first ‘pre-prototype’ development hardware that they kind of let us play around with, they’ve done so many things to make the platform better. So it’s getting better for us as developers.” Burleson remarks: “You’ll have to wait. But I play it all the time, and it’s really good.” http://nintendoevery...l-be-surprised/ Szkoda ,że redaktorzy wolą komentować jakieś tam plotki niż korzystać z wiarygodnego źródła. Funcom talks up MMORPGs on Wii U Nintendo systems have never been known for MMORPGs. But Funcom developer Joel Bylos believes the “Wii U could be the first real console on which running an MMORPG without compromise is plausible”. Bylos complimented the console’s controller, saying that it’s “perfect for lining up those rows of hotbars that are essential in most MMOs.” He told ONM: “Wii U could be the first real console on which running an MMORPG without compromise is plausible. The controller is perfect for lining up those rows of hotbars that are essential in most MMOs. A customisable touchscreen interface combined with the 3D spatial movement of a console controller could be a winner.” http://nintendoevery...orpgs-on-wii-u/ Ubisoft has “big plans for Wii U”, interest in being “the number one-third party” on console Ubisoft has “big plans for Wii U” according to Tony Key, Ubisoft’s SVP of sales and marketing. Key outlined the company’s interest in the console in an interview with Gamasutra. Key said: “We have big plans for Wii U. Our intention is to be the number one third-party on Wii U, just like we were on Kinect and just like we were on 3DS. “We’ve always had a really close relationship with Nintendo, so I’d venture to say that we did have an advantage in getting dev kits earlier than other people. I’m not saying we got them earlier than everyone, but I do think we got them early. “They came to us and asked us to make Red Steel. The thing is, once these dev kits show up in the building, you’ve got these other teams peeking around the curtain going, ‘Hey, what’s that?’ Before you know it, there’s three projects being developed for the Wii in that one room, and then another guy from another studio just happens to be visiting and brings back some ideas…” Key also mentioned how Ubisoft was able to prepare a significant amount of titles for the Wii’s launch. This stemmed from developer interest when Red Steel was being made for the system. Eventually Ubisoft ended up with seven launch games for the Wii. According to Key: “We do encourage that kind of experimentation, especially if we think the platform is commercially viable. [ubisoft CEO] Yves Guillemot will say, ‘Let’s put a few guys on it, and let’s try it.’ So if they come up with a great idea, then we’ll roll with it.” “That’s what happened on the Wii; we were so engaged with it after getting the kits for Red Steel that suddenly Rayman came out of that, and before you knew it we had seven titles in the launch window because the dev studios got so excited about the hardware.” http://nintendoevery...rty-on-console/ 1 Cytuj
Malutki 5 Opublikowano 6 kwietnia 2012 Opublikowano 6 kwietnia 2012 E3 show floor map reveals a few more Wii U-related booths/demos Once again, another round of floor displays and booths that have marked with a Wii U tag. Action - Nintendo Wii U TECMO KOEI AMERICA Corporation ----- Peripherals - Nintendo Wii U ViviTouch - Feel The Game Racing - Nintendo Wii U Maximum Family Games LLC Czym jest technologia Vivi Touch: Istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo ,że BigN skorzysta również z tego : W odniesieniu do ostatnich plotek : Wii-U Hardware Specs Explained 1 Cytuj
chrno-x 901 Opublikowano 6 kwietnia 2012 Opublikowano 6 kwietnia 2012 No co do możliwości graficznych Wii U to tylko same gry pokażą na ile stać ta konsole bo ostatnio już takie skrajności padają że głowa mała. Mam tylko nadzieje że zmienią tą nazwę bo nie mogę ścierpieć tego Wii U, bo jak jeszcze Wii było całkiem dobre tak Wii U ssie po całości...(gdzie się podziało Nintendo w nazwie?). Swoją drogą aktualny okres przypomina mi się z czasami NES --> SNES , GB,GBC --> GBA ze względu na kontynuacje dobrej passy i marki. Ciekawe czy rzeczywiście zmienią nazwę... Cytuj
P-chan 195 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2012 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2012 I niech choćby to będzie podsumowaniem Twoich słów: Nintendo respond to Wii U comments With this week having brought comments from an anonymous developmer that the Wii U is “not as powerful” as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, Nintendo issued their response. As can be expected they cite that the player experience is far more paramount to the company, remaining “more important than raw numbers". “We do not focus on technology specs”, a Nintendo of America representative explained to Digital Trends. “We understand that people like to dissect graphics and processing power, but the experience of playing will always be more important than raw numbers.” http://www.nintendo-...wii-u-comments/ Cytuj
chrno-x 901 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2012 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2012 Polecam powyższą stronkę jeśli chcecie się sporo dowiedzieć o rzekomych grach nadciągających na Wii U. Z ostatnich news'ów wynika że Nintendo współpracuje z ekipą odp. za Project Gotham i Blur nad nowymi wyścigami, czy chociażby to że LucasArts podobno tworzy grę MMO na Wii U. Cytuj
P-chan 195 Opublikowano 14 kwietnia 2012 Opublikowano 14 kwietnia 2012 Czyżby szykował nam się powrót F-Zero (wreście) na nadchodzącą konsole Nintendo. Co próbował w swój tradycyjny sposób zasugerować sam Shigeru Myiamoto. Miyamoto was also asked by the publication why Nintendo hasn’t created a new game in the F-Zero franchise. Miyamoto claims that it wouldn’t be surprising enough on current hardware, but the Wii U could be the perfect fit. “I think at the time it was a really big surprise, a new thing, a product that made sense,” he said. “I don’t see with current hardware how you could create a similar surprise. “But maybe with future hardware, with Wii U coming up, maybe we could create something that does make sense, either as a smaller game, or a fully fledged title.” Cytuj
MaiorZero 1 400 Opublikowano 14 kwietnia 2012 Opublikowano 14 kwietnia 2012 Star Fox na WiiU byłby dobrą grą. Mało jest kosmicznych strzelanek w obecnych czasach. Cytuj
okens 541 Opublikowano 16 kwietnia 2012 Opublikowano 16 kwietnia 2012 czy beda na to dzialaly gry z wii? Cytuj
okens 541 Opublikowano 17 kwietnia 2012 Opublikowano 17 kwietnia 2012 zatem Nintendo dba o swoich fanow. Mysle, ze konsola spisze sie na piatke 2 Cytuj
Gość Opublikowano 20 maja 2012 Opublikowano 20 maja 2012 Cena w euro Cytuj
Hela 1 962 Opublikowano 20 maja 2012 Opublikowano 20 maja 2012 http://w189.wrzuta.p...ksz/436SyDNX7xn Cena w euro I jak to się ma do WiiU? Cytuj
Malutki 5 Opublikowano 29 maja 2012 Opublikowano 29 maja 2012 Havok talks engine use on Wii U, says you'll see things you won't see elsewhere "The platform has its own unique features, and has its own challenges as well. When we come across any new particular platform, we optimize specifically for some of the advantages that those platforms offer over other platforms, and Wii U has specific advantages that no other platform has, and we optimize directly for those, right down at the level of accessing the hardware. I think we'll see things done on the Wii U that we won't see on another platforms… I think people will be genuinely excited with the range of titles they're going to see come out." - Dave Gargan, Havok VP of Engineering The demonstration as presented at GDC can be watched in the following video. The demo shown used CPU-processed physics (as opposed to GPU), which, Gargan said, would be the case when the engine runs on Wii U. More Havok videos can be found on their website. http://www.nintendow...interview/29477 Plotki : Another round of specific details on Wii U's power - based on the IBM 710 Express chip- underclocked at 3 GHz - comes with 4 cores and 8 threads - 20X faster than the chip found in the Wii - made by IBM and is based on their POWER 7 architecture - built on 45nm - the standard has 6 cores and runs at speeds of up to 3.7 GHz - 710 Express chip can also execute 4 threads per core at the same - Nintendo has scaled this down for Wii U - threads per core will go down from 4 to 2 - roughly “around 50% more powerful than current gen systems” Latest Wii U dev kit features - Video Chat is available, but must be accessed from the main menu of the system- Voice Commands are available - Facial recognition - Ability to suspend games - share achievements with friends by sending videos or screenshots with drawings on them - watch a friend play online - Multitasking 1 Cytuj
aux 3 812 Opublikowano 1 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 1 czerwca 2012 Pojawiła się plotka o Zelda HD Collection jako lancz titlu. Co wy na to? Ja byłbym zachwycony, gierki Nintendo na emulatorze wyglądają rewelacyjnie, na Wii już nie koniecznie. WW czy TP z przyjemnością bym wymasterował w HD. Cytuj
okens 541 Opublikowano 1 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 1 czerwca 2012 ok wytlumaczcie mi w koncu, bedzie to Wii U mocniejsze od ps3 czy chocby X360 czy nie? Cytuj
Figaro 8 307 Opublikowano 1 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 1 czerwca 2012 Zdaje się, że tak... ale nieznacznie. Się zobaczy. Cytuj
django 549 Opublikowano 1 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 1 czerwca 2012 Bedzie bo... musi byc. Slabsze czesci niz te uzyte do produkcji X360 i PS3 po prostu nie sa dostepne. Czy bedzie mocno silniejsze? Nie, raczej nie. Obstawialbym jakies 1.5 MAKS, co i tak pewnie tylko wykorzysta Retro i, daj bóg, Monolith. Cytuj
Malutki 5 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2012 Wii U getting achievements, cloud storage, social networking The Wii U will be getting achievements, cloud storage, social networking, avatars, and much more, according to a developer Wii U Daily spoke to. The source, working at a European development house with several Wii U projects in the pipeline, says Nintendo will unveil many of the new Nintendo Network features at E3 next week. Here’s a run down of the rumored features:Wii U achievements Nintendo will introduce an achievement system where players can earn achievements in games much like Xbox Live and PlayStation Trophies. However, Nintendo is said to be expanding the service where players who accumulate a certain amount of points get access to additional features. “We have a lot of freedom with the Wii U points system, we can add “brackets” for players, e.g. if you amass X points you get promoted into a new bracket with awards such as new MP [multiplayer] skins”. While the source called the feature “Wii U points”, he made it clear that Nintendo hasn’t settled on a name. “It’s basically what we’ve been asking Microsoft to do for years. Players who earn points by completing the game should be awarded. We can do that now”. Wii U cloud storage We previously reported about Wii U cloud storage, we have some more details on that. The cloud storage option will be “a few hundred MB”, will be free to all players, and will only be used to store save games and player profiles. It’ll launch in 2013. Social networking Nintendo will also add “deep integration” of social networking features to the Wii U, including both Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Players will be able to upload screenshots to their Facebook accounts, auto-Tweet game progress, and record and upload game videos to YouTube. “They’re working on a UI overlay for the OS to add Twitter and FB notifications, but so far we haven’t seen it. They’ve reserved a lot of system memory for stuff like that”, the developer told us. “There isn’t much documentation about it in the new SKD, but they’ve told us it’ll be available in the future”. Wii U avatars Nintendo Network on Wii U will introduce new avatars with a lot more features than the original Mii avatars on the Wii console. Players will be able to use the Wii U controller’s built-in camera to take pictures of themselves and create digital avatars that resemble high-definition Miis. The Miis can then be imported into games. “There’s an API for the camera to scan faces and turn them into low-res 3D versions for games. But it’s still buggy as hell and it depends a lot on the kind of engine you’re running”, the source said. Wii U development and game ports Additionally, the source mentioned that porting current gen games to the Wii U isn’t as easy as originally thought, and that games that have been developed for the Xbox 360 are “much easier to port to Wii U than PS3 versions. A lot less headache involved because their architecture is similar. Technically, you can just recompile X360 to the Wii U and it’ll pretty much run, but PS3 to Wii U is much much trickier.” He said that the latest SDK hardware is final, only the software keeps updating. “We’ve spent a lot of time creating our own tools for the X360 this generation, and we’ve already tweaked a lot of the tools to work on the Wii U. But if you code on the Wii U from ground up and have to use middleware, it’s probably gonna be tougher than doing an X360 game from ground up.” RUMOR - More talk of Wii U achievements We've already heard some rumors about the Wii U featuring an achievement system. Now we have another source claiming the same info. Supposedly the system will track gamer time, scores and more. Of course, there will be some sort of Nintendo-style approach to the system as well. Thanks to Dim for the heads up! ScrewAttack - Top 10 Things We Want at E3: Nintendo Gearbox heaps more praise on Wii U, very happy with the console's tech “I love this platform. I’m very excited about it because it gives us a path to realise some things that are more future-looking than we could if we were only on the current generation. It’s up to Nintendo to talk about their specs and I must follow them. I’ve committed myself to honouring their confidentiality.” - Randy Pitchford“It’s (Aliens: Colonial Mraines) going to look awesome! And it’s unbelievable how many things that exist in the Aliens’ franchise actually work for that controller. It’s been a real treat, quite frankly, because the controller and the features of the system enable us to do things we can’t do with the other consoles. We can always use more memory and rendering capability. I think that’s one of the most exciting things about the Wii U. Not only do you have the technology of what you can do gameplay wise but it will be one of the best looking versions of the game.” - Brian Cozzens The mysterious phone call going out to Nintendo journalists UPDATE - Reader Kolma put on his detective hat and found this info out about the domain. Domain registration info leads to this developer I talked about this on the podcast earlier today. There's a bit of a discussion about it in the show, but I thought I'd post up a blurb about it here. Last night I received a phone call at 4:30 in the morning. The number was unknown, so I decided to let it go to voicemail. To my surprise, someone did leave a voicemail. You can hear the message below. Now, there's a bit of debate about what is being said in the message. I know the man says, "Have you heard about ________? If will." What exactly is the man saying in the blank? Some people say he's saying 'Wii U'. Others claim he's saying 'medium. I'm more inclined to believe medium. The reason I believe medium is because last week, I received an anonymous letter in my mailbox. The letter advertised The letter came with the following postcard. As you can see, the image shows the same man on both sides, but obviously we're seeing two versions of the same world. Pretty freaky stuff, but just as interesting as well. 1 Cytuj
pawelgr5 1 528 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 3 czerwca 2012 Dziś o północy naszego czasu jest kolejny Nintendo Direct. Mam nadzieję, że powiedzą coś ciekawego Swoją drogą to Wii U chyba powinno mieć osobny temat bo to nie jest jakiś dodatek do Wii tylko pełnoprawny, nowy sprzęt. 1 Cytuj
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