lons 38 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2011 (edytowane) Dodam, że w PES 2012 zostały poprawione: - Kamera WIDE classic powraca - Siatki poprawione - karne poprawione, czyli wraca stary widok plus strzały na pasek strzału al'a FIFA - kompletnie nowa fizyka piłki - zmiana zawodników na prawym analogu - do wyboru full manual/semi w podaniach To takie drobne zmiany na początek. Edytowane 6 czerwca 2011 przez lons Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2011 Na razie tak naprawdę nie pokazano jeszcze nic,jeśli to co ludzie grający w grę jest prawdą i wszystkie bugi,problemy z Ai zostały wyeliminowane to tylko się cieszyć. Do tego dojdzie jeszcze sporo. Konami umocniło swoją współprace z UEFA - co zapewnia lige mistrzów na najbliższe lata - a co jeszcze?Tego nie wiadomo,ale wkrótce się dowiemy.Jedyna sprawa jaka martwi to bramkarze,póki co nie widać wielkich zmian,są tylko obietnice zmian - jak będzie zobaczymy.Po 8 czerwca wiele się wyjaśni. Ja na razie się wstrzymuję z oceną(nie mam jak ocenić) - poprzedni PES spodobał mi się,ale w raz z upływem czasu spostrzegałem coraz więcej bugów,uproszczeń itp. które nie mogą się pojawiać w takiej grze.Ta gra czasami potrafiła strasznie wkur.wiać,bardziej niż każda inna część PESa. Zobaczymy jak będzie tym roku. Cytuj
lons 38 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 Najnowsze zdjęcia Pes 2012. http://www.gamenews24.de/content/223-pes-2012-l%E4uft-warm-e3.html Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 Nowe screeny,reszta tu: http://winningelevenblog.com/blog/new-pes-2012-details-from-e3/ Cytuj
Gość Orson Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 nie wiem czemu mi się to podoba bo..,to w sumie brzydkie 1 Cytuj
lons 38 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 (edytowane) nie wiem czemu mi się to podoba bo..,to w sumie brzydkie Brzydkie? Lol pojechałeś teraz...... Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Edytowane 7 czerwca 2011 przez lons Cytuj
Matinx 19 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 No brzydkie, bo wygladaja jak plastykowe lalki, w ktore ktos swieci latarką. Modele same w sobie ładne. Ale ogolny rezultat jest taki, ze wyglada mega sztucznie. Cytuj
Gość Orson Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2011 no i odnoszę wrażenie ,że tekstury na ryjkach były lepsze rok temu Cytuj
lons 38 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 No brzydkie, bo wygladaja jak plastykowe lalki, w ktore ktos swieci latarką. Modele same w sobie ładne. Ale ogolny rezultat jest taki, ze wyglada mega sztucznie. Ja odnoszę zupełnie inne wrażenie :tongue: 1. Modele zawodników bardzo ładne 2 .Cienie w szczególności nocne też bardzo ładne 3. Ekspresja twarzy fajna jak w Pes 6 tylko, że z dużo lepszą grafiką Cytuj
ted360 17 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 (edytowane) Nowe screeny,reszta tu: http://winningelevenblog.com/blog/new-pes-2012-details-from-e3/ Coś mi się zdaje, że w następnej klatce ręka obrońcy wystawałaby z samego środka klaty Mirka K. Kocham PESa bezwarunkowo od ISS Pro Evo na Szaraka, na obecnej generacji jest naprawdę śliczny, ale na zaprezentowany przez EA Impact Engine czekałem w tytułach sportowych odkąd w nie gram, czyli od czasu NHL '96 :] To dla mnie naprawdę rewolucja i choć PESowy gameplay nadal trzyma poziom, przewaga technologiczna EA może w tym roku przyciągnąć mnie do obozu rywala... Edytowane 8 czerwca 2011 przez ted360 Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 (edytowane) No właśnie tu możesz się mylić. Kolizje w PESie 2012 jak to piszą na forach są mocno poprawione,podobnie jak walka ciałem i może to nie jest poziom FIFY12,ale ogromny upgrade. Zresztą,w każdej recenzji FIFY do tej pory piszą jedno - fakt,wygląda ten impact engine nieziemsko,ale wynika z tego wiele błędów,nienaturalnych zachowań,parę kontuzji na mecz itp. Poza tym wreszcie ogłoszono,że bramkarze(i nie tylko) dostali masę nowych animacji,poprawieni są naprawdę w widoczny sposób i robią wrażenie. Tymczasem New Controls : http://www.videogameszone.de/Pro-Evolution-Soccer-2012-PS3-236856/News/PES-2012-So-steuert-sich-das-neue-Pro-Evolution-Soccer-828421/ Szef Kitanamedia Asim Tanvir(FIFA SOCCER BLOG i WINNING ELEVEN NEXTGEN BLOG): TONNES of new animations. No awkward moments, and even the way they make a save and react looks so realistic. He was impressed, but more in love with the entire game. To be honest, the quality overall has blown him away. Edytowane 8 czerwca 2011 przez Ader 1 Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 Goalkeepers Often the difference between a good football game and bad one, you’ll be glad to know that the shot stoppers in the E3 build of PES 2012 are rather good. During my time with the game, which consisted of six matches (set at 10 minutes), I only encountered one genuine mistake. Now, I don’t know about you, but I think that is an impressive ratio for a football game that is still in development. If you were to compare the goalkeepers in the E3 builds of PES 2011 and PES 2012, the latter would be vastly superior in every single aspect. That includes animations (more on those later), realism and reliability. For instance, in my second match (I was playing as Spain), Iker Casillas made a superb double save which you would struggle to come across in the retail version of PES 2011 let alone the E3 build. The fact that he reacted so promptly to the rebound after his first save, is what made the entire scenario so impressive. The Spaniard didn’t get up and then stand around like a zombie admiring Pique’s beard for a couple of seconds; he got up as soon as realistically possible and made the second save. One area where the virtual shop stoppers could use a little work is one-on-ones, but that is just me nitpicking. Standout moments like the one mentioned above combined with the general reliability, even at this early stage, provide enough evidence to suggest that the goalkeepers in PES 2012 could be the best in the series to date. Passing and Shooting The passing and shooting systems in PES 2012 are pretty much exactly the same as PES 2011. However, there are a couple of new additions which influence these particular facets of the game ever so slightly. Thankfully, both additions have a positive effect. First up, you have the tweaked ball physics which provide a much more realistic feel to the overall passing and shooting. It’s extremely hard to describe the exact effect, but don’t be surprised to see the ball occasionally bobble across the turf after a poorly hit pass or shot. Secondly, in a move that is sure to delight the hardcore football gamers, Konami have finally included an option which allows players to adjust the level of support they get with their passes. The option, known as Pass Support, throws five different settings at your disposal. By default the Pass Support settings are set to three bars, meaning you have some control over the weight, direction and speed of your passes. If you want full control over everything, you just need to adjust the settings accordingly. The fully manual passing system takes a while to get used to as you’d expect, but if you can get to grips with its intricacies, you can really pull off some wonderful passing moves. Think of it like getting used to the new passing system back in PES 2011 and you’ll get some idea of the learning curve. Unfortunately, the fully manual settings have only found their way to the passing system at the moment and do not apply to the shooting system is PES 2012. With a while to go until the game is released, there is a possibility that Konami could announce fully manual shooting at a later date, but it is more than likely that particular feature will not make the cut in PES 2012. Set Pieces Good news, the penalty system in PES 2012 is nothing like the one in PES 2011. Gone is the system that only Einstein could understand and back is the more traditional penalty system seen in PES games of the past. It might not be the best penalty system ever, but it works well and is dead easy to get to grips with. Right, with that out of the way, let’s move onto the best new feature in PES 2012. I am, of course, referring to off the ball control during free kicks, corner kicks, goal kicks and throw-ins. It’s a feature which you will forget to use during your first few matches in PES 2012, but when you eventually do, you will wonder how you did without it. Just received a free kick in a dangerous area on the wing and want to knock the ball into your star striker so he can try and score?! Flick the right stick in the direction of your star striker’s position and he will be highlighted. You can then move him around to a position you like, press the cross button and whip the ball in. He might not score, but you have certainly given him a better opportunity to do so. It’s incredible, it really is. It’s also very intuitive and easy to understand, meaning players of all skill levels can give it a go. During my time with the game, I actually managed to use this new feature to score a goal via a corner kick. It felt genuinely rewarding and satisfying, just like scoring a goal should. It was all my work; I didn’t need to rely on anything or anyone else. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Even the most ardent PES fan would admit that player AI in PES 2011 wasn’t perfect. For every great moment, there was almost always a silly one on the horizon to counter it. Well, it seems like Konami have taken on board the feedback in regards to AI and, I must say, the results are very impressive. First of all, AI players on your team will now actively make realistic overlapping runs. Think Patrice Evra for Manchester United or Dani Alves for Barcelona and you’ll get what I mean. In fact, I played as Barcelona and just as he does in real life, Dani Alves was bombing forward at every single opportunity. Not just like a headless chicken either, the runs he was making were intelligent and, more importantly, realistic. You know that long ball Xavi and Iniesta love to play to Dani Alves, it’s possible to replicate that in PES 2012 (if you’re good enough) with a stunning degree of accuracy. The intelligent running doesn’t just apply to the full-backs either; it applies to pretty much every single attack minded player on your team. Midfielders will make dummy runs to create space and they won’t just run in straight lines either. They will make intelligent diagonal runs as well, something which was very rarely seen in PES 2011. Of course, it’s up to you to decide how you want to utilise these runs and which player you want to pass to. Do you let a dummy run be just that or do you pull a fast one and try to get that player through for a scoring opportunity? The decision is yours, but the fact that you have all these options at your disposal is just mind boggling. Konami have also paid some attention the defensive AI in PES 2012 as well. The defensive AI in PES 2011 was quite good, but at times players has the tendency to bunch up which hurt the overall gameplay and, well, didn’t reflect the overall realistic nature of the game very well. Those days have now gone, as defenders and (to a certain extent), midfielders perform their non-attacking duties with a high level of realism. For instance, if you have a 4-4-2 formation, your team (depending on your strategy/tactics) will consist of two banks of four and the defensive movement of the players (defenders and midfielders) will be much more realistic when compared to PES 2011. Defenders won’t just follow and track one player, if they sense danger in a nearby area they will swoop in to try and cover. It’s all very subtle, but changes/improvements to the AI like this will only help enhance the overall quality of the gameplay. Visuals Much like its predecessor, PES 2012 looks great; even at this early stage. Player likenesses are even better than before, kit detail has been upped a level and, most noticeably, the lighting is vastly superior to PES 2011. Oh and square nets are in too, but you knew that already, right?! Animations have also received some attention, quite a few new ones have been added and the majority of the older ones have been tweaked for added fluidity and realism. These improvements in the animation department shine ever so brightly during gameplay as you glide across the pitch with Messi like a graceful ballerina. Not that Messi is a ballerina, of course! Finally, PES 2012 might not have a super slick looking collision system underneath its hood, but it doesn’t really need one. This might sound a little crazy, but it has its own little system and it uses it rather well from what I have seen so far. There’s no over the top coming together of players, instead everything just looks natural. Players “bounce” off each other quite realistically, falling or stumbling to the turf without much fuss. It’s not flashy, it’s just simple and, you know what, it works really well. Verdict…so far The foundations for a truly great football game were laid down by Konami with PES 2011. The next game in the series just needed to build on those foundations by adding a few key gameplay elements. From what I have seen so far, if PES 2012 continues to improve at its current rate, there’s a strong possibility we could be graced with the best PES game to date. Cytuj
lons 38 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2011 (edytowane) http://www.nowgamer.com/news/6169/pes-2012-konami-aiming-for-regional-play-styles http://www.nowgamer.com/news/6146/free-to-play-pes-in-development :smile: Ben Wilson (from Official Playstation Magazine) "Elsewhere, PES 2012 was Borderline astounding for me - not in terms of overall quality, but in the sense that last year's game was so far behind FIFA 11 in terms of on-field gameplay, and that most definitely isn't the case any more. This is a much slicker, more immediate experience, which harks back to the halcyon days of PES's last PS2 years: zipping balls around in tight spaces, admiring the almost human AI of players off the ball (diagonal runs across and around defenders, something FIFA still hasn't quite nailed, are a particular joy), and introducing an intriguing set piece concept where you can control a specific player on a corner, free kick or throw in, rather than the actual kicker himself. It doesn't play perfectly - keepers still need a bit of work (and we've been saying that about PES for many years) - but no game at the show surprised me more in terms of how far it has turned around since a previous iteration. Edytowane 11 czerwca 2011 przez lons 1 Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2011 http://www.nowgamer.com/news/6169/pes-2012-konami-aiming-for-regional-play-styles http://www.nowgamer.com/news/6146/free-to-play-pes-in-development :smile: Ben Wilson (from Official Playstation Magazine) "Elsewhere, PES 2012 was Borderline astounding for me - not in terms of overall quality, but in the sense that last year's game was so far behind FIFA 11 in terms of on-field gameplay, and that most definitely isn't the case any more. This is a much slicker, more immediate experience, which harks back to the halcyon days of PES's last PS2 years: zipping balls around in tight spaces, admiring the almost human AI of players off the ball (diagonal runs across and around defenders, something FIFA still hasn't quite nailed, are a particular joy), and introducing an intriguing set piece concept where you can control a specific player on a corner, free kick or throw in, rather than the actual kicker himself. It doesn't play perfectly - keepers still need a bit of work (and we've been saying that about PES for many years) - but no game at the show surprised me more in terms of how far it has turned around since a previous iteration. Generalnie opinie są podobne we wszystkich recenzjach jakie czytałem.AI w PES 2012 jest genialne. Cytuj
Gość Orson Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2011 ciekawe czy w tym roku jakąs bete zapoponują Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2011 ciekawe czy w tym roku jakąs bete zapoponują O tym,że będzie beta wiadomo już od jakiegoś miesiąca lub dwóch. Cytuj
nero2082 882 Opublikowano 13 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 13 czerwca 2011 (edytowane) w tamtym roku była od 16 sierpnia (signup 11ego), pilnujcie tematu na evo-web.co.uk/pesfan.com bo tam rozdają userom, przynajmniej tak mi wpadła beta wtedy pewnie będzie też strona z zapisami na betę, ale musicie pamiętac że rozdawali kto pierwszy ten lepszy i od momentu pojawienia się niusa zeszło wszystko w kilka godzin max Edytowane 13 czerwca 2011 przez black mamba Cytuj
ted360 17 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Wrażenia z wczorajszego playtestu w Londynie: New menu is endorsed by UEFA.com New mode in menu screen revealed called Football Life Team AI and individual AI is groundbreaking in the game Deeper tactics and strategy options in-game due to them being mapped to d-pad All teams behave uniquely, with a greater emphasis on team play individuality Graphics improved in gameplay cam, although needs some more work to achieve preferred levels Match atmosphere greatly enhanced thanks to presence of managers, camera-men and groundstaff Fans now wearing kits New camera angle added called pitch side, which hangs lower from the side line. A favourite on the day New reworked ball physics More care needs to be taken when passing and controlling, as ball behaves independently and realistically Goal Keepers vastly improved. New animations and more reliable Referees vastly improved. Play advantage, and book after a play has stopped Gameplay more fluid than before, instant response times when dribbling and controlling the ball Animations more varied in passing and shooting, although not on FIFA levels Shooting still floaty, needs work Throughballs not as powerful, easier to intercept with better control of players New personal data feature lets user customize own controller set-up, including adding an avatar picture Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Brzmi nieźle,ale trzeba zobaczyć to na własne oczy Cytuj
elentario 6 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 (edytowane) Czyżby poprawili najbardziej w(pipi)iające mankamenty PES2011? Kto testował, jakieś źródło ted? Zapowiada się fantastycznie.. Szok Edytowane 29 czerwca 2011 przez elentario Cytuj
Ader 383 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 (edytowane) Czyżby poprawili najbardziej w(pipi)iające mankamenty PES2011? Kto testował, jakieś źródło ted? Zapowiada się fantastycznie.. Szok http://winningelevenblog.com/blog/wenb-pes-2012-playtest-impressions/ Jeśli wymienione punkty to prawda,to naprawdę może to być świetny PES i juz nie mogę się doczekać bety lub dema,by samemu to sprawdzić. Edytowane 29 czerwca 2011 przez Ader Cytuj
ted360 17 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Najbardziej cieszą: AI is Konami’s big push this year, and you see it in abundance from the off. Players are so alive to what’s going on around you, and before you know it are making intelligent runs and supportive movements to cover or offer an easy pass. The few minutes of playing PES 2012 actually gives you a clear indication of just how lifeless PES 2011 was in this respect, and it’s the one key thing that has been lacking with the series for this generation. The changes also impact how you might approach the defensive side of the game, as you’re more likely to be punished by a mistimed challenge. Something we noticed this playtest is that pressuring a player as he is receiving the ball is sometimes beneficial, as the impact could put him off balance, or make him miscontrol the ball. Other times though, a little bit late in getting there, and you could either be giving away a free kick in a dangerous area or see a player turn you easily with a touch and leave you for dead. Talking of leaving for dead, fans will be happy to hear the catch up bug has completely gone. Quicker players when past their men will be able to stay ahead, and sometimes even extend the gap between them and the defender. It’s not an exploit however, as you can still contain by holding R2 and X. Now for the ambiance, and PES 2012 has really come a long way. It’s simply brilliant. Managers gesturing and walking around their technical area, ground staff walking around the pitch and behind the goal, and camera men who are on a base follow the play and move with the ball. The crowd (more visible on the fantastic new pitch side cam) animates subtly, but add to the overall visual and atmospheric experience, especially with them wearing the shirts of the home team. And while we’re yet to be able to truly judge the sound and how that element will add to the final experience, it’s already at an incredible high level that not even weird anecdotes from Champion and Beglin could ruin this one. Cytuj
lons 38 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Opublikowano 29 czerwca 2011 Dla tych co kochają animacje i oceniają grę tylko pod tym aspektem poleca się granie w inna grę konkurencyjną. W tym aspekcie PES jest słabszy, zresztą to żadna nowina. Natomiast jeśli chodzi o GAME PLAY to tutaj już sprawa wygląda mega mocno. Cytuj
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